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Lautengaʻitaha ( Tongan )

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Ko e lautengaʻitaha ko e haʻa ʻe taha ʻo e vahe ko e ʻakau matala. ʻOku ui foki ko e monocotyledones pe liliopsida, neongo ʻoku ʻi ai ʻa e saienisi ʻoku pehē ʻoku ʻikai tatau tonu kinaua.

Ko e lautengaʻiua ko e haʻa ʻe taha.

Ko e ʻata ki mataʻu: ko e tenga ʻo e lautengaʻitaha, a=kili, b=meʻakai lototenga, c=lautenga, d=ʻakau kei ʻi he tenga.

Ko e kupu ʻeni ko e potuʻi ia (stub). ʻIo, ko koe, kātaki tokoni mai ʻi hono .
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provided by wikipedia EN

Liliopsida Batsch (synonym: Liliatae)[1] is a botanical name for the class containing the family Liliaceae (or Lily Family). It is considered synonymous (or nearly synonymous) with the name monocotyledon. Publication of the name is credited to Scopoli (in 1760): see author citation (botany). This name is formed by replacing the termination -aceae in the name Liliaceae by the termination -opsida (Art 16 of the ICBN).

Although in principle it is true that circumscription of this class will vary with the taxonomic system being used, in practice this name is very strongly linked to the Cronquist system, and the allied Takhtajan system. These two are the only major systems to use the name, and in both these systems it refers to the group more widely known as the monocotyledons. Earlier systems referred to this group by the name Monocotyledones, with Monocotyledoneae an earlier spelling (these names may be used in any rank). Systems such as the Dahlgren and Thorne systems (more recent than the Takhtajan and Cronquist systems) refer to this group by the name Liliidae (a name in the rank of subclass). Modern systems, such as the APG and APG II systems refer to this group by the name monocots (a name for a clade). Therefore, in practice the name Liliopsida will almost surely refer to the usage as in the Cronquist system.

In summary the monocotyledons were named:

Each of the systems mentioned above use their own internal taxonomy for the group.

Liliopsida in the Takhtajan system

The Takhtajan system used this internal taxonomy:

Liliopsida in the Cronquist system

The internal taxonomy in the Cronquist system is

Liliopsida in the Reveal system

The internal taxonomy in the Reveal system is


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Liliopsida: Brief Summary

provided by wikipedia EN

Liliopsida Batsch (synonym: Liliatae) is a botanical name for the class containing the family Liliaceae (or Lily Family). It is considered synonymous (or nearly synonymous) with the name monocotyledon. Publication of the name is credited to Scopoli (in 1760): see author citation (botany). This name is formed by replacing the termination -aceae in the name Liliaceae by the termination -opsida (Art 16 of the ICBN).

Although in principle it is true that circumscription of this class will vary with the taxonomic system being used, in practice this name is very strongly linked to the Cronquist system, and the allied Takhtajan system. These two are the only major systems to use the name, and in both these systems it refers to the group more widely known as the monocotyledons. Earlier systems referred to this group by the name Monocotyledones, with Monocotyledoneae an earlier spelling (these names may be used in any rank). Systems such as the Dahlgren and Thorne systems (more recent than the Takhtajan and Cronquist systems) refer to this group by the name Liliidae (a name in the rank of subclass). Modern systems, such as the APG and APG II systems refer to this group by the name monocots (a name for a clade). Therefore, in practice the name Liliopsida will almost surely refer to the usage as in the Cronquist system.

In summary the monocotyledons were named:

Monocotyledoneae in the de Candolle system and the Engler system. Monocotyledones in the Bentham & Hooker system and the Wettstein system class Liliatae and later Liliopsida in the Takhtajan class Liliopsida in the Cronquist system (also in the Reveal system). subclass Liliidae in the Dahlgren system and the Thorne system (1992) clade monocots in the APG system, the APG II system and the APG III system.

Each of the systems mentioned above use their own internal taxonomy for the group.

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Liliopsida ( Malay )

provided by wikipedia MS

Liliopsida ialah nama botani yang diberikan oleh Scopoli untuk sebuah kelas pada tahun 1760: sila lihat sedutan pengarang (botani). Nama ini dibentukkan dengan menggantikan akhiran -aceae dalam nama Liliaceae dengan akhiran -opsida (Perkara 16 dalam ICBN).

Walaupun secara prinsip, adalah benar bahawa pembatasan kelas ini akan berbeza-beza mengikut sistem taksonomi yang digunakan, tetapi secara praktik, nama ini amat rapat dikaitkan dengan sistem Cronquist, dan sistem Takhtajan yang berkaitan. Kedua-dua system ini merupakan sistem-sistem utama yang tunggal untuk menggunakan nama ini untuk kumpulan yang dikenali sebagai monokotiledon. Sistem-sistem yang awal merujuk kepada kumpulan ini dengan nama Monocotyledones, iaitu nama dahulunya (nama-nama ini boleh digunakan untuk mana-mana satu aras. Sistem-sistem seperti sistem Dahlgren dan sistem Thorne (lebih baru daripada sistem Takhtajan dan sistem Cronquist) merujuk kepada kumpulan ini dengan nama Liliidae (satu nama dalam aras subkelas). Sistem-sistem moden, seperti sistem APG dan sistem APG II merujuk kepada kumpulan ini dengan nama monokot (satu nama untuk klad). Oleh itu, dari segi praktik, nama Liliopsida akan hampir selalu mempunyai maksud yang digunakan dalam sistem Cronquist.

Sebagai kesimpulan, monokotiledon telah dinamakan sebagai:

Setiap sistem yang disebutkan di atas menggunakan taksonomi dalaman sendiri untuk kumpulan ini.

Liliopsida dalam sistem Takhtajan

Sistem Takhtajan menggunakan taksonomi dalaman yang berikut:

Liliopsida dalam sistem Cronquist

Taksonomi dalaman untuk sistem Cronquist adalah seperti berikut:

Liliopsida dalam sistem Reveal

Taksonomi dalaman untuk sistem Reveal adalah seperti berikut:

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Liliopsida: Brief Summary ( Malay )

provided by wikipedia MS

Liliopsida ialah nama botani yang diberikan oleh Scopoli untuk sebuah kelas pada tahun 1760: sila lihat sedutan pengarang (botani). Nama ini dibentukkan dengan menggantikan akhiran -aceae dalam nama Liliaceae dengan akhiran -opsida (Perkara 16 dalam ICBN).

Walaupun secara prinsip, adalah benar bahawa pembatasan kelas ini akan berbeza-beza mengikut sistem taksonomi yang digunakan, tetapi secara praktik, nama ini amat rapat dikaitkan dengan sistem Cronquist, dan sistem Takhtajan yang berkaitan. Kedua-dua system ini merupakan sistem-sistem utama yang tunggal untuk menggunakan nama ini untuk kumpulan yang dikenali sebagai monokotiledon. Sistem-sistem yang awal merujuk kepada kumpulan ini dengan nama Monocotyledones, iaitu nama dahulunya (nama-nama ini boleh digunakan untuk mana-mana satu aras. Sistem-sistem seperti sistem Dahlgren dan sistem Thorne (lebih baru daripada sistem Takhtajan dan sistem Cronquist) merujuk kepada kumpulan ini dengan nama Liliidae (satu nama dalam aras subkelas). Sistem-sistem moden, seperti sistem APG dan sistem APG II merujuk kepada kumpulan ini dengan nama monokot (satu nama untuk klad). Oleh itu, dari segi praktik, nama Liliopsida akan hampir selalu mempunyai maksud yang digunakan dalam sistem Cronquist.

Sebagai kesimpulan, monokotiledon telah dinamakan sebagai:

Monocotyledoneae dalam sistem de Candolle dan sistem Engler. Monocotyledones dalam sistem Bentham & Hooker dan sistem Wettstein kelas Liliopsida dalam sistem Takhtajan dan sistem Cronquist (juga dalam sistem Reveal). subkelas Liliidae dalam sistem Dahlgren dan sistem Thorne (1992). klad monokot dalam sistem APG dan sistem APG II.

Setiap sistem yang disebutkan di atas menggunakan taksonomi dalaman sendiri untuk kumpulan ini.

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백합강 ( Korean )

provided by wikipedia 한국어 위키백과


백합강(Liliopsida)은 백합과를 포함하고 있는 식물 명칭의 하나이다. 외떡잎식물군의 이명(또는 거의 같은 의미)으로 간주된다. 이 이름은 스코폴리(Scopoli, 1760년)에 의해 발표됐다. 이 이름, Liliopsida(백합강)는 Liliaceae(백합과)의 접미사 -aceae를 접미사 -opsida로 바꾸어 만들었다.(국제 식물명 규약(ICBN) 제16조).

백합강의 분류는 원칙적으로 사용되는 식물 분류 체계만큼이나 다양한 게 사실이지만, 이 이름은 실제로는 크론퀴스트 분류 체계와 비슷한 타흐따잔 분류 체계에 매우 강력하게 연결되어 있다.

요약하면, 외떡잎식물군의 이름은 다음과 같았다.:

각각의 분류 체계는 위에서 언급한 바와 같이 이 식물군에 대한 자체의 분류 명을 사용하고 있다.

타흐따잔 체계의 백합강 분류

타흐따잔 분류 체계 내의 분류는 아래와 같다.

  • 백합강 (Liliopsida) [ = 외떡잎식물군 (monocotyledons)]
    백합아강 (Liliidae)
    백합상목 (Lilianae)
    마상목 (Dioscoreanae)
    닭의장풀아강 (Commelinidae)
    파인애플상목 (Bromelianae)
    물옥잠상목 (Pontederianae)
    생강상목 (Zingiberanae)
    닭의장풀상목 (Commelinanae)
    히다텔라상목 (Hydatellanae)
    골풀상목 (Juncanae)
    벼상목 (Poanae)
    종려아강 (Arecidae)
    종려상목 (Arecanae)
    택사아강 (Alismatidae)
    택사상목 (Alismatanae)
    트리우리스아강 (Triurididae)
    트리우리스상목 (Triuridanae)
    천남성아강 (Aridae)
    천남성상목 (Aranae)
    시클란투스상목 (Cyclanthanae)
    판다누스상목 (Pandananae)
    부들상목 (Typhanae)

크론퀴스트 체계의 백합강 분류

크론퀴스트 분류 체계 내의 분류는 아래와 같다.

리빌 체계의 백합강 분류

리빌 분류 체계 내의 분류는 아래와 같다.

  • 백합강 (Liliopsida)
    택사아강 (Alismatidae)
    부토무스상목 (Butomanae)
    택사상목 (Alismatanae)
    트리우리스아강 (Triurididae)
    천남성아강 (Aridae)
    창포상목 (Acoranae)
    천남성상목 (Aranaea)
    시클란투스상목 (Cyclanthanae)
    판다누스상목 (Pandananae)
    백합아강 (Liliidae)
    종려아강 (Arecidae)
    종려상목 (Arecanae)
    닭의장풀아강 (Commelinidae)
    파인애플상목 (Bromelianae)
    물옥잠상목 (Pontederianae)
    닭의장풀상목 (Commelinanae)
    히다텔라상목 (Hydatellanae)
    부들상목 (Typhanae)
    골풀상목 (Juncanae)
    생강아강 (Zingiberidae)
    생강상목 (Zingiberanae)
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백합강: Brief Summary ( Korean )

provided by wikipedia 한국어 위키백과

백합강(Liliopsida)은 백합과를 포함하고 있는 식물 명칭의 하나이다. 외떡잎식물군의 이명(또는 거의 같은 의미)으로 간주된다. 이 이름은 스코폴리(Scopoli, 1760년)에 의해 발표됐다. 이 이름, Liliopsida(백합강)는 Liliaceae(백합과)의 접미사 -aceae를 접미사 -opsida로 바꾸어 만들었다.(국제 식물명 규약(ICBN) 제16조).

백합강의 분류는 원칙적으로 사용되는 식물 분류 체계만큼이나 다양한 게 사실이지만, 이 이름은 실제로는 크론퀴스트 분류 체계와 비슷한 타흐따잔 분류 체계에 매우 강력하게 연결되어 있다.

요약하면, 외떡잎식물군의 이름은 다음과 같았다.:

외떡잎식물강 (Monocotyledoneae) : 드 캉돌 분류 체계, 엥글러 분류 체계. 외떡잎식물강 (Monocotyledones) : 벤섬과 후커 분류 체계, 베트슈타인 분류 체계 백합강 (Liliopsida) : 타흐따잔 분류 체계, 크론퀴스트 분류 체계 (리빌 분류 체계도 사용). 백합아강 (Liliidae) : 달그렌 분류 체계, 손 분류 체계 (1992년). 외떡잎식물군 (monocots) : APG 분류 체계, APG II 분류 체계.

각각의 분류 체계는 위에서 언급한 바와 같이 이 식물군에 대한 자체의 분류 명을 사용하고 있다.

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