Figure 1.Roesleria subterranea (TNS-F-38701). 1 Growing habits of two mature mazaedia on the root tip of an unidentified tree 2 Hymenium of mazaedium, showing protruding paraphyses 3 Enlarged hymenium showing developmental stages of asci and paraphyses 4 Mature ascus containing eight ascospores 5 Paraphysis 6 Discharged matured ascospores; on the right, a transversely one-septate spore is shown in side view 7 Germination of ascospores on MEYE, showing that germination tubes from one of the two-celled spores 2â6 Mounted in Meltzerâs solution 7 Mounted in lacto-aniline blue. Bars: 1 = 2 mm; 2 = 50 ?m; 3â7 = 10 ?m.
Figure 2.A single most parsimonious tree of Roesleria subterranea (ITS-5.8S sequences). Tree length = 31, CI = 0.8065, HI = 0.1935, RI = 0.8723, RC = 0.7035. The tree was constructed from a dataset of all available ITS-5.8S sequences of Roesleria subterranea from various hosts and localities. The numbers on the branches indicate the bootstrap values (BP) of 1000 replications in maximum parsimony analysis when the BP exceeds 50%. The scale bar indicates the number of substitutions. Abbreviations indicate the localities of the isolates: AU, Austria; GE, German; IT, Italy; NE, Netherlands; US, USA; JP, Japan.