
Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Anthrax clinopictus

MALE.—Integument mostly black, brownish pruinose, femora and tibiae yellow. Front with black setae and lanceolate gold scales. FaCe with black setae extending almost to antennae, a few linear yellow scales below. Setae on occiput black around vertex, yellow elsewhere, scales gold; fringe of hairs on posterior margin yellow below, black exteriorly and yellow interiorly above. First antennal segment about as long as apical width; second segment globular, about as wide as base of third segment in lateral view; base of third segment slightly compressed laterally, narrowing abruptly to styliform part which is about 1.5 times as long as base and about twice as long as style (Figure 118).

Disc of mesonotum with fine black setae and mixed black and gold, linear scales; lateral margins with linear, semierect gold scales. Disc of scutellum with fine black setae and mixed black and white, linear scales; posterior and lateral margins with linear gold scales. Mesopleuron, sternopleuron, and anterior half of pteropleuron with fine, black and gold setae, and linear gold scales; some coarse black and gold setae and yellow hairs above on mesopleuron and pteropleuron. Pile on presternum and propleuron mixed yellow and brown, yellow predominating on presternum; pile on anterior margin of mesonotum mixed yellow and white; postalar tuft of pile yellowish white. Coxae with black setae and linear gold scales. Hypopleuron and metapleuron without scales or setae.

Wing (Plate 4h) dark brown basally, hyaline apically, the pigment filling all of cell Rl, cell R2+3 past base of cell R4, cell R5 to base of cell M1, basal three-fifths of cell 1M2, extreme base of cell 2M2, and cell Cu1 out to base of cell 2M2, leaving apices of cells 1A and 2A hyaline for a distance twice length of r–m crossvein. Stigmatic area very lightly pigmented. Base of vein R4 evenly rounded; r–m crossvein placed at basal third of cell 1M2; base of vein R2+3 slightly basad of r–m crossvein; contact of cells 1M2 and Cu1 about equal to base of cell Cu1; cell 1A punctiform apically. Alula rounded posteriorly. Calypter lightly pigmented, fringe of hairs white.

Scales on femora and tibiae cuneate and lanceolate, yellow ventrally, mixed yellow and black dorsally. Middle femur without macrochaetae anteroventrally; hind femur with two to four macrochaetae anteroventrally; fore tibia with a row of small macrochaetae anterodorsally; hind tibia with a single row of macrochaetae anterodorsally.

First abdominal tergum with white pile laterally; terga two through four with black hairs and setae laterally, some yellow hairs present posteriorly on four; terga five through seven with black and yellow setae laterally. Posterior margin of terga one through three with linear gold scales posteriorly, some long, white and yellow, lanceolate scales laterally; remainder of discs of terga two and three, and anterior half of fourth tergum with hairlike black scales; terga five through seven and posterior margin of fourth tergum with ovate-truncate and lanceolate, white or yellowish-white scales, the darker scales anterior on the segments, some linear gold scales intermixed. Venter with sparse yellow setae and linear and lanceolate gold scales, a few black scales anteriorly on the segments.

MALE GENITALIA (Figure 62).—Gonocoxites broad, dorsal margins broadly rounded to sharp apices in lateral view, rounded mesally to narrow mesal sulcus; apices sharply rounded in ventral view; setae sparsely distributed basally beyond medial fold. Basal segment of gonostylus convex dorsally in lateral view; distal segment bulbous basally, with styliform apex extending outward and upward from dorsal side, apex curved dorsolaterally, sparse setae lateroventrally. Apex of epiphallus with a raised dorsal plate convex dorsally in lateral view, angulate basally and slightly emarginate apically in dorsal view, ventrolateral part curled upward below, extending past middle of dorsal plate. Dorsal bands united mesally. Base of aedeagus narrow, tapering to junction with ventral bands below junction of dorsal bands.

FEMALE.—Similar to male. Yellow and white scales restricted to lateral parts of posterior abdominal terga, centers of discs with anterior linear black scales and posterior linear gold scales.

FEMALE GENITALIA (Figure 91).—Tenth tergum with eight spines on each side. Ventral arm of ninth tergum undulate and not enlarged apically. Dorsomedial corner of sclerite on each side of gonopore produced dorsally as a narrow, apically rounded lobe; lateral arm short, turned upward to extreme apex which is bent posteriorly. Each spermathecal duct about four times longer than bulb; first section very short; second section about two-thirds as long as apical section which is about twice as long as bulb and expanded distally; bulb asymmetrical, elliptical with apex bent to one side, and not well defined from duct.

VARIATION.—The scales on the front may be yellow rather than gold and there may be a few dorsal black scales. The setae on the occiput may be entirely black. The scales on the mesonotum vary from light to dark gold. The hairs on the prosternum may be entirely yellow or predominantly light brown. The middle femur may have two or three macrochaetae anteroventrally.

DISTRIBUTION.—Specimens of clinopictus have been collected from several localities in São Paulo, and from western Paraná and northern Argentina. It probably also occurs in southern Minas Gerais and possibly in southwestern Rio de Janeiro. A typical specimen of repertus was collected along with clinopictus at the type-locality.

HOLOTYPE.—, Onda Verde, Faz. São João, São Paulo, Brazil, 1–1946 (F. Lane) (SASP).

ALLOTYPE.—, same data as holotype (SASP).

PARATYPES.—Argentina: , , “Tapikiolé,” XII–25–1–26 (Lind.; D. Chaco Exped.) (Staat).

Brazil: Paraná, , Iguassú, XII–1941 (Com. E. N. V) (IOC). São Paulo, 2, , Onda Verde, Faz. São João, 1–1946 (F. Lane) (SASP, NLM); , Perúbe, XII–1946 (M. Carrera) (SASP); , Praia Grande, Faz. Rondonea, II–1945 (M. Carrera) (SASP); , Ubatuba, VI–1955 (F. Lane) (SASP).
bibliographic citation
Marston, Norman L. 1970. "Revision of New World species of Anthrax (Diptera: Bombyliidae), other than the Anthrax albofasciatus group." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-148. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.43