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Homalophora sensibilis Borgmeier 1969

Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Homalophora sensibilis

MALE.—Length 1–1.2 mm. Frons broader than long, a little produced medially, dark brown, scarcely shining, sparsely pubescent, with 4 equal porrect supraantennals and 2:4:6 bristles; anterolaterals wanting; antials inclined toward median line, about midway between upper supraantennals and mediolaterals; second row concave anteriorly. Third antennal joint normal, dark brown; arista apical, longer than eye, distinctly pubescent. Palpi of normal shape, with moderate bristles.

Thorax dark brown, subopaque. Mesopleura bare. Scutellum with 2 bristles and 2 minute hairs.

Abdomen dark brown, dull. Tergites 2–5 subequal, 6th elongated. Pubescence scarce and short. Hypopygium (Figures 145, 146) dark brown, large, asymmetrical; dorsal part at right reduced to a small triangular piece close to anal tube, provided with 3 short hairs; dorsal part at left large, rounded behind; ventral part at right with a long slender forceps curved and spoon-shaped apically, medially in profile (from left) with 2 short fingerlike processes and between them 2 blunt black teeth; anal segment long, brown, with short hairs.

Legs brown, forecoxae yellowish. Forefemora with a dark ventral stria on basal half and about 7 fine long sensorial hairs (Figure 143). Foretarsus slender. Apical spur of midtibia short. Hind femur ventrobasally at extreme base of posterior face with a short narrow black stria which at great magnification shows 2 blunt elevations (Figure 144); ventral edge with 3 or 4 short hairs near base. Hind tibia without hairseam but with numerous fine cilia. Hind metatarsus with 5 transverse combs of hairs.

Wing grayish yellow, veins dark brown. Length 1.0 mm, width 0.5 mm. Costa 0.51 of wing length, ratio of segments 14:23. Cilia very short. Veins 4–7 approximately as in Pachyneurella venata. Halteres dark brown.

MATERIAL EXAMINED.—Holotype male, pinned (USNM 70276), Dominica, Macoucherie, 15 Mar. 1965 (W. W. Wirth). Paratypes: 2 males, 1 pinned and the other in alcohol (USNM), Manets Gutter, 7 Mar. 1965 (Wirth); 1 male, on slide (USNM), Clarke Hall, Junae 1964 (O. S. Flint); 1 male, pinned (CTB), Clarke Hall, 1–10 Feb. 1965 (Wirth); 1 male, on slide (CTB), Cabrit Swamp, 23 Feb. 1965 (Wirth).
bibliographic citation
Borgmeier, Tomaz. 1969. "Bredin-Archbold-Smithsonian biological survey of Dominica: the Phoridae of Dominica (Diptera)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-69. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.23