Type Locality: Saale River, Germany, Europe.
Distribution: Europe: France, Germany; North America: U.S.A., Canada; South America: Brazil, Argentina.
“Plants arising at the ends of a principal axis of the chantransia phase, or on a short branch, restricted to the base, of a violet color when young, sometimes fading out in age, young ones becoming black when dry. Plants 8-15 cm high, unstalked, unbranched or very rarely branched, with the branches fasciculate and developing from carpogonium-bearing branches in the middle of the carposporophyte zone; up to 2 mm in diameter at nodes, concave in internodes. Sexual segments regularly constricted. Papillae in nodal rings, at the time of fertilization of a lighter color than the adjacent parts when in water, broad, usually regular, sometimes interrupted near the base, forming large rings. Spermatangial zone sometimes enlarging after fertilization by hypertrophy of the tissue at the base of the spermatangia. Carposporophytes developed in the middle of carposporophyte zone.
Chantransia phase 2-3 m long of a dark violet color unless faded with age, cells 30-40 mm in diameter, filaments of nearly the dame diameter throughout, branching below alternate, then unilateral, alternate or rarely opposite.”
Kumano, S. 2002. Freshwater red algae of the world. Biopress Ltd. 375pp.