
Lifespan, longevity, and ageing

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Maximum longevity: 13.8 years (captivity) Observations: One specimen reportedly lived 13.8 years in captivity (Flower 1938).
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The weka is an omnivorous bird that will grasp any opportunity for food; they are known to steal eggs from domestic hens, vegetables from allotments, and anything edible from campsites (3) (4). In forests, the weka feeds primarily on fallen fruits and invertebrates, including earthworms, molluscs, insects and crustaceans. They also prey on lizards, frogs, the eggs and young of birds, and even sometimes kill rats, mice, chickens, young ducks and rabbits (2). If the opportunity arises, they will also scavenge from carcasses (2). To find and eat such a great variety of food requires a range of tactics. They rummage through leaf litter, lifting large dead palm leafs, and search thoroughly in seaweed and other beach debris. They probe tree hollows and burrows, and often follow wild pigs to search where they have rooted. Their sturdy bill can spear eggs, and can also be used as a hammer, to kill or break up large objects which are held down by its feet (2). The breeding season of the weka varies depending on the climate, food availability and size of the population, but can be all year round (2) (5). As monogamous birds, they have only one mate during a breeding season, and sometimes a bond may last throughout the breeding life of a pair (2). Weka are also territorial, and within their territory they nest on dry ground, usually in dense cover, such as in tussocks, burrows, tree hollows, under logs, stumps or rocks, or even hidden in outbuildings (2). The nest is a shallow cup of woven grasses, lilies, twigs and moss, lined with finer grasses, and sometimes feathers, wool, hair or leaves, built by both of the parents or the male only (2). An average of two to four eggs are laid in each clutch and are incubated by the female during the day, and the male at night, for a period of 26 – 28 days. The chicks leave the nest after two to three days, but are cared for by both parents for approximately two months (2) (3). Weka may rear up to four broods a year, and so after two months they are ready to lay another clutch of eggs, and thus begin to drive their current young away (2) (3). Whilst the young may appear somewhat bewildered at their parent's sudden change of behaviour, it is not long before they leave their parent's territory to establish their own, and lay their first clutch of eggs (3).
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The weka is an unusual species in conservation terms, in that whilst in some regions it is threatened, in other areas it can become a problem to other threatened wildlife, especially when they have been introduced to an island outside their natural range (6). Any conservation measures need to take these two opposing problems into account. The New Zealand Department of Conservation Weka Recovery Plan was approved in 1999, which outlines different management options and a work plan, to promote the recovery of the weka (6). The plan includes actions such as determining the exact distribution and status of all subspecies, researching the impacts and management of threats, and establishing further populations to ensure that each subspecies has at least one large mainland population and three island populations (5).
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The weka, a famously inquisitive and feisty bird, is a member of the rail family Rallidae; a group of ground dwelling birds, some of which, including the weka, have lost the ability to fly over evolutionary time. In appearance it is unmistakable; its hefty body is covered with a rich brown plumage streaked with black, and it possesses a remarkably long tail for a flightless bird (2) (3). The bill is moderately long, and it has powerful legs and un-webbed feet (4). There are four subspecies of the weka, each with slight differences in their appearance. Both Gallirallus australis australis and Gallirallus australis scotti have three morphs, or forms, each with a brown plumage tinged with chestnut, grey or black, but G. a scotti is distinguished by being the smallest of them all. Gallirallus australis greyi is a very dark brown with a dark grey belly, whilst Gallirallus australis hectori is more yellowish-brown, and the palest of the four subspecies (2).The calls of the weka are most frequently heard at dawn, dusk and early evening. A loud shrill whistling coo-eet is repeated, often sung in a duet by a pair of weka (2). During aggressive or territorial encounters the weka makes a booming doon-doon-doon call instead (2). On a quiet night the calls of a weka can be heard for over a mile (3).
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Occurs in a wide range of habitats; from forests and grasslands, to coastal wetlands and cultivated fields, and even urban environments. It prefers areas with some vegetation, to provide the bird with cover, but not so much that it hinders its movement. It can be found from sea level up to altitudes of 1500 m (2).
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The weka is found only in New Zealand. G. a. australis occurs on the North and west South Islands, G. a. scotti is found on Stewart Island, and G. a. greyi occurs on North Island. G. a. hectori was formerly known from eastern and central South Island, but is now only found on Chatham Island where it was introduced (2).
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Classified as Vulnerable (VU) on the IUCN Red List 2006 (1).
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Weka can adapt to a wide range of conditions, persist in highly modified habitats, and be very productive (6). However, despite this, the weka appears to also be susceptible to rapid population declines and local extinctions, the causes of which are complex, and vary between each region (5) (6). The clearance and degradation of many forests and wetlands reduces numbers of weka, as does introduced mammals which prey on the weka; adults are taken by ferrets and domestic dogs, and chicks and eggs are eaten by stoats, cats and rats (5) (6). Introduced species also affect the weka by competing for food sources such as fruit and invertebrates (6). In some areas a significant number of weka are killed by road traffic, and in others, weka die after consuming poisoned bait laid for possum and rabbit control (5) (6). Extended periods of drought also contribute to a decline in weka numbers in some regions (6). Historically, the weka was hunted by some Maori and early European explorers, their curious nature making them relatively easy to catch. They were used for food, perfume, oil and feathers, but today the weka is only legally harvested on the Chatham Islands (7).
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The weka, also known as the Māori hen[2] or woodhen (Gallirallus australis) is a flightless bird species of the rail family. It is endemic to New Zealand. It is the only extant member of the genus Gallirallus.[3] Four subspecies are recognized but only two (northern/southern) are supported by genetic evidence.[4]

The weka are sturdy brown birds, about the size of a chicken. As omnivores, they feed mainly on invertebrates and fruit. Weka usually lay eggs between August and January; both sexes help to incubate.


Weka are large rails. They are predominantly rich brown mottled with black and grey; the brown shade varies from pale to dark depending on subspecies. The male is the larger sex at 50–60 cm (20–24 in) in length and 532–1,605 g (1.173–3.538 lb) in weight. Females measure 46–50 cm (18–20 in) in length and weigh 350–1,035 g (0.772–2.282 lb). The reduced wingspan ranges from 50 to 60 cm (20 to 24 in).[5]

The relatively large, reddish-brown beak is about 5 cm (2.0 in) long, stout and tapered, and used as a weapon. The pointed tail is near-constantly being flicked, a sign of unease characteristic of the rail family. Weka have sturdy legs and reduced wings.[6][7]

Taxonomy and distribution

The common name, "weka", is a Māori word. The species was named Rallus australis by Anders Erikson Sparrman in 1789.[8] Sparrman published the information in Museum Carlsonianum, four fascicules based on specimens collected while voyaging with Captain James Cook between 1772 and 1775.[9] Australis is Latin for "southern". Johann Georg Wagler's suggestion of the genus Ocydromus in 1830 to describe each weka as a species was generally adopted.[10] However, weka were later classified as a single species in the genus Gallirallus with four subspecies.

A buff weka at Willowbank Wildlife Reserve, Christchurch

The buff weka (Gallirallus australis hectori)[11] formerly inhabited the eastern districts of the South Island but is now confined to Chatham Island and Pitt Island to which it was introduced in the early 1900s, and where they are widely hunted and eaten in the autumn (due to their status as non-native to the islands).[12]

Reintroduction into Canterbury has been unsuccessful so far but introductions to Mao Waho Island (in Lake Wanaka in 2004) and from there to Pigeon and Pig Island (in Lake Wakatipu in 2005/2006) have been much more successful. It has a lighter overall colouring than the other subspecies. The North Island weka (G. a. greyi)[13] is represented by original populations in Northland and Poverty Bay, and by liberations elsewhere from that stock. This subspecies differs in its greyer underparts, and brown rather than reddish coloured legs.[14]

A western weka on the West Coast near Karamea
Stewart Island weka seen at Sydney Cove on Ulva Island

The nominate subspecies, the western weka (G. a. australis),[15] is found mainly in the northern and western regions of the South Island from Nelson to Fiordland. Distinguished by dark red-brown and black streaking on the breast, the western weka has two distinct colour phases, that of the southernmost range showing a greater degree of black. The Stewart Island weka (G. a. scotti) is smaller than the other subspecies and, like the western weka, has two colour phases; a chestnut form – similar to the chestnut-phase western weka – and a black phase which is not as dark as the black western weka. Reintroduced populations are confined to Stewart Island/Rakiura and outliers,[16] and to Kapiti Island to which it was introduced.[14] Weka are host to two species of feather lice (Rallicola harrisoni and Pseudomenopon pilgrimi) which show the same north–south population structure seen in their hosts.[4]


Habitat and diet

Weka in its habitat on top of a bush

Weka occupy areas such as forests, sub-alpine grassland, sand dunes, rocky shores and modified semi-urban environments. They are omnivorous, with a diet comprising 30% animal foods and 70% plant foods. Animal foods include earthworms, larvae, beetles, wētā, ants, grass grubs, slugs, snails, insect eggs, slaters, frogs, spiders, rats, mice, and small birds. Stewart Island weka (G. a. scotti) have been observed preying on sooty shearwater (Puffinus griseus) eggs and chicks.[17]

Plant foods include leaves, grass, berries and seeds. Weka are important in the bush as seed dispersers, distributing seeds too large for smaller berry-eating birds.[18] Where the weka is relatively common, their furtive curiosity leads them to search around houses and camps for food scraps, or anything unfamiliar and transportable.[6] They have been known to take shiny objects in particular.[19]

Breeding and nesting

Weka and chicks

The breeding season varies, but when food is plentiful, weka can raise up to four broods throughout the whole year. Nests are made on the ground under the cover of thick vegetation, and built by making grass (or similar material) into a bowl to hold about four eggs. On average, female weka lay three creamy or pinkish eggs blotched with brown and mauve. Both sexes incubate. The chicks hatch after a month, and are fed by both parents until fully grown between six and ten weeks.[6][7]

Conservation status

Weka are classed as a vulnerable species. The Department of Conservation's weka recovery plan, approved in 1999, aims to improve the conservation status of threatened weka, clarify the status of data deficient weka, maintain the non-threatened status of other weka, and eventually restore all weka to their traditional ranges as a significant component of the ecosystems.[20]

Weka are problematic in conservation; some subspecies are threatened, but have been a problem to other threatened wildlife on offshore islands, especially when introduced to an island that they would not naturally inhabit.[21] Weka are unable to withstand the current pressures faced in both the North Island and South Island. However, they can be very productive in good conditions and high food availability. Year-round breeding has been recorded at several sites with up to 14 young produced in a year. Weka populations can persist in highly modified habitats, but they have disappeared from huge areas of their former range, suggesting that they can adapt to a wide range of conditions but are particularly vulnerable to threats.[20]


A ruffled weka on Chatham Island

The Department of Conservation identifies eight main threats to weka. Predation by ferrets, cats, and dogs are a threat to adult weka;[22] stoats and ferrets are a threat to chicks; stoats and rats are a threat to eggs. It faces competition with introduced species for fruits and invertebrates, and suffers from the impact browsers have on forest composition and regeneration. Habitat depletion is caused by the modification and degradation of forests and wetlands. Diseases and parasites have been associated with population declines, although little is known. Drought has been implicated in the disappearance of weka from some areas. In some regions, motor vehicles cause a significant amount of roadkill death. Pest control operations sometimes kill weka, as they have ground foraging habits vulnerable to poison baits, and traps are laid in a way that weka can reach. Genetic diversity can be lost during the transmission of genes through generations, affecting isolated populations.[23]

Human interaction

Weka are significant to some Māori iwi (tribes) who admire their curiosity and feisty, bold personality traits which have led to them being relatively easy to catch. Weka were used by the Māori as a source of food, perfume, oil to treat inflammations, feathers in clothing[24] and lures to catch dogs. Early European explorers and settlers frequently encountered and utilised weka; they were called "bush hens".[25]


  1. ^ BirdLife International (2018). "Gallirallus australis". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2018: e.T22692384A131928535. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2018-2.RLTS.T22692384A131928535.en. Retrieved 12 November 2021.
  2. ^ "Māori hen". www.collinsdictionary.com. Collins English Dictionary. Retrieved 4 July 2020.
  3. ^ "Finfoots, flufftails, rails, trumpeters, cranes, Limpkin – IOC World Bird List". Retrieved 2022-08-24.
  4. ^ a b Trewick, Steve A.; Pilkington, Stephen; Shepherd, Lara D.; Gibb, Gillian C.; Morgan-Richards, Mary (2017). "Closing the gap: Avian lineage splits at a young, narrow seaway imply a protracted history of mixed population response". Molecular Ecology. 26 (20): 5752–5772. doi:10.1111/mec.14323. PMID 28805283. S2CID 206185218.
  5. ^ Arkive - Images of Life on Earth. "Facts Weka". Arkive.org. Archived from the original on 2012-04-19. Retrieved 14 March 2012.
  6. ^ a b c "WEKA - 1966 Encyclopaedia of New Zealand". Teara.govt.nz. 2009-04-23. Retrieved 2010-10-16.
  7. ^ a b Andreas Reischek, 1845–1902 (2009-03-01). "Large forest birds - Weka - Te Ara Encyclopedia of New Zealand". Teara.govt.nz. Retrieved 2010-10-16.
  8. ^ Sparrman, Anders (1786–1789). Museum Carlsonianum. London: Holmiae :Ex Typographia Regia. pp. Plate 14. doi:10.5962/bhl.title.62901. Retrieved 6 September 2016.
  9. ^ Medway, D. G. (2004). "The extant type specimens of birds from New Zealand and the Society Islands collected on Cook's second voyage and described by Anders Sparrman in Museum Carlsonianum (1786-1789)" (PDF). Notornis. 51 (3): 131–135.
  10. ^ Newton, Alfred (1911). "Ocydrome" . In Chisholm, Hugh (ed.). Encyclopædia Britannica. Vol. 19 (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press. pp. 994–995.
  11. ^ "Holotype and specimens of Gallirallus australis hectori". Collections Online. Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa. Retrieved 16 July 2010.
  12. ^ Houston, Dave. "What's the story with weka?". Chatham Islands Community. Retrieved 4 July 2020.
  13. ^ "Specimens of Gallirallus australis greyi". Collections Online. Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa. Retrieved 16 July 2010.
  14. ^ a b Penguin Pocket Guides: New Zealand's Native Birds of Bush and Countryside. Pages 76-77. 1996. Published by Penguin Books. ISBN 0-14-026010-2
  15. ^ "Specimens of Gallirallus australis australis". Collections Online. Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa. Retrieved 16 July 2010.
  16. ^ "Weka | New Zealand Birds Online". nzbirdsonline.org.nz. Retrieved 2016-05-29.
  17. ^ Harper, Grant (2006). "Weka (Gallirallus australis) depredation of sooty shearwater/titi (Puffinus griseus) chicks on Taukihepa (Big South Cape Island)". Notornis. Retrieved 29 May 2016.
  18. ^ "DOC, Facts about Weka". Doc.govt.nz. 2006-08-21. Retrieved 2010-10-16.
  19. ^ Bourne, Grant; Körner-Bourne, Sabine (1996). Visitor's Guide: New Zealand. MPC. p. 179. ISBN 978-0-86190-569-0.
  20. ^ a b "DOC's work with weka: Native land birds conservation". Doc.govt.nz. 2006-08-21. Retrieved 2010-10-16.
  21. ^ "Facts: Weka: Native land birds: Conservation". Doc.govt.nz. 2006-08-21. Retrieved 2010-10-16.
  22. ^ "Dog owner prosecuted over weka killing". Nzherald.co.nz. 2009-11-26. Retrieved 2010-10-16.
  23. ^ "Threats: Weka". Doc.govt.nz. 2006-08-21. Retrieved 2010-10-16.
  24. ^ "Kahu weka (weka feather cloak)". Collections Online. Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa. Retrieved 16 July 2010.
  25. ^ Te Tapa Atawhai (2009). Weka (Gallirallus australis) recovery plan (PDF). NZ: Department of Conservation New Zealand. pp. nn. ISBN 978-0-478-21844-2.

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Weka: Brief Summary

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The weka, also known as the Māori hen or woodhen (Gallirallus australis) is a flightless bird species of the rail family. It is endemic to New Zealand. It is the only extant member of the genus Gallirallus. Four subspecies are recognized but only two (northern/southern) are supported by genetic evidence.

The weka are sturdy brown birds, about the size of a chicken. As omnivores, they feed mainly on invertebrates and fruit. Weka usually lay eggs between August and January; both sexes help to incubate.

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