
Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Botany
Phaeophila dendroides (P. Crouan et H. Crouan) Batters

Ochlochaete dendroides P. Crouan et H. Crouan, 1852:Vol. 3, No. 346; Crouan and Crouan, 1867:128, pl. 8.

Phaeophila dendroides (P. Crouan et H. Crouan) Batters, 1902:13; Taylor, 1945:47; van den Hoek, 1958:212, fig. 6d–f; Dawson, 1961b:371; Nielsen, 1972:255–257, 261, figs. 2, 3, pl. 3a–f; O’Kelly and Yarish, 1981a:549, figs. 1, 15–27; Garbary et al., 1985:43; Mendoza-González and Mateo-Cid, 1986:419; Nielsen, 1987:435, figs. 9C–E, 10A–P; Kitayama and Yoshida, 1992:47, figs. 1–12; Mendoza-González and Mateo-Cid, 1992:23; Servière-Zaragoza et al., 1993:482; Cribb, 1995:21, pl. 1: fig. 4; González-González et al., 1996:288, 372; Yoshida, 1998:21, fig. 1-1F; O’Kelly et al., 2004:789–798; Wysor, 2004:214; Pedroche et al., 2005:19; Mateo-Cid et al., 2006:58; Tribollet et al., 2006: 292–303; Servière-Zaragoza et al., 2007:7.

Phaeophila engleri Reinke, 1889a:86; Thivy, 1943:245, pls. 1, 2; Taylor, 1945:46; Dawson, 1961b:371; Earle, 1972:85; León-Tejera and González-González, 1993:498; González-González et al., 1996:372; Mendoza-González and Mateo-Cid, 1998:24.

Minute algae of uniseriate filaments, irregularly alternate or oppositely branched; endophytic or epiphytic, endoepilithic or penetrating shells or dead coral. Cells elongated, cylindrical, (5–)7–25 µm in diameter and 15–55 µm long; some may be swollen (subglobose) up to 25 µm in diameter; with parietal chloroplast with 1–13 pyrenoids; and wavy setae (hairs), up to 400 µm long and (1–)2–5 µm in diameter.

Sporangia 10–40 µm in diameter, with an emission tube, 3.5–7.7 µm in diameter and up to 4 times longer than diameter of sporangium.

HABITAT. In shells, coral rubble, and crustose corallines; intertidal.

DISTRIBUTION. Gulf of California: Puerto Peñasco to Guaymas. Pacific coast: British Columbia to Washington; Isla Clarión (Islas Revillagigedo); Isla María Magdalena (Islas Tres Marías), Nayarit to Oaxaca; Panamá; Hawaiian Islands; Galápagos Islands.

TYPE LOCALITY. Brest, Finistère, France.
bibliographic citation
Norris, James N. 2010. "Marine algae of the northern Gulf of California : Chlorophyta and Phaeophyceae." Smithsonian Contributions to Botany. 276-276. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.0081024X.94.276