Description: Native, warm season, perennial, tufted herb 17–50 cm tall. Leaves are linear, flat, 3.5–23 cm long, 1–3.5 mm wide and often twisted; sheathing bases are 1–3 cm long and brown or reddish brown in colour. Flowerheads are ovoid or cylindrical and 5–22 mm long. Sterile bracts number 2–6 and are often keeled. Fertile bracts are brown with golden brown, apically lacerate to erose margins. Flowers have brown outer tepals and petaloid, yellow inner tepals. Flowering is from late spring to summer. Grows in damp or swampy areas, often in heath. Date: 12 September 2015, 08:13. Source:
Xyris complanata leaf base1. Author:
Harry Rose from Dungog, Australia.