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The forty-spotted pardalote forages almost exclusively in the foliage of white gum trees, hence its dependency on this eucalypt's availability (2). It feeds by gleaning invertebrates, from the relatively large leaves of the white gum, as well as lerp, a protective coat secreted by sap sucking insects, and manna, a sugary substance secreted by eucalypts in response to insect attack (2) (3) (4). A territorial bird, the forty-spotted pardalote tends to nest in loose colonies at permanent sites, with breeding pairs probably staying together for several years (3). At the beginning of the breeding season, which extends from August through to December, nests are built in the hollows of tree trunks and branches as well as dead stumps and fallen logs (3) (5). Between four to five eggs are laid and incubated for a period of 16 to 20 days. On hatching the chicks are reared almost exclusively on the carbohydrate and sugar-rich lerp and manna. Most chicks fledge between September and October, around 25 days after hatching, but some breeding pairs will produce a second clutch that fledges later. During the non-breeding season, there is restricted local dispersal by both adults and juveniles, probably in response to the limited availability of food around the colonies over winter (3).
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The preservation of white gum woodlands and forests is critical to the survival of the forty-spotted pardalote (3). Fortunately, around 60 percent of the habitat currently occupied is protected within reserves, including the most significant breeding colony on Bruny Island (2). A recovery plan, which ran from 1991 to 1997, was instrumental in increasing the amount of protected habitat, as well as in locating new colonies, planting white gum seedlings to create new habitat, and raising public awareness. The current stability of the forty-pardalote population, at around 3,800 birds in 2008, is evidence of the success of the original recovery plan, but because it still has a very small and fragmented range, the species remains classified as Endangered on the IUCN Red List (1) (2) (3). A new four-year recovery plan, implemented in 2006, has the central aim of improving the conservation status of the forty-spotted pardalote sufficiently to warrant it being down-listed to Vulnerable. In order to achieve this, the plan intends to enhance and expand existing habitat, to assist in the colonisation of potential habitat and to conduct research that will help to identify and respond to threats restricting the current population (3).
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The rare and endangered forty-spotted pardalote is a small, delicate bird with numerous distinct white dots arranged in rows on the tips of its black wing feathers (2) (4). Its body is generally olive green, sullied grey over the breast and belly, with pale yellow around the eyes and rump (2) (3) (4). The sexes have the same plumage but the males produce a diagnostic mating call during the breeding season (3). While broadly similar in appearance and habit to the much more common and widespread striated and spotted pardalotes, the forty-spotted pardalote has a duller body and lacks their distinctive head markings (4) (3).
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This bird occurs in dry woodlands and forests where white gum (Eucalyptus viminalis) is a significant component of the canopy (2) (3).
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The forty-spotted pardalote is endemic to Tasmania, Australia, where it is restricted to a small number of islands and peninsulas along the east coast (3). Ninety percent of the population occur on Maria and Bruny Island with smaller remnant colonies on Flinders Island and Tinderbox Peninsula, Howden and Mount Nelson near Hobart (2).
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Classified as Endangered (EN) on the IUCN Red List (1).
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The decline in white gum woodlands and forests, as a result of historical land clearance for agriculture, forestry and urban development, is chiefly responsible for the reduced number and highly fragmented populations that occur today (2) (3). Since European colonisation, over 50 percent of white gum forest in the south east region of Tasmania has been cleared, and on private land, clearing still continues. The impact of woodland fragmentation on the forty-spotted pardalote is particularly damaging as the bird is not capable of long-distance dispersal, and thus colonies quickly become isolated from each other (3). Wildfires, which kill canopy trees and restrict regeneration of young trees, pose an additional threat and it is feared that fires that swept through Flinders Island in 2002 may have severely damaged the remaining colonies found there (2) (3). Aside from habitat loss, there is concern that aggressive birds, such as the noisy miner (Manorina melanocephala), are invading forty-spotted pardalote habitat where it has been opened up by disturbance and clearance, and subsequently are outcompeting this species for resources (3).
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Forty-spotted pardalote

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Peter Murrell Reserve

The forty-spotted pardalote (Pardalotus quadragintus) is one of Australia's rarest birds and by far the rarest pardalote, being confined to a few colonies in the south-east corner of Tasmania, mainly on Maria Island and Bruny Island.


A small, energetic passerine about 9 to 10 cm (3.5 to 4 in) long, the forty-spot is similar to the much commoner spotted pardalote (Pardalotus punctatus), but has a dull greenish-brown back and head, compared to the more colourful plumage of the latter, with which it shares its range, and there is no brow line. The rump is olive, the under-tail dull yellow. The chest is white with light yellow tints. The wings are black with white tips, appearing as many (closer to 60 than 40) discrete dots when the wings are folded. There is no seasonal variation in plumage; juveniles are slightly less colourful than the adults.

Distribution and habitat

The forty-spotted pardalote is as of September 2021 found reliably only in a few isolated colonies on south-eastern Tasmania, most notably on Maria Island and Bruny Island. These two islands contain 99% of the species' population; there are a few colonies scattered across mainland Tasmania, and there may be a few left on Flinders Island.[2] In 2009 there were 450 individuals on Bruny Island and 974 on Maria Island. A 2009 survey counted 1,486 birds at 54 of the 102 colonies surveyed; this compares with 3,840 individuals counted in 121 colonies in 1991 to 1997 – a loss of 47% of colonies.[3]

The birds are found almost exclusively in dry eucalypt forests with high concentration of the Eucalyptus viminalis (white gum), where it forages almost exclusively. This species provides around 80% of the nestlings' diet.[2][3]


In the 17 years prior to 2010/2011, there had been a decrease of up to 60% in overall population. It is listed by the IUCN as endangered, because of its very small range, its highly fragmented distribution and its very small breeding area.[3]

Threats include land clearing for sheep farming, low rainfall linked to climate change; bushfires; competitors such as noisy miners and striated pardalotes; predators such as the (introduced) laughing kookaburras; and the native parasitic fly Passeromyia longicornis.[3]


Forty-spots form pairs and are territorial during the breeding season, but may form small flocks during the winter. They are insect hunters and forage methodically for small insects in the canopy. They nest in tree hollows and occasionally in ground burrows.


  1. ^ BirdLife International (2022). "Pardalotus quadragintus". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2022: e.T22704493A213392735. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2022-1.RLTS.T22704493A213392735.en. Retrieved 7 February 2023.
  2. ^ a b Alvaro, Alexandra (17 September 2021). "Tasmanian student Erin Bok's mission to save the rare forty-spotted pardalote bird". ABC News. Australian Broadcasting Corporation. Retrieved 18 September 2021.
  3. ^ a b c d "Forty-spotted Pardalote Pardalotus quadragintus: Text zone". Birdlife International: Data Zone. Retrieved 27 September 2021.
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Forty-spotted pardalote: Brief Summary

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Peter Murrell Reserve

The forty-spotted pardalote (Pardalotus quadragintus) is one of Australia's rarest birds and by far the rarest pardalote, being confined to a few colonies in the south-east corner of Tasmania, mainly on Maria Island and Bruny Island.

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