The Jamaican slider (Trachemys terrapen), also known as the Cat Island slider, is a species of fresh water turtle in the family Emydidae. It is found in the Bahamas (where it is introduced) and Jamaica. As it is not currently found on any of the other surrounding islands in the region, it is assumed that the Jamaican slider was introduced from one of these countries to the other. Even though the popular theory was that these turtles originated from Jamaica, current geological evidence may suggest that they were in the Bahamas long before the native Taíno first went to the Bahamian islands. There is also evidence from archeological sites on San Salvador that the Taíno ate these turtles and transplanted them around the West Indies.[3]
Jamaican sliders are freshwater turtles of moderate size. Males average at 200 millimetres (7.9 in) carapace length (CL) and females are larger at 270 millimetres (11 in) CL. The adults are a dark brown to olive colour with very faint markings. The juveniles are more clearly marked and these markings apparently disappear within the first three years. [4]
Typical omnivores, feeding on a variety of fruits particularly Pond-apple (Annona glabra) and other vegetation, small fish, snails, frogs, aquatic invertebrates, carrion and may even attack young birds if left defenseless.[4] However, fecal samples have shown that aquatic algae form the bulk of their diet.[5]
These are freshwater turtles, inhabiting most fresh to brackish wetlands throughout their range. This includes swamps, streams and ponds, even ephemeral or temporary ponds.
The Jamaican slider is found in many different areas on the island of Jamaica and on a few islands in the Bahamas. In the Bahamas, about 60% of its population can be found on Cat Island (which is why it is known as the Cat Island slider in the Bahamas) and smaller populations can also be found on the islands of Eleuthera, Andros Island, Exumas and New Providence.[4] However, the population on New Providence (and nearby Paradise Island) and Exuma[6] is a hybrid between the red-eared slider (T. scripta elegans) and the Inagua slider (T. stejnegeri malonei) from Great Inagua.
Breeding season in Jamaican stocks can run from February to September. The Bahamian stocks may have a more limited or reduced breeding season due to the limited availability of freshwater. Clutch size has been observed from both countries to be 3–8 eggs and the turtles can lay 3–4 clutches per year. The last clutch is always smaller in size than the first.[4]
These turtles were consumed by the Taíno that lived in these regions. It is known that they are also eaten in the Bahamas, though this practice is declining. On islands such as Cat Island these turtles have also been kept as pets typically in wells and are referred to affectionately on that island as "Peter".[7]
The Jamaican slider is listed as Vulnerable in the 2007 IUCN Red List but is not currently listed under CITES. The populations in both Jamaica and the Bahamas are largely effected by introduced predators to those islands. These include dogs, cats, raccoons, rats, pigs and mongooses. In the Bahamas, habitat loss is an ever-increasing threat to the Jamaican Slider and this includes Cat Island. On many islands in the Bahamas, freshwater is relatively scarce and therefore the contamination of freshwater ponds with saltwater particularly after hurricanes, has a devastating effect. However, in the Bahamas, the biggest cause for concern is the continued importation of the red-eared slider for the pet trade. They are very popular as pets in the Bahamas but once the animal has out grown its welcome they are released into nearby ponds. The island of New Providence, and nearby Paradise Island, have very diluted stocks and this is possibly true for some of the other islands also. It is known, however, that the red-eared slider has not been released onto Cat Island to date. [3]
Data related to Trachemys terrapen at Wikispecies
The Jamaican slider (Trachemys terrapen), also known as the Cat Island slider, is a species of fresh water turtle in the family Emydidae. It is found in the Bahamas (where it is introduced) and Jamaica. As it is not currently found on any of the other surrounding islands in the region, it is assumed that the Jamaican slider was introduced from one of these countries to the other. Even though the popular theory was that these turtles originated from Jamaica, current geological evidence may suggest that they were in the Bahamas long before the native Taíno first went to the Bahamian islands. There is also evidence from archeological sites on San Salvador that the Taíno ate these turtles and transplanted them around the West Indies.
Trachemys terrapen Trachemys generoko animalia da. Narrastien barruko Emydidae familian sailkatuta dago.
Trachemys terrapen Trachemys generoko animalia da. Narrastien barruko Emydidae familian sailkatuta dago.
Trachemys terrapen est une espèce de tortue de la famille des Emydidae[1].
Cette espèce est endémique des Antilles. Elle se rencontre sur l'île Cat en Jamaïque et aux Bahamas[1].
De Antilliaanse sierschildpad[1] (Trachemys terrapen) is een schildpad uit de familie moerasschildpadden (Emydidae).[2] De soort werd voor het eerst wetenschappelijk beschreven door Bernard Germain de Lacépède in 1788. Oorspronkelijk werd de wetenschappelijke naam Testudo terrapen gebruikt. De soort behoorde lange tijd tot het geslacht Pseudemys, waardoor de verouderde wetenschappelijke naam in de literatuur wordt gebruikt.
De schildpad bereikt een maximale schildlengte tot 32 centimeter. De kleur van het schild is groen. De staart en poten zijn grijs tot groengrijs van kleur.[3]
De Antilliaanse sierschildpad komt voor in delen van Midden- en Zuid-Amerika. De soort leeft op de eilanden Jamaica, Cat Island, en Eleuthera. Mogelijk komt de schildpad ook voor op het eiland Sint Andros, dat tot de Bahama's behoort. In de Verenigde Staten is de schildpad door de mens uitgezet in de staat Florida.
De Antilliaanse sierschildpad (Trachemys terrapen) is een schildpad uit de familie moerasschildpadden (Emydidae). De soort werd voor het eerst wetenschappelijk beschreven door Bernard Germain de Lacépède in 1788. Oorspronkelijk werd de wetenschappelijke naam Testudo terrapen gebruikt. De soort behoorde lange tijd tot het geslacht Pseudemys, waardoor de verouderde wetenschappelijke naam in de literatuur wordt gebruikt.
De schildpad bereikt een maximale schildlengte tot 32 centimeter. De kleur van het schild is groen. De staart en poten zijn grijs tot groengrijs van kleur.
De Antilliaanse sierschildpad komt voor in delen van Midden- en Zuid-Amerika. De soort leeft op de eilanden Jamaica, Cat Island, en Eleuthera. Mogelijk komt de schildpad ook voor op het eiland Sint Andros, dat tot de Bahama's behoort. In de Verenigde Staten is de schildpad door de mens uitgezet in de staat Florida.
Trachemys terrapen[7] är en sköldpaddsart som beskrevs av Pierre Joseph Bonnaterre 1789. Trachemys terrapen ingår i släktet Trachemys och familjen kärrsköldpaddor.[8][9] IUCN kategoriserar arten globalt som sårbar.[1] Inga underarter finns listade i Catalogue of Life.[8]
Arten förekommer endemisk på Jamaica och på mindre öar i samma region.[1] Den introducerades i Florida.[9]
Trachemys terrapen är en sköldpaddsart som beskrevs av Pierre Joseph Bonnaterre 1789. Trachemys terrapen ingår i släktet Trachemys och familjen kärrsköldpaddor. IUCN kategoriserar arten globalt som sårbar. Inga underarter finns listade i Catalogue of Life.
Arten förekommer endemisk på Jamaica och på mindre öar i samma region. Den introducerades i Florida.
Загальна довжина карапаксу коливається від 24 до 32 см. Спостерігається статевий диморфізм: самиці більші за самців. Голова середнього розміру. Кінчик верхньої щелепи дещо увігнутий. Карапакс куполоподібний, трохи опуклий, майже круглої форми. Щитки карапаксу гладенький. Пластрон менше за карапакс.
Забарвлення верхньої частини панцира, голови та кінцівок чорно-коричневе. На шкірі є доволі широкі жовті смуги. Нижня частина панцира брудно-біла або світло-жовта.
Полюбляє прісноводні водойми, зокрема карстові озера з різною глибиною, мілководні ділянки чистої води з водною рослинністю, затоплені вапнякові печери. Під час сухого сезону закопується у мул. Під час дощів черепахи зустрічаються далеко від водоймищ на дорогах й серед чагарникових заростей. Харчується здебільшого рибою, а також ракоподібними, земноводними, комахами, рослинною їжею.
Успіх парування залежить від достатку дощів. Самиця відкладає 2—6 яєць. Інкубаційний період триває від 52 до 74 днів. Черепашата з'являються у сезон дощів з липня по серпень. за сезон буває 2 кладки.
Мешкає на островах Ямайка, а також Кет, Андрос, Нью-Провіденс (Багамські острови).
Trachemys terrapen là một loài rùa trong họ Emydidae. Loài này được Bonnaterre mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1789.[3]
Trachemys terrapen là một loài rùa trong họ Emydidae. Loài này được Bonnaterre mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1789.
Testudo terrapen Lacepede, 1788 Pseudemys felis Barbour, 1935
和名 ジャマイカスライダー 英名 Jamaican sliderジャマイカスライダー(学名:Trachemys terrapen)は、ヌマガメ科アカミミガメ属に分類されるカメ。
バハマ諸島の個体群は独立種バハマスライダーT. felisとされていたが、酵素の電気泳動による分子系統学的解析から本種との差異がない移入個体群としてシノニムとされる。