Description: Saccocalyx pedunculatus Schulze, 1895 (with very high probability) Item Type: Image Title: Saccocalyx pedunculatus Copyright: SERPENT Species: Saccocalyx pedunculatus Site: Indian -- Indian Ocean -- East Africa -- Mzia-2 Depth (m): 1617 Countries: East Africa -- Tanzania Habitat: Benthic Rig: Deep Sea Metro I Project Partners: BG Group, Oceaneering ROV: Millenium 113 Deposited By: Dr Andrew Gates Deposited On: 13 August 2014
Description: Saccocalyx pedunculatus Schulze, 1895 (with very high probability) Item Type: Image Title: Saccocalyx pedunculatus Copyright: SERPENT Species: Saccocalyx pedunculatus Site: Indian -- Indian Ocean -- East Africa -- Mzia-2 Depth (m): 1617 Countries: East Africa -- Tanzania Habitat: Benthic Rig: Deep Sea Metro I Project Partners: BG Group, Oceaneering ROV: Millenium 113 Deposited By: Dr Andrew Gates Deposited On: 13 August 2014
Description: Saccocalyx pedunculatus Schulze, 1895 (with very high probability) Item Type: Image Title: Saccocalyx pedunculatus Copyright: SERPENT Species: Saccocalyx pedunculatus Site: Indian -- Indian Ocean -- East Africa -- Mzia-2 Depth (m): 1617 Countries: East Africa -- Tanzania Habitat: Benthic Rig: Deep Sea Metro I Project Partners: BG Group, Oceaneering ROV: Millenium 113 Deposited By: Dr Andrew Gates Deposited On: 13 August 2014
Description: Saccocalyx pedunculatus Schulze, 1895 (with very high probability) Item Type: Image Title: Saccocalyx pedunculatus Copyright: SERPENT Species: Saccocalyx pedunculatus Site: Indian -- Indian Ocean -- East Africa -- Mzia-2 Depth (m): 1622 Countries: East Africa -- Tanzania Habitat: Benthic Rig: Deep Sea Metro I Project Partners: BG Group, Oceaneering ROV: Millennium 113 Deposited By: Dr Andrew Gates Deposited On: 14 August 2014
Description: Saccocalyx pedunculatus Schulze, 1895 (with very high probability) Item Type: Image Title: Saccocalyx pedunculatus Copyright: SERPENT Species: Saccocalyx pedunculatus Site: Indian -- Indian Ocean -- East Africa -- Mzia-2 Depth (m): 1622 Countries: East Africa -- Tanzania Habitat: Benthic Rig: Deep Sea Metro I Project Partners: BG Group, Oceaneering ROV: Millennium 113 Deposited By: Dr Andrew Gates Deposited On: 14 August 2014
An account of the Indian Triaxonia collected by the Royal Indian Marine Survey Ship Investigator /.
Calcutta :Printed by order of the Trustees of the Indian Museum,1902..
A, dermal or atrial hexactin; B, drepanocome I; C, drepanocome II; D, spirodiscohexaster; E, plumicome; F, microhexactin I; G, microhexactin II; H, detail of tubercles in the middle of a diactine; I, detail of the pinular ray of a hexactin; J, detail of the hook-like secondary ray of a drepanocome I; K, detail of the middle part of a drepanocome II; L, detail of the tooth disc of a spirodiscohexaster; M, detail of the whorl of a plumicome; N, spicules of the peduncle; O–Q, LM images of spicule and skeleton; O, choanosomal hexactin; P, tangential view of choanosomal structure; Q, transversal view of choanosomal structure.