Spanish; Castilian
provided by Conabio
Factores de riesgo
En los bosques de Estados Unidos la especie es suceptible al fuego, a las sequias en invierno y a una gran cantidad de hongos e insectos.
Situación actual del hábitat con respecto a las necesidades de la especie
En México esta especie esta restringida a vivir en jardines de casas particulares y jardínes públicos.
- bibliographic citation
- Luna Vega, M. I. 2003. Ficha técnica de Magnolia grandiflora. Taxones del bosque mesófilo de montaña de la Sierra Madre Oriental incluidos en la norma oficial mexicana. Herbario FCME, Departamento de Biología, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Bases de datos SNIB-CONABIO. Proyecto No. W025. México, D.F.
- author
- Luna Vega, M. I.
Spanish; Castilian
provided by Conabio
Factores de riesgo
La destrucción de las selvas altas y medianas subperennifolias, donde habita la especie, debido a la incorporación de terrenos a la agricultura y ganadería, basicamente.
Situación actual del hábitat con respecto a las necesidades de la especie
El hábitat de la especie se encuentra fragmentado por la incorporación de terrenos a la agricultura de básicos, como maíz y frijol, aunque es un árbol que es tolerado como árbol de sombra, en las zonas donde su hábitat es alterado.
- bibliographic citation
- Palacios, E. 2006. Ficha técnica de Sideroxylon capiri. Cuarenta y ocho especies de la flora de Chiapas incluidas en el PROY-NOM-059-ECOL-2000. Instituto de Historia Natural y Ecología. Bases de datos SNIB-CONABIO. Proyecto No. W008. México, D.F.
- author
- Palacios, E.
Spanish; Castilian
provided by Conabio
Antecedentes del estado de la especie o de las poblaciones principales
La especie tiene amplia distribución desde Veracruz, en la vertiente del Golfo, y Jalisco en la vertiente del Pacífico; Centroamérica, excepto Belice; Trinidad y Tobago, hasta Grenada. En México se encuentra en los ambientes ya descritos, frecuente, pero no abundante. La subespecie capiri está confinada a la vertiente del Pacífico, desde Jalisco hasta Oaxaca. La subespecie tempisque puede coexistir con la subespecie capiri pero su distribución es más amplia, hasta Grenada. Las diferencias morfológicas entre ambas están fuertemente correlacionadas con su distribución geográfica, llegando a presentarse formas intermedias ( Pennington, 1990).
- bibliographic citation
- Palacios, E. 2006. Ficha técnica de Sideroxylon capiri. Cuarenta y ocho especies de la flora de Chiapas incluidas en el PROY-NOM-059-ECOL-2000. Instituto de Historia Natural y Ecología. Bases de datos SNIB-CONABIO. Proyecto No. W008. México, D.F.
- author
- Palacios, E.
Biología de poblaciones
Spanish; Castilian
provided by Conabio
Antecedentes del estado de la especie o de las poblaciones principales
En los Estados Unidos las poblaciones están bien representadas, sobre todo en los bosques caducifolios del este de este país. En México no existen poblaciones de la especie en estado natural sólo individuos cultivados en jardines y parques o en casas particulares.
- bibliographic citation
- Luna Vega, M. I. 2003. Ficha técnica de Magnolia grandiflora. Taxones del bosque mesófilo de montaña de la Sierra Madre Oriental incluidos en la norma oficial mexicana. Herbario FCME, Departamento de Biología, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Bases de datos SNIB-CONABIO. Proyecto No. W025. México, D.F.
- author
- Luna Vega, M. I.
Spanish; Castilian
provided by Conabio
No se conoce ningún programa de conservación de la especie para México, ya que estas plantas se encuentran confinadas a casi exclusivamente jardines de casas particulares o parques, aunado a que se trata de una especie que es originaria de los Estados Unidos.
- bibliographic citation
- Luna Vega, M. I. 2003. Ficha técnica de Magnolia grandiflora. Taxones del bosque mesófilo de montaña de la Sierra Madre Oriental incluidos en la norma oficial mexicana. Herbario FCME, Departamento de Biología, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Bases de datos SNIB-CONABIO. Proyecto No. W025. México, D.F.
- author
- Luna Vega, M. I.
Spanish; Castilian
provided by Conabio
No se conocen programas de conservación para esta especie.
- bibliographic citation
- Palacios, E. 2006. Ficha técnica de Sideroxylon capiri. Cuarenta y ocho especies de la flora de Chiapas incluidas en el PROY-NOM-059-ECOL-2000. Instituto de Historia Natural y Ecología. Bases de datos SNIB-CONABIO. Proyecto No. W008. México, D.F.
- author
- Palacios, E.
Spanish; Castilian
provided by Conabio
Árboles perennifolios, de 3-15 m de altura; corteza externa pardo-verdusca, ligeramente fisurada; ramas negro-tomentosas en los ápices, lenticelas de 0.5-1.5 mm de longitud en la superficie restante, cicatrices circulares en cada nudo. Hojas ovadas u oblanceoladas de color verde claro brillante, de 7-21 cm de largo por 3-9 cm de ancho, coriáceas, glabras en el haz, densamente tomentosas ferrugíneas en el envés, el margen entero, el ápice agudo o acuminado; nervación reticulada; pecíolo de 1-3 cm de largo, tomentoso-ferrugíneo sólo en el ápice, el resto del indumento de color negro; Flores fragantes; sépalos 3, de 14.5-17 cm de largo por 10-11 cm de ancho, glabros oblongos a ovados, cóncavos el ápice redondeado, la base atenuada, de color blanco, carnosas; pétalos de 9-10, en series de 3 y 4, cóncavos, blancos, glabros y carnosos, los de la primera serie obovados, de 15.5-17.5 cm de largo por 10.4-12.4 cm de ancho, los de la segunda serie obovados, lanceolados y oblanceolados, de 13-16.5 cm de largo por 4.8-10 cm de ancho con la base atenuada y el ápice redondeado o agudo; estambres numerosos, amarillos, las anteras con dos tecas paralelas; pistilos numerosos, el estilo recurvado en el ápice, de color pardo oscuro; fruto un multifolículo, ovoide u oblongo, tomentoso-ferrugíneo, cada folículo leñoso con dehiscencia dorsal; semillas una o dos, péndulas de un funícolo corta y de forma obovada, de 1.5 cm de largo por 7 mm de ancho, con una sarcotesta de color naranja, el endospermo abundante.
- bibliographic citation
- Luna Vega, M. I. 2003. Ficha técnica de Magnolia grandiflora. Taxones del bosque mesófilo de montaña de la Sierra Madre Oriental incluidos en la norma oficial mexicana. Herbario FCME, Departamento de Biología, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Bases de datos SNIB-CONABIO. Proyecto No. W025. México, D.F.
- author
- Luna Vega, M. I.
Spanish; Castilian
provided by Conabio
Árbol de 20 a 35 m, usualmente con un tronco grueso y bajo, copa grande y amplia, las ramas inferiores a veces algo colgantes, la corteza gris oscura; las ramillas seríceas o glabras; pecíolos usualmente muy largos y delgados, principalmente de 4-8 cm de largo, a veces más largos que las láminas; láminas de las hojas elípticas a ovado-elípticas, a veces oblongo-elípticas, de 7-12 cm de largo por 3-7 cm de ancho, ápice redondeado a subagudo, base aguda a redondeada, abruptamente contraída y estrechamente decurrente, los márgenes enrollados y unidos para formar un tubo o bolsa larga; cuando jóvenes más o menos seríceas pero glabras con la edad o más o menos así; flores de color crema, fasciculadas en los nudos defoliados, los pedicelos de 5 mm de largo o a veces más largos, seríceos o glabros; sépalos de 3 mm de largo, redondeado-ovados, seríceos; corola de 7-8 mm de largo, ligeramente pubescente o glabra, el tubo muy corto, los lóbulos elíptico-ovados, redondeados en el ápice; estaminodios diminutos, ovados, escuamiformes; estambres casi igualando los lóbulos de la corola, glabros; anteras de 3.5-4 mm de largo; ovario seríceo, pentaloculado, el estilo grueso; fruto oval u ovoide, punteado, de 3-4 cm de largo por 2-2.5 cm de grueso, apiculado, amarillento, liso y glabro; semilla 1, ovoide, de 2.5 cm de largo, lisa, de color marrón; la cicatriz del hilo ovada-elíptica, blanquecina (Standley &Williams, 1967; Niembro, 1986). Existen dos subespecies que se distinguen por la presencia del indumento. La subespecie capiri presenta hojas y brotes tomentosos; el indumento es persistente en ambas superficies o al menos en la superficie inferior de las hojas, mientras que la subespecie tempisque tiene las hojas y brotes glabros o finamente pubérulos y pierden el indumento cuando maduros o solo persiste en la cara inferior de la vena media ( Pennington, 1990).
- bibliographic citation
- Palacios, E. 2006. Ficha técnica de Sideroxylon capiri. Cuarenta y ocho especies de la flora de Chiapas incluidas en el PROY-NOM-059-ECOL-2000. Instituto de Historia Natural y Ecología. Bases de datos SNIB-CONABIO. Proyecto No. W008. México, D.F.
- author
- Palacios, E.
Spanish; Castilian
provided by Conabio
En México sólo se le encuentra cultivada en parques o casas.
MEXICO / TAMAULIPAS / HIDALGO / 75 km al W de Barretal
MEXICO / VERACRUZ / YECUATLA / 3-4 km adelante de Paz Enriquez
Estados Unidos
La especie es nativa del sur de Virginia al este de Texas, Carolina del Norte, Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Missippi y Lousiana en los Estados Unidos; aunque también ha sido introducida a México y otras partes del mundo.
- bibliographic citation
- Luna Vega, M. I. 2003. Ficha técnica de Magnolia grandiflora. Taxones del bosque mesófilo de montaña de la Sierra Madre Oriental incluidos en la norma oficial mexicana. Herbario FCME, Departamento de Biología, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Bases de datos SNIB-CONABIO. Proyecto No. W025. México, D.F.
- author
- Luna Vega, M. I.
Spanish; Castilian
provided by Conabio
- bibliographic citation
- Palacios, E. 2006. Ficha técnica de Sideroxylon capiri. Cuarenta y ocho especies de la flora de Chiapas incluidas en el PROY-NOM-059-ECOL-2000. Instituto de Historia Natural y Ecología. Bases de datos SNIB-CONABIO. Proyecto No. W008. México, D.F.
- author
- Palacios, E.
Spanish; Castilian
provided by Conabio
Historia de vida
Fanerógama, hermafrodita, zoocora, es frecuente encontrar semillas no digeridas en las heces de Canis latrans (coyote), según Janzen, 1983 (citado por Pennington, 1990).
Especie decidua, la subespecie capiri florece desde abril a julio y los frutos maduros se han colectado desde abril a junio, en agosto y diciembre; la subespecie tempisque florece principalmente desde enero a junio, los frutos tardan varios meses en madurar y se ven más frecuentemente durante los seis primeros meses del año.
- bibliographic citation
- Palacios, E. 2006. Ficha técnica de Sideroxylon capiri. Cuarenta y ocho especies de la flora de Chiapas incluidas en el PROY-NOM-059-ECOL-2000. Instituto de Historia Natural y Ecología. Bases de datos SNIB-CONABIO. Proyecto No. W008. México, D.F.
- author
- Palacios, E.
Estado de conservación
Spanish; Castilian
provided by Conabio
A amenazada
- bibliographic citation
- Luna Vega, M. I. 2003. Ficha técnica de Magnolia grandiflora. Taxones del bosque mesófilo de montaña de la Sierra Madre Oriental incluidos en la norma oficial mexicana. Herbario FCME, Departamento de Biología, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Bases de datos SNIB-CONABIO. Proyecto No. W025. México, D.F.
- author
- Luna Vega, M. I.
Estado de conservación
Spanish; Castilian
provided by Conabio
A amenazada
A amenazada
- bibliographic citation
- Palacios, E. 2006. Ficha técnica de Sideroxylon capiri. Cuarenta y ocho especies de la flora de Chiapas incluidas en el PROY-NOM-059-ECOL-2000. Instituto de Historia Natural y Ecología. Bases de datos SNIB-CONABIO. Proyecto No. W008. México, D.F.
- author
- Palacios, E.
Spanish; Castilian
provided by Conabio
Su habitat natural en el SE de los Estados Unidos lo forman bosques mixtos, la rivera de los ríos y en barrancas pronunciadas.
Habita en climas que van desde el templado húmedo hasta el semicálido templado, C(f) a (A) Cf. En altitudes que van de 1000 a 1800 m.s.n.m.
- bibliographic citation
- Luna Vega, M. I. 2003. Ficha técnica de Magnolia grandiflora. Taxones del bosque mesófilo de montaña de la Sierra Madre Oriental incluidos en la norma oficial mexicana. Herbario FCME, Departamento de Biología, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Bases de datos SNIB-CONABIO. Proyecto No. W025. México, D.F.
- author
- Luna Vega, M. I.
Spanish; Castilian
provided by Conabio
Crece en diferentes tipos de suelos, frecuentemente en condiciones riparias o cañadas protegidas, así como en planicies con suelos arcillosos más o menos profundos ( Pennington, 1990; Palacios Espinosa, personal, 2002).
Habita en zonas de clima del tipo Am, cálido húmedo con abundantes lluvias en verano a Aw, cálido subhúmedo con lluvias en verano; desde baja altitud hasta los 1600 msnm, principalmente sobre la vertiente del Pacífico, formando parte del estrato superior de selvas medianas subperennifolias y subcaducifolias; así como en selvas bajas caducifolias (Pennington, 1990).
- bibliographic citation
- Palacios, E. 2006. Ficha técnica de Sideroxylon capiri. Cuarenta y ocho especies de la flora de Chiapas incluidas en el PROY-NOM-059-ECOL-2000. Instituto de Historia Natural y Ecología. Bases de datos SNIB-CONABIO. Proyecto No. W008. México, D.F.
- author
- Palacios, E.
Relevancia de la especie
Spanish; Castilian
provided by Conabio
Relevancia de la especie
En México esta especie no es muy relevante, ya que se encuentra confinada a vivir en los jardines de casas particulares y públicos, además de que en los Estados Unidos se encuentra bien representada.
- bibliographic citation
- Luna Vega, M. I. 2003. Ficha técnica de Magnolia grandiflora. Taxones del bosque mesófilo de montaña de la Sierra Madre Oriental incluidos en la norma oficial mexicana. Herbario FCME, Departamento de Biología, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Bases de datos SNIB-CONABIO. Proyecto No. W025. México, D.F.
- author
- Luna Vega, M. I.
Relevancia de la especie
Spanish; Castilian
provided by Conabio
Relevancia de la especie
El tempisque es una especie forestal maderable, frutal, de ornato como árbol de sombra, con poblaciones no muy abundantes y también con valor cultural de orden ceremonial.
- bibliographic citation
- Palacios, E. 2006. Ficha técnica de Sideroxylon capiri. Cuarenta y ocho especies de la flora de Chiapas incluidas en el PROY-NOM-059-ECOL-2000. Instituto de Historia Natural y Ecología. Bases de datos SNIB-CONABIO. Proyecto No. W008. México, D.F.
- author
- Palacios, E.
Spanish; Castilian
provided by Conabio
La floración se presenta de mediados de marzo a finales de julio, los árboles pueden presentar cientos de flores en todos los estados del desarrollo. Los estigmas pueden ser receptivos horas antes de que abra la flor. Son polinizadas por escarabajos.
- bibliographic citation
- Luna Vega, M. I. 2003. Ficha técnica de Magnolia grandiflora. Taxones del bosque mesófilo de montaña de la Sierra Madre Oriental incluidos en la norma oficial mexicana. Herbario FCME, Departamento de Biología, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Bases de datos SNIB-CONABIO. Proyecto No. W025. México, D.F.
- author
- Luna Vega, M. I.
Spanish; Castilian
provided by Conabio
Es frecuente en jardínes públicos y residenciales.
- bibliographic citation
- Luna Vega, M. I. 2003. Ficha técnica de Magnolia grandiflora. Taxones del bosque mesófilo de montaña de la Sierra Madre Oriental incluidos en la norma oficial mexicana. Herbario FCME, Departamento de Biología, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Bases de datos SNIB-CONABIO. Proyecto No. W025. México, D.F.
- author
- Luna Vega, M. I.
Spanish; Castilian
provided by Conabio
Árbol maderable de uso local, su madera es dura y pesada, se le usa para leña y carbón, construcción rural, enchapados, muebles, herramientas e implementos agrícolas, carrocerías, yugos y columnas; los frutos son comestibles, y en algunas regiones bastante apreciados, en la vertiente del pacífico los frutos son vendidos en los mercados locales (Pennington,1990); se le tolera como árbol de sombra en terrenos incorporados al cultivo (Niembro, 1986; Miranda, 1998). En el centro de Chiapas se sabe que los frutos son muy apreciados por el venado cola blanca, por eso los árboles de esta especie son utilizados como sebo para la cacería del mismo (Palacios Espinosa, personal, 2002). El follaje también se utiliza en la preparación de ofrendas religiosas (Isidro, 1997).
- bibliographic citation
- Palacios, E. 2006. Ficha técnica de Sideroxylon capiri. Cuarenta y ocho especies de la flora de Chiapas incluidas en el PROY-NOM-059-ECOL-2000. Instituto de Historia Natural y Ecología. Bases de datos SNIB-CONABIO. Proyecto No. W008. México, D.F.
- author
- Palacios, E.
provided by eFloras
Cultivated in northern part of Pakistan. Oil is extracted from leaves and flowers. The pounded leaves are used for toothache.
- license
- cc-by-nc-sa-3.0
- copyright
- Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
provided by eFloras
Magnolia grandiflora (a hexaploid) is highly variable, especially the leaves, which range from glabrous to densely red-brown felted on the abaxial surface. It is the only magnolia species in the flora with free stipules, and the inner spathaceous bract is unique among Magnolia taxa in the flora. Curled filiform trichomes occur on the abaxial leaf surface. In the wild, hybrids with M. virginiana (a diploid) have been reported but not confirmed by the present author. The compatibility of these taxa is well known from the Freeman hybrid, a highly sterile tetraploid growing at the U.S. National Arboretum in Washington, D.C. In crosses using the hexaploid M. grandiflora , this parent is dominant and nearly masks the other parent.
Magnolia grandiflora is an escape, and it naturalizes in the tidewater area of Virginia and locally elsewhere beyond its natural range in the southeastern United States. It ranks among the noblest of North American broadleaved trees and is cultivated widely in the United States and in many other countries. A large number of cultivars have been introduced to horticulture.
Southern magnolia ( Magnolia grandiflora ) is the state tree of both Louisiana and Mississippi.
The largest known tree of Magnolia grandiflora, 37.2m in height with a trunk diameter of 1.97m, is recorded from Smith County, Mississippi (American Forestry Association 1994).
The Choctaw and Koasati tribes used the bark of Magnolia grandiflora as dermatological and kidney aids (D.A. Moerman 1986).
- license
- cc-by-nc-sa-3.0
- copyright
- Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
provided by eFloras
An evergreen tree, 14-30 m tall; branchlets hoary tomentose, tomentum dwindling with age. Leaves 12-25 cm long, 6-10 cm broad, elliptic-oblong, ovate to obovate, entire, bright green above, usually rusty tomentose beneath, rarely glabrous; apex acute, obtuse or acuminate; base cuneate; stipules forming a long conical sheath covering the bud. Flowers solitary, terminal, 15-25 cm in diameter, fragrant; pedicel stout, l.5-3 cm long; bracts rusty tomentose. Perianth 9-15, concave, the outer broader and longer, oval to ovate, 6-9 cm long, 3-5.5 cm broad, oblanceolate, acuminate. Stamens l.25-2 cm long; filaments bright purple; anthers adnate, yellow, introrse. Carpels l-2 ovuled; fruiting carpels ovate to obovate, 1.5-3 cm long, rusty brown tomen¬tose, dehiscing by dorsal suture. Seeds l-l.25 cm long, obovoid or triangular-obovoid, bright red.
- license
- cc-by-nc-sa-3.0
- copyright
- Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
provided by eFloras
Trees , evergreen, single-trunked, to 37 m. Bark gray, rough, thick, furrowed in thick plates. Pith diaphragmed. Twigs and foliar buds densely red- or white-hairy. Leaves distinctly alternate, not in terminal whorl-like clusters; stipules 2, free, 4.5-13 × 1.5-3.5 cm, abaxially densely brown-silky, sometimes deeply notched. Leaf blade narrowly to broadly elliptic or oblanceolate, (7.5-)13-20(-26) × (4.5-)6-10(-12.5) cm, thick-leathery, base narrowly cuneate, apex abruptly tapered and acute to short-acuminate, rarely obtuse; surfaces abaxially glabrous to densely red-brown felted, adaxially bright green, lustrous, glabrous. Flowers strongly lemony fragrant, 15-30(-45) cm across; spathaceous bracts 2, leathery, outer bract abaxially brown to grayish pilose, deeply notched, smaller, inner bract adaxially densely brown to grayish pilose, shallowly notched, larger; tepals creamy white; stamens (179-)213-383(-405), 16-29 mm; filaments purple; pistils (45-)55-81(-89). Follicetums cylindric to somewhat obovoid, 7-10 × 3.5-5 cm; follicles beaked, sparsely to densely silky-villous. Seeds lenticular to narrowly ellipsoid, (9-)12-14 mm, adaxially slightly grooved, aril red. 2 n =114.
- license
- cc-by-nc-sa-3.0
- copyright
- Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
provided by eFloras
- license
- cc-by-nc-sa-3.0
- copyright
- Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
provided by eFloras
Distribution: A native of Southern United States, widely introduced and cultivated in Europe and temperate countries.
- license
- cc-by-nc-sa-3.0
- copyright
- Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
provided by eFloras
Fl.Per.: April-May.
- license
- cc-by-nc-sa-3.0
- copyright
- Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
Habitat & Distribution
provided by eFloras
Flowering spring. Wooded dunes, hammocks, river bottoms, mesic woods, and ravine slopes; coastal plain; 0-120m; Ala., Ark., Fla., Ga., La., Miss., N.C., S.C., Tex.
- license
- cc-by-nc-sa-3.0
- copyright
- Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
provided by eFloras
Magnolia ferruginea Z.Collins ex Rafinesque; M. foetida (Linnaeus) Sargent; M. lacunosa Rafinesque; M. virginiana Linnaeus var. foetida Linnaeus
- license
- cc-by-nc-sa-3.0
- copyright
- Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
Brief Summary
provided by EOL authors
There are about 225 species in the magnolia family. This is one of the oldest families of flowering plants. It appeared before bees did, so almost all species are pollinated by beetles. The southern magnolia has leathery leaves and large, white flowers that smell lemony. This tree is planted in gardens. It is also used to make furniture.
- license
- cc-by-nc
- copyright
- Sebastian Velvez
Brief Summary
provided by EOL authors
Southern magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora) is the state tree of both Louisiana and Mississippi.This evergreen tree is native to the coastal plains of the southeastern United States (Virginia and central Florida west to eastern Texas), where it occurs in abundance.It occurs in rich loamy soils of wooded dunes, hammocks, and along rivers of the bottom and low upland plains between 60-150 m (180-450 feet) in altitude.It cannot withstand inundation from flooding, and it is also susceptible to frost.A beautiful and useful tree, it is also commonly planted in parks and streets in mild climates around the world, and over 50 cultivars are commercially available. It was collected and brought to Great Britain in 1726 whence began a long history of cultivation in Europe and Asia.Southern magnolia is also known as bull bay (partly because cattle reportedly eat its leaves), big-laurel, evergreen magnolia, and large-flower magnolia.
The largest known Magnolia grandiflora tree, from Smith County, Mississippi, measured 37.2m (112 feet) in height.It is a moderately fast growing species, more usually reaching a height of 15 m (50 feet) tall.Southern magnolia trees have large, dark green, leathery, oval leaves, about 12-20 cm (5-8 inches) long, which it does not shed in winter.The undersides of the leaves have a bronze-red brown fuzzy surface, and the twigs are also red and fuzzy.Young trees develop a large taproot.
In late spring, the trees produce large, cup-shaped flowers, 30 cm (12 inches) across. The flowers give off a sweet lemony scent.Growing from thick stems all over the tree, the flowers have delicate waxy, white petals that bruise easily.These showy blossoms are open for three days, when they are pollinated by bees, and close up each night.Flowers give way to cone-shaped fruits that, when mature, bear the trees prolific crop of bright red seeds. The seeds have a fleshy coat over an inner stone, and attach to the fruit with silky white threads.They dangle from these threads until eaten by birds and mammals, including squirrels, opossums, quail and turkey, which disperse the seeds. Seeds do not germinate under parent trees, as adult trees produce chemicals to inhibit potentially competing seedlings.
In its habitat, southern magnolia seldom grows alone.It is shade tolerant, especially when young.It is commonly found alongside hardwood trees including American beech, sweetgum, yellow-poplar, live oak, southern red oak, white oak, and hickories.The cork bark of older magnolia trees allows the trees to survive fire, although seedlings are quickly killed.Where fires are suppressed, southern magnolia become dominant (climax) species in mixed hardwood forests, often along with live oak.
People have used Southern magnolia for many uses.These include:
- Its hard and heavy timber is used commercially to make furniture, pallets, and veneer.
- Because the tree is resistant to acid deposition from pollutants such as sulfur dioxide it is good for urban landscaping.
- Magnolia grandiflora produces phenolic antimicrobial chemicals, compounds called coumarins and sesquiterpene lactones, which discourage predation and grazing. Choctaw and Koasati tribes used the bark of Magnolia grandiflora as dermatological and kidney aids.In northern Pakistan, oil is extracted from leaves and flowers and pounded leaves are used for toothache.Extracts from its leaves, fruits, bark and wood have potential applications as pharmaceuticals.
- Its dense, evergreen foliage harbors wildlife, providing coverage for many small birds and mammals, even in urban settings.
(Clark et al. 1981; E.-Feraly and Chan 1978; Halls 1977; Outcalt 1990; Wikipedia 2016; Yang et al. 1994)
- Clark, L.A.M., A.S. El-Feraly, W-S. Li, 1981. Antimicrobial activity of phenolic constituents of magnolia grandiflora Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 70(8): 951–952.
- El-Feraly, L.F.S and Y-M. Chan, 1978. Isolation and characterization of the sesquiterpene lactones costunolide, parthenolide, costunolide diepoxide, santamarine, and reynosin from Magnolia grandiflora. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 67(3): 347–350.
- Halls, L. K. 1977. Southern magnolia/Magnolia grandiflora L. In Southern fruit-producing woody plants used by wildlife. p. 196-197. USDA Forest Service, General Technical Report SO-16. Southern Forest Experiment Station, New Orleans, LA.
- Outcalt, K.W. 1990. Magnolia grandiflora. In Silvics of North America. Volume 2, Hardwoods. Burns, R.M and B.H. Honkala, tech cords. Agriculture Handbook 654. US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Washington DC, 877 p.
- Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. 11 January 2016. Magnolia grandiflora. Retrieved January 15 2016 from
- Yang MH, Blunden G, Patel AV, O'Neill MJ and Lewis JA, 1994. Coumarins and sesquiterpene lactones from Magnolia grandiflora leaves. Planta medica 60(4): 390-390.
Common Names
provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
southern magnolia
evergreen magnolia
large-flower magnolia
- bibliographic citation
- Coladonato, Milo. 1991. Magnolia grandiflora. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available:
Cover Value
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coverSouthern magnolia provides cover for many small birds and mammals [
- bibliographic citation
- Coladonato, Milo. 1991. Magnolia grandiflora. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available:
provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
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treeSouthern magnolia is a fast-growing, medium-sized, native evergreen tree
that grows 60 to 90 feet (18-27 m) tall [
12]. The large, white
flowers are perfect and fragrant. The seeds are drupelike with a soft,
fleshy outer seed coat and an inner stony portion. Southern magnolia
develops a deep taproot. As trees grow the root structure changes.
Trees of sapling stage and beyond have a rather extensive root system.
Older trees develop a fluted base with the ridges corresponding to the
attachment of major lateral roots [
- bibliographic citation
- Coladonato, Milo. 1991. Magnolia grandiflora. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available:
provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
The range of southern magnolia extends from North Carolina along the
Atlantic Coast to central Florida, westward through the southern half of
Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi, and across Louisiana into eastern
Texas [
24]. It is cultivated in Hawaii [
- bibliographic citation
- Coladonato, Milo. 1991. Magnolia grandiflora. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available:
Fire Ecology
provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
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fire regimeSouthern magnolia is well adapted to fire. Although the bark is
relatively thin, the cork layer underneath the bark does not burn easily
and is relatively resistant to heat [
FIRE REGIMES : Find fire regime information for the plant communities in which this
species may occur by entering the species name in the
FEIS home page under
- bibliographic citation
- Coladonato, Milo. 1991. Magnolia grandiflora. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available:
Fire Management Considerations
provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
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hardwoodWhere fire is surpressed or infrequent, southern magnolia and live oak
can become dominant species in the southern mixed hardwood forests. The
transition from an open, fire-dominated forest to a closed-canopy,
deciduous forest favors the Quercus-Magnolia climax community [
- bibliographic citation
- Coladonato, Milo. 1991. Magnolia grandiflora. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available:
Growth Form (according to Raunkiær Life-form classification)
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phanerophyteUndisturbed State: Phanerophyte (mesophanerophyte)
Undisturbed State: Phanerophyte (microphanerophyte)
Burned or Clipped State: Cryptophyte (geophtye)
- bibliographic citation
- Coladonato, Milo. 1991. Magnolia grandiflora. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available:
Habitat characteristics
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swampSouthern magnolia grows best on rich, loamy, moist soils along streams
and near swamps in the Coastal Plain [
21]. It grows also on mesic
upland sites where fire is rare. Although primarily a bottomland
species, southern magnolia cannot withstand prolonged inundation;
consequently, it is found mostly on alluvium and outwash sites [
24]. No
part of its range is higher than 500 feet (150 m) in elevation and most
of it is less than 200 feet (60 m). Coastal areas within its range are
less than 100 feet (30 m) above sea level. In the northern parts of its
range in Georgia and Mississippi, it is found at elevations of 300 to
400 feet (90-120 m) [
24]. In additon to those listed under under
Distribution and Occurrence, common overstory associates include
American beech (Fagus grandifolia), sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua),
yellow-poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera), live oak (Quercus virginiana),
southern red oak (Q. falcata), white oak (Q. alba), mockernut hickory
(Carya tomentosa), and pignut hickory (C. glabra). Some common
understory associates include flowering dogwood (Cornus florida), swamp
dogwood (C. stricta), strawberry-bush (Euonymus americanus), southern
bayberry (Myrica cerifera), Virginia creeper (Parthenocissus
quinquefolia), greenbrier (Smilax spp.), and grape (Vitis spp.) [
- bibliographic citation
- Coladonato, Milo. 1991. Magnolia grandiflora. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available:
Habitat: Cover Types
provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info on this topic. This species is known to occur in association with the following cover types (as classified by the Society of American Foresters):
More info for the terms:
swamp69 Sand pine
70 Longleaf pine
71 Longleaf pine - scrub oak
72 Southern scrub oak
73 Southern redcedar
74 Cabbage palmetto
75 Shortleaf pine
76 Shortleaf pine oak
80 Loblolly pine - shortleaf pine
81 Loblolly pine
82 Loblolly pine - hardwood
83 Longleaf pine - slash pine
84 Slash pine
85 Slash pine - hardwood
87 Sweetgum - yellow-poplar
88 Willow oak - water oak - diamondleaf oak
89 Live oak
91 Swamp chestnut oak - cherrybark oak
92 Sweetgum - willow oak
96 Overcup oak - water hickory
97 Atlantic white-cedar
98 Pond pine
100 Pond cypress
101 Baldcypress
102 Baldcypress - tupelo
103 Water tupelo - swamp tupelo
104 Sweetbay - swamp tupelo - redbay
111 South Florida slash pine
- bibliographic citation
- Coladonato, Milo. 1991. Magnolia grandiflora. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available:
Habitat: Ecosystem
provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info on this topic. This species is known to occur in the following ecosystem types (as named by the U.S. Forest Service in their Forest and Range Ecosystem [FRES] Type classification):
FRES12 Longleaf - slash pine
FRES13 Loblolly - shortleaf pine
FRES14 Oak - pine
FRES15 Oak - hickory
FRES16 Oak - gum - cypress
- bibliographic citation
- Coladonato, Milo. 1991. Magnolia grandiflora. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available:
Habitat: Plant Associations
provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info on this topic. This species is known to occur in association with the following plant community types (as classified by Küchler 1964):
More info for the term:
forestK089 Black Belt
K090 Live oak - sea oats
K091 Cypress savanna
K111 Oak - hickory - pine forest
K112 Southern mixed forest
K113 Southern floodplain forest
K114 Pocosin
K115 Sand pine scrub
- bibliographic citation
- Coladonato, Milo. 1991. Magnolia grandiflora. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available:
Immediate Effect of Fire
provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
Southern magnolia seedlings are easily killed by fire. Older trees, due
to bark characteristics, are quite fire resistant. Plants sprout
vigorously when top-killed by fire [
- bibliographic citation
- Coladonato, Milo. 1991. Magnolia grandiflora. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available:
Importance to Livestock and Wildlife
provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
Southern magnolia seeds are eaten by squirrels, opossum, quail, and the
wild turkey [
- bibliographic citation
- Coladonato, Milo. 1991. Magnolia grandiflora. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available:
Life Form
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- bibliographic citation
- Coladonato, Milo. 1991. Magnolia grandiflora. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available:
Management considerations
provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
Winter drought can cause extensive dieback and mortality of southern
magnolia. Seedlings are susceptible to frost damage; even a light
freeze can cause mortality. A number of Fomes and Polyporus fungi cause
heartrot in southern magnolia. Heavy infestations of magnolia scale
(Neolecanium cornuparyum) kill branches or entire trees [
- bibliographic citation
- Coladonato, Milo. 1991. Magnolia grandiflora. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available:
Occurrence in North America
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- bibliographic citation
- Coladonato, Milo. 1991. Magnolia grandiflora. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available:
Other uses and values
provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
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treeSouthern magnolia is a valuable and extensively planted ornamental. The
leaves, fruit, bark, and wood yield a variety of extracts with potential
applications as pharmaceuticals [
24]. Southern magnolia is a good
urban landscape tree because it is resistant to acid deposition [
- bibliographic citation
- Coladonato, Milo. 1991. Magnolia grandiflora. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available:
provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
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fruitSouthern magnolia flowers between April and June; its fruit ripens from
September through late fall [
- bibliographic citation
- Coladonato, Milo. 1991. Magnolia grandiflora. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available:
Plant Response to Fire
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Southern magnolia sprouts from surviving root collars following fire [
- bibliographic citation
- Coladonato, Milo. 1991. Magnolia grandiflora. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available:
Post-fire Regeneration
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root crown,
seedsurvivor species; on-site surviving root crown or caudex
off-site colonizer; seed carried by animals or water; postfire yr 1&2
- bibliographic citation
- Coladonato, Milo. 1991. Magnolia grandiflora. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available:
Regeneration Processes
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seedSouthern magnolia is a prolific seed producer, and good seed crops
usually are produced every year. Trees as young as 10 years can produce
seed, but optimum seed production does not occur until age 25. Cleaned
seeds range from 5,800 to 6,800/pound (12,800-15,000/kg). Seed
viability averages about 50 percent. The relatively heavy seeds are
disseminated by birds and mammals, but some may be spread by heavy rains
24]. Southern magnolia is pollinated by insects [
- bibliographic citation
- Coladonato, Milo. 1991. Magnolia grandiflora. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available:
Successional Status
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presenceSouthern magnolia is moderately tolerant of shade. It can endure
considerable shade in early life but needs more light as it becomes
older [
13]. Southern magnolia will invade pine or hardwood stands and
is able to reproduce under a closed canopy. It will not reproduce under
its own shade. Once established, it can maintain or increase its
presence in stands by sprouts and seedlings that grow up through
openings, which occur sporadically in the canopy [
24]. Southern
magnolia has been migrating onto mesic upland sites and establishing
itself, along with associated hardwoods, as part of the climax forest
- bibliographic citation
- Coladonato, Milo. 1991. Magnolia grandiflora. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available:
provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
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shrubsThe currently accepted scientific name for southern magnolia is Magnolia
grandiflora L. [
19]. The genus Magnolia consists of 35 species of
deciduous or evergreen trees or shrubs in North and Central America,
eastern Asia and the Himalayas; nine species are native to the United
States [
- bibliographic citation
- Coladonato, Milo. 1991. Magnolia grandiflora. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available:
Wood Products Value
provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
The hard, heavy wood of southern magnolia is used to make furniture,
pallets, and veneer [
- bibliographic citation
- Coladonato, Milo. 1991. Magnolia grandiflora. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available:
Spanish; Castilian
provided by IABIN
Chile Central
Associated Forest Cover
provided by Silvics of North America
Southern magnolia rarely forms pure stands but is usually
associated with a variety of mesic hardwoods. It is a minor
component of the following forest cover types (7): Southern
Redcedar (Society of American Foresters Type 73), Cabbage
Palmetto (Type 74), Loblolly Pine-Hardwood (Type 82), Live Oak
(Type 89), Swamp Chestnut Oak-Cherrybark Oak (Type 91), and
Sweetbay-Swamp Tupelo-Redbay (Type 104). Other trees commonly
associated with southern magnolia are beech (Fagus
grandifolia), sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua), yellowpoplar
(Liriodendron tulipifera), southern red oak Quercus
falcata), white oak (Q. alba), mockernut hickory (Carya
tomentosa), and pignut hickory (C. glabra).
Understory associates include a wide variety of species. Typical
examples are devils-walkingstick (Aralia spinosa), flowering
dogwood (Cornus florida), swamp dogwood (C. stricta),
beautyberry (Callicarpa americana), strawberry-bush
(Euonymus americanus), southern bayberry (Myrica
cerifera), Virginia creeper (Parthenocissus
quinquefolia), poison-ivy (Toxicodendron radicans), sweetleaf
(Symplocos tinctoria), greenbriers (Similax spp.),
and muscadine grape (Vitis rotundifolia).
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- USDA, Forest Service
provided by Silvics of North America
Southern magnolia grows in warm temperate to semitropical climates
(2). The frost-free period is at least 210 days and is more than
240 days for much of the range. Average January temperatures
along the coast are 9° to 12° C (49° to 54°
F) in South Carolina and Georgia and 11° to 21° C (52°
to 70° F) in Florida. Coastal temperatures average 27°
C (80° F) during July. Temperatures below -9° C (15°
F) or above 38° C (100° F) are rare within the species
natural range.
Annual rainfall averages 1020 to 1270 mm (40 to 50 in) in the
northeastern portion of the range and 1270 to 1520 mm (50 to 60
in) in other areas. A small area along the Gulf Coast receives
1520 to 2030 mm (60 to 80 in) yearly. In the Atlantic Coastal
Plain, summer is usually wettest and autumn driest. Periodic
summer droughts occur in the western part of the range.
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- USDA, Forest Service
Damaging Agents
provided by Silvics of North America
Young southern magnolia are susceptible
to fire-caused injury and mortality Winter droughts can cause
extensive dieback and mortality. A number of fungi, including
species of Cladosporium, Colletotrichum, Glomerella,
Phyllosticta, and Septoria cause leaf spots but these
seldom result in any significant damage (2). A leaf spot caused
by Mycosphaerella milleri can be a problem on nursery
seedlings. A number of Fomes and Polyporus fungi
can cause heartrot in southern magnolia. Heavy infestations of
magnolia scale (Neolecanium cornuparyum) can kill
branches or entire trees (18). Oleander pit scale (Asterolecanium
pustulans) and tuliptree scale (Toumeyella liriodendri)
attack and injure southern magnolia, but rarely cause
mortality (1). A variety of other pests including tuliptree aphid
(Illinoia liriodendri) striped mealybug (Ferrisia
virgata), leaf weevil (0dontopus calceatus), magnolia
leafminer (Phyllocnistis magnoliella), and spider mite
(Tetranychus magnoliae) feed on this species (18). Euzophera
magnolialis, a wood borer, can injure or kill nursery
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- USDA, Forest Service
Flowering and Fruiting
provided by Silvics of North America
The large, white, fragrant
flowers are perfect (19) and appear from April to June. The
fleshy conelike fruit matures from September through the late
fall. When the fruit matures and opens, seeds 6 to 13 mm (0.25 to
0.5 in) long emerge and hang temporarily suspended by slender,
silken threads before dropping (2).
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- USDA, Forest Service
provided by Silvics of North America
No work has been done to characterize individual populations.
Extensive breeding has been done to develop races of southern
magnolia for ornamenta use (13). Common varieties include Magnolia
grandiflora lanceolata with a narrow pyramidal habit and M.
grandiflora gallissoniensis, reported to be cold hardy (17).
Southern magnolia has been hybridized with sweet bay (Magnolia
virginiana) and M. guatemalensis.
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- USDA, Forest Service
Growth and Yield
provided by Silvics of North America
On good sites, southern magnolia trees
average 18 to 24 in (60 to 80 ft) tall and 61 to 91 cm (24 to 36
in) in d.b.h. in 80 to 120 years. Heights of 30 to 38 in (100 to
125 ft) have been reported in Florida (2). Annual diameter growth
for large mature trees in an east Texas stand was .24 cm (.09 in)
(8). In unmanaged natural stands in the Florida panhandle, trees
without overtopping competition will average .76 cm (.3 in) of
diameter growth and 0.46 m (1.5 ft) of height growth per year
through age 50. Under natural conditions, many trees spend 10 to
20 years in the understory before they reach the upper canopy.
Annual diameter growth for these trees is .51 cm (.2 in) and
average height growth is .31 m (1.0 ft) to age 50 years.
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- USDA, Forest Service
Reaction to Competition
provided by Silvics of North America
Overall, southern magnolia is
tolerant of shade. It can endure considerable shade in early life
(8), but needs more light as it becomes older (2). It will invade
existing stands and is able to reproduce under a closed canopy
(3,8). Once established, it can maintain or increase its presence
in stands by sprout and seedling production that grows up through
openings, which occur sporadically in the canopy.
Southern magnolia is considered to be one of the major species of
the potential climax forest of the southeastern Coastal Plains
(3,6,15,16,20). In the past, regular burning restricted the
species to the wetter sites, as seedlings are easily killed by
fire. Older trees, however, due to bark characteristics, are
quite fire resistant (3,10) and even if the tops are killed, they
sprout vigorously. Since the advent of improved fire control,
southern magnolia has been migrating onto mesic upland sites and
establishing itself, along with associated hardwoods, as part of
the climax forest.
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- USDA, Forest Service
Rooting Habit
provided by Silvics of North America
Southern Magnolia is a deep-rooted species,
except on sites with a high water table. Seedlings quickly
develop one major taproot. As trees grow the root structure
changes. Trees of sapling stage and beyond have a rather
extensive heart root system (i.e. several to many sunken roots
grow down from the root collar of the tree trunk). Older trees
may develop a fluted base with the ridges corresponding to the
attachment of major lateral roots.
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- USDA, Forest Service
Seed Production and Dissemination
provided by Silvics of North America
The seeds are
drupelike, with a soft, fleshy outer seedcoat and an inner stony
portion. Southern magnolia is a prolific seed producer and good
seed crops normally occur every year (14). Trees as young as 10
years old can produce seed, but optimum seed production under
forest conditions usually does not occur until age 25. Cleaned
seeds range in number from 12,800 to 15,000/kg (5,800 to
6,800/lb) and average 14,200/kg (6,450/lb) (19). Seed viability
averages about 50 percent. The relatively heavy seeds are
disseminated mostly by birds and mammals, but some may be spread
by heavy rains.
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- USDA, Forest Service
Seedling Development
provided by Silvics of North America
Seeds usually germinate the first or
second spring following seedfall Germination is epigeal (19). The
best natural seedbed is a rich, moist soil protected by litter.
Even though viable, seeds rarely germinate under the parent tree
because of reported inhibitory effects (3).
Seedlings are very susceptible to frost damage, and even a light
freeze can cause mortality. Partial shade is beneficial for the
first 2 years of seedling growth. Under favorable conditions
growth is quite rapid. In nurseries, seedlings usually grow 46 to
61 cm (18 to 24 in) the first year (2).
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- USDA, Forest Service
Special Uses
provided by Silvics of North America
Because of its showy flowers and lustrous evergreen foliage,
southern magnolia is a valuable and extensively planted
ornamental. In many urban areas where other species do poorly,
this magnolia can grow because of its resistance to damage by
sulfur dioxide. The seeds are eaten by squirrels, opossums,
quail, and turkey (9). The leaves, fruits, bark and wood yield a
variety of extracts with potential applications as
pharmaceuticals (4,5).
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- USDA, Forest Service
Vegetative Reproduction
provided by Silvics of North America
Mature southern magnolia commonly
develops root and stump sprouts (3). Portions of lower limbs of
saplings often become imbedded in the forest floor where they
develop roots, eventually producing separate trees. Air-layering,
stem cuttings, and grafts have all been used to propagate the
species for ornamental plantings.
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- USDA, Forest Service
provided by Silvics of North America
The range of southern magnolia extends from eastern North
Carolina, south along the Atlantic Coast to the Peace River in
central Florida, then westward through roughly the southern half
of Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi, and across Louisiana into
southeast Texas. It is most prevalent in Louisiana, Mississippi,
and Texas (12,14).
-The native range of southern magnolia.
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- USDA, Forest Service
Brief Summary
provided by Silvics of North America
Magnoliaceae -- Magnolia family
Kenneth W. Outcalt
Southern magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora), also called
evergreen magnolia, bull-bay, big-laurel, or large-flower
magnolia, has large fragrant white flowers and evergreen leaves
that make it one of the most splendid of forest trees and a very
popular ornamental that has been planted around the world. This
moderately fast-growing medium-sized tree grows best on rich,
moist, well-drained soils of the bottoms and low uplands of the
Coastal Plains of Southeastern United States. It grows with other
hardwoods and is marketed as magnolia lumber along with other
magnolia species to make furniture, pallets, and veneer. Wildlife
eat the seeds, and florists prize the leathery foliage.
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- cc-by-nc
- copyright
- USDA, Forest Service
Magnolia grandiflora
provided by wikipedia AST
Magnolia grandiflora, magnolia común, magnolia grandiflora o, a cencielles, Magnolia,[1] ye una especie arbórea de fanerógama perteneciente a la familia Magnoliaceae, ye nativa del sureste de los Estaos Xuníos dende Carolina del Norte hasta Texas y Florida. Ye bien frecuente vela cultivada como planta ornamental.
Ye un árbol perennifolio que puede llegar a más de 35 m d'altor, ramificáu dende la estrema base. Les fueyes son simples, llargamente ovaes, de 12-20 cm de llargor y 6-12 cm d'anchu colos marxes enteros, de color verde escuru y testura coriácea que se tornen pardos cuando llega'l iviernu, calteniéndose hasta que les nueves reemplazar en primavera. Les fragantes flores son grandes y de color blancu algamando los 30 cm con 6-12 pétalos y testura cerosa.
Utilízase popularmente como árbol ornamental nes rexones onde los iviernos nun son demasiáu severos, por cuenta del so orixe subtropical. Ye bien popular nel sudeste de los Estaos Xuníos, poles sos curioses fueyes y flores.
Les sos maderes utilizar na construcción, pero la so lenta crecedera encarez la so producción a gran escala. En Costa Rica crez, ente otros, en zones montascoses d'altor (hasta 2.500 msnm), ente les que s'atopa la zona sur del Pandu Central:L'Empalme, Dota y puédese-y ver na reserva forestal Tapantí-Parque Nacional de l'Amistá.
En Michoacán, Puebla, Tlaxcala y el Estáu de Veracruz, utilízase particularmente a esta especie p'atender carecimientos del corazón; bébese como té la decocción de les flores. N'ocasiones fierven les flores xuntu cola corteza.
Per otra parte, emplégase-y p'aselar los nervios, solliviar cólicos, dolor de pies y tratar la fiel.
- Hestoria
Nel sieglu XVI, Francisco Hernández de Toledo menta: esta planta ye de naturaleza caliente y seca, fortalez el corazón, l'estómagu y estriñe notablemente'l banduyu sueltu. El cocimientu entemecíu con otres plantes y infundido nel úteru ye un remediu escelente de la esterilidá.
A finales del sieglu XVIII, Vicente Cervantes señala que les fueyes son astringentes y corroborantes, el so cocimientu usar pa la gota.
Nel sieglu XIX, Eleuterio González cita que'l fervinchu de les flores ye antiespasmódica, y la tintura tónica. Añede, usáronse na epilepsia y la neurosis polo xeneral.
- Química
De les fueyes y corteza de Magnolia grandiflora aislláronse un aceite esencial, los alcaloides aztequina, talaumina y tiramina, el sitosterol beta-sitosterol, y el componente costunólido.[2]
Magnolia grandiflora foi descritu por Carlos Linneo y espublizóse en Systema Naturae, Editio Decima 2: 1082. 1759.[3]
- Etimoloxía
Magnolia: nome xenéricu dau n'honor de Pierre Magnol, botánicu de Montpellier (Francia).
grandiflora: epítetu latino que significa "con flores grandes".[4]
- Sinonimia
Magnolia longifolia Sweet, Hort. Brit.: 11 (1826).
Magnolia elliptica (W.T.Aiton) Link, Handbuch 2: 375 (1829).
Magnolia lanceolata (Aiton) Link, Handbuch 2: 375 (1829).
Magnolia obovata (W.T.Aiton) Link, Handbuch 2: 375 (1829), nom. illeg.
Magnolia maxima Lodd. ex G.Don in J.C.Loudon, Hort. Brit.: 226 (1830).
Magnolia lacunosa Raf., Autik. Bot.: 78 (1840).
Magnolia microphylla Ser., Fl. Jard. 3: 226 (1849), nom. inval.
Magnolia obtusifolia, Fl. Jard. 3: 226 (1849), nom. inval.
Magnolia tardiflora Ser., Fl. Jard. 3: 226 (1849), nom. inval.
Magnolia tomentosa Ser., Fl. Jard. 3: 226 (1849), nom. inval.
Magnolia ferruginea W.Watson, Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1889: 305 (1889).
Magnolia foetida (L.) Sarg., Gard. & Forest 2: 615 (1889).
Magnolia hartwegii G.Nicholson, Hand-List of Trees and Shrubs 1: 17 (1894), nom. inval.
Magnolia hartwicus G.Nicholson, Hand-List of Trees and Shrubs 1: 17 (1894), nom. inval.
Magnolia stricta G.Nicholson, Hand-List of Trees and Shrubs 1: 17 (1894), nom. inval.
Magnolia glabra P.Parm., Bull. Sc. France Belgique 27: 251 (1896).
Magnolia angustifolia Millais, Magnolies: 55, 83 (1927).
Magnolia exoniensis Millais, Magnolies: 59 (1927).
Magnolia galissoniensis Millais, Magnolies: 60 (1927).
Magnolia gloriosa Millais, Magnolies: 61 (1927).
Magnolia praecox Millais, Magnolies: 69 (1927).
Magnolia pravertiana Millais, Magnolies: 69 (1927).
Magnolia rotundifolia Millais, Magnolies: 70 (1927).[5][6]
Ver tamién
- Breedlove, D. Y. 1986. Flora de Chiapas. Llistaos Floríst. Méxicu 4: i–v, 1–246.
- CONABIO, 2009. Catálogu taxonómicu d'especies de Méxicu. Cap. nat. Méxicu 1.
- Correll, D. S. & M. C. Johnston 1970. Man. Vasc. Pl. Texas i-xv, 1–1881.
- Flora of China Editorial Committee, Addendum, 200?. Fl. China ,Checklist Addendum.
- Flora of North America Editorial Committee, eds. 1997. Magnoliidae and Hamamelidae. Fl. N. Amer. 3: i–xxiii, 1–590.
- Gleason, H. A. & A. Cronquist 1991. Man. Vasc. Pl. N.Y. O.S. (ed. 2) i-lxxv, 1-910.
- Godfrey, R. K. & J. W. Wooten 1981. Aquatic and Wetland Plants of Southeastern United States Dicotyledons. Aquat. Wetland Pl. SE. O.S. Dicot. 933 pp.
- Jørgensen, P. M. & C. Ulloa Ulloa 1994. Seed plants of the high Andes of Ecuador—A checklist. AAU Rep. 34: 1–443.
- Jørgensen, P. M. & S. Llión-Yánez 1999. Catalogue of the vascular plants of Ecuador. Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard. 75: iviii,.
- Llinares, J. L. 2003 [2005]. Llistáu comentáu de los árboles nativu y cultivar na república d'El Salvador. Ceiba 44(2): 105–268.
- Lozano-Contreras, G. 1983. Magnoliaceae. Fl. Colombia 1: 1–119.
- Meyer, Frederick G. 1992. Magnoliaceae Family for Flora of North America. 32 pp..
- Molina R., A. 1975. Enumeración de les plantes d'Hondures. Ceiba 19(1): 1–118.
- Radford, A. Y., H. Y. Ahles & C. R. Bell 1968. Man. Vasc. Fl. Carolinas i-lxi, 1–1183.
- Small, J. K. 1933. Man. S.Y. Fl. i-xxii, 1-1554. View in BotanicusView in Biodiversity Heritage Library
- Standley, P. C. & J. A. Steyermark 1946. Magnoliaceae. In Standley, P.C. & Steyermark, J.A. (Eds), Flora of Guatemala - Part IV. Fieldiana, Bot. 24(4): 266–269.
- Vazquez-G., J. A. 1994. Magnolia (Magnoliaceae) in Mexico and Central America. Brittonia 46(1): 1–23.
- Wunderlin, R. P. 1998. Guide Vasc. Pl. Florida i–x + 1–806.
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Magnolia grandiflora: Brief Summary
provided by wikipedia AST
Magnolia grandiflora Magnolia grandiflora, magnolia común, magnolia grandiflora o, a cencielles, Magnolia, ye una especie arbórea de fanerógama perteneciente a la familia Magnoliaceae, ye nativa del sureste de los Estaos Xuníos dende Carolina del Norte hasta Texas y Florida. Ye bien frecuente vela cultivada como planta ornamental.
Detalle de la flor
Vista del árbol
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İriçiçək maqnoliya
provided by wikipedia AZ
İriçiçək maqnoliya (lat. Magnolia grandiflora)[1] — maqnoliya cinsinə aid bitki növü.[2]
Təbii yayılması:
Vətəni Şərqi Аsiyаdır. Çin, Yаpоniyа, Cənubi Аmеrikа, Yеni Zеllаndiyа və digər subtrоpik iqlimli ölkələrin bаğ və pаrklаrındа bеcərilir.
Botaniki təsviri:
Hündürlüyü 30 m-ə, diаmеtri isə 10 m-ə çаtаn, həmişəyаşıl, sıхyаrpаqlı, еnli yumurtаvаri və yа gеniş pirаmidаl çətirə mаlik аğаcdır. Gövdələri yоğun, düz оlmаqlа, bоz və yа аçıq qоnur rəngli, 1-2 sm qаlınlıqdа qаbıqlа örtülmüşdür. Zоğ və tumurcuqlаrı nаrıncı rəngli sıх tükcüklərlə əhаtə оlunmuşdur. Yаrpаqlаrı tərs-yumurtаvаri və yа еnsiz, еllips fоrmаlı, uzunluğu 12-25 sm, еni isə 4-5 sm-dir. Tаmkənаrlı, dərivаri, pаrlаq yаrpаqlаrı аşаğı tərəfdən tünd nаrıncı rəngli qısa tükcüklərlə örtülü, bəzən isə çılpаq оlur. Sаplаğı 2,5-5 sm uzunluqdаdır. Çiçəkləmə mаy аyının ахırındаn bаşlаyаrаq sеntyаbrа qədər dаvаm еdir. Nаdir hаllаrdа оktyаbr və nоyаbr аylаrındа ikinci çiçəkləmə müşаhidə edilir. Çiçəklər tək-tək оlmаqlа birillik zоğlаrın uclаrındа yеrləşir. Çiçəklərində çохlu tоzcuqlаr və dişiciklər оlur. Аğ süd rəngində kəskin qохuyа mаlik çiçəkləri оlduqcа böyükdür, diаmеtri 17-22 sm, ləçəklərin uzunluğu 13 sm, еni isə 11 sm-dir. Çiçəkyаnlığı хаricə pırtlаmış, yumurtаşəkilli və yа оvаlşəkilli, dərivаrı оlub, 6-9 və yа 12 tаydаn ibаrətdir. Uzunluğu 7,5-10 sm, еni isə 2-5 sm-ə çаtır. Tохumlаrı 6-8 sm uzunluqdа, еllips fоrmаlıdır, yеtişən zаmаn qırmızı rəngdə оlur, sоnrа isə qаrаlır. Tаm yеtişmiş tохumlаrı qırmızı tеllərdən аsılmış оlur.
İşıqsеvən bitkidir, qurаqlığа dаvаmsızdır.
Аzərbаycаndа yаyılmаsı:
Bаkı, Gəncə, Bərdə, Kürdəmir, Lənkərаn və Zаqаtаlаdа yаşıllıqlаrdа təsədüf edilir.
Park və bağlarda istifadəsi tövsiyə olunur.
Azərbaycan Dendroflorası III cild-Bakı:"Elm",2016,400 səh. T.S.Məmmədov
Məlumat mənbələri
Tofiq Məmmədov, Elman İsgəndər, Tariyel Talıbov. "Azərbaycanın Nadir Ağac və kol bitkiləri", Bakı: "Elm", 2014, 380 səh.
- Флора Азербайджана. т.5. 1954; Флора Kaвkaзa. т.5. 1954;
- Azərbaycanın ağac və kolları. I cild. 1961;
- Azərbaycan flora-sının konspekti. I-III cildlər. 2005; 2006; 2008;
Tofiq Məmmədov, Elman İsgəndər, Tariyel Talıbov. Azərbaycanın nadir ağac və kol bitkiləri", Bakı: "Elm", 2014, 380 səh
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İriçiçək maqnoliya: Brief Summary
provided by wikipedia AZ
İriçiçək maqnoliya (lat. Magnolia grandiflora) — maqnoliya cinsinə aid bitki növü.
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- Vikipediya müəllifləri və redaktorları
Catalan; Valencian
provided by wikipedia CA
Aquest article és sobre l'espècie
Magnolia grandiflora. Pel conjunt d'espècies del gènere
Magnolia, també anomenades "magnòlies" en català, vegeu
Magnolia (gènere).
La magnòlia[1] (Magnolia grandiflora) és un arbre de fins a 25 metres d'alçada, de la família de les magnoliàcies, compacte, perenne i de fulles oblongues alternes. Les seves fulles fan entre 8 i 15 cm.[2] Té una gran flor blanca i aromàtica de fins a un pam i de color crema. Floreix entre els mesos de maig i juliol. Produeix un fruit coniforme de 10-12 cm que es reuneixen en una mena de pinya. És originària del sud-est dels Estats Units (de Texas a Virgínia). Actualment és molt usada a la jardineria i distribuïda arreu de les zones temperades del món.
Exemplars de M.grandiflora als Països Catalans
La magnòlia (M. grandiflora)[1] a les nostres condicions climàtiques és un arbre de fins a 25 metres d'alçada, de la família de les magnoliàcies, compacte, perenne i de fulles oblongues alternes. Les seves fulles fan entre 8 i 15 cm.[2] Té una gran flor blanca i aromàtica de fins a un pam i de color crema. Floreix entre els mesos de maig i juliol. Produeix un fruit coniforme de 10-12 cm que té aspecte de pinya.
Magnòlies de la vila d'Arbúcies
Jardins del Roquer. Diversos exemplars, un d'ells destacat per ser arbre monumental per la Generalitat de Catalunya. Es tracta de la magnòlia més gran d'Europa (1872)[3]
Magnòlies de la ciutat de Girona
N'hi ha una als Jardins de la Devesa.[4] N'hi ha deu d'arrenglerades al pati del vell Hospital de Santa Caterina, dissenyat per Josep m. Busquets el 1928.
Magnòlies de la ciutat de València
En la plaça d'Alfons el Magnànim es va plantar una barreja d'exemplars de Magnolia grandifora i Ficus elastica (vora 1850). La segona espècie es va plantar per error de confusió amb la primera i ha adquirit dimensió monumental.[5]
Magnòlies en la ciutat de Barcelona
El carrer Gran de Gràcia, el carrer Iradier i el Passatge Aloi tenen magnòlies com a arbre d'alineació. A la ciutat de Barcelona hi ha 2.421 exemplars d'aquest arbre segons informació municipal consultada.[6]
La ciutat té dos magnòlies catalogades com d'interès per l'Ajuntament de Barcelona. Un al jardí del Claustre del Carrer del Bisbe 10 -Ciutat Vella- .[7]L'altre a l'antic Ajuntament de Les Corts.[7]
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Magnòlia: Brief Summary
Catalan; Valencian
provided by wikipedia CA
La magnòlia (Magnolia grandiflora) és un arbre de fins a 25 metres d'alçada, de la família de les magnoliàcies, compacte, perenne i de fulles oblongues alternes. Les seves fulles fan entre 8 i 15 cm. Té una gran flor blanca i aromàtica de fins a un pam i de color crema. Floreix entre els mesos de maig i juliol. Produeix un fruit coniforme de 10-12 cm que es reuneixen en una mena de pinya. És originària del sud-est dels Estats Units (de Texas a Virgínia). Actualment és molt usada a la jardineria i distribuïda arreu de les zones temperades del món.
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- cc-by-sa-3.0
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- Autors i editors de Wikipedia
Šácholan velkokvětý
provided by wikipedia CZ
Šácholan velkokvětý (Magnolia grandiflora), zvaný též magnólie velkokvětá, je stálezelený strom z čeledi šácholanovitých. Pochází z jihovýchodních oblastí USA. Vyznačuje se tuhými eliptickými listy, podobnými listům fíkovníku pryžodárného. Šácholan velkokvětý je ve Středomoří běžně pěstován jako okrasný strom, pro pěstování v Česku je však příliš teplomilný.
Mapa rozšíření šácholanu velkokvětého
Šácholan velkokvětý je stálezelený strom s jednoduchým kmenem, dorůstající výšky až 30 metrů. Borka je světle hnědá až šedá, hrubá a pukající na jemné pláty. Letorosty jsou silné, hustě bělavě až hnědě chlupaté stejně jako pupeny. Listy jsou střídavé a nejsou výrazně nahloučené na koncích větví. Listy jsou tuhé, tlustě kožovité, eliptické, podlouhle eliptické až obvejčitě podlouhlé, s 10 až 20 cm dlouhou a 4 až 10 cm širokou čepelí, na bázi klínovité, na vrcholu tupé až krátce hrotité. Listy jsou na líci tmavě zelené, lysé a lesklé, na rubu hustě hnědě až šedohnědě krátce chlupaté, případně olysalé. Žilnatina je tvořena 8 až 10 páry postranních žilek.Řapíky jsou 1,5 až 4 cm dlouhé, hluboce žlábkaté, hustě hnědě chlupaté. Květy mají průměr 15 až 30 cm a silně voní po citrónu. Okvětí je složeno z 9 až 12 bílých obvejčitých, dužnatých, 6 až 10 cm dlouhých lístků. Tyčinky jsou asi 2 cm dlouhé, s plochými purpurovými nitkami. Pestíky jsou oválné, dlouze a hustě chlupaté, 1 až 1,5 cm dlouhé. Kvete v květnu až srpnu. Souplodí je 7 až 10 cm dlouhé, hustě hnědě až šedožlutě chlupaté. Měchýřky jsou na vrcholu dlouze zobanité. Semena jsou asi 1,4 cm dlouhá a 0,6 cm široká, obalená červeným míškem.[2][3][4]
Detail pupenu šácholanu velkokvětého
Zralé souplodí šácholanu velkokvětého
Květ šácholanu velkokvětého
Šácholan velkokvětý je rozšířen v jihovýchodních oblastech USA. Roste na zalesněných dunách, v korytech řek, na pahorcích a v roklích v nadmořských výškách do 120 metrů.[2]
V současné klasifikaci rodu Magnolia je šácholan velkokvětý řazen do podrodu Magnolia a do stejnojmenné sekce. Z druhů pěstovaných v ČR náleží do této sekce pouze šácholan viržinský (Magnolia virginiana).[5]
V roce 1931 byl získán opylením šácholanu viržinského (Magnolia virginiana) pylem z šácholanu velkokvětého nový hybrid magnólie. Tento kříženec nemá botanické jméno a označuje se Magnolia virginiana x M. grandiflora, případně pouze jmény kultivarů.[6]
Šácholan velkokvětý je státní rostlina Louisiany a Mississippi. Největší exemplář tohoto druhu je znám z okresu Smith v Texasu. Je vysoký 37,2 metru a průměr kmene dosahuje 1,97 metru.[2]
Kůra šácholanu velkolistého byla využívána indiánskými kmeny Choctaw a Koasati při léčbě kožních a ledvinových chorob. Ve Středomoří je to běžně pěstovaná okrasná dřevina a bylo vyšlechtěno množství kultivarů. Mimo okrasných účelů je využíván také jako zdroj dřeva.[2] Strom v plané formě v podmínkách střední Evropy není plně mrazuvzdorný, ale je uváděn v několika kultivarech se sbírek Pražské botanické zahrady v Tróji a z Arboreta Žampach[7] a v posledních letech je již celkem běžně nabízen v zahradnictvích v odolných kultivarech k pěstování v teplejších oblastech Česka.
↑ Červený seznam IUCN 2018.1. 5. července 2018. Dostupné online. [cit. 2018-08-10]
↑ a b c d Flora of North America: Magnolia grandiflora [online]. Dostupné online.
↑ Flora of China: Magnolia grandiflora [online]. Dostupné online.
↑ Dendrologie online: Magnolia grandiflora [online]. Dostupné online.
↑ Magnolia Society: Classification of Magnoliaceae [online]. 2004, rev. 2007. Dostupné online.
↑ SPONGBERG, Stephen A. Some Old and New Interspecific Magnolia Hybrids. Arnoldia. 1976, roč. 36, čís. 4.
↑ Florius - katalog botanických zahrad [online]. Dostupné online.
Externí odkazy
Šácholan velkokvětý: Brief Summary
provided by wikipedia CZ
Šácholan velkokvětý (Magnolia grandiflora), zvaný též magnólie velkokvětá, je stálezelený strom z čeledi šácholanovitých. Pochází z jihovýchodních oblastí USA. Vyznačuje se tuhými eliptickými listy, podobnými listům fíkovníku pryžodárného. Šácholan velkokvětý je ve Středomoří běžně pěstován jako okrasný strom, pro pěstování v Česku je však příliš teplomilný.
Mapa rozšíření šácholanu velkokvětého
Šácholan velkokvětý
Immergrüne Magnolie
provided by wikipedia DE
Die Immergrüne Magnolie (Magnolia grandiflora) ist eine Pflanzenart aus der Gattung der Magnolien (Magnolia) innerhalb der Familie der Magnoliengewächse (Magnoliaceae). Sie wächst als immergrüner Baum im Südosten Nordamerikas, wo sie häufig als Ziergehölz kultiviert wird und als eine Charakterpflanze der Südstaaten gilt. Dort wird sie „southern magnolia“ oder einfach nur „magnolia“ genannt.
Habitus und breiter Kronenaufbau
Gestieltes, einfaches, ledriges Laubblatt
Erscheinungsbild und Blatt
Die Immergrüne Magnolie ist ein immergrüner Baum und erreicht Wuchshöhen von etwa 25 Metern, in Ausnahmefällen über 35 Meter. Die Rinde junger Zweige und die Knospen sind dicht behaart, ältere Zweige dagegen besitzen eine kahle, dünne, graue Rinde, die an Ästen und Stämmen zu einer dicken, in Platten aufreißenden Borke wird. Die Krone ist breit und rund, die Äste sind wenig verzweigt. Sämlinge entwickeln zuerst eine Pfahlwurzel, im Alter wird diese Magnolien-Art ein Herzwurzler.
Die deutlich wechselständig angeordneten Laubblätter sind in Blattstiel und Blattspreite gegliedert. Die einfache, relativ dicke und ledrige Blattspreite ist bei einer Länge von meist 13 bis 20 (7,5 bis 26) Zentimeter und einer Breite von meist 6 bis 10 (4,5 bis 12,5) Zentimeter schmal bis breit elliptisch oder verkehrt-lanzettlich, mit schmal keilförmiger Spreitenbasis und am oberen Ende spitz bis spitz zulaufend oder mit kurzer Träufelspitze, selten stumpf. Die Blattunterseite ist dicht rot-braun behaart oder auch kahl. Die Blattoberseite ist kahl und glänzend, leuchtend-grün. Die zwei freien Nebenblätter sind 4,5 bis 13 Zentimeter lang sowie 1,5 bis 3,5 Zentimeter breit und unterseits dicht, braun seidig behaart; manchmal sind sie tief gekerbt.[1]
Generative Merkmale
Die reinweißen und angenehm duftenden Blüten gehören zu den größten Baumblüten überhaupt. Sie sind 15 bis 30 Zentimeter breit, manche Sorten erreichen auch 45 Zentimeter Blütendurchmesser. Sie erscheinen von Mai bis Juni über einen Zeitraum von einigen Wochen verteilt, über den Sommer sieht man immer wieder einzelne Blüten. Die Blütenknospen werden von zwei behaarten Hochblättern umhüllt. Die Blütenhüllblätter sind cremeweiß. Die äußeren drei Blütenhüllblätter sind kleiner, grünlich und zurückgeschlagen, es folgen weiter sechs bis zwölf innere Blütenhüllblätter. Im Zentrum der Blüte befinden sich 200 bis 400 Staubblätter mit violetten Staubfäden sowie 50 bis 80 Stempel.
Geöffnete Früchte mit Samen rotem Arillus
Die Sammelbalgfrüchte (Follicetum) sind zylindrisch bis oval geformt, 7 bis 10 Zentimeter lang und 3 bis 4 Zentimeter breit. Ihre Farbe ist bräunlich, sie sind weich behaart. Die Samen sind etwa einen Zentimeter groß, mit rotem Samenmantel (Arillus), linsenförmig bis rundlich. Bei der Reife öffnen sich die einzelnen Balgfrüchte und die Samen hängen für kurze Zeit an dünnen Fäden aus der Frucht heraus. Die epigäische Keimung findet frühestens im darauffolgenden Jahr statt.
Die Chromosomenzahl beträgt 6n=114[2], sie sind also hexaploid.
Die Immergrüne Magnolie wächst in immergrünen bis laubabwerfenden Laubwäldern. Weitere Pflanzenarten, die dort häufig vorkommen, sind Fagus grandifolia, Amberbaum, Tulpenbaum, die Eichen-Arten Quercus falcata und Q. alba, sowie die Hickory-Arten Carya tomentosa und Carya glabra. Im Unterwuchs findet man den Blüten-Hartriegel, das Pfaffenhütchen Euonymus americanus sowie Myrica cerifera. Die Wälder sind reich an Lianen, einige Epiphyten treten auf (Tillandsia usneoides).
Die Sämlinge haben die Fähigkeit, auch im Schatten unter einem geschlossenen Kronendach aufzuwachsen. Damit ist die Immergrüne Magnolie keine Pionierpflanze, sondern ein Vertreter langfristig ungestörter Wälder. Ältere Bäume überstehen Feuer recht gut und haben auch die Möglichkeit aus den Wurzeln neu auszutreiben, falls die oberirdischen Pflanzenteile zerstört wurden. Stark von Feuer beeinflusste Wälder im Verbreitungsgebiet werden allerdings eher von Kiefern besiedelt, die Immergrüne Magnolie wandert in solche Flächen ein, wenn der Mensch für Schutz vor Waldbränden sorgt.
Die Blüten werden hauptsächlich von Käfern besucht, die Samen werden oft von Grauhörnchen und Opossums gefressen, sowie vom Truthuhn, Wachteln und anderen Vögeln.
Die Immergrüne Magnolie stammt aus dem südöstlichen Nordamerika bis nach Texas[3][4]. Sie gedeiht in den Küstenniederungen am Golf von Mexiko und am Atlantik. Die meisten Standorte liegen unterhalb Höhenlagen von 60 Metern, selten steigt sie bis auf 150 Meter. Im Nordosten reicht ihr Areal bis nach North Carolina, im Südwesten bis Texas. Im Südwesten ist sie auch am häufigsten, also in den Staaten Mississippi, Louisiana und Texas. Das Klima ist warm-gemäßigt bis subtropisch, die Temperaturen fallen selten unter −10 °C. Der Jahresniederschlag ist recht hoch bei 1000 bis 1500 mm, nur im äußersten Westen des Verbreitungsgebietes kommt es zu sommerlichen Trockenperioden.
Die Standorte der Immergrünen Magnolie liegen bevorzugt in Flussniederungen oder nahe an Sümpfen. Dauernde Staunässe wird nicht vertragen, Überschwemmung nur kurzfristig. Die Böden müssen gut durchlässig und nährstoffreich sein, der pH-Wert liegt im sauren Bereich.
Die Erstveröffentlichung von Magnolia grandiflora erfolgte 1759 durch Carl von Linné in Systema Naturae, Editio Decima, 2, 1082.[5][6] Das Artepitheton grandiflora bedeutet „großblütig“.
Die Magnolia grandiflora gehört zur Sektion Magnolia aus der Untergattung Magnolia innerhalb der Gattung Magnolia. Nächste Verwandte sind eine Reihe weiterer Nord- und Mittelamerikanischer Magnolien-Arten, wie die Magnolia virginiana.[7] Über das Verbreitungsgebiet gibt es eine beträchtliche Variationsbreite, besonders in Form und Behaarung der Blätter.
Besonders im natürlichen Verbreitungsgebiet, aber auch in anderen Erdteilen, wird die Immergrüne Magnolie als Ziergehölz gepflanzt. In den Südstaaten der USA ist sie die bekannteste Magnolie und häufig in Parks zu sehen, in Louisiana und Mississippi ist sie „state tree“. Sie ist zwar weniger winterhart als die Tulpen-Magnolie, in milden Regionen kann sie jedoch ausgepflanzt werden. Im südlichen Europa findet man sie häufig in Parks und Gärten. Für diese Zwecke wurde eine Reihe von Sorten ausgelesen:
- 'Bracken's Brown Beauty' - Blätter und Blüten sehr klein, Pflanze mit dichter pyramidaler Krone, eine der winterhärtesten Sorten.
- 'Edith Bogue' - Kleiner Baum, ebenfalls sehr winterhart.
- 'Exmouth' - sehr alte Sorte, schon seit 1737 nachweisbar. Schlanke Krone und schmale Blätter, in Europa im Handel erhältlich.
- 'Galissonière' - Pyramidale Krone, große Blüten und gute Winterhärte. Eine der wenigen in Europa erhältlichen Sorten, seit 1745 bekannt. Auspflanzversuche in Winterhärtezone 7b in den letzten Jahren sind geglückt. Ein Winterschutz sollte jedoch evtl. bei tieferen Temperaturen angebracht werden.
- 'Little Gem' - Kompakte, schmale Pflanzen, Blätter und Blüten recht klein. Frostempfindlich.
- 'Victoria' - Bildet kleine kompakte Bäume, stammt aus Kanada und ist ebenfalls sehr winterhart. Vermutlich Winterhärtezone 7b.
Einige Kreuzungen mit der Immergrünen Magnolie als Partner wurden durchgeführt, allerdings gleichen die Kreuzungen zwischen dieser hexaploiden Art (6n=114) und anderen, diploiden Arten (2n=38) fast völlig der ersteren. Versuche, auf diese Weise rosa oder gelb blühende, immergrüne Pflanzen zu erzielen, schlugen fehl.
- „Freeman-Hybriden“, eine Serie von Kreuzungen aus Magnolia grandiflora × Magnolia virginiana, 1930 von Oliver M. Freeman am U.S. National Arboretum durchgeführt.
- 'Shirley Curry' - Magnolia coco × Magnolia grandiflora
Für die Blumenbinderei werden die Blätter, die sich lange halten ohne zu welken, gebraucht.
Das Holz ist hart und schwer, es wird gerne im Möbelbau verwendet.
Die Choctaw- und Koasati-Indianer nutzten die Rinde als Medizin.[8]
↑ F. G. Meyer: Magnoliaceae.: Magnolia grandiflora - textgleich online wie gedrucktes Werk, In: Flora of North America Editorial Committee (Hrsg.): Flora of North America North of Mexico, Volume 3 - Magnoliidae and Hamamelidae, Oxford University Press, New York u. a. 1997. ISBN 0-19-511246-6.
↑ Yuhu Liu, Nianhe Xia, Liu Yuhu & Hans P. Nooteboom: Magnoliaceae. Yulania.: (Yulania cylindrica, S. 49, 62 - textgleich online wie gedrucktes Werk) In: Wu Zhengyi, Peter H. Raven & Hong Deyuan (Hrsg.): Flora of China., Volume 7, Science Press und Missouri Botanical Garden Press, Beijing und St. Louis 2008. ISBN 978-1-930723-81-8
↑ E.L. Little: Atlas of United States Trees. (PDF; 711 kB) US Department of Agriculture, 1977, abgerufen am 24. August 2009.
↑ Rafaël Govaerts (Hrsg.): Magnolia grandiflora. In: World Checklist of Selected Plant Families (WCSP) – The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, abgerufen am 25. September 2019.
↑ Linné: Species Plantarum. Bd. 1. Salvius, Stockholm 1753, S. 536.
↑ Linné: Systema Naturae, Editio Decima. Bd. 2. Salvius, Stockholm 1759, S. 1082.
↑ Classification of Magnoliaceae. Magnolia Society International, 2012, abgerufen am 22. Dezember 2015. vgl. R. B. Figlar, H. P. Nooteboom: Notes on Magnoliaceae IV. in: Blumea. Leiden 49,2004,1,87.
↑ Native American Ethobotany Database. University of Michigan, abgerufen am 24. August 2009.
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Immergrüne Magnolie: Brief Summary
provided by wikipedia DE
Die Immergrüne Magnolie (Magnolia grandiflora) ist eine Pflanzenart aus der Gattung der Magnolien (Magnolia) innerhalb der Familie der Magnoliengewächse (Magnoliaceae). Sie wächst als immergrüner Baum im Südosten Nordamerikas, wo sie häufig als Ziergehölz kultiviert wird und als eine Charakterpflanze der Südstaaten gilt. Dort wird sie „southern magnolia“ oder einfach nur „magnolia“ genannt.
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Magnolia grandiflora
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மக்னோலியா கிராண்டிஃபுளோரா
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மக்னோலியா கிராண்டிஃபுளோரா ( Magnolia grandiflora ) என்பது ஒரு மரமாகும் இது Magnoliaceae என்ற குடும்பத்தைச் சேர்ந்த தாவரமாகும். இதன் தாயகம் ஐக்கிய அமெரிக்காவின் தென்கிழக்கு பகுதியான வடக்கு கரோலினா மாகாணத்தின் தென்கிழக்கு கடலோரப் பகுதியில் இருந்து நடு புளோரிடா, கிழக்கு டெக்சாசின் மேற்குப்பகுதி, ஓக்லஹோமா மாகாணங்களில். கடல்மட்டத்தில் இருந்து 27.5 மீ (90 அடி) உயரம்வரையான பகுதிகளில் காணப்படுகிறன. இந்த மரம் 120 அடி (37 மீட்டர்) உயரம்வரை வளர்கிறது. இம்மரத்தின் அடிமரம் நீண்டு உயர்ந்து கிளைகளுடன் பட்டைக்கூம்பு வடிவில் வளருகிறது.[1] இது கரும் பச்சை இலைகளுடன், பசுமையான மரமாகும். இதன் இலைகள் 20 செ.மீ (7.9 அங்குலம்) நீண்டதாகவும், 12 செ.மீ. (4.7 அங்குலம்) அகலமும் கொண்டதாக இருக்கின்றன. இதன் பூக்கள் பெரியதாகவும், வெள்ளை நிறத்திலும், மணம் உள்ளதாகவும் உள்ளன இந்த பூக்கள் 30 செ.மீ. (12 அங்குலம்) விட்டம் உடையனவாகவும் உள்ளன. சுமார் 9.5 கோடி ஆண்டுகளுக்கு முன்பு மண்ணில் புதையுண்ட இந்தத் தாவர இனத்தின் புதைபடிவங்கள் கிடைத்துள்ளன. அவற்றை ஆராய்ந்தபோது டைனோசர் வாழ்ந்த காலத்தில், இந்தத் தாவர இனமும் வாழ்ந்தது தெரியவந்துள்ளது. டைனோசர்கள் பூமியிலிருந்து அழிந்துவிட்டாலும், இந்தத் தாவர இனம் அழியாமல் தப்பியிருக்கிறது. என்பது இத்தாவரத்தின் சிறப்பு. இம்மம் தமிழகத்தின் சேலம் மாவட்டத்தில் உள்ள ஏற்காடு தாவரவியல் பூங்காவில் காணப்படுகிறது.[2]
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- விக்கிபீடியா ஆசிரியர்கள் மற்றும் ஆசிரியர்கள்
மக்னோலியா கிராண்டிஃபுளோரா: Brief Summary
provided by wikipedia emerging languages
மக்னோலியா கிராண்டிஃபுளோரா ( Magnolia grandiflora ) என்பது ஒரு மரமாகும் இது Magnoliaceae என்ற குடும்பத்தைச் சேர்ந்த தாவரமாகும். இதன் தாயகம் ஐக்கிய அமெரிக்காவின் தென்கிழக்கு பகுதியான வடக்கு கரோலினா மாகாணத்தின் தென்கிழக்கு கடலோரப் பகுதியில் இருந்து நடு புளோரிடா, கிழக்கு டெக்சாசின் மேற்குப்பகுதி, ஓக்லஹோமா மாகாணங்களில். கடல்மட்டத்தில் இருந்து 27.5 மீ (90 அடி) உயரம்வரையான பகுதிகளில் காணப்படுகிறன. இந்த மரம் 120 அடி (37 மீட்டர்) உயரம்வரை வளர்கிறது. இம்மரத்தின் அடிமரம் நீண்டு உயர்ந்து கிளைகளுடன் பட்டைக்கூம்பு வடிவில் வளருகிறது. இது கரும் பச்சை இலைகளுடன், பசுமையான மரமாகும். இதன் இலைகள் 20 செ.மீ (7.9 அங்குலம்) நீண்டதாகவும், 12 செ.மீ. (4.7 அங்குலம்) அகலமும் கொண்டதாக இருக்கின்றன. இதன் பூக்கள் பெரியதாகவும், வெள்ளை நிறத்திலும், மணம் உள்ளதாகவும் உள்ளன இந்த பூக்கள் 30 செ.மீ. (12 அங்குலம்) விட்டம் உடையனவாகவும் உள்ளன. சுமார் 9.5 கோடி ஆண்டுகளுக்கு முன்பு மண்ணில் புதையுண்ட இந்தத் தாவர இனத்தின் புதைபடிவங்கள் கிடைத்துள்ளன. அவற்றை ஆராய்ந்தபோது டைனோசர் வாழ்ந்த காலத்தில், இந்தத் தாவர இனமும் வாழ்ந்தது தெரியவந்துள்ளது. டைனோசர்கள் பூமியிலிருந்து அழிந்துவிட்டாலும், இந்தத் தாவர இனம் அழியாமல் தப்பியிருக்கிறது. என்பது இத்தாவரத்தின் சிறப்பு. இம்மம் தமிழகத்தின் சேலம் மாவட்டத்தில் உள்ள ஏற்காடு தாவரவியல் பூங்காவில் காணப்படுகிறது.
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Magnolia grandiflora
provided by wikipedia EN
Magnolia grandiflora, commonly known as the southern magnolia or bull bay, is a tree of the family Magnoliaceae native to the Southeastern United States, from Virginia to central Florida, and west to East Texas.[5] Reaching 27.5 m (90 ft) in height, it is a large, striking evergreen tree, with large, dark-green leaves up to 20 cm (7+3⁄4 in) long and 12 cm (4+3⁄4 in) wide, and large, white, fragrant flowers up to 30 cm (12 in) in diameter.
Although endemic to the evergreen lowland subtropical forests on the Gulf and South Atlantic coastal plain, M. grandiflora is widely cultivated in warmer areas around the world. The timber is hard and heavy, and has been used commercially to make furniture, pallets, and veneer.
Flower and foliage of
M. grandiflora
Magnolia grandiflora is a medium to large evergreen tree which may grow 120 ft (37 m) tall.[6] It typically has a single stem (or trunk) and a pyramidal shape.[7] The leaves are simple and broadly ovate, 12–20 cm (4+3⁄4–7+3⁄4 in) long and 6–12 cm (2+1⁄4–4+3⁄4 in) broad,[7] with smooth margins. They are dark green, stiff, and leathery, and often scurfy underneath with yellow-brown pubescence.
The large, showy, lemon citronella-scented flowers are white, up to 30 cm (11+3⁄4 in) across and fragrant, with six to 12 petals with a waxy texture, emerging from the tips of twigs on mature trees in late spring.[8]
Flowering is followed by the rose-colored fruit, ovoid polyfollicle, 7.5–10 cm (3–3+7⁄8 in) long, and 3–5 cm (1+1⁄4–2 in) wide.[9]
Exceptionally large trees have been reported in the far Southern United States. The national champion is a specimen in Smith County, Mississippi, that stands 37 m (121 ft). Another record includes a 35-m-high specimen from the Chickasawhay District, De Soto National Forest, in Mississippi, which measured 17.75 ft (5.4 m) in circumference at breast height, from 1961, and a 30-m-tall tree from Baton Rouge, which reached 18 ft in circumference at breast height.[9]
M. grandiflora was one of the many species first described by Linnaeus in the 10th edition of his Systema Naturae in 1759,[10] basing his description on the earlier notes of Miller. He did not select a type specimen. Its specific epithet is derived from the Latin words grandis "big", and flor- "flower".[11] The genus name Magnolia honors Pierre Magnol, a French botanist.[8]
M. grandiflora is most commonly known as southern magnolia, a name derived from its range in the Southern United States. Many broadleaved evergreen trees are known as bays for their resemblance to the leaves of the red bay (Persea borbonia), with this species known as the bull bay for its huge size or alternatively because cattle have been reported eating its leaves. Laurel magnolia,[11] evergreen magnolia,[9] large-flower magnolia or big laurel are alternative names.[12] The timber is known simply as magnolia.[9]
Distribution and habitat
Southern magnolias are native to the Southeastern United States, from Virginia south to central Florida, and then west to East Texas. It is found on the edges of bodies of water and swamps, in association with sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua), water oak (Quercus nigra), and black tupelo (Nyssa sylvatica). In more sheltered habitats, it grows as a large tree, but can be a low shrub when found on coastal dunes.[13] It is killed by summer fires, and is missing from habitats that undergo regular burning.[14]
In Florida, it is found in a number of different ecological areas that are typically shady and have well-draining soils; it is also found in hummocks, along ravines, on slopes, and in wooded floodplains.[15] Despite preferring sites with increased moisture, it does not tolerate inundation.[9] It grows on sandhills in maritime forests, where it is found growing with live oaks and saw palmetto (Serenoa repens).[14] In the eastern United States, it has become an escapee, and has become naturalized in the tidewater area of Virginia and locally in other areas outside of its historically natural range.[16][17]
M. grandiflora can produce seed by 10 years of age, although peak seed production is achieved closer to 25 years of age. Around 50% of seeds can germinate, and they are spread by birds and mammals.[9] Squirrels, possums, quail, and turkey are known to eat the seeds.[18]
Cultivation and uses
Plant collector Mark Catesby, the first in North America, brought M. grandiflora to Britain in 1726, where it entered cultivation and overshadowed M. virginiana, which had been collected a few years earlier. It had also come to France, the French having collected it in the vicinity of the Mississippi River in Louisiana.[19] It was glowingly described by Philip Miller in his 1731 work The Gardeners' Dictionary.[20] One of the earliest people to cultivate it in Europe was Sir John Colliton of Exeter in Devon; scaffolding and tubs surrounded his tree, where gardeners propagated its branches by layering, the daughter plants initially selling for five guineas each (but later falling to half a guinea).[20]
Tree planted 1807 at Jardin des plantes in
Laurel tree of Carolina by G.D. Ehret
It is often planted in university campuses and allowed to grow into a large tree, either with dependent branches, or with the lower branches removed to display the bare trunks. It is also espaliered against walls, which improves its frost hardiness.[11]
United States cultivation
M. grandiflora is a very popular ornamental tree throughout its native range in the coastal plain of the Gulf/South Atlantic states. Grown for its attractive, shiny green leaves and fragrant flowers, it has a long history in the Southern United States. Many large and very old specimens can be found in the subtropical port cities such as Houston, New Orleans, Mobile, AL; Jacksonville, FL; Savannah, GA; Charleston, SC; and Wilmington, NC. M. grandiflora is the state tree of Mississippi and the state flower of Louisiana. The species is also cultivated as far north as coastal areas of New Jersey, Connecticut, Long Island, NY, and Delaware, and in much of the Chesapeake Bay region in Maryland, and eastern Virginia. On the West Coast, it can be grown as far north as the Vancouver, BC, Canada area, though cooler summers on the West Coast slow growth compared to the East Coast.[11] In the interior of the US, some of the cold-hardy cultivars have flourished as far north as Louisville, Kentucky and Cincinnati, Ohio, where a sizable population exists. Farther north, few known long-term specimens are found due to the severe winters, and/or lack of sufficient summer heat.
M. grandiflora is also grown in parts of Mexico, Central America, and South America, as well as parts of Asia.[11]
Until early 2018, an iconic southern magnolia planted by President Andrew Jackson nearly 200 years earlier grew near the South Portico of the White House.[21] It was reputedly planted as a seedling taken from Jackson's plantation, The Hermitage in Tennessee. It was the oldest tree on the White House grounds and was so famous that it was for decades pictured on the back of the $20 bill as part of a view of the South Front.[22] There was a tradition of giving cuttings or seedlings grown from the tree: Reagan gave a cutting to his Chief of Staff Howard Baker upon his retirement, and Michelle Obama donated a seedling to the "people's garden" of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.[22] Since the 1940s, when the tree suffered a gash that caused a large section of its trunk to rot, the tree had been supported by metal poles and cables. In 2017, it was decided on the advice of the National Arboretum to cut down and remove the magnolia because the trunk was in an extremely fragile condition and the supports had been compromised. Offshoots from the Jackson magnolia have been saved, grown up to 10ft and one was planted[23] at the place of the original tree. [22]
It is recommended for seashore plantings in areas that are windy but have little salt spray.[24] The foliage will bronze, blotch, and burn in severe winters at the northern limits of cultivation, especially when grown in full winter sun,[25] but most leaves remain until they are replaced by new foliage in the spring. In climates where the ground freezes, winter sun appears to do more damage than the cold. In the Northern Hemisphere, the south side of the tree experiences more leaf damage than the north side. Two extremes are known, with leaves white underneath and with leaves brown underneath. The brown varieties are claimed to be more cold hardy than the white varieties, but this does not appear to be proven as yet. Once established, the plants are drought tolerant, and the most drought tolerant of all the Magnolia species.[25]
The leaves are heavy and tend to fall year round from the interior of the crown and form a dense cover over the soil surface,[25] and they have been used in decorative floral arrangements.[26] The leaves have a waxy coating that makes them resistant to damage from salt and air pollution.[25]
In the United States, southern magnolia, along with sweetbay (Magnolia virginiana) and cucumbertree (Magnolia acuminata), is commercially harvested. Lumber from all three species is simply called magnolia, which is used in the construction of furniture, boxes, pallets, venetian blinds, sashes, and doors, and used as veneers. Southern magnolia has yellowish-white sapwood and light to dark brown heartwood tinted yellow or green. The usually straight-grained wood has uniform texture with closely spaced rings. The wood is ranked moderate in heaviness, hardness, and stiffness, and moderately low in shrinkage, bending, and compression strength; it is ranked moderately high in shock resistance.[27] Its use in the Southeastern United States has been supplanted by the availability of harder woods.[28]
Over 150 cultivars have been developed and named, although only 30 to 40 of these still exist and still fewer are commercially propagated and sold.[29] Most plants in nurseries are propagated by cuttings, resulting in more consistent form in the various varieties available.[30] Many older cultivars have been superseded by newer ones and are no longer available.[31] Some cultivars have been found to be more cold hardy, they include:
M. grandiflora 'Bracken's Brown Beauty' at the Morris Arboretum (Philadelphia, US)
- 'Bracken's Brown Beauty' was developed by Ray Bracken of Easley, South Carolina, in the late 1960s and patented in 1985.[29] It is a popular cultivar that has survived long-term in West Virginia, New Jersey, and Long Island, NY. This cultivar grows in a dense and compact pattern, with narrow, medium-sized, glossy leaves. Flowers measure 5–6 in (13–15 cm).
- 'Edith Bogue' was brought to the coastal plain of New Jersey from Florida in the 1920s. The original tree sent to Edith A. Bogue from Florida helped to establish cold-hardy specimens in the Middle Atlantic states from Delaware to coastal Connecticut. Once established, 'Edith Bogue' has been known to have only minor spotting and margin burn on the leaf in temperatures as low as −5 °F (−21 °C). With a vigorous classic pyramidal shape, this cultivar grows to 35 ft with a 15-ft spread. The leaves are large and deep green, but lack the brown indumentum on their undersides which make other cultivars so distinctive.
- 'Angustifolia', developed in France in 1825, has narrow, spear-shaped leaves 20 cm (7.9 in) long by 11 cm (4.3 in) wide, as its name suggests.[30]
- 'Exmouth' was developed in the early 18th century by John Colliton in Devon. It is notable for its huge flowers, with up to 20 petals, and vigorous growth. Erect in habit, it is often planted against walls. The leaves are green above and brownish underneath.[32] The flowers are very fragrant and the leaves are narrow and leathery.[33]
- 'Goliath' was developed by Caledonia Nurseries of Guernsey, and has a bushier habit and globular flowers of up to 30 cm (12 in) diameter. Long-flowering, it has oval leaves which lack the brownish hair underneath.[32]
- 'Little Gem', a dwarf cultivar, is grown in more moderate climates, roughly from New Jersey, Maryland and the Virginias southward. Originally developed in 1952 by Steed's Nursery in Candor, North Carolina, it is a slower-growing form with a columnar shape which reaches around 4.25 m (13.9 ft) high and 1.2 m (3.9 ft) wide. Flowering heavily over an extended period in warmer climate, it bears medium-sized, cup-shaped flowers, and has elliptic leaves 12.5 cm (4.9 in) long by 5 cm (2.0 in) wide.[32] It flowers relatively quickly after planting compared with other cultivars.[34]
- "Victoria" is a form grown in the Pacific Northwest that is reportedly hardy to -12 F. It has a more open habit and shiny dark green leaves with brown undersides.[29]
Other commonly grown cultivars include:
- 'Ferruginea' has dark-green leaves with rust-brown undersides.[33]
- 'Southern Charm' is a dwarf form that grows into a bushy shrub with a pyramidal shape up to 20–25 ft high and 10 ft wide. It has dark green shiny leaves 3-6 in long and 2-4 in wide with brown undersides. It is also known as 'Teddy Bear',[29] for the fuzzy brown undersurface of the leaves.[34]
Magnolia grandiflora contains phenolic constituents shown to possess significant antimicrobial activity. Magnolol, honokiol, and 3,5′-diallyl-2′-hydroxy-4-methoxybiphenyl exhibited significant activity against Gram-positive and acid-fast bacteria and fungi.[35] The leaves contain coumarins and sesquiterpene lactones.[36] The sesquiterpenes are known to be costunolide, parthenolide, costunolide diepoxide, santamarine, and reynosin.[37]
Southern magnolia blossom & bud
Southern magnolia foliage and flower
Seed cluster of M. grandiflora
Southern magnolia blossom
Flower in three stages of blossoming
Foliage 'Bracken's Brown Beauty'
^ Khela, S. (2014). "Magnolia grandiflora". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2014: e.T193948A2291865. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2014-1.RLTS.T193948A2291865.en. Retrieved November 19, 2021.
^ "NatureServe Explorer". Retrieved May 3, 2021.
^ "Magnolia grandiflora". Retrieved March 11, 2021.
^ "Plants of the World Online". Retrieved March 11, 2021.
^ "Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center - The University of Texas at Austin". Retrieved March 11, 2021.
^ Gardiner, p. 144
^ a b Zion, Robert L. (1995). Trees for architecture and landscape. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold. p. 224. ISBN 978-0-471-28524-3.
^ a b "Magnolia grandiflora - Plant Finder". Retrieved March 11, 2021.
^ a b c d e f Maisenhelder, Louis C. (1970). "Magnolia" (PDF). American Woods FS-245. US Dept. of Agriculture. Retrieved November 5, 2009.
^ Linnaeus, Carl (1758). Systema Naturae per Regna Tria Naturae, Secundum Classes, Ordines, Genera, Species, cum Characteribus, Differentiis, Synonymis, Locis (in Latin). Vol. 2 (10th revised ed.). Holmiae: (Laurentii Salvii). p. 1082.
^ a b c d e Callaway, p. 99
^ Coladonato, Milo (1991). "Magnolia grandiflora". Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer).: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service. Retrieved January 12, 2010.
^ Gardiner, p. 143
^ a b Whitney, Eleanor Noss; Rudloe, Anne; Jadaszewski, Erick (2004). Priceless Florida: Natural Ecosystems and Native Species. Pineapple Press (FL). p. 36. ISBN 978-1-56164-308-0.
^ Nelson, Gil; Marvin, Jr Cook (1994). The Trees of Florida: A Reference and Field Guide (Reference and Field Guides (Paperback)). Pineapple Press (FL). p. 17. ISBN 978-1-56164-055-3.
^ "Magnolia grandiflora in Flora of North America @". Retrieved May 1, 2022.
^ Kartesz, J.T., The Biota of North America Program (BONAP). 2015. North American Plant Atlas. ( Chapel Hill, N.C. [maps generated from Kartesz, J.T. 2015. Floristic Synthesis of North America, Version 1.0. Biota of North America Program (BONAP). (in press)].
^ Halls, L. K. 1977. Southern magnolia/Magnolia grandiflora L. In Southern fruit-producing woody plants used by wildlife. p. 196-197. USDA Forest Service, General Technical Report SO-16. Southern Forest Experiment Station, New Orleans, LA.
^ Aitken, Richard (2008). Botanical Riches: Stories of Botanical Exploration. Melbourne, Victoria: Miegunyah Press: State Library of Victoria. p. 112. ISBN 978-0-522-85505-0.
^ a b Gardiner, p. 18
^ Kate Bennett (December 27, 2017). "Exclusive: Iconic White House tree to be cut down". CNN. Retrieved May 12, 2018.
^ a b c Sarah Kaplan (December 26, 2017). "White House to cut back magnolia tree planted by Andrew Jackson". Washington Post. Retrieved May 12, 2018.
^ "However disappointing the removal of the Jackson Magnolia, the silver lining of its demise is that White House groundskeepers were prepared. For several months, at an undisclosed greenhouse-like location nearby, healthy offshoots of the tree have been growing, tended to with care and now somewhere around eight to 10 feet tall. CNN has learned the plan is that another Jackson Magnolia, born directly from the original, will soon be planted in its place, for history to live on." Bennett, CNN report, as note 2
^ Bush-Brown, Louise Carter; Bush-Brown, James; Irwin, Howard S. (1996). America's garden book. New York: Macmillan USA. pp. 537. ISBN 0-02-860995-6.
^ a b c d Sternberg, Guy; Wilson, James; Wilson, Jim (2004). Native trees for North American landscapes: from the Atlantic to the Rockies. Portland: Timber Press. p. 268. ISBN 978-0-88192-607-1.
^ Callaway, p. 13
^ The Encyclopedia of Wood. Skyhorse Publishing. May 17, 2007. pp. 1–7. ISBN 978-1-60239-057-7.
^ Callaway, p. 14
^ a b c d Dirr, Michael A. (2011). Dirr's Encyclopedia of Trees and Shrubs. Portland, Oregon: Timber Press. pp. 478–481. ISBN 978-0-88192-901-0.
^ a b Gardiner, p. 145
^ Callaway, p. 100
^ a b c Gardiner, p. 147
^ a b Brickell, Christopher (1989). The American Horticultural Society encyclopedia of garden plants. New York: Macmillan. pp. 51. ISBN 0-02-557920-7.
^ a b Wolfe, Judy. "Little Gem vs. Teddy Bear Magnolia Trees". Hunker. Leaf Group. Retrieved August 23, 2019.
^ Antimicrobial activity of phenolic constituents of magnolia grandiflora L. Alice M. Clark, Arouk S. El-Feraly, Wen-Shyong Li, Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, August 1981, Volume 70, Issue 8, pages 951–952, doi:10.1002/jps.2600700833
^ Coumarins and sesquiterpene lactones from Magnolia grandiflora leaves. Yang MH, Blunden G, Patel AV, O'Neill MJ and Lewis JA, Planta medica, 1994, vol. 60, no 4, pages 390-390, INIST:11250251
^ Isolation and characterization of the sesquiterpene lactones costunolide, parthenolide, costunolide diepoxide, santamarine, and reynosin from Magnolia grandiflora L. Farouk S. El-Feraly and Yee-Ming Chan, Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, March 1978, Volume 67, Issue 3, pages 347–350, doi:10.1002/jps.2600670319
Cited texts
- Callaway, Dorothy Johnson (1994). The world of magnolias. Portland, Oregon: Timber Press. ISBN 0-88192-236-6.
- Gardiner, Jim (2000). Magnolias: A Gardener's Guide. Portland, Oregon: Timber Press. ISBN 0-88192-446-6.
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Magnolia grandiflora: Brief Summary
provided by wikipedia EN
Magnolia grandiflora, commonly known as the southern magnolia or bull bay, is a tree of the family Magnoliaceae native to the Southeastern United States, from Virginia to central Florida, and west to East Texas. Reaching 27.5 m (90 ft) in height, it is a large, striking evergreen tree, with large, dark-green leaves up to 20 cm (7+3⁄4 in) long and 12 cm (4+3⁄4 in) wide, and large, white, fragrant flowers up to 30 cm (12 in) in diameter.
Although endemic to the evergreen lowland subtropical forests on the Gulf and South Atlantic coastal plain, M. grandiflora is widely cultivated in warmer areas around the world. The timber is hard and heavy, and has been used commercially to make furniture, pallets, and veneer.
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Magnolia grandiflora
Spanish; Castilian
provided by wikipedia ES
Magnolia grandiflora, de nombre común magnolia grandiflora, magnolia común o, simplemente, magnolia,[1] es una especie arbórea perteneciente a la familia Magnoliaceae, nativa del sureste de los Estados Unidos. Es muy frecuente verla cultivada como planta ornamental.
Es un árbol perennifolio que puede llegar a más de 30 m de altura.[2] Forma una densa copa de ligeramente piramidal. Tronco gris o marrón claro con corteza lisa de joven tornándose estriada al envejecer. Las hojas alternas son simples, de elípticas a oblongo-ovadas o ampliamente ovadas y margen entero. Miden 10-20 cm de longitud por 7-10 cm de ancho, con los márgenes enteros, de color verde brillante oscuro y textura coriácea, con haz glabro y envés algo pubescente; pecíolo con una lanosidad corta, como aterciopelada rojiza o blanca, al igual que las yemas y las ramas jóvenes. Las fragantes flores son hermafroditas, solitarias, de 15 a 30 cm de diámetro con 3 sépalos petaloides y 6 pétalos —pueden ser hasta 12— ovalados, de textura cerúlea; con numerosos estambres. El fruto es un agregado de múltiples frutillos (folículos) con 1 o 2 semillas de envoltura rojiza (arilo) cada uno, en forma de piña alargada con textura leñosa.[3]
Distribución y hábitat
Especie nativa del sureste de Estados Unidos, desde Virginia hasta Texas y Florida.[3]
Habita zonas húmedas boscosas, cerca de ríos y litorales a baja altitud.[4]
Magnolia grandiflora puede producir semillas a los 10 años de edad, aunque la producción máxima de semillas se alcanza cerca de los 25 años de edad. Alrededor del 50% de las semillas pueden germinar y son transmitidas por aves y mamíferos. Se sabe que las ardillas, las zarigüeyas, las codornices y el pavo se comen las semillas.[5]
Se utiliza habitualmente en jardinería como árbol ornamental por la elegancia de su aspecto y el perfume de sus enormes flores.
La madera es apreciada en ebanistería construcción por su calidad, aunque como especie de crecimiento lento, no es económicamente rentable.
Como planta medicinal se han usado las semillas y corteza desde la antigüedad para aliviar dolencias digestivas y respiratorias. En México se utilizan también las flores en infusión para afecciones cardíacas.
La flor también tiene diversos usos en perfumería.[4]
La planta contiene componentes fenólicos con propiedades antimicrobianas. En estudios farmacológicos el magnolol honokiol y 3, 5'-dialil-2'-hidroxi-4-metoxibifenilo han demostrado una gran efectividad contra bacterias y hongos Gram-positivos y acidorresistentes.[6] De las hojas y corteza se ha aislado un aceite esencial, los alcaloides aztequina, talaumina y tiramina, beta-sitosterol, y costunólido.[7]
Magnolia grandiflora fue descrita por Carlos Linneo y publicada en Systema Naturae, Editio Decima 2: 1082. 1759.[8]
Magnolia: nombre genérico otorgado en honor de Pierre Magnol, botánico de Montpellier (Francia).
grandiflora: epíteto latino que significa "flores grandes".[9]
Magnolia longifolia Sweet, Hort. Brit.: 11 (1826).
Magnolia elliptica (W.T.Aiton) Link, Handbuch 2: 375 (1829).
Magnolia lanceolata (Aiton) Link, Handbuch 2: 375 (1829).
Magnolia obovata (W.T.Aiton) Link, Handbuch 2: 375 (1829), nom. illeg.
Magnolia maxima Lodd. ex G.Don in J.C.Loudon, Hort. Brit.: 226 (1830).
Magnolia lacunosa Raf., Autik. Bot.: 78 (1840).
Magnolia microphylla Ser., Fl. Jard. 3: 226 (1849), nom. inval.
Magnolia obtusifolia, Fl. Jard. 3: 226 (1849), nom. inval.
Magnolia tardiflora Ser., Fl. Jard. 3: 226 (1849), nom. inval.
Magnolia tomentosa Ser., Fl. Jard. 3: 226 (1849), nom. inval.
Magnolia ferruginea W.Watson, Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1889: 305 (1889).
Magnolia foetida (L.) Sarg., Gard. & Forest 2: 615 (1889).
Magnolia hartwegii G.Nicholson, Hand-List of Trees and Shrubs 1: 17 (1894), nom. inval.
Magnolia hartwicus G.Nicholson, Hand-List of Trees and Shrubs 1: 17 (1894), nom. inval.
Magnolia stricta G.Nicholson, Hand-List of Trees and Shrubs 1: 17 (1894), nom. inval.
Magnolia glabra P.Parm., Bull. Sc. France Belgique 27: 251 (1896).
Magnolia angustifolia Millais, Magnolias: 55, 83 (1927).
Magnolia exoniensis Millais, Magnolias: 59 (1927).
Magnolia galissoniensis Millais, Magnolias: 60 (1927).
Magnolia gloriosa Millais, Magnolias: 61 (1927).
Magnolia praecox Millais, Magnolias: 69 (1927).
Magnolia pravertiana Millais, Magnolias: 69 (1927).
Magnolia rotundifolia Millais, Magnolias: 70 (1927).[10][11]
En el siglo XVI, Francisco Hernández de Toledo menciona que
esta planta es de naturaleza caliente y seca, fortalece el corazón, el estómago y estriñe notablemente el vientre suelto. El cocimiento mezclado con otras plantas e infundido en el útero es un remedio excelente de la esterilidad.
A finales del siglo XVIII, Vicente Cervantes señala: las hojas son astringentes y corroborantes, su cocimiento se usa para la gota.
En el siglo XIX, Eleuterio González cita: la infusión de las flores es antiespasmódica, y la tintura tónica. Se han usado en la epilepsia y la neurosis en general.[7]
↑ Nombre vulgar preferido en castellano, en Árboles: guía de campo; Johnson, Owen y More, David; traductor: Pijoan Rotger, Manuel, ed. Omega, 2006. ISBN 978-84-282-1400-1. Versión en español de la Collins Tree Guide.
↑ «Magnolia grandiflora». Herbari Virtual del Mediterrani Occidental. Consultado el 20 de octubre de 2020.
↑ a b «Magnolia grandiflora». arboles ornamentales. Consultado el 20 de octubre de 2020.
↑ a b «Magnolia grandiflora». Arbolapp Canarias - Guía de árboles silvestres del archipiélago canario. Consultado el 20 de octubre de 2020.
↑ Halls, L. K. 1977. Southern magnolia/Magnolia grandiflora L. In Southern fruit-producing woody plants used by wildlife. p. 196-197. USDA Forest Service, General Technical Report SO-16. Southern Forest Experiment Station, New Orleans, LA.
↑ Alice M. Clark, Arouk S. El-Feraly, Wen-Shyong Li (1981). «Antimicrobial Activity of Phenolic Constituents of Magnolia Grandiflora L.». Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (en inglés) 70 (8): 951-952. Consultado el 20 de octubre de 2020.
↑ a b «En Medicina tradicional mexicana». Archivado desde el original el 6 de marzo de 2016. Consultado el 8 de mayo de 2013.
↑ «Magnolia grandiflora». Missouri Botanical Garden. Consultado el 8 de mayo de 2013.
↑ En Epítetos Botánicos
↑ Magnolia grandiflora en PlantList
↑ «Magnolia grandiflora». World Checklist of Selected Plant Families. Consultado el 8 de mayo de 2013.
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Magnolia grandiflora: Brief Summary
Spanish; Castilian
provided by wikipedia ES
Magnolia grandiflora, de nombre común magnolia grandiflora, magnolia común o, simplemente, magnolia, es una especie arbórea perteneciente a la familia Magnoliaceae, nativa del sureste de los Estados Unidos. Es muy frecuente verla cultivada como planta ornamental.
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- Autores y editores de Wikipedia
Magnolia lore-handi
provided by wikipedia EU
- Artikulu hau Magnolia lorandiari buruzkoa da; beste esanahietarako, ikus «Magnolia (argipena)».
Magnolia lore-handia edo, gehienetan, magnolia soilik (Magnolia grandiflora) Magnolia generoko zuhaitza da, berez Amerikako Estatu Batuetako hego-ekialdekoa, baina mundu osoko parke eta lorategietan hedatua dagoena.
Izen generikoa, Magnolia, Montpellierko Lorategi Botanikoaren Pierre Magnol zuzendariaren omenez du zuhaitzak. Izen espezifikoak, grandiflorak, loreen tamaina handiari egiten dio erreferentzia.
Hosto iraunkorreko zuhaitz bikaina da, eta 25 m garai izan daiteke. Kono eitea du magnoliak, eta adaburua zabala eta hostotsua da. Hazkunde motela du, eta bizia luzea.
Zurtoina – Azala
Zurtoina motza da. Azala grisa da, eta plaka txikitan zartatua.
Hostoak bakunak, alternatuak, larrukarak, obalak eta handiak dira; berde ilun distiratsuak gainaldetik, eta argiagoak azpialdetik.
Magnoliak lehenbiziko landare loredunak izan ziren, segur aski; hortaz, lore motarik primitiboena dute, zuhaitzetakoetan primitiboena.
Loreak zuriak, oso handiak eta usaintsuak dira, eta bi-lau egun bakarrik irauten dute.
Oboideak (pinaburu formakoak) eta gorrixkak dira fruituak.
Magnolia, jatorriz, iparramerikarra da, eta XVIII. mendean ekarri zuten Europara.
Klima epela du berezkoa.
Apaingarri gisa erabiltzen da parke eta lorategietan; izan ere, eite dotorea eta hostotza iraunkorra du, eta udan loratzen da.
- Artikulu honen edukiaren zati bat webgunetik hartu da, CC BY-SA 3.0 lizentziapean.
Ikus, gainera
(RLQ=window.RLQ||[]).push(function(){mw.log.warn("Gadget "ErrefAurrebista" was not loaded. Please migrate it to use ResourceLoader. See u003C");});
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- Wikipediako egileak eta editoreak
Magnolia lore-handi: Brief Summary
provided by wikipedia EU
Artikulu hau Magnolia lorandiari buruzkoa da; beste esanahietarako, ikus «
Magnolia (argipena)».
Magnolia lore-handia edo, gehienetan, magnolia soilik (Magnolia grandiflora) Magnolia generoko zuhaitza da, berez Amerikako Estatu Batuetako hego-ekialdekoa, baina mundu osoko parke eta lorategietan hedatua dagoena.
Izen generikoa, Magnolia, Montpellierko Lorategi Botanikoaren Pierre Magnol zuzendariaren omenez du zuhaitzak. Izen espezifikoak, grandiflorak, loreen tamaina handiari egiten dio erreferentzia.
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- Wikipediako egileak eta editoreak
provided by wikipedia FI
Kuningasmagnolia[2] (Magnolia grandiflora) on melko isokokoinen magnoliakasvien heimoon kuuluva ainavihanta puu, jota kasvaa luonnonvaraisena Yhdysvaltain kaakkoisosissa.
Kuningasmagnoliat kasvavat 18–27 metriä korkeiksi ja niiden runko kasvaa yleensä melko suoraan ylöspäin. Oksisto muodostaa tiheän hieman pyramidin muotoisen kuvion. Lajin lehdet ovat suuria 13–20 senttimetriä pitkiä ja ne ovat päältä kiiltäväpintaisia ja tummanvihreitä sekä alta ruosteenvärisiä ja samettipintaisia.[3]
Kuningasmagnolia kukkii keväällä ja kesällä. Kukat ovat lumenvalkoisia ja miellyttäväntuoksuisia. Ne ovat halkaisijaltaan jopa 30 senttimetriä. Hedelmät ovat punaruskeita ja kartiomaisia sekä ovat kooltaan 5–10 senttimetriä pitkiä. Syksyllä hedelmistä roikkuu punaisia, munuaisenmuotoisia siemeniä.[3]
Kuningasmagnolian hedelmä.
Kuningasmagnolian luonnollinen levinneisyysalue käsittää Yhdysvaltain kaakkoisosat. Sitä kasvaa pohjoisimpana Pohjois-Carolinan itäosissa, josta levinneisyys alue jatkuu rantatasankoja aina Texasin kaakkoiskulmaan asti. Etelässä kuningasmagnolioita kasvaa Floridassa Peace River -joelle.[4]
Kuningasmagnolia kasvaa parhaiten ravinteikkailla ja kosteilla savimailla jokien varsilla tai suoalueiden lähellä. Sitä tavataan myös kosteilla ylämailla, joissa ei esiinny erityisen paljon metsäpaloja. Kuitenkin korkeimmillaan puuta tavataan vain 150 metrissä, mutta tavallisesti levinneisyysalue kattaa vain alankoalueet alle 60 metrissä.[4]
Samoilla alueilla kuningasmagnolian kanssa kasvaa usein amerikanpyökkiä, lännenambrapuuta ja tammilajeja[3].
Kuningasmagnolia on suosittu koristepuu Yhdysvalloissa. Sitä käytetään teiden varsilla, yksittäisinä koristepuina esimerkiksi tuottamaan varjoa.[3] Sen suosio perustuu näyttävään ulkonäköön valkoisine kukkineen ja runsaine ainavihantine lehtineen, mutta sitä voidaan käyttää myös kaupungeissa, joissa muut lajit eivät välttämättä viihdy. Kuningasmagnolia pystyy vastustamaan rikkidioksidin aiheuttamia tuhoja.[4]
Metsäteollisuudessa kuningasmagnoliaa käytetään vain marginaalisesti puuviiluna, josta tehdään vaneria tai puulaatikoita[3]. Lehdistä, hedelmistä, kaarnasta ja puuaineesta saadaan aineita, joilla on mahdollisesti farmaseuttisia käyttötarkoituksia[4].
Nuoret kuningasmagnoliayksilöt ovat erityisen herkkiä metsäpalojen aiheuttamille vahingoille. Kuivat talvet saavat aikaan jopa yksilöiden kuolemisen[4].
Monet sienilajit aiheuttavat lehtilaikkutautia, mutta se on hyvin harvoin vaarallista, tosin Mycosphaerella milleri -lajin tartuttama lehtilaikkutauti voi olla vahingollinen taimistojen siemenpuille. Lisäksi eräät sienilajit aiheuttavat sydänlahoa.[4]
Kilpikirvalajit saattavat vahingoittaa puita ja Neolecanium cornuparyum -laji voi suurena esiintymisenä tappaa jopa kokonaisia yksilöitä. Myös tietyt kirva-, villakilpikirva-, typpykärsäkäs-, töyhtökoi- ja kehrääjäpunkkilajit syövät kuningasmagnoliaa.[4]
↑ Khela, S.: Magnolia grandiflora IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2016.2. 2014. International Union for Conservation of Nature, IUCN, Viitattu 18.9.2016. (englanniksi)
↑ ONKI, Kassu: Magnolia grandiflora Viitattu 24.7.2012.
↑ a b c d e Magnolia grandiflora Viitattu 31. maaliskuuta 2008. (englanniksi)
↑ a b c d e f g Outcalt, Kenneth W.: Southern Magnolia USDA Forest Service, Northeastern Area State & Private Forestry. Viitattu 31. maaliskuuta 2008. (englanniksi)
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Kuningasmagnolia: Brief Summary
provided by wikipedia FI
Kuningasmagnolia (Magnolia grandiflora) on melko isokokoinen magnoliakasvien heimoon kuuluva ainavihanta puu, jota kasvaa luonnonvaraisena Yhdysvaltain kaakkoisosissa.
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Magnolia à grandes fleurs
provided by wikipedia FR
Magnolia grandiflora
Le Magnolia à grandes fleurs, ou Magnolier à grandes fleurs, ou Laurier-tulipier (Magnolia grandiflora) est une espèce d'arbres de grande taille. Probablement en raison de ses belles feuilles persistantes, c'est le plus connu des magnolias. Il est originaire des États-Unis et largement cultivé comme arbre d'ornement.
Fleur de
Magnolia grandiflora.
C'est un grand arbre, à port pyramidal, d'une hauteur allant jusqu'à 30 m, jusqu'à 25 mètres en culture.
Son feuillage est persistant. Ses feuilles sont entières à bord lisse, de forme obovale elliptique, longues de 10 à 20 cm, coriaces, vert brillant sur la face supérieure, velues, tomenteuses et souvent roux ferrugineux sur la face inférieure.
La floraison, qui apparaît assez tardivement sur les arbres arrivés à maturité, vers 25 ans (sauf pour certains cultivars précoces), dure tout l'été, de juin à septembre, voire novembre. (Dans le sud-est des États-Unis, la floraison est de fin avril à juillet.) Les fleurs sont grandes, jusqu'à 25 cm de diamètre, blanches, très parfumées et très décoratives. Les fleurs restent longtemps sur l'arbre si les conditions météorologiques sont clémentes.
Le fruit, ovoïde, est un polyfollicule (aussi appelé follicète ou follicetum) ressemblant un peu à un cône de conifère. D'abord vert jaunâtre, il rougit peu à peu tandis que ses follicules s'entrouvrent pour dégager de petites graines dures de couleur beige recouvertes d'un tégument rouge vif virant à l'orangé qu'on peut considérer comme un arille.
Le nombre de chromosomes est 2n = 6x = 114. Le magnolia est hexaploïde.
Chateaubriand décrit le laurier-tulipier dans son roman Atala.
Fruit d'un magnolia à grandes fleurs.
Graines d'un magnolia à grandes fleurs sorties de leur arille rouge.
Habitat naturel
Répartition d'origine du laurier-tulipier dans 8 états des États-Unis
C'est un arbre originaire du sud-est des États-Unis, du Texas jusqu'en Virginie en passant par le nord et le centre de la Floride.
Acclimatation en Europe
L'arbre est introduit en Europe au XVIIIe siècle. C'est probablement l'amiral Roland-Michel Barrin de la Galissonnière qui l'importe en France, depuis le port de Paimbœuf en aval de Nantes, en 1711[1].
Une vingtaine d'années plus tard, René Darquistade, maire de Nantes, plante cette essence dans les serres de sa propriété de la Maillardière aux Sorinières au sud de Nantes. Le jugeant sans intérêt, Darquistade décide d'abattre l'arbre. Celui-ci est sauvé de justesse par l'épouse du jardinier qui le fait replanter dans les dépendances du château au pied du pigeonnier. Trouvant enfin des conditions plus favorables, le magnolier se développe et finit par fleurir. Après plusieurs tentatives infructueuses, les pépiniéristes nantais réussissent à le multiplier par marcottage aérien, permettant ainsi d’assurer sa diffusion[1],[2].
En 1764, grâce à un rameau rapporté par le jeune apothicaire Louvrier, François Bonamy identifie ce magnolia[1].
Pousse de laurier-tulipier sauvage mise en culture
Arbre de climats tempérés et tropicaux, il préfère une exposition plein soleil, et la proximité d'une eau courante. En France, il est rustique jusqu'en Île-de-France, où il souffre cependant des grands froids. Plus au nord, il pousse moins bien et fleurit peu.
Préfère les sols siliceux humides à pH acide.
Variétés ou cultivars
Il existe de nombreuses variétés ou cultivars, dont :
Magnolia grandiflora 'Angustifolia'. Laurier-tulipier à feuilles étroites, longues de 20 cm, large de 3 à 5 cm.
Magnolia grandiflora 'Biflora'. Laurier-tulipier proche de Magnolia grandiflora 'Treyviensis', présentant la particularité de produire deux fleurs à chaque extrémité de branche. Ce cultivar a disparu.
Magnolia grandiflora 'Bracken's Brown Beauty'. Laurier-tulipier extrêmement rustique. Feuilles et fleurs très petites, plante avec une couronne pyramidale dense, l'une des variétés les plus résistantes.
Magnolia grandiflora 'Edith Bogue'. Laurier-tulipier extrêmement rustique.
Magnolia grandiflora 'Exmouth'. Synonyme de Magnolia grandiflora 'Lanceolata'. Très ancienne variété, documentée depuis 1737. Obtenu au début du XVIIIe siècle par John Colliton dans le comté de Devon en Angleterre. Feuilles étroites. Port pyramidal étroit et surtout à fleurs doubles.
Magnolia grandiflora 'Ferruginea' (ou laurier-tulipier ferrugineux). Obtention horticole. Le dessous des feuilles est garni de poils roux, d'où son nom. Laurier-tulipier à feuilles très ferrugineuses dans sa jeunesse.
Magnolia grandiflora 'François Joseph'. Laurier-tulipier proche de Magnolia grandiflora 'Treyviensis'.
Magnolia grandiflora 'Galissonière'. Synonyme de Magnolia grandiflora 'Galissoniensis'. Variété très rustique à port pyramidal parfait. Ce laurier-tulipier aurait été importé de Louisiane en France par Rolland-Michel Barrin, comte de La Galissonière vers 1745. Zone de rusticité 7b. Une protection hivernale doit cependant être montée à des températures plus basses.
Magnolia grandiflora 'Goliath'. Laurier-tulipier à grandes fleurs, jusqu'à 30 cm de diamètre, cultivar obtenu à Guernesey.
Magnolia grandiflora 'Little Gem'. Port compact.
Magnolia grandiflora 'Microphylla'. Laurier-tulipier à petites feuilles.
Magnolia grandiflora 'Namnetensis Flore Pleno'. Synonyme de Magnolia grandiflora 'Double blanc nantais'. Ce laurier-tulipier présente des fleurs doubles dès son premier âge. Il est rustique, très florifère et à port étalé.
Magnolia grandiflora 'Norte'. Laurier-tulipier extrêmement rustique, peut-être le plus rustique. Il est planté jusqu'au sud du Canada.
Magnolia grandiflora 'Treyviensis'. C'est l'un des lauriers-tulipiers les plus rustiques. Ce cultivar a été obtenu à Yzeure (Allier) à la fin du XIXe siècle par l'horticulteur Treyve.
Magnolia grandiflora 'Undulata'. Laurier-tulipier à feuilles ondulées.
Magnolia grandiflora 'Victoria'. Petit arbre compact, vient du Canada. Zone de rusticité 7b.
Magnolia grandiflora '24 Below'. Laurier-tuliper extrêmement rustique.
Notes et références
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Magnolia à grandes fleurs: Brief Summary
provided by wikipedia FR
Magnolia grandiflora
Le Magnolia à grandes fleurs, ou Magnolier à grandes fleurs, ou Laurier-tulipier (Magnolia grandiflora) est une espèce d'arbres de grande taille. Probablement en raison de ses belles feuilles persistantes, c'est le plus connu des magnolias. Il est originaire des États-Unis et largement cultivé comme arbre d'ornement.
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provided by wikipedia gl Galician
Para o xénero ver o artigo: Magnolia
O magnolio, (Magnolia grandiflora) tamén coñecido coma magnolia común ou magnolia branca[1] é unha especie de fanerógama pertencente á familia Magnoliaceae, nativa do sueste dos Estados Unidos dende Carolina do Norte até Texas e a Florida. Adoita cultivarse coma árbore ornamental de folla perenne. En Galicia é moi común na xardinaxe urbana e palaciana.
É unha árbore perennifolia que pode acadar os 27,5 m de altura. As follas son simples ou amplamente ovadas de 12–20 cm de lonxitude e 6–12 cm de largo cos marxes dentados, de cor verde escuro e textura coriácea que se tornan pardas cando chega o inverno, manténdose até que as novas as substitúen na primavera. As flores son grandes, de cor branca, cun recendo característico agradábel, acadando os 30 cm con 6-12 pétalos e textura cerosa.
Emprégase popularmente coma árbore ornamental nas rexións onde os invernos non son demasiado severos, por mor á súa orixe subtropical. É moi popular en Galicia polas súas atractivas follas e flores, especialmente nas Rías Baixas, onde medra ben acadando tamaños impoñentes. As follas empréganse na fabricación de grilandas decorativas, especialmente polo Nadal.
Fóra de Galicia, a madeira emprégase na construción, porén o crecemento tan amodo encarece a produción a grande escala.
Magnolia longifolia Sweet, Hort. Brit.: 11 (1826).
Magnolia elliptica (W.T.Aiton) Link, Handbuch 2: 375 (1829).
Magnolia lanceolata (Aiton) Link, Handbuch 2: 375 (1829).
Magnolia obovata (W.T.Aiton) Link, Handbuch 2: 375 (1829), nom. illeg.
Magnolia maxima Lodd. ex G.Don in J.C.Loudon, Hort. Brit.: 226 (1830).
Magnolia lacunosa Raf., Autik. Bot.: 78 (1840).
Magnolia microphylla Ser., Fl. Jard. 3: 226 (1849), nom. inval.
Magnolia obtusifolia, Fl. Jard. 3: 226 (1849), nom. inval.
Magnolia tardiflora Ser., Fl. Jard. 3: 226 (1849), nom. inval.
Magnolia tomentosa Ser., Fl. Jard. 3: 226 (1849), nom. inval.
Magnolia ferruginea W.Watson, Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1889: 305 (1889).
Magnolia foetida (L.) Sarg., Gard. & Forest 2: 615 (1889).
Magnolia hartwegii G.Nicholson, Hand-List of Trees and Shrubs 1: 17 (1894), nom. inval.
Magnolia hartwicus G.Nicholson, Hand-List of Trees and Shrubs 1: 17 (1894), nom. inval.
Magnolia stricta G.Nicholson, Hand-List of Trees and Shrubs 1: 17 (1894), nom. inval.
Magnolia glabra P.Parm., Bull. Sc. France Belgique 27: 251 (1896).
Magnolia angustifolia Millais, Magnolias: 55, 83 (1927).
Magnolia exoniensis Millais, Magnolias: 59 (1927).
Magnolia galissoniensis Millais, Magnolias: 60 (1927).
Magnolia gloriosa Millais, Magnolias: 61 (1927).
Magnolia praecox Millais, Magnolias: 69 (1927).
Magnolia pravertiana Millais, Magnolias: 69 (1927).
Magnolia rotundifolia Millais, Magnolias: 70 (1927).[2]
Véxase tamén
- Breedlove, D. E. 1986. Flora de Chiapas. Listados Floríst. México 4: i–v, 1–246.
- CONABIO, 2009. Catálogo taxonómico de especies de México. Cap. nat. México 1.
- Correll, D. S. & M. C. Johnston 1970. Man. Vasc. Pl. Texas i-xv, 1–1881.
- Flora of China Editorial Committee, Addendum, 200?. Fl. China ,Checklist Addendum.
- Flora of North America Editorial Committee, eds. 1997. Magnoliidae and Hamamelidae. Fl. N. Amer. 3: i–xxiii, 1–590.
- Gleason, H. A. & A. Cronquist 1991. Man. Vasc. Pl. N.E. U.S. (ed. 2) i-lxxv, 1-910.
- Godfrey, R. K. & J. W. Wooten 1981. Aquatic and Wetland Plants of Southeastern United States Dicotyledons. Aquat. Wetland Pl. SE. U.S. Dicot. 933 pp.
- Jørgensen, P. M. & C. Ulloa Ulloa 1994. Seed plants of the high Andes of Ecuador—A checklist. AAU Rep. 34: 1–443.
- Jørgensen, P. M. & S. León-Yánez 1999. Catalogue of the vascular plants of Ecuador. Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard. 75: iviii,.
- Linares, J. L. 2003 [2005]. Listado comentado de los árboles nativos y cultivados en la república de El Salvador. Ceiba 44(2): 105–268.
- Lozano-Contreras, G. 1983. Magnoliaceae. Fl. Colombia 1: 1–119.
- Meyer, Frederick G. 1992. Magnoliaceae Family for Flora of North America. 32 pp..
- Molina R., A. 1975. Enumeración de las plantas de Honduras. Ceiba 19(1): 1–118.
- Radford, A. E., H. E. Ahles & C. R. Bell 1968. Man. Vasc. Fl. Carolinas i-lxi, 1–1183.
- Small, J. K. 1933. Man. S.E. Fl. i-xxii, 1-1554. View in BotanicusView in Biodiversity Heritage Library
- Standley, P. C. & J. A. Steyermark 1946. Magnoliaceae. In Standley, P.C. & Steyermark, J.A. (Eds), Flora of Guatemala - Part IV. Fieldiana, Bot. 24(4): 266–269.
- Vazquez-G., J. A. 1994. Magnolia (Magnoliaceae) in Mexico and Central America. Brittonia 46(1): 1–23.
- Wunderlin, R. P. 1998. Guide Vasc. Pl. Florida i–x + 1–806.
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Magnolio: Brief Summary
provided by wikipedia gl Galician
Para o xénero ver o artigo: Magnolia
O magnolio, (Magnolia grandiflora) tamén coñecido coma magnolia común ou magnolia branca é unha especie de fanerógama pertencente á familia Magnoliaceae, nativa do sueste dos Estados Unidos dende Carolina do Norte até Texas e a Florida. Adoita cultivarse coma árbore ornamental de folla perenne. En Galicia é moi común na xardinaxe urbana e palaciana.
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Velecvjetna magnolija
provided by wikipedia hr Croatian
Wulkokwětkaty lilijowc
Upper Sorbian
provided by wikipedia HSB
Wulkokwětkaty lilijowc (Magnolia grandiflora) je štom ze swójby lilijowcowych rostlinow (Magnoliaceae).
↑ W internetowym słowniku: Magnolie
- Brankačk, Jurij: Wobrazowy słownik hornjoserbskich rostlinskich mjenow na CD ROM. Rěčny centrum WITAJ, wudaće za serbske šule. Budyšin 2005.
- Kubát, K. (Hlavní editor): Klíč ke květeně České republiky. Academia, Praha (2002)
- Lajnert, Jan: Rostlinske mjena. Serbske. Němske. Łaćanske. Rjadowane po přirodnym systemje. Volk und Wissen Volkseigener Verlag Berlin (1954)
- Rězak, Filip: Němsko-serbski wšowědny słownik hornjołužiskeje rěče. Donnerhak, Budyšin (1920)
Eksterne wotkazy
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Wulkokwětkaty lilijowc: Brief Summary
Upper Sorbian
provided by wikipedia HSB
Wulkokwětkaty lilijowc (Magnolia grandiflora) je štom ze swójby lilijowcowych rostlinow (Magnoliaceae).
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Magnolia grandiflora
provided by wikipedia IT
La magnolia sempreverde (Magnolia grandiflora L., 1753), chiamata anche semplicemente magnolia, è una pianta appartenente alla famiglia delle Magnoliacee, originaria del sud-est degli Stati Uniti d'America.[2]
La magnolia grandiflora è un albero, con crescita lenta, alta fino a 25-30 metri e molto longeva, potendo diventare plurisecolare, con chioma piramidale, fogliame fitto dalla base all'apice. È una pianta sempreverde e latifoglia.
La corteccia è di colore grigio scuro, rossiccio nei rami giovani; quando invecchia la corteccia si spacca in piccole lamine e ci potrebbe essere presenza di muschio.
Le foglie lunghe fino a 20–30 cm, lanceolate, di forma ellittica, sono rigide e coriacee, con la parte superiore lucida e di colore verde scuro, la parte inferiore color ruggine e leggermente pelosa. Le foglie hanno una durata di circa 2 anni, dopodiché cadono e si rinnovano.
Le infruttescenze peduncolate coniche-ovoidali inizialmente sono verdi e chiuse, poi a maturità diventano brunastre e si divaricano evidenziando gli acheni. Il frutto è un achenio e cresce in grappoli ovoidali lunghi 8–12 cm. Il seme è di colore rosso intenso e fuoriesce dall'achenio a maturazione.
Magnolia grandiflora possiede fiori solitari ed ermafroditi con grandi petali bianchi e molto profumati. L'impollinazione è entomogama e la fioritura avviene in maggio. Questi fiori sono eduli.
Distribuzione e habitat
La specie è nativa degli Stati Uniti d'America sud-orientali (Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Carolina del nord, Carolina del sud, Texas.[2]
In Europa questa pianta è molto comune in giardini e parchi.
È usata principalmente come pianta ornamentale.
Il legno, compatto e duro, è talvolta usato in falegnameria per la sua facilità di lavorazione e per la durata nel tempo.
La sua corteccia ha proprietà toniche e febbrifughe. I grandi fiori bianchi hanno i petali commestibili, possono essere fritti o impanati.
Prediligono posizione a mezzo-sole, clima estivo umido e piovoso, terreno acido permeabile e fresco. Le zone alluvionali delle regioni prealpine italiane, costituiscono l'habitat ideale per lo sviluppo di queste piante.
La moltiplicazione avviene per talea, margotta, propaggine, innesto o con la semina.
Richiede un ambiente soleggiato e clima mite. È resistente all'inquinamento e a brevi gelate, ma può benissimo vivere in un ambiente caldo e afoso.
Tipo di terreno
Profondo, acido e ben drenato. Possibilmente da impiantare lontano dalle abitazioni, per le radici invadenti che nel tempo possono creare danni.
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Magnolia grandiflora: Brief Summary
provided by wikipedia IT
La magnolia sempreverde (Magnolia grandiflora L., 1753), chiamata anche semplicemente magnolia, è una pianta appartenente alla famiglia delle Magnoliacee, originaria del sud-est degli Stati Uniti d'America.
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Magnolia grandiflora
provided by wikipedia LA
Magnolia grandiflora est species arborum florentium familiae Magnoliacearum, in Civitatibus Foederatis meridio-orientalibus endemica, a Virginia litorali ad meridiem ad mediam Floridam, et ad occidentem ad Texiam orientalem et Oclahomam. Planta est magna, ad 27.5 m alta attingens, conspicua, sempervirens, magnis foliis atroviridibus et magnis fragrantibusque floribus albis. Plus quam centum cultivarietates natae sunt et in commercio latissime per mundum venumdantur. Lignum est durum et gravis, et in commercio adhibitum est ad faciendam supellectilem, lectulos, et laminas ligneas.
Cultus et usus
Marcus Catesby, primus in America Septentrionali conlector, Magnoliam grandifloram ad Britanniam anno 1726 transportavit, ubi, coli incipiens, Magnoliam virginianam mox officiebat, quae nonnullos annos ante conlecta erat.
Magnolia grandiflora, symbolus Civitatum Foederatarum Meridianarum, est arbor civilis Mississippiae,[1] et flos civilis Mississippiae et Ludovicianae (Gardiner 2000:143). Flos ut symbolus exercitus Civitatum Foederatarum Americae per Bellum Civile Americanum adhibita est (Callaway 1994:99).
Magnolia grandiflora in arte.
- Callaway, Dorothy Johnson. 1994. The world of magnolias. Portlandiae Oregoniae: Timber Press. ISBN 0-88192-236-6.
- Gardiner, Jim. 2000. Magnolias: A Gardener's Guide. Portlandiae Oregoniae: Timber Press. ISBN 0-88192-446-6.
Nexus externi
Haec stipula ad biologiam spectat. Amplifica, si potes!
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Magnolia grandiflora: Brief Summary
provided by wikipedia LA
Magnolia grandiflora est species arborum florentium familiae Magnoliacearum, in Civitatibus Foederatis meridio-orientalibus endemica, a Virginia litorali ad meridiem ad mediam Floridam, et ad occidentem ad Texiam orientalem et Oclahomam. Planta est magna, ad 27.5 m alta attingens, conspicua, sempervirens, magnis foliis atroviridibus et magnis fragrantibusque floribus albis. Plus quam centum cultivarietates natae sunt et in commercio latissime per mundum venumdantur. Lignum est durum et gravis, et in commercio adhibitum est ad faciendam supellectilem, lectulos, et laminas ligneas.
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Magnolia grandiflora
Dutch; Flemish
provided by wikipedia NL
Magnolia grandiflora is een boomsoort uit de tulpenboomfamilie (Magnoliaceae). De soort komt van nature voor in de zuidoostelijke staten van de Verenigde Staten: van de kust van North Carolina naar het zuiden tot centraal Florida en naar het westen tot Oost-Texas. In Zuid-Europa is de boom veel in parken en als laanboom aangeplant.
De groenblijvende boom kan een hoogte van 30 m bereiken en een breedte van 12-15 m. De bladeren zijn groot, donkergroen, lepelvormig, wat leerachtig, tot 20 cm lang en 7 cm breed, meestal met een roestbruin behaarde onderkant. De bloemen zijn wit, zo'n 20-30 cm groot, en verspreiden een sterke, aangename geur. De kegelvormige verzamelvruchten zijn eerst groen, bij rijpheid geelbruin, en bevatten niervormige zaden.
Zaden, bedekt met een rode arillus
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provided by wikipedia NO
Oksemagnolia (Magnolia grandiflora) er et eviggrønt tre som vokser vilt i sørlige USA.
Det har én stamme og blir opptil 37 m høyt. Barken er grå og glatt på unge trær, men på eldre trær sprekker den opp i tykke flak. Bladene sitter spredt, er læraktige, ellipseformede til avlangt omvendt eggformede, helrandede, men ofte bølgekantede, 13–20 cm lange og 6–10 cm brede. Undersiden kan være glatt eller tett dekket av rødbrune hår. Oversiden er glinsende og glatt.
Blomstene er hvite, dufter sterkt og er som regel 15–30 cm i diameter, men kan bli opptil 45 cm. De består av 9–15 blomsterblad, 213–383 pollenbærere og 55–81 fruktemner. Blomstringen skjer fra april til juni. Den befruktede blomsten utvikler til en samfrukt som består av mange belgkapsler med ett eller to frø hver. Frukten er avlang, 7–10 cm lang og 3,5–5 cm bred. Den er rød når den blir moden i september eller lenger utover høsten.
Oksemagnolia vokser på næringsrik og jevnt fuktig jord nær elver og sumper på den sørlige kystsletta opptil 120 moh. Den tåler ikke å stå i jord som er mettet med vann over lengre tid. Arten danner sjelden rene bestander og vokser sammen med blant annet virakfuru, Quercus virginiana, Magnolia virginiana, Nyssa biflora, Persea borbonia, amerikabøk, ambratre, tulipantre, kviteik, kvithickory og svinehickory. I den rike undervegetasjonen finnes for eksempel piggaralia, blomsterkornell, Morella cerifera, klatrevillvin, giftsumak, Symplocos tinctoria og Smilax.
Utbredelsen strekker seg fra østlige Nord-Carolina sørover til Peace River i sentrale Florida, så vestover gjennom sørlige deler av Georgia, Alabama og Mississippi, gjennom Louisiana inn i sørøstlige Texas. Den er vanligst i Louisiana, Mississippi og Texas.
Dette vakre treet plantes i parker og hager over hele verden, og det finnes mange kultivarer. Det er ikke hardført nok til å brukes i Norge.
Eksterne lenker
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Oksemagnolia: Brief Summary
provided by wikipedia NO
Oksemagnolia (Magnolia grandiflora) er et eviggrønt tre som vokser vilt i sørlige USA.
Det har én stamme og blir opptil 37 m høyt. Barken er grå og glatt på unge trær, men på eldre trær sprekker den opp i tykke flak. Bladene sitter spredt, er læraktige, ellipseformede til avlangt omvendt eggformede, helrandede, men ofte bølgekantede, 13–20 cm lange og 6–10 cm brede. Undersiden kan være glatt eller tett dekket av rødbrune hår. Oversiden er glinsende og glatt.
Blomstene er hvite, dufter sterkt og er som regel 15–30 cm i diameter, men kan bli opptil 45 cm. De består av 9–15 blomsterblad, 213–383 pollenbærere og 55–81 fruktemner. Blomstringen skjer fra april til juni. Den befruktede blomsten utvikler til en samfrukt som består av mange belgkapsler med ett eller to frø hver. Frukten er avlang, 7–10 cm lang og 3,5–5 cm bred. Den er rød når den blir moden i september eller lenger utover høsten.
Oksemagnolia vokser på næringsrik og jevnt fuktig jord nær elver og sumper på den sørlige kystsletta opptil 120 moh. Den tåler ikke å stå i jord som er mettet med vann over lengre tid. Arten danner sjelden rene bestander og vokser sammen med blant annet virakfuru, Quercus virginiana, Magnolia virginiana, Nyssa biflora, Persea borbonia, amerikabøk, ambratre, tulipantre, kviteik, kvithickory og svinehickory. I den rike undervegetasjonen finnes for eksempel piggaralia, blomsterkornell, Morella cerifera, klatrevillvin, giftsumak, Symplocos tinctoria og Smilax.
Utbredelsen strekker seg fra østlige Nord-Carolina sørover til Peace River i sentrale Florida, så vestover gjennom sørlige deler av Georgia, Alabama og Mississippi, gjennom Louisiana inn i sørøstlige Texas. Den er vanligst i Louisiana, Mississippi og Texas.
Dette vakre treet plantes i parker og hager over hele verden, og det finnes mange kultivarer. Det er ikke hardført nok til å brukes i Norge.
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- Wikipedia forfattere og redaktører
Magnolia grandiflora
provided by wikipedia PMS
Costo artìcol a l'é mach në sbòss. Da finì.
Da finì.
Da finì.
Arferiment bibliogràfich për chi a veul fé dj'arserche pì ancreuse
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- Wikipedia authors and editors
Magnolia grandiflora: Brief Summary
provided by wikipedia PMS
Costo artìcol a l'é mach në sbòss. Da finì.
Da finì.
Da finì.
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- Wikipedia authors and editors
Magnolia wielkokwiatowa
provided by wikipedia POL
Multimedia w Wikimedia Commons Magnolia wielkokwiatowa (Magnolia grandiflora L.) – gatunek roślin należący do rodziny magnoliowatych. Magnolia ta rośnie na naturalnych stanowiskach na Dalekim Wschodzie i w Ameryce Północnej. W Polsce jest czasami uprawiana jako roślina ozdobna.
- Pokrój
- Duży krzew lub małe drzewo.
- Liście
- Błyszczące, odwrotnie jajowate liście o długości 10–16 cm i szerokości 6–10 cm, na końcu zaostrzone. Młode liście są delikatnie owłosione, potem tracą owłosienie.
- Kwiaty
- Okazałe kwiaty kwiaty o średnicy do 12 cm mają biały lub kremowy kolor. Podobnie, jak u wszystkich magnolii brak zróżnicowania na kielich i koronę. W środku kwiatu liczne pręciki i słupki.
Owocostan magnolii wielkokwiatowej
- Owoc
- Różowofioletowy, bardzo dekoracyjny owocostan złożony z mieszków. Z nasion można wyhodować sadzonki.
- W wielu krajach jest uprawiana jako roślina ozdobna.
- Kora magnolii wielkokwiatowej ma własności lecznicze. Używana jest na kaszel i przeziębienie. W tym celu stosuje się ją w mieszance z innymi ziołami.
- W stanach Luizjana i Mississippi w USA uważana jest za drzewo stanowe i otoczona opieką[2].
Wymaga półcienistego stanowiska. Lepiej rośnie na żyznej i przepuszczalnej glebie z lekko kwaśnym odczynem. Jest odporna na mróz.
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- cc-by-sa-3.0
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- Autorzy i redaktorzy Wikipedii
Magnolia wielkokwiatowa: Brief Summary
provided by wikipedia POL
Magnolia wielkokwiatowa (Magnolia grandiflora L.) – gatunek roślin należący do rodziny magnoliowatych. Magnolia ta rośnie na naturalnych stanowiskach na Dalekim Wschodzie i w Ameryce Północnej. W Polsce jest czasami uprawiana jako roślina ozdobna.
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- cc-by-sa-3.0
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- Autorzy i redaktorzy Wikipedii
Magnolia grandiflora
provided by wikipedia PT
Flor e folhagem de
M. grandiflora.
Espécime plantado em 1807 no
Jardin des plantes de
Desenho incluído no catálogo de
Mark Catesby com a legenda
«laurel tree of Carolina» (
«loureiro da Carolina»), da autoria de
Magnolia grandiflora é uma espécie de plantas com flor da família Magnoliaceae, conhecida pelos nomes comuns de magnólia-branca e magnólia-perene, com folhas grandes, ovais e coreáceas, com distribuição natural no sueste dos Estados Unidos da América, das regiões costeiras da Carolina do Norte à região central da Florida, e para oeste até ao leste do Texas e Oklahoma,[1] onde ocorre nas florestas subtropicais das terras baixas. A espécie é utilizada como árvore ornamental em todas as regiões subtropicais do mundo.
Magnolia grandiflora é uma espécie arbórea de médio porte (mesofanerófito), de folhagem perene, que em boas condições vegetativas pode atingir os 27,5 m de altura.[2] A copa é em geral de forma piramidal, tipicamente com um único tronco principal e ramificação simétrica.[1]
As folhas são simples, largamente obovadas, grandes, com 12-20 cm de comprimento e 6-12 cm de largura,[1] com margens lisas. A pagina superior é verde brilhante nas folhas juvenis, evoluindo para verde intenso e brilhante nas folhas adultas, as quais enrijecem e ganham consistência coreácea ao envelhecer. A pagina inferior é densamente pubescente, com tricomas amarelo-acastanhados, os quais vão desaparecendo à medida que a folha envelhece.
As folhas são pesadas e tendem a cair durante todo o ano, especialmente as que ficam ensombradas no interior da copa, e formam uma densa manta morta debaixo da árvore, cobrindo integralmente o solo.[3] As características de brilho e consistência das folhas tornam-nas atractivas para uso em arranjos florais.[4] As folhas apresentam uma cutícula cerosa que as torna resistentes a danos causados pela ressalga ou pela poluição do ar.[3]
As flores são grandes, com até 30 cm de diâmetro, brancas, actinomorfas, fragrantes, exalando um odor próximo do óleo de citronela (limão), com 6-12 tépalas de textura cerosa que emergem da gema apical dos ramos das árvores maduras no final da primavera.
A floração é seguida pela formação de um fruto de coloração rósea, ovóide, do tipo polifolicular, com 7,5-10 cm de comprimento e 3-5 cm de largura.[5]
No sul da área de distribuição natural da espécie têm sido reportados exemplares excepcionalmente grandes, entre os quais um espécime encontrado em Smith County, Mississippi, que tem mais de 37 m de altura. Outro exemplar notável, com 35 m de altura, localiza-se no Chickasawhay District, De Soto National Forest, no estado de Mississippi, apresentando em 1861 um diâmetro à altura do peito (DAP) de mais de 1,8 m (mais de 5,7 m de circunferência). Em Baton Rouge existem um exemplar com 30 m de altura e 6 m de circunferência à altura do peito.[5]
A madeira desta espécie é dura e densa, tendo sido utilizada comercialmente para o fabrico de mobiliário, paletes, entalhes e foliados.
A espécie Magnolia grandiflora foi um dos muitos taxa descritos por Carl Linnaeus na 10.ª edição da sua obra Systema Naturae, publicada em 1759.[6] A descrição foi feita com base em notas elaboradas pelo botânico britânico Philip Miller. Na publicação não seleccionou um espécime tipo. O epíteto específico é derivado dos vocábulos latinos grandis "grande", e flor- "flor".[7]
M. grandiflora é conhecida pelo nome comum de magnólia-branca ou magnólia-perene, embora seja referida por vezes como um louro ou magnólia-louro, talvez resultado da semelhança das suas folhas com as de Persea borbonia.[7] A espécie, nativa do sueste dos Estados Unidos, apresenta numerosos nomes comuns em inglês.[5][8] A madeira é comercializada sob a designação de magnolia,[5] por vezes aportuguesada para magnólia.
Distribuição e habitat
A espécie M. grandiflora é nativa do Sueste dos Estados Unidos, tendo uma área de distribuição natural que se estende das regiões costeiras das Carolina do Norte para sul até à Flórida central, e para oeste até ao leste do Texas e Oklahoma.
A espécie ocorre preferencialmente nas margens de cursos de água, lagoas e pântanos, frequentemente em associação com espécies típicas de solos ricos em humidade, ou mesmo encharcados, como Liquidambar styraciflua, Quercus nigra e Nyssa sylvatica. Em habitats abrigados de solo profundo cresce até atingir dimensões de grande árvore (megafanerófito), mas pode assumir a forma de um pequeno arbusto quando ocorre nas dunas costeiras.[9] A espécie morre quando sujeita aos efeitos de fogos florestais, estando ausente de habitats que sofrem queimadas frequentes.[10]
Na Flórida, a espécie encontra-se em várias áreas ecológicas diferentes, as quais são tipicamente sombreadas e têm solos bem drenados. É mais frequente em pequenas elevações, montículos em zonas húmidas, ao longo de ravinas, em encostas e em planícies aluviais arborizadas.[11] Apesar de preferir locais com elevada humidade do solo, não tolera a inundação permanente.[5]
A espécie cresce bem nas colinas arenosas da região costeira, onde faz parte da floresta atlântica, ocorrendo em formações que incluem o carvalho-da-virgínia (Quercus virginiana) e o palmetto (Serenoa repens).[10] Por ter escapado de cultura, a espécie encontra-se naturalizada em algumas regiões do leste dos Estados Unidos da América, nomeadamente na planície costeira atlântica em torno de Chesapeake Bay no sueste da Virgínia e nordeste da Carolina do Norte, bem como localmente em outras áreas fora da sua área de distribuição histórica.[12]
Os espécimes de Magnolia grandiflora começam a produzir sementes a partir dos 10 anos de idade, embora a plena maturação, e o máximo de produção de sementes, apenas seja atingida por volta dos 25 anos de idade. Cerca de 50% das sementes são capazes de germinar, sendo a dispersão feita por aves e mamíferos (zoocoria).[5] As sementes são consumidas por esquilos (Sciurus carolinensis), opossums (Didelphis virginiana), perdizes (Colinus virginianus) e perus selvagens (Meleagris gallopavo).[13]
Cultivo e usos
O colector de plantas Mark Catesby, um dos primeiros a coleccionar de forma sistemática plantas oriundas da América do Norte, introduziu a espécie M. grandiflora na Grã-Bretanha no ano de 1726. A espécie foi rapidamente adoptada como árvore ornamental, entrando em cultura e suplantando em preferência entre os arboricultores europeus a espécie M. virginiana, que havia sido introduzida na Europa alguns anos antes.
A espécie também foi introduzida na Europa via França, colectada por exploradores francesa nas vizinhanças do rio Mississippi, na Louisiana.[14] It was glowingly described by Philip Miller in his 1731 work The Gardeners' Dictionary.[15]
Um dos primeiros arboricultores que a cultivaram comercialmente na Europa foi Sir John Colliton, de Exeter no Devon. Tinha uma árvore rodeada de andaimes e tubos, produzindo plantio por mergulhia em vasos suspensos em torno da árvore. O plantio vendia-se a 5 guinéus cada planta (embora mais tarde o preço tenha caído para meio guinéu cada).[15]
Nas regiões subtropicais, e em regiões temperadas onde não são comuns a geadas, a espécie é plantada em parques ou como árvore de sombra em ruas e praças. Nalguns casos consegue atingir grande porte, podendo ser mantida com todos os ramos ou podada para manter o tronco à vista. Nalguns casos a árvore é espaldada contra uma parede, o que permite aumentar a resistência à geada.[7]
Nos Estados Unidos, a espécie Magnolia grandiflora é uma árvore ornamental muito popular em toda a sua região de distribuição natural. Considerada uma árvore muito atractiva pelas sua folhagem verde brilhante e grandes flores fragrantes, tem uma longa história de uso como ornamental no sueste dos Estados Unidos, sendo comuns grandes espécimes com muitas décadas de vida em cidades portuárias da região subtropical como New Orleans, Mobile, Savannah, Charleston e Wilmington. M. grandiflora é a árvore do estado do Mississippi e a flor do estado da Louisiana. Fora da sua zona de distribuição natural, a espécie é cultivada nas regiões de clima mais quente dos estados Unidos, sendo que na Costa Leste, um pequeno número de espécimes é encontrado tão a norte como as regiões costeiras de New Jersey, Connecticut e Long Island, NY. Mais a sul, é cultivada mais extensamente em Delaware, na região de Chesapeake Bay em Maryland e na maior parte do leste da Virgínia. Na Costa Oeste, a espécie é cultivada até à região sul da British Columbia, apesar dos verões mais frescos atrasarem o crescimento.[7] No interior da América do Norte, alguns cultivares mais resistentes ao frio conseguem sobreviver até ao sul do Ohio Valley (Ohio, Kentucky, sul de Indiana).
Fora da América do Norte, a espécie Magnolia grandiflora é cultiva em partes do México e em muitas regiões da América Central e do Sul, bem como na Austrália, sueste Asiático, sul da Europa e África do Sul.[7]
A espécie é recomendada para plantio em regiões costeiras ventosas, mas onde não exista demasiada ressalga.[16] A folhagem é danificada nas regiões mais frias, especialmente quando a planta permaneça ao sol durante os dias frios,[3] mas a maioria das folhas permanece na árvore até ser substituída por nova folhagem na primavera. Em climas em que o solo congele, a exposição ao sol durante o período de congelamento parecer causar mais dano à planta que o frio, sendo que o lado da planta exposto à radiação solar directa apresenta em geral mais danos que o resto da árvore. Após ter enraizado, M. grandiflora é muito resistente à seca, sendo considerada a espécie mais tolerante à secura do género Magnolia.[3]
Na sua região de distribuição natural, M. grandiglora, em conjunto com Magnolia virginiana e Magnolia acuminata, é colhida para produção de madeira. A madeira destas três espécies é comercializada indistintamente como magnolia para usos na construção de mobiliário, entalhes, caixas, paletes, venezianas, portas e produtos foliados. A madeira tem alburno de coloração clara, geralmente amarelada, e cerne castanho claro a castanho escuro com venações amareladas. A madeira geralmente apresenta granulação direita e textura uniforme, com anéis estreitos. A madeira é classificada como de densidade moderada, com dureza e rigidez médias e com tendência ao encolhimento moderadamente baixa, o mesmo acontecendo em relação à capacidade de flexão e resistência à compressão, mas é moderadamente alta em resistência ao choque.[17] Its use in the Southeastern United States has been supplanted by the availability of harder woods.[18]
M. grandiflora contém compostos fenólicos que demonstradamente apresentam actividade antimicrobiana significativa. Magnolol, honokiol e 3,5′-dialil-2′-hidroxi-4-metoxibifenil (4-O-metilhonokiol) exibem actividade significativa contra bactérias Gram-positivas, bactérias ácido-ácool resistentes e fungos.[19] As folhas contêm cumarinas e sesquiterpenlactonas.[20] Entre os sesquiterpenos sabe-se estarem presentes costunolide, partenolide, costunolide diepóxido, santamarine e reynosin.[21]
↑ a b c Zion, Robert L. (1995). Trees for architecture and landscape. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold. p. 224. ISBN 978-0-471-28524-3
↑ Gardiner, p. 144
↑ a b c d Sternberg, Guy; Wilson, James; Wilson, Jim (2004). Native trees for North American landscapes: from the Atlantic to the Rockies. Portland: Timber Press. 268 páginas. ISBN 978-0-88192-607-1
↑ Callaway, p. 13
↑ a b c d e f Maisenhelder, Louis C. (1970). «Magnolia» (PDF). American Woods FS-245. US Dept. of Agriculture. Consultado em 5 de novembro de 2009
↑ Linnaeus, Carl (1758). Systema Naturae per Regna Tria Naturae, Secundum Classes, Ordines, Genera, Species, cum Characteribus, Differentiis, Synonymis, Locis (em Latin). Vol. 2 10th revised ed. Holmiae: (Laurentii Salvii). p. 1082 !CS1 manut: Língua não reconhecida (link)
↑ a b c d e Callaway, p. 99
↑ Coladonato, Milo (1991). «Magnolia grandiflora». Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer).: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service. Consultado em 12 de janeiro de 2010
↑ Gardiner, p. 143
↑ a b Whitney, Eleanor Noss; Rudloe, Anne; Jadaszewski, Erick. Priceless Florida: Natural Ecosystems and Native Species. [S.l.]: Pineapple Press (FL). 36 páginas. ISBN 978-1-56164-308-0
↑ Nelson, Gil; Marvin, Jr Cook. The Trees of Florida: A Reference and Field Guide (Reference and Field Guides (Paperback)). [S.l.]: Pineapple Press (FL). 17 páginas. ISBN 978-1-56164-055-3
↑ Halls, L. K. 1977. Southern magnolia/Magnolia grandiflora L. In Southern fruit-producing woody plants used by wildlife. p. 196-197. USDA Forest Service, General Technical Report SO-16. Southern Forest Experiment Station, New Orleans, LA.
↑ Aitken, Richard (2008). Botanical Riches: Stories of Botanical Exploration. Melbourne, Victoria: Miegunyah Press: State Library of Victoria. 112 páginas. ISBN 0-522-85505-9
↑ a b Gardiner, p. 18
↑ Bush-Brown, Louise Carter; Bush-Brown, James; Irwin, Howard S. (1996). America's garden book. New York: Macmillan USA. 537 páginas. ISBN 0-02-860995-6
↑ The Encyclopedia of Wood. [S.l.]: Skyhorse Publishing. pp. 1–7. ISBN 978-1-60239-057-7
↑ Callaway, p. 14
↑ Antimicrobial activity of phenolic constituents of magnolia grandiflora L. Alice M. Clark, Arouk S. El-Feraly, Wen-Shyong Li, Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, August 1981, Volume 70, Issue 8, pages 951–952, doi:10.1002/jps.2600700833
↑ Coumarins and sesquiterpene lactones from Magnolia grandiflora leaves. Yang MH, Blunden G, Patel AV, O'Neill MJ and Lewis JA, Planta medica, 1994, vol. 60, no 4, pages 390-390, INIST:11250251
↑ Isolation and characterization of the sesquiterpene lactones costunolide, parthenolide, costunolide diepoxide, santamarine, and reynosin from Magnolia grandiflora L. Farouk S. El-Feraly and Yee-Ming Chan, Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, March 1978, Volume 67, Issue 3, pages 347–350, doi:10.1002/jps.2600670319
- Callaway, Dorothy Johnson (1994). The world of magnolias. Portland, Oregon: Timber Press. ISBN 0-88192-236-6
- Gardiner, Jim (2000). Magnolias: A Gardener's Guide. Portland, Oregon: Timber Press. ISBN 0-88192-446-6
Tronco com ritidoma (casca) típico.
Folhagem e flores de M. grandiflora.
Folhagem de M. grandiflora.
Botões de M. grandiflora.
Interior da flor de M. grandiflora.
Sementes de M. grandiflora.
Hábito de M. grandiflora.
- license
- cc-by-sa-3.0
- copyright
- Autores e editores de Wikipedia
Magnolia grandiflora: Brief Summary
provided by wikipedia PT
Magnolia grandiflora.
Flor e folhagem de M. grandiflora.
Fruto de M. grandiflora.
Sementes de M. grandiflora.
Espécime plantado em 1807 no Jardin des plantes de
Desenho incluído no catálogo de
Mark Catesby com a legenda «laurel tree of Carolina» («loureiro da Carolina»), da autoria de
Magnolia grandiflora é uma espécie de plantas com flor da família Magnoliaceae, conhecida pelos nomes comuns de magnólia-branca e magnólia-perene, com folhas grandes, ovais e coreáceas, com distribuição natural no sueste dos Estados Unidos da América, das regiões costeiras da Carolina do Norte à região central da Florida, e para oeste até ao leste do Texas e Oklahoma, onde ocorre nas florestas subtropicais das terras baixas. A espécie é utilizada como árvore ornamental em todas as regiões subtropicais do mundo.
- license
- cc-by-sa-3.0
- copyright
- Autores e editores de Wikipedia
Magnolia grandiflora
Romanian; Moldavian; Moldovan
provided by wikipedia RO
Magnolia grandiflora[1] este o specie de plante din genul Magnolia, familia Magnoliaceae, descrisă de Carl von Linné.[2][3] Conform Catalogue of Life specia Magnolia grandiflora nu are subspecii cunoscute.[2]
^ L., 1759 In: Syst. Nat. ed. 10 , 2: 1082
- ^ a b Roskov Y., Kunze T., Orrell T., Abucay L., Paglinawan L., Culham A., Bailly N., Kirk P., Bourgoin T., Baillargeon G., Decock W., De Wever A., Didžiulis V. (ed) (2014). „Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life: 2014 Annual Checklist”. Species 2000: Reading, UK. Accesat în 26 mai 2014.Mentenanță CS1: Nume multiple: lista autorilor (link) Mentenanță CS1: Text în plus: lista autorilor (link)
^ WCSP: World Checklist of Selected Plant Families
Legături externe
Magnolia grandiflora: Brief Summary
Romanian; Moldavian; Moldovan
provided by wikipedia RO
Magnolia grandiflora este o specie de plante din genul Magnolia, familia Magnoliaceae, descrisă de Carl von Linné. Conform Catalogue of Life specia Magnolia grandiflora nu are subspecii cunoscute.
Velecvetna magnolija
Spanish; Castilian
provided by wikipedia SL
Velecvetna magnolija (znanstveno ime Magnolia grandiflora) je vednozeleno drevo, ki je samoniklo na jugovzhodnem delu ZDA.
Velecvetna magnolija lahko v višino deseže do 27,5 m[1] in ima velike temnozelene liste, ki dosežejo v dolžino med 12 in 20 cm, v širino pa med 6 in 12 cm.[2] Po spodnji strani so mehko rjavo dlakavi. Običajno ima drevo eno deblo, oblika krošnje pa je piramidasta.[2] Cvetovi so smetanasto bele barve in imajo premer do 30 cm. Iz oplojenih cvetov se razvijejo 7,5– 10 cm dolgi in 3 –5 cmširoki vijolični plodovi.[3] Listi rastline so težki in odpadajo preko celega leta. Običajno pod drevesi naredijo debel sloj, zaradi česar pod drevesom običajno ne uspevajo druge rastline.[4] Zgornja stran listov je zaščitena z debelo plastjo voska, zaradi česar rastlina dobro prenaša onesnaženost zraka, pa tudi sol.[4]
Razširjenost in uporabnost
Velecvetna magnolija najbolje uspeva na rahlo kislih, dobro odcednih tleh v sončnih ali polsenčnih zavetnih legah. Je priljubljena okrasna rastlina, ki dobro prenaša obrezovanje. V Veliko Britanijo so rastlino prinesli leta 1726, kasneje pa je postala priljubljena okrasna rastlina tudi v Franciji, kamor so prišli primerki iz Louisiane.[5] O velecvetni magnoliji je leta 1731 v svoji knjigi The Gardeners' Dictionary na široko pisal že Philip Miller.[6]
Les velecvetne magnolije je srednje težak, srednje trd in srednje žilav. Obdelan se ne zvija preveč in je zelo trpežen[7], zaradi česar je priljubljen za izdelavo pohištva, škatel, palet, žaluzij in vrat, pa tudi za furnir. Beljava lesa pri velecvetni magnoliji je rumenkasto bela, jedrovina pa je svetlo do temno rjave barve s pridihom rumene ali zelene.
Rastlina vsebuje različne fenole, med katerimi so magnolol, honokiol in 3,5′-dialil-2′-hidroksi-4-metoksibifenil, ki imajo antibakterijske lastnosti. Zlasti so učinkoviti proti Gram-pozitivnim bakterijam, učinkovito pa delujejo tudi proti glivicam.[8] Listi vsebujejo kumarine in sesquiterpenske laktone[9], med katerimi so costunolid, partenolid, costunolid diepoksid, santamarin in rejnozin.[10]
Drevo začne proizvajati semena pri starosti 10 let, višek moči pa doseže pri starosti okoli 25 let. Kaljivost semen je okoli 50%, razširjanje pa opravijo ptice (prepelice in purani) in različni sesalci[3] , kot so veverice in oposumi.[11]
Magnolia grandiflora je Carl Linnaeus opisal v svoji 10. izdaji Systema Naturae leta 1759,[12] njegov opis pa je temeljil na Millerjevih zapisih. Znanstveno ime izvira iz latinskih besed grandis "velik" in flor- "cvet".[13]
↑ Gardiner, p. 144
↑ 2,0 2,1 Zion, Robert L. (1995). Trees for architecture and landscape. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold. str. 224. ISBN 978-0-471-28524-3.
↑ 3,0 3,1 Maisenhelder, Louis C. (1970). "Magnolia" (PDF). American Woods FS-245. US Dept. of Agriculture. Pridobljeno dne 2009-11-05.
↑ 4,0 4,1 Sternberg, Guy; Wilson, James; Wilson, Jim (2004). Native trees for North American landscapes: from the Atlantic to the Rockies. Portland: Timber Press. str. 268. ISBN 978-0-88192-607-1.
↑ Aitken, Richard (2008). Botanical Riches: Stories of Botanical Exploration. Melbourne, Victoria: Miegunyah Press: State Library of Victoria. str. 112. ISBN 0-522-85505-9.
↑ Gardiner, p. 18
↑ The Encyclopedia of Wood. Skyhorse Publishing. str. 1–7. ISBN 978-1-60239-057-7.
↑ Antimicrobial activity of phenolic constituents of magnolia grandiflora L. Alice M. Clark, Arouk S. El-Feraly, Wen-Shyong Li, Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, August 1981, Volume 70, Issue 8, pages 951–952, DOI: 10.1002/jps.2600700833
↑ Coumarins and sesquiterpene lactones from Magnolia grandiflora leaves. Yang MH, Blunden G, Patel AV, O'Neill MJ and Lewis JA, Planta medica, 1994, vol. 60, no 4, str. 390-390, Predloga:INIST
↑ Isolation and characterization of the sesquiterpene lactones costunolide, parthenolide, costunolide diepoxide, santamarine, and reynosin from Magnolia grandiflora L. Farouk S. El-Feraly and Yee-Ming Chan, Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, March 1978, Volume 67, Issue 3, str. 347–350, DOI: 10.1002/jps.2600670319
↑ Halls, L. K. 1977. Southern magnolia/Magnolia grandiflora L. In Southern fruit-producing woody plants used by wildlife. p. 196-197. USDA Forest Service, General Technical Report SO-16. Southern Forest Experiment Station, New Orleans, LA.
↑ Linnaeus, Carl (1758). Systema Naturae per Regna Tria Naturae, Secundum Classes, Ordines, Genera, Species, cum Characteribus, Differentiis, Synonymis, Locis (latinščina). Vol. 2 (10th revised izd.). Holmiae: (Laurentii Salvii). str. 1082.
↑ Callaway, str. 99
Dodatni viri
- Callaway, Dorothy Johnson (1994). The world of magnolias. Portland, Oregon: Timber Press. ISBN 0-88192-236-6.
- Gardiner, Jim (2000). Magnolias: A Gardener's Guide. Portland, Oregon: Timber Press. ISBN 0-88192-446-6.
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Velecvetna magnolija: Brief Summary
Spanish; Castilian
provided by wikipedia SL
Velecvetna magnolija (znanstveno ime Magnolia grandiflora) je vednozeleno drevo, ki je samoniklo na jugovzhodnem delu ZDA.
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Kungsmagnolia: Brief Summary
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Kungsmagnolia (Magnolia grandiflora) är en art i magnoliasläktet och i familjen magnoliaväxter.
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Магнолія великоквіткова
provided by wikipedia UK
Дерево 6-8 м заввишки. Листки на зиму опадають, дуже щільні, шкірясті, великі (10-20 см завдовжки), знизу іржаво-опушені, з прилистками. Цвіте у травні-червні. Рослина вважається однією з найдавніших на планеті, що відокремилася від основної лінії квіткових рослин до того, як вона розділилася на групи дводольних і однодольних.[1]
Квітки великі, кремово-білі, оцвітина 10-20 см у діамерті, проста, з 9 білих або блідо-рожевих листочків, що розташовані у три кола. Тичинки й маточки у великій невизначеній кількості розташовані на опуклому, конічному квітколожі по спіралі. Зав'язь — верхня.
Плід — багатолистянка. Ззовні плід нагадує шишку голонасінних. Він складається з багатьох листянок, що геміциклічно розміщуються на квітколожі. Окремі плодики розкриваються по черевному шві — місцю зростання країв плодолистків. У кожній листянці розвиваються одна-дві насінини, що прикріплюються по краю черевного шва. Зріле насіння яскраво-червоного кольору. Після дозрівання плоди розкриваються і насінини звисають на довгих ниточках-виростах шва.
У природі рослина трапляється на південному сході США від штату Меріленд до Флориди на захід до Техасу та Оклахоми. Дерево полюбляє вологі місцини, росте на болотах, берегах річок та ставків.
Практичне використання
Вирощується у декоративних цілях як чудову прикрасу парків і садів у різних куточках Землі. Існує багато культурних сортів цього виду.
↑ Ліс. — К.Махаон-Україна, 2008. — 304 с., іл. — С. 153
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Magnolia grandiflora
provided by wikipedia VI
Magnolia grandiflora, thường được biết đến như là Magnolia miền nam, là một loại cây họ Magnoliaceae có nguồn gốc ở vùng đông nam Hoa Kỳ, từ ven biển Bắc Carolina đến trung tâm Florida và phía tây đến Đông Texas. Với độ cao 27,5 m (90 ft), nó là một cây thường xanh lớn, nổi bật, với lá xanh đậm lớn lên đến 20 cm (7 3/4 in) dài và rộng 12 cm (4 3/4 in) và rộng, màu trắng, hoa thơm có đường kính lên đến 30 cm (12 in). Mặc dù đặc hữu cho các khu rừng cận nhiệt đới vùng thấp ở vùng Vịnh và vùng đồng bằng ven biển Nam Đại Tây Dương, mộc lan grandiflora được trồng rộng rãi ở các vùng nóng trên toàn thế giới. Gỗ cứng và nặng, và đã được sử dụng thương mại để làm đồ gỗ, pallet, và veneer.
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Magnolia grandiflora: Brief Summary
provided by wikipedia VI
Magnolia grandiflora, thường được biết đến như là Magnolia miền nam, là một loại cây họ Magnoliaceae có nguồn gốc ở vùng đông nam Hoa Kỳ, từ ven biển Bắc Carolina đến trung tâm Florida và phía tây đến Đông Texas. Với độ cao 27,5 m (90 ft), nó là một cây thường xanh lớn, nổi bật, với lá xanh đậm lớn lên đến 20 cm (7 3/4 in) dài và rộng 12 cm (4 3/4 in) và rộng, màu trắng, hoa thơm có đường kính lên đến 30 cm (12 in). Mặc dù đặc hữu cho các khu rừng cận nhiệt đới vùng thấp ở vùng Vịnh và vùng đồng bằng ven biển Nam Đại Tây Dương, mộc lan grandiflora được trồng rộng rãi ở các vùng nóng trên toàn thế giới. Gỗ cứng và nặng, và đã được sử dụng thương mại để làm đồ gỗ, pallet, và veneer.
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Магнолия крупноцветковая
provided by wikipedia русскую Википедию
Вид: Магнолия крупноцветковая
Международное научное название
Magnolia grandiflora L., (1759)
Синонимы Ареал
на ВикивидахИзображения
на Викискладе ITIS 18074NCBI 3406EOL 1154991GRIN t:23108IPNI 554723-1TPL kew-117615 Магно́лия крупноцветко́вая (лат. Magnólia grandiflóra) — вид цветковых растений, входящий в род Магнолия (Magnolia) семейства Магнолиевые (Magnoliaceae).
Распространение и экология
В природе ареал вида охватывает юго-восточные штаты США (от Северной Каролины до Флориды и Техаса). Как декоративное растение выращивается в Грузии, Крыму, Средней Азии, некоторых районах Краснодарского края России и в Астраханской области. В культуре с 1734 года.
Обычно приурочена к болотистым лесам по берегам рек, где встречается совместно с дубом иволистным (Quercus phellos), дубом чёрным (Quercus nigra), дубом каштановым (Quercus montana), Ulmus alata, Nyssa biflora, магнолией трёхлепестной (Magnolia tripetala), Liquidambar stiraciflna и другими породами. Наибольших размеров достигает в долине реки Миссисипи на богатых почвах по прибрежным холмам.
Ботаническое описание
Магнолия крупноцветковая — вечнозелёное дерево высотой до 30 м с толстым, прямым стволом диаметром 120—135 см. Крона широкопирамидальная, густолиственная. Кора серая или светло-бурая, толщиной 1—2 см.
Листья продолговатые, обратнояйцевидные или узкоэллиптические, заострённые, цельнокрайние, с клиновидным основанием, гладкие, кожистые, крупные, длиной 12—25 см, шириной 4—12 см, сверху голые, тёмно-зелёные, снизу бурые, рыжеватые, коротко опушённые, иногда голые. Черешки длиной 2,5—5 см, ржавоопушённые.
Цветки единичные, верхушечные, крупные, достигают в диаметре 25 см, молочно-белые, с сильным одуряющим запахом. Листочков околоцветника 6, иногда 9 или 12, яйцевидных или овальных, длиной 7,5—10 см, шириной 2—5 см. После оцветения каждый из многочисленных пестиков превращается в листовку, тесно прирастающую брюшным швом к удлинённой оси цветка.
Формула цветка: ∗ K 3 C ∞ A ∞ G ∞ _ {displaystyle ast K_{3};C_{infty };A_{infty };G_{underline {infty }}} [2].
Плоды — шишкообразные, ржавоопушённые, яйцевидные или эллипсоидальные многолистовки длиной 7,5—10 мм. Семена блестящие, эллипсоидальные или треугольные, по (2—6 в каждом плодике) с красной мясистой семенной кожурой, при созревании повисают на длинных семяножках (проводящий пучок), служат пищей для птиц.
Цветение — с мая по сентябрь, единичными цветками — с октября по ноябрь. Плодоношение — с октября по ноябрь.
Слева направо:
Листья; цветок; центральная часть цветка; плод
Значение и применение
С успехом применяется в зелёном строительстве для создания групп, аллей и для одиночных посадок.
Листья, цветки, молодые ветви могут быть использованы для получения эфирного масла.
Вид Магнолия крупноцветковая входит в род Магнолия (Magnolia) подсемейства Магнолиевые (Magnolioideae) семейства Магнолиевые (Magnoliaceae) порядка Магнолиецветные (Magnoliales).
ещё 5 семейств
Системе APG II) род
Манглиетия порядок
Магнолиецветные подсемейство
Магнолиевые вид
Магнолия крупноцветковая отдел
Цветковые, или Покрытосеменные семейство
Магнолиевые род
Магнолия ещё 44 порядка цветковых растений
Системе APG II) подсемейство
Liriodendroidae (согласно
Системе APG II) ещё 239 видов
↑ Об условности указания класса двудольных в качестве вышестоящего таксона для описываемой в данной статье группы растений см. раздел «Системы APG» статьи «Двудольные».
↑ Барабанов Е.И. Ботаника: учебник для студ. высш. учеб. заведений. — М: Издательский центр «Академия», 2006. — 448 с. — ISBN 5-7695-2656-4.
Магнолия крупноцветковая: Brief Summary
provided by wikipedia русскую Википедию
Магно́лия крупноцветко́вая (лат. Magnólia grandiflóra) — вид цветковых растений, входящий в род Магнолия (Magnolia) семейства Магнолиевые (Magnoliaceae).
provided by wikipedia 中文维基百科
荷花玉兰(学名:Magnolia grandiflora),又名洋玉兰(中国树木分类学)、广玉兰(上海),为木兰科木兰属的植物,原产美洲,北美洲以及中国大陆的长江流域及其以南有栽培,北方如北京、兰州等地有引种。供观赏,花含芳香油。
- 昆明植物研究所. 荷花玉兰. 《中国高等植物数据库全库》. 中国科学院微生物研究所. [2009-02-24]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-05).
荷花玉兰 维基物种中的分类信息:
荷花玉兰: Brief Summary
provided by wikipedia 中文维基百科
荷花玉兰(学名:Magnolia grandiflora),又名洋玉兰(中国树木分类学)、广玉兰(上海),为木兰科木兰属的植物,原产美洲,北美洲以及中国大陆的长江流域及其以南有栽培,北方如北京、兰州等地有引种。供观赏,花含芳香油。
provided by wikipedia 日本語
タイサンボク: Brief Summary
provided by wikipedia 日本語
タイサンボク(泰山木、大山木、学名:Magnolia grandiflora)とはモクレン科の常緑高木。
provided by wikipedia 한국어 위키백과
태산목(泰山木, Magnolia grandiflora)은 상록의 목본으로서 잎은 크고 혁질이다. 5-6월경에 가지 끝에 크고 향기가 짙은 흰 꽃이 핀다. 열매는 골돌이며, 2개의 붉은색씨가 늘어진다. 북아메리카가 원산지로 한국에서는 남부 지방에서 주로 정원수로 심는다.
참고 문헌
외부 링크