
Γαστερόφιλος ( Greek, Modern (1453-) )

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Ο γαστερόφιλος ή γαστρόφιλος (Gasterophilus) είναι γένος παρασιτικών μυγών της οικογένειας Οιστρίδες (Oestridae), που συμπεριλαμβάνει τις αλογόμυγες (οίστροι των αλόγων). Γεννούν τα αυγά τους πάνω σε άλογα, καριμπού, γαϊδάρους και παρόμοια ζώα.

Απαντώνται δύο είδη: τα Gasterophilus nasalis και gasterophilus intestinalis. Το είδος Nasalis γεννά αυγά γύρω από το στόμα, τα μάτια, τη μύτη και το πιγούνι. Το είδος Intestinalis γεννά τα αυγά του κάτω από τα πόδια και στους ώμους.[1] Τα αυγά εκκολάπτονται με γλείψιμο ή με την υγρασία. Εν συνεχεία ο gasterophilus intestinalis φτάνει στο στόμα όπου εκκολάπτονται οι νύμφες και ταξιδεύουν προς τα έντερα. Έτσι, όταν οι προνύμφες αποκολληθούν, μπορεί να προκληθούν σοβαρές πληγές στο άλογο (στο στομάχι και στο λεπτό έντερο) και κόπωση. Ο gasterophilus nasalis οδεύει προς τις οπές της ρινικής κοιλότητας και/ή στον εγκέφαλο. Η αποβολή των αυγών γίνεται με τα κόπρανα του αλόγου και στη συνέχεια η μεταμόρφωση σε τέλεια έντομα γίνεται στο έδαφος[2].

Έχουν αναφερθεί σπάνιες περιπτώσεις μόλυνσης ανθρώπινων βρεφών από αυτές τις μύγες.[3]



  1. «Gasterophilus spp in Horses». Μάρτιος 2012.
  2. Εγκυκλοπαίδεια Νέα Εγκυκλοπαιδεία, εκδ. Μαλλιάρης - Παιδεία 2006, τ. 6, σελ. 222, ISBN 960-239-880-9.
  3. Royce, L. A., Rossignol, P. A., M. L. Kubitz, AND F. Randell Burton 1999. RECOVERY OF A SECOND INSTAR GASTEROPHILUS LARVA IN A HUMAN INFANT: A CASE REPORT. Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg., 60(3), 1999, pp. 403–404 [1]

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Γαστερόφιλος: Brief Summary ( Greek, Modern (1453-) )

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Ο γαστερόφιλος ή γαστρόφιλος (Gasterophilus) είναι γένος παρασιτικών μυγών της οικογένειας Οιστρίδες (Oestridae), που συμπεριλαμβάνει τις αλογόμυγες (οίστροι των αλόγων). Γεννούν τα αυγά τους πάνω σε άλογα, καριμπού, γαϊδάρους και παρόμοια ζώα.

Απαντώνται δύο είδη: τα Gasterophilus nasalis και gasterophilus intestinalis. Το είδος Nasalis γεννά αυγά γύρω από το στόμα, τα μάτια, τη μύτη και το πιγούνι. Το είδος Intestinalis γεννά τα αυγά του κάτω από τα πόδια και στους ώμους. Τα αυγά εκκολάπτονται με γλείψιμο ή με την υγρασία. Εν συνεχεία ο gasterophilus intestinalis φτάνει στο στόμα όπου εκκολάπτονται οι νύμφες και ταξιδεύουν προς τα έντερα. Έτσι, όταν οι προνύμφες αποκολληθούν, μπορεί να προκληθούν σοβαρές πληγές στο άλογο (στο στομάχι και στο λεπτό έντερο) και κόπωση. Ο gasterophilus nasalis οδεύει προς τις οπές της ρινικής κοιλότητας και/ή στον εγκέφαλο. Η αποβολή των αυγών γίνεται με τα κόπρανα του αλόγου και στη συνέχεια η μεταμόρφωση σε τέλεια έντομα γίνεται στο έδαφος.

Έχουν αναφερθεί σπάνιες περιπτώσεις μόλυνσης ανθρώπινων βρεφών από αυτές τις μύγες.

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Gasterophilus, commonly known as botfly, is a genus of parasitic fly from the family Oestridae that affects different types of animals, especially horses, but it can also act on cows, sheep, and goats. A case has also been recorded in a human baby.[1]

This parasite affects the animal gastrointestinal tract[2] in order to give to their offspring an alimentary source.

Although not deadly, due to the usual low larva population that infests the animal, large larva populations can cause health issues to the host. For example, a typical horse can tolerate a hundred larvae without any effects.


There are nine species of Gasterophilus:



In the third larval stage, the larvae have a length that can go from 1.27cm to 1.91 cm. They have a hooked mouthpart that allows them to attach into the gastrointestinal tract of the infected animal and a rounded body that is covered with spines in rows, of which quantity varies from different species.

After this stage, the larva is excreted with the animal feces in the form of a pupa.[3][4]


The adults have a length that can be between 1.67 and 1.91 cm. During this phase they look similar to drone bumble bees; They have developed a pair of wings with brown patches and a body that is covered with yellow and black hairs.

Looking into the different species, G. haemorrhoidalis and G. nasalis can be identified because they have two rows of spikes on the ventral surface of the larval segments. G. intestinalis, on the other hand, has mouthparts that are not uniformly curved dorsally and the body spikes present have blunt-ended tips.

Life cycle

The first stage: During the summer months, the full-grown Gasterophilus lays the eggs over the hair, face, and extremities of their future host (these eggs are laid on different portions of the body according to the various Gasterophilus species). Due to the animal grooming that starts after seven days from the egg being laid,[5] the hatched larvae end up in the host mouth and tongue where they get attached for more than a month before being ingested.

During this process, the animal can suffer from inflammation of the oral mucosa.

The second stage: In this stage, the larvae have been ingested and are now in the gastrointestinal tract of the host where they attach themselves. Here, they mature and stay there from eight to nine months to pass the winter and are released in the spring. During this phase, the infection can manifest in the host's digestive system resulting in gastritis or ulceration, which may result in perforations in the walls of the tract in severe cases and much more.

The third stage: The larvae are mature enough to develop their pupa, and once finished they are released with the animal feces during spring. After leaving, which occurs in about 3-10 weeks,(depending on the temperature)[5] the adult bot fly emerges from the pupa and starts the cycle again.


The most efficient way known to avoid the infection of Gasterophilus is by parasitizing the animals with products like trichlorphon and dichlorvos, by using hot water to scrub the areas where the eggs are laid to kill the larvae, and by cleaning the areas where the feces of the infected animal had been in order to avoid the adult formation.[6]



  1. ^ Royce, L. A.; Rossignol, P. A.; Kubitz, M. L.; Burton, F. R. (1999-03-01). "Recovery of a second instar Gasterophilus larva in a human infant: a case report". The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 60 (3): 403–404. doi:10.4269/ajtmh.1999.60.403. ISSN 0002-9637. PMID 10466968.
  2. ^ "Bot Flies | Livestock Veterinary Entomology". livestockvetento.tamu.edu. Retrieved 2019-12-07.
  3. ^ Marchiondo, Alan A.; Cruthers, Larry R.; Fourie, Josephus J. (2019-06-08). Parasiticide Screening: Volume 1: In Vitro and In Vivo Tests with Relevant Parasite Rearing and Host Infection/Infestation Methods. Academic Press. ISBN 978-0-12-813891-5.
  4. ^ "horse bot fly - Gasterophilus intestinalis (DeGeer)". entnemdept.ufl.edu. Retrieved 2019-12-07.
  5. ^ a b Elsheikha, Hany M.; Khan, Naveed Ahmed (2011). Essentials of Veterinary Parasitology. Horizon Scientific Press. ISBN 978-1-904455-79-0.
  6. ^ "horse bot fly - Gasterophilus intestinalis (DeGeer)". entnemdept.ufl.edu. Retrieved 2019-12-07.

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Gasterophilus: Brief Summary

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Gasterophilus, commonly known as botfly, is a genus of parasitic fly from the family Oestridae that affects different types of animals, especially horses, but it can also act on cows, sheep, and goats. A case has also been recorded in a human baby.

This parasite affects the animal gastrointestinal tract in order to give to their offspring an alimentary source.

Although not deadly, due to the usual low larva population that infests the animal, large larva populations can cause health issues to the host. For example, a typical horse can tolerate a hundred larvae without any effects.

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Mahasaivartajat ( Finnish )

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Mahasaivartajat (Gasterophilus) ovat kiiliäisten heimoon (Oestridae) kuuluva hyönteissuku, jonka toukka elää loisena muun muassa hevosen, aasin, muulin, seepran ja elefantin ruoansulatuskanavassa. Mahasaivartajan toukkaa kutsutaan käpymadoksi.


Mahasaivartajan elämänkierto munasta aikuiseksi mahasaivartajaksi kestää noin vuoden. Isäntäeläin saa käpymatotartunnan, kun aikuinen mahasaivartaja munii munansa isäntäeläimen karvapeitteeseen. Muutamassa päivässä munista kuoriutuu toukkia, jotka aiheuttavat eläimelle kutinaa, ja kutinan seurauksena eläin nuolee karvapeitettä saaden toukkia suuhunsa. Munimiskohta karvapeitteessä vaihtelee mahasaivartajalajista riippuen.

Suussa mahasaivartajan toukat tunkeutuvat suun limakalvoon ja kulkeutuvat kohti mahalaukkua. Käpymadot talvehtivat eläimen ruoansulatuskanavassa limakalvoon kiinnittyneinä käyttäen ravintonaan rikkomastaan limakalvosta tihkuvaa kudosnestettä. 10–12 kuukauden jälkeen toukat irrottautuvat limakalvosta ja kulkeutuvat ulosteiden mukana ulos isäntäeläimen elimistöstä. Ympäristöön päästyään toukat koteloituvat 3–5 viikoksi, jonka jälkeen koteloista kuoriutuu aikuisia mahasaivartajia ja elämänkierto voi alkaa uudelleen.


Aikuisella mahasaivartajalla ei ole suuosia, koska se ei syö lainkaan ja elää vain muutaman päivän tarkoituksenaan tuottaa munia. Naaraan erottaa uroksesta siitä, että naaraan takaruumiis kaartuu kohti keskiruumista.

Käpymadot ovat kellertäviä, 11 jaokkeesta muodostuneita toukkia, joiden etupäässä sijaitsevat niiden suuosat ja tarttumiseen tarkoitetut koukut. Jokaisessa jaokkeessa on kitiinipiikkirivi, ja eri mahasaivartajalajeja voidaan tunnistaa toukkien kitiinipiikkirivien rakenteen perusteella.

Sukuun kuuluvia lajeja


  • Elinympäristönä hevonen - hevosen loiset ja loissairaudet: Seppo Saari & Sven Nikander, Helsinki 2009, Pfizer Oy Animal Health, ISBN 978-952-92-5065-3
  • Veterinary Parasitology: M. A. Taylor ym., Blackwell Publishing, 2007, ISBN 978-1-4051-1964-1

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Mahasaivartajat: Brief Summary ( Finnish )

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Mahasaivartajat (Gasterophilus) ovat kiiliäisten heimoon (Oestridae) kuuluva hyönteissuku, jonka toukka elää loisena muun muassa hevosen, aasin, muulin, seepran ja elefantin ruoansulatuskanavassa. Mahasaivartajan toukkaa kutsutaan käpymadoksi.

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Gasterophilus ( French )

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Gasterophilus est un genre d'insectes diptères parasites appartenant à la famille des Oestridae.

L'adulte dépose ses larves sur les membres d'équidés (chevaux, ânes...), de cervidés (caribous...) que ces animaux vont ensuite ingérer involontairement en se léchant ou en se grattant avec leurs dents . Les larves migrent ensuite jusqu'aux intestins, et seront éliminées par les fèces en fin de développement.

Liste d'espèces

Selon BioLib (11 mars 2018)[1] :


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Gasterophilus: Brief Summary ( French )

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Gasterophilus est un genre d'insectes diptères parasites appartenant à la famille des Oestridae.

L'adulte dépose ses larves sur les membres d'équidés (chevaux, ânes...), de cervidés (caribous...) que ces animaux vont ensuite ingérer involontairement en se léchant ou en se grattant avec leurs dents . Les larves migrent ensuite jusqu'aux intestins, et seront éliminées par les fèces en fin de développement.

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Vemba ( Icelandic )

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Refmerki Heimildir skortir fyrir staðhæfingum í þessari grein.
Ef þú vilt bæta við heimild vinsamlegast bættu þeim við undir nýrri fyrirsögn („Heimildir“) eða skildu eftir athugasemd á spjallsíðunni.

Vembur einnig innýflafluga (fræðiheiti: Gasterophilus) eru sníkjuflugur sem valda lirfuóværu í iðrum dýra. Vembur eru ættkvísl sem tilheyra ætt brimsuflugna. Flugurnar eru stórar, eru flestar í heitum löndum, en eru einnig þekktar á Íslandi. Af vembum er Hrossavemban algengust á norðurlöndum, en hún þekkist um alla Evrópu.


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Vemba: Brief Summary ( Icelandic )

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Vembur einnig innýflafluga (fræðiheiti: Gasterophilus) eru sníkjuflugur sem valda lirfuóværu í iðrum dýra. Vembur eru ættkvísl sem tilheyra ætt brimsuflugna. Flugurnar eru stórar, eru flestar í heitum löndum, en eru einnig þekktar á Íslandi. Af vembum er Hrossavemban algengust á norðurlöndum, en hún þekkist um alla Evrópu.

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Gasterophilus ( Romanian; Moldavian; Moldovan )

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Gasterophilus este un gen de muște parazite din familia Oestridae care includ muștele de cai. Ele depun ouăle pe părul unor animale ca măgarii, caii și în general cabaline. Depunerea diferă la fiecare specie în parte. Toate speciile sunt paraziți intestinali, iar pupele se dezvoltă în balega cabalinelor; provoacă miaze dăunătoare, de obicei cancerigene[necesită citare].

Sunt cazuri extrem de rare de bebeluși infectați cu aceste specii de muște.[1]



  1. ^ Royce LA, Rossignol PA, Kubitz ML, Burton FR. Recovery of a second instar Gasterophilus larva in a human infant: a case report. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 1999 Mar;60(3):403-4. PubMed


  • Dr. Doc. Varvara V. Radu, Zoologia Nevertebratelor, vol. II, Editura Didactică și Pedagogică, București, 1967, p. 532-533

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Gasterophilus: Brief Summary ( Romanian; Moldavian; Moldovan )

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Gasterophilus este un gen de muște parazite din familia Oestridae care includ muștele de cai. Ele depun ouăle pe părul unor animale ca măgarii, caii și în general cabaline. Depunerea diferă la fiecare specie în parte. Toate speciile sunt paraziți intestinali, iar pupele se dezvoltă în balega cabalinelor; provoacă miaze dăunătoare, de obicei cancerigene[necesită citare].

Sunt cazuri extrem de rare de bebeluși infectați cu aceste specii de muște.

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