Telonema (teal-owe-knee-ma) small marine flagellate, predatory, two flagella emerge from a subapical depression, the cell swims with these flagella pointing to the rear. With a well developed cytoskeleton giving the cell a stiff consistency. This cell has a food particle inside. Phase contrast.
Telonema (teal-owe-knee-ma) subtilis Griessmann, 1913. Cell outline is oval-ovoid. Cells are about 8 microns long, anteriorly narrow and posteriorly broad with a short anterior neck. Two flagella insert below the neck, are acronematic and are slightly longer than the cell. The nucleus is centrally located. The cells swim backward with the flagella, which point behind the swimming cells. Food materials are shown in the posterior end of the cell. Not common.
Telonema subtile Griessmann, 1913. Cell outline is oval-ovoid. Cells are about 8 microns long, anteriorly narrow and posteriorly broad with a short anterior neck. Two flagella insert below the neck, are acronematic and are slightly longer than the cell. The nucleus is centrally located. The cells swim backward with the flagella, which point behind the swimming cells. Food materials are shown in the posterior end of the cell.