
Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Nedenia rhodochra

Alar expanse 18–22 mm.

Labial palpus buff; second segment argillaceous anteriorly and coral red posteriorly on outer side; on inner side a slight tinge of coral red anteriorly; third segment apical third brown. Antenna light ochraceous buff basally, shading to brown distally; scape narrowly brown apically. Head buff. Thorax buff; thoracic tuft mixed coral red and yellow scales. Forewing ground color buff; extreme edge of costa narrowly coral red and yellow; at extreme base of costa a small, outwardly oblique blackish dash; at basal third scattered blackish scales form an ill-defined blackish dash; at apical two-thirds a conspicuous triangular vinaceous-brown spot with its base on costa; in cell and on fold some scattered blackish scales; on dorsum a vinaceous brown suffusion; in female extreme dorsal edge blackish fuscous; cilia vinaceous brown except yellowish around tornus. Hind wing whitish to pale buff; cilia concolorous except around apex and termen yellowish. Foreleg buff; femur and tibia coral red on outer side; basal segments suffused fuscous; midleg pale buff; tibia with blackish dash proximally; tarsal segments with coral red scattered scales; hind leg pale buff; tarsal segments slightly darker. Abdomen buff; terga not setose.

Male genitalia slide USNM 24237, 24275, 24188. Harpe simple, cucullus rounded; basally a cluster of very strong, short setae. Gnathos a broad spinulate lobe. Uncus broad, hood shaped, with strong setae laterally on ventral surface. Vinculum U-shaped, narrow. Tegmen short, rectangular, about two-thirds length of uncus. Anellus rectangular, deeply incised laterally. Aedeagus short, curved, bulbous basally; cornuti at most very small, spinulate.

Female genitalia slide USNM 24274, 24189. Ostium very small, elongate. Antrum not differentiated. Inception of ductus seminalis slightly anterior to ostium. Ductus bursae long, membranous, spiraled. Bursa copulatrix membranous; signa two elongate, scobinate patches.


TYPE-LOCALITY.—Llanquihue, Petrohue.

Described from the male holotype (12 Mar 1959, J. F. G. Clarke) 11 male and 3 female paratypes as follows: 4 males, Llanquihue, Petrohue (11–12 Mar 1959); male Peulla (8 Mar 1959) J. F. G. Clarke; 3 males, 3 females Malleco, Rio Blanco, 1050–1300 m, (21/24 Nov 1954) L. E. Peña; 4 males, Centro-Austral (Jan–Mar 1898) V. Izquerdo.

This species reminds one somewhat of the European Carcina quercana (Fabricius) but is immediately distinguished by the shorter antennae.

Revonda, new genus

TYPE-SPECIES.—Revonda eschara, new species (by monotypy and present designation). The gender of this generic name is feminine.

Labial palpus slender, recurved, slightly exceeding vertex; second and third segments of about equal length; second segment slightly roughened anteriorly. Maxillary palpus minute. Head smooth, side tufts spreading; ocellus absent. Antenna ciliated in male; scape with well-developed pecten. Thorax smooth. Forewing smooth, costa nearly straight, stigma present, 11 veins; 1c strongly preserved; 2 remote from 3; 3 near 4; 4 and 5 connate; 7 and 8 coincident to costa; 9 nearer to 7 + 8 than to 10; 11 from two-fifths. Hind wing with 8 veins; 2 remote from 3; 3 and 4 stalked; 5 connate with stalk of 3 and 4. Hind tibia smooth. Abdominal terga setose.

Male genitalia with uncus and gnathos present; socius indicated by a few weak setae.

Female unknown.

Revonda is near Despina but the antennal pecten is present in Revonda, absent in Despina and veins 4 and 5 of forewing are connate in Revonda, separate in Despina.
bibliographic citation
Clarke, J. F. Gates. 1978. "Neotropical Microlepidoptera, XXI : new genera and species of Oecophoridae from Chile." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-80. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.273