Figure 1.A Eisenia fetida specimen S1 from Jeju Isl., Korea; anterio-ventral and lateral views, dorsal prostomium; spermathecae and calciferous glands in situ, nephridium from 20lhs B Eisenia fetida S3 ditto with nephridium in 13lhs C Athecal Allolobophora hataii Kobayashi, 1940: fig. 5 (incertae sedis) for comparison.
Figure 2.A Eisenia nordenskioldi mongol ssp. n. Holotype anterio-ventral view, dorsal prostomium [plus enlargements with that of P1 boxed], posterior, plus actual setal ratios on 13; spermathecae and calciferous glands in situ, nephridia in 12 & 17 B Eisenia nordenskioldi polypapillata after Perel’ (1969: text-fig) for fair use comparison.
Figure 3.A Eisenia nordenskioldi onon ssp. n. Holotype sketched as for Figs 1–2 B Allolobophora harbinensis Kobayashi, 1940: fig. 6 (incertae sedis) for comparison.