Maurizio Mei, Daniel Whitmore, Giuseppe Lo Giudice, Pierfilippo Cerretti
Figures 1−10.Males of Centrophlebomyia spp. 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 head and thorax in dorsal view 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 head in lateral view 1−4 Centrophlebomyia anthropophaga (Italy) 5−6 Centrophlebomyia furcata (Italy) 7−8 Centrophlebomyia grunini (Russian Far East) 9−10 Centrophlebomyia orientalis (India). In red the microtomentum pattern of head; in yellow the shiny, non microtomentose, pattern of thorax.
Maurizio Mei, Daniel Whitmore, Giuseppe Lo Giudice, Pierfilippo Cerretti
Figures 35−38.Third instar and puparium of Centrophlebomyia anthropophaga (Italy) 35 last segment bearing posterior spiracle in posterior view 36 last segment bearing posterior spiracle in lateral view 37 posterior spiracles in posterior view 38 puparium in dorsal view.
Maurizio Mei, Daniel Whitmore, Giuseppe Lo Giudice, Pierfilippo Cerretti
Figures 1−10.Males of Centrophlebomyia spp. 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 head and thorax in dorsal view 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 head in lateral view 1−4 Centrophlebomyia anthropophaga (Italy) 5−6 Centrophlebomyia furcata (Italy) 7−8 Centrophlebomyia grunini (Russian Far East) 9−10 Centrophlebomyia orientalis (India). In red the microtomentum pattern of head; in yellow the shiny, non microtomentose, pattern of thorax.
Maurizio Mei, Daniel Whitmore, Giuseppe Lo Giudice, Pierfilippo Cerretti
Figures 11−15.Centrophlebomyia spp. 11−14 head in dorsolateral view [dotted line indicates the border of microtomentum] 11−12 Centrophlebomyia anthropophaga (Italy) 13−14 Centrophlebomyia orientalis (India) 15 Centrophlebomyia anthropophaga (Italy), detail of head in anterodorsal view [arrow indicates microtomentum on parafacial].
Maurizio Mei, Daniel Whitmore, Giuseppe Lo Giudice, Pierfilippo Cerretti
Figures 16−21.Centrophlebomyia spp. 16−17 Centrophlebomyia anthropophaga (Italy), anterior part of thorax in dorsolateral view [red circles indicate postpronotal setae] 16 male 17 female 18−21 Wing 18 Centrophlebomyia anthropophaga (Italy), detail of third costal sector (Cs3) [in red the costal spine-like setae] 19−20 Centrophlebomyia grunini (Russian Far East) 21 Centrophlebomyia orientalis (India), detail of third costal sector (Cs3).
Maurizio Mei, Daniel Whitmore, Giuseppe Lo Giudice, Pierfilippo Cerretti
Figures 22−26.Male terminalia of Centrophlebomyia spp. [Ae = ejaculatory apodeme; Ap = phallapodeme; C = cerci; Ep = epandrium; Ph = phallus; S = surstylus] 22 Centrophlebomyia anthropophaga (Italy) 23 Centrophlebomyia orientalis (India) 24−26 Centrophlebomyia anthropophaga (Italy), phallus.
Maurizio Mei, Daniel Whitmore, Giuseppe Lo Giudice, Pierfilippo Cerretti
Figures 35−38.Third instar and puparium of Centrophlebomyia anthropophaga (Italy) 35 last segment bearing posterior spiracle in posterior view 36 last segment bearing posterior spiracle in lateral view 37 posterior spiracles in posterior view 38 puparium in dorsal view.
Maurizio Mei, Daniel Whitmore, Giuseppe Lo Giudice, Pierfilippo Cerretti
Figures 1−10.Males of Centrophlebomyia spp. 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 head and thorax in dorsal view 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 head in lateral view 1−4 Centrophlebomyia anthropophaga (Italy) 5−6 Centrophlebomyia furcata (Italy) 7−8 Centrophlebomyia grunini (Russian Far East) 9−10 Centrophlebomyia orientalis (India). In red the microtomentum pattern of head; in yellow the shiny, non microtomentose, pattern of thorax.
Maurizio Mei, Daniel Whitmore, Giuseppe Lo Giudice, Pierfilippo Cerretti
Figures 1−10.Males of Centrophlebomyia spp. 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 head and thorax in dorsal view 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 head in lateral view 1−4 Centrophlebomyia anthropophaga (Italy) 5−6 Centrophlebomyia furcata (Italy) 7−8 Centrophlebomyia grunini (Russian Far East) 9−10 Centrophlebomyia orientalis (India). In red the microtomentum pattern of head; in yellow the shiny, non microtomentose, pattern of thorax.
Maurizio Mei, Daniel Whitmore, Giuseppe Lo Giudice, Pierfilippo Cerretti
Figures 16−21.Centrophlebomyia spp. 16−17 Centrophlebomyia anthropophaga (Italy), anterior part of thorax in dorsolateral view [red circles indicate postpronotal setae] 16 male 17 female 18−21 Wing 18 Centrophlebomyia anthropophaga (Italy), detail of third costal sector (Cs3) [in red the costal spine-like setae] 19−20 Centrophlebomyia grunini (Russian Far East) 21 Centrophlebomyia orientalis (India), detail of third costal sector (Cs3).
Maurizio Mei, Daniel Whitmore, Giuseppe Lo Giudice, Pierfilippo Cerretti
Figures 1−10.Males of Centrophlebomyia spp. 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 head and thorax in dorsal view 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 head in lateral view 1−4 Centrophlebomyia anthropophaga (Italy) 5−6 Centrophlebomyia furcata (Italy) 7−8 Centrophlebomyia grunini (Russian Far East) 9−10 Centrophlebomyia orientalis (India). In red the microtomentum pattern of head; in yellow the shiny, non microtomentose, pattern of thorax.
Maurizio Mei, Daniel Whitmore, Giuseppe Lo Giudice, Pierfilippo Cerretti
Figures 11−15.Centrophlebomyia spp. 11−14 head in dorsolateral view [dotted line indicates the border of microtomentum] 11−12 Centrophlebomyia anthropophaga (Italy) 13−14 Centrophlebomyia orientalis (India) 15 Centrophlebomyia anthropophaga (Italy), detail of head in anterodorsal view [arrow indicates microtomentum on parafacial].
Maurizio Mei, Daniel Whitmore, Giuseppe Lo Giudice, Pierfilippo Cerretti
Figures 16−21.Centrophlebomyia spp. 16−17 Centrophlebomyia anthropophaga (Italy), anterior part of thorax in dorsolateral view [red circles indicate postpronotal setae] 16 male 17 female 18−21 Wing 18 Centrophlebomyia anthropophaga (Italy), detail of third costal sector (Cs3) [in red the costal spine-like setae] 19−20 Centrophlebomyia grunini (Russian Far East) 21 Centrophlebomyia orientalis (India), detail of third costal sector (Cs3).
Maurizio Mei, Daniel Whitmore, Giuseppe Lo Giudice, Pierfilippo Cerretti
Figures 22−26.Male terminalia of Centrophlebomyia spp. [Ae = ejaculatory apodeme; Ap = phallapodeme; C = cerci; Ep = epandrium; Ph = phallus; S = surstylus] 22 Centrophlebomyia anthropophaga (Italy) 23 Centrophlebomyia orientalis (India) 24−26 Centrophlebomyia anthropophaga (Italy), phallus.