
Comprehensive Description

provided by Memoirs of the American Entomological Society
Bucculatrix floccosa Braun (Figs. 100, 100a, 100b, 101, 101a, 101b.)
1923. Bucculatrix floccosa Braun, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. XLIX : 124. Type 5, Olancha, Inyo County, California [A.F.B.Coll.].
Face white, tuft white, some brownish hairs centrally; eye-caps white, a few basal segments of the antennal stalk white with very faint and narrow ocherous annulations. remaining segments white at base, each segment shading through ocherous to dark brown, tips of antennae darker. Fore wings white, marked with patches of pale yellow brown-tipped scales ; a few such scales just within the costa near base, sometimes forming a line reaching to one-third the wing length and there meeting an oblique streak or patch extending about one-third across the wing; beyond middle of costa a second and larger oblique streak ending in the middle of the wing in a group of black-tipped scales ; before apex on costa, a more or less triangular patch of brown-tipped scales ; in the middle of the wing at about basal fourth, a patch of brown-tipped scales, irregular and sometimes diffuse and indistinct: on middle of dorsum, a large patch of browntipped scales, attaining the middle of the wing, a few of the scales on its inner margin black-tipped and raised; brown-tipped scales at apex, a few of these sometimes black-tipped, and along termen forming at tornus a somewhat noticeable patch ; scales, black-tipped opposite apex, sometimes continue through the white cilia to tornus as a faint line. Hind wings yellow white. Legs white, tarsal segments black-tipped. Abdomen whitish.
Alar expanse 8 to 8.8 mm.
Male genitalia (figs. 100, 100a, 100b). Harpe with small apical lobe (cucullus) clothed with heavy conical setae; tegumen long with basal strong sclerotization, its lateral prongs free at tips; socii setose, small, short, rounded; uncus present, a sharp curved hook ; anellus broad at base tapering to oblique aperture; aedeagus large, more than half the length of the body, basal half wide, thence abruptly and irregularly narrowing to the slender curved apex; vinculum narrow, with strongly sclerotized median band. Scale sac present, small.
Female genitalia (figs. 101, 101a, 101b). Surface of ovipositor lobes microscopically tuberculate between setae ; on each side of ostium on segment 8, a large patch (nearly half the width of the sternite) of minute specialized scales with strongly sclerotized margin toward mid-ventral line and at its anterior end (fig. 101a) ; ostium rounded, ductus bursae contracted immediately before ostium, but almost at once expanding nearly to the diameter of the bursa, contracting slightly before entering bursa copulatrix; signum a narrow ring, open mid-ventrally. indistinct dorsally, signum ribs (fig. 101b) short, with a few long spines, some of dorsal ribs with a single spine.
Specimens examined. — 6 5,4 9.
California: Olancha, Inyo County, 9 type, May 11, 1917 (G. R. Pilate) [A.F.B.Coll.]. 3 $ paratypes, May 19, 22. June 16. 1917. 1 S paratype, May 22, 1917 [A.F.B.Coll.]; 1 2, Monache Meadows, 8000', Tulare County, July 17, 1917; 1 $, Palm Springs, March 28. 1917; 1 S, Loma Linda. June 5, 1912 (G. R. Pilate) [A.F.B.Coll.].
Nevada: Pyramid Lake, 2 S [U.S.N.M.].
In the Palm Springs specimen (determined as this species by genitalia slide) most of the scales of the markings are blackish tipped, and less scattered, producing a general grayish aspect.
The characteristic genitalia of both sexes serve to identify this species; in the male, the long irregular aedeagus, small socii and apical lobe of harpe ; in the female, the scale patches on segment 8, of a character present in no other species.
bibliographic citation
Braun, A.F. 1963. The Genus Bucculatrix in America North of Mexico (Microlepidoptera). Memoirs of the American Entomological Society vol. 18. Philadelphia, USA

Bucculatrix floccosa

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Bucculatrix floccosa is a moth in the family Bucculatricidae. It is found in North America, where it has been recorded from California and Nevada. It was described by Annette Frances Braun in 1923.


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Bucculatrix floccosa: Brief Summary

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Bucculatrix floccosa is a moth in the family Bucculatricidae. It is found in North America, where it has been recorded from California and Nevada. It was described by Annette Frances Braun in 1923.

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