

provided by Zookeys
Carapace dark brown, lighter in thoracic region. Sternum pale yellow with two brown patches. Legs tan, patellae and distal parts of femora, tibiae, and metatarsi dark brown. Femoral spots on legs I and II. Abdomen dark gray with series of white and tan patches, with pair of unjoined white lines running from spinnerets to prominent posterior tubercle, region between white lines tan with brown chevrons.
Vulva: Epigynum with a small process pointing posteriorly. Copulatory ducts coil around fertilization ducts in nearly longitudinal axis. Fertilization ducts curve obliquely anteriorly after emerging from copulatory duct region (Fig. 31I).
Female (holotype): Total length 0.95, carapace 0.35 long, 0.32 wide, clypeus 0.07, sternum 0.24 long, 0.23 wide, coxa IV separated by 1.75 times their width. Leg I: patella d1, tibia d1; Leg II: patella d1, tibia d1; Leg III: patella d1, tibia d1; Leg IV: patella d1, tibia d1. Metatarsal trichobothria: TmI: 0.34; TmII: 0.31; TmIII: 0.35. Leg measurements: see Appendix A.
Male unknown.
bibliographic citation
The symphytognathoid spiders of the Gaoligongshan, Yunnan, China (Araneae, Araneoidea): Systematics and diversity of micro-orbweavers
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provided by Zookeys
Holotype: CHINA: Yunnan: Gongshan Co. Dulongjiang Township, Haban Falls 0.5 airkm from Qinlangdang village along Dulong Jiang, 27.67934°N, 98.27291°E, 1265 m, 1 September 2006, forest, rocky outcrops, night, J.A. Miller, D.H. Kavanaugh, JM06090106 (CASENT 9024372, HNU), 1 ♀.
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