provided by World Register of Marine Species
Test circular in outline, planoconvex, trochospiral, spiral side with one or two partially involute whorls of rapidly enlarging chambers produced centrally to a hyaline point, the tip commonly broken in later chambers to leave a small rounded and elevated opening at the center of each chamber, only the six to seven chambers of the final whorl visible on the flat, involute umbilical side, each having a triangular umbilical flap bordered proximally by a slit, sutures straight and radial on both sides, slightly depressed, periphery carinate; wall calcareous, thin, hyaline, finely perforate except for the imperforate flangelike keel; aperture interiomarginal at both sides of the triangular umbilical flap, the posterior opening curving to a terminal loop, those of earlier chambers of the final whorl remaining as looplike openings. Holocene, at 20 m to 40 m; Philippines. (Loeblich & Tappan, 1987, Foraminiferal Genera and Their Classification)
Loeblich, A. R.; Tappan, H. (1987). Foraminiferal Genera and their Classification. Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, New York. 970pp.
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