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Other Physical Features: endothermic ; bilateral symmetry

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Kane, E. 1999. "Trichechus senegalensis" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Trichechus_senegalensis.html
Ethan Kane, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
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Animal Diversity Web


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Trichechus senegalensis are found in shallow coastal wasters and freshwater rivers. They appear to prefer large, shallow estuaries and weedy swamps, and have been reported to avoid salt water (Nowak 1991 and Nishiwaki 1984). Their range is limited by temperature. They are rarely found in waters of less than 18 degrees celsius (Nowak 1991).

Habitat Regions: tropical ; saltwater or marine ; freshwater

Aquatic Biomes: rivers and streams; coastal ; brackish water

Other Habitat Features: estuarine

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Kane, E. 1999. "Trichechus senegalensis" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Trichechus_senegalensis.html
Ethan Kane, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
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Animal Diversity Web


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Trichechus senegalensis occurs along the west coast of Africa. The Senegal River marks the northern limit of their range while the Cuanza River of Angola serves as the southern boundary.

Biogeographic Regions: ethiopian (Native ); atlantic ocean (Native )

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Kane, E. 1999. "Trichechus senegalensis" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Trichechus_senegalensis.html
Ethan Kane, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
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Animal Diversity Web

Trophic Strategy

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Trichechus senegalensis feeds primarily on aquatic vegetation, and adults may consume up to 8000kg per year. They may also feed on overhanging bank growth, and populations living in estuarine environments are reported to feed exclusively on mangroves (Nowak 1991). In many areas, local fishermen claim that Trichechus senegalensis are responsible for stealing fish from nets. However, this behavior has yet to be confirmed (Reeves et. al. 1988). Trichechus senegalensis are dependent upon microorganisms living in their large intestines to aid in the digestion of certain plant materials (Rathbun 1990).

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Kane, E. 1999. "Trichechus senegalensis" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Trichechus_senegalensis.html
Ethan Kane, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
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Animal Diversity Web


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Villagers in Sierra Leone and Nigeria hunt Trichechus senegalensis for their meat (Reeves et. al. 1988). They have developed elaborate means of trapping the animals which they eventually kill with harpoons or guns (Sikes 1974 and Robinson 1971). In contrast to this, villagers in Cameroon have a different perception of Trichechus senegalensis. They do not like the taste of the meat and they believe that Trichechus senegalensis are fierce animals that become violent when attacked. Nigerian fishermen are often responsible for the poaching of Trichechus senegalensis in Cameroon (Grigione 1996). It has also been reported that the skin of Trichechus senegalensis has medicinal and therapeutic properties (Reeeves et. al. 1988).

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Kane, E. 1999. "Trichechus senegalensis" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Trichechus_senegalensis.html
Ethan Kane, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
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Animal Diversity Web


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Trichechus senegalensis are the source of many myths and legends. They have often been mistaken for mermaids. The blubber is believed to have curative powers and possession of body parts, especially the skull and teeth, is believed to confer special status in many aspects of life, including sports, politics, and academics (Sikes 1974).

They are known in West Africa as "dikunge" and "peixe-muhler".

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Kane, E. 1999. "Trichechus senegalensis" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Trichechus_senegalensis.html
Ethan Kane, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
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Animal Diversity Web


provided by Animal Diversity Web

Perception Channels: tactile ; chemical

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Kane, E. 1999. "Trichechus senegalensis" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Trichechus_senegalensis.html
Ethan Kane, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
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Animal Diversity Web

Conservation Status

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IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: vulnerable

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Kane, E. 1999. "Trichechus senegalensis" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Trichechus_senegalensis.html
Ethan Kane, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
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Animal Diversity Web


provided by Animal Diversity Web

Villagers in Sierra Leone consider Trichechus senegalensis a major pest of rice crops. Fishermen believe these animals are responsible for removing fish from nets, but this is unconfirmed (Reeves et. al. 1988).

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Kane, E. 1999. "Trichechus senegalensis" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Trichechus_senegalensis.html
Ethan Kane, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
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Animal Diversity Web


provided by Animal Diversity Web

Trichechus senegalensis is a poorly studied species, and much of the information about their behavior and reproduction has been inferred based on their close similarity to the very well studied Trichechus manatus. They are capable of reproducing throughout the year; however, a peak in calving tends to occur in late spring or early summer (CMC 1997). Females are sexually mature as early as three years of age. A female in estrus is joined by a dozen or more males. Together they form a mating group in which copulation appears to occur at random (Save the Manatee Club 1997). Gestation lasts about 13 months and usually a single calf is born at a time, but twins do occur occasionally. Calves are born tail first, and they can swim on their own (CMC 1997). They feed from a pair of pectoral mammary glands. Trichechus senegalensis are believed to live to about 30 years of age, and females can bear young every three to five years (Sikes 1974 and CMC 1997).

Key Reproductive Features: gonochoric/gonochoristic/dioecious (sexes separate); sexual

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Kane, E. 1999. "Trichechus senegalensis" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Trichechus_senegalensis.html
Ethan Kane, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
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Animal Diversity Web


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These gentle herbivores feed on plants growing within the water, and occasionally on the leaves of mangroves hanging over the water's edge (2), using their flexible flippers and bristly lips to push the vegetation into their mouths (6). African manatees consume such vast quantities of aquatic vegetation, maybe around 8,000 kilograms each year, that they have even been suggested as a natural method of aquatic weed control! (2). The large intestine of manatees is suitably enormous, sometimes up to 20 metres in length, in order to digest these great quantities (6). Even though the African manatee shares its habitat with sharks and crocodiles, humans are its only known predator (2). The social structure of the African manatee is little-known; it was once believed to be a monogamous animal, living in groups of an adult pair with their calves; however now it is thought more likely that the only strong bond is between a female and her calf (2). Like other manatees, the African species is believed to form large mating herds, consisting of a female in oestrus and several males, remaining together for up to a month. Within the month, the female is only receptive to mating for a day or two, during which time the males will shove and push each other in an effort to mate with the female, and the female will mate with several males (6). The African manatee gives birth to a single calf at a time, in a weedy swamp or shallow lagoon (2). The metre long newborn remains with its mother, swimming close by her side, for the first one to two years of its life (6).
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The African manatee is listed on Appendix II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES), meaning that any trade in this species should be carefully monitored (3), and it is also protected by national laws in all countries in which it occurs (1). However, this important legal protection lacks the support of enforcement and education (1) (2), and it is thought that hunting continues at unsustainable levels (1). The African manatee may gain a degree of protection within the several protected areas it occurs in, including Basse Casamance National Park, Senegal; Digya National Park, Ghana and Iles Eotiles National Park, Côte d'Ivoire (1), but further action to reduce hunting and entanglement is critical to ensure the future of this fascinating gentle giant.
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The African manatee is the least known of all the Sirenians (4); the unique group of manatees and dugongs that are the only herbivorous marine mammals in existence (5). Despite their strange, seemingly cumbersome, cow-like appearance, they are perfectly suited to their aquatic habitat, with a stream-lined, spindle-shaped body; a tail flattened horizontally like a spatula; and forelimbs, bearing nails, that act as paddles. The skin of the African manatee is greyish-brown, finely wrinkled, and sparsely covered with fine, colourless hairs (2). These hairs, and the stout bristles around the mouth, are the reason for the scientific name Trichechus, meaning “to have hair” in Greek (6)
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The African manatee inhabits shallow coastal waters and rivers (2), moving freely between salt and freshwater (1), but seems to prefer large, shallow estuaries and weedy swamps (2).
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Occurs in rivers, estuaries and coastal regions of West Africa, from Senegal, to Gabon and Angola (2).
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Classified as Vulnerable (VU) on the IUCN Red List 2007 (1) and listed on Appendix II of CITES (3).
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Local hunting of African manatees for their palatable meat and their skin, bones and oil has been significant, causing population declines in certain areas (1) (2). Although illegal, hunting is still a common practice all over West Africa (4), but its impact on the species is hard to determine as hunting is carried out secretively by people in fear of prosecution (2). A further threat to the African manatee is entanglement in fishing nets. In Guinea-Bissau, this is the most immediate threat to the manatee population. Sometimes, the accidentally caught animals are butchered, and even if the manatee escapes from the net alive, injuries from the entanglement may result in death later on (4). Not only are the African manatees threatened by entanglement, but the damage done to the nets in such situations has, in some areas (such as Sierra Leone), instigated people to hunt manatees, reducing their numbers in an attempt to lessen the chance of costly damage being done again (6). Similarly, conflict arises between manatees and humans when, during the rainy season, manatees roam into rice fields, destroying precious crops (4) (6).
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The East African manatee according to MammalMAP

provided by EOL authors

Meet the West African manatee (Trichechus senegalensis). A cousin of the dugong, manatees are found along the West African coastline between Angola and Senegal, inhabiting coastal waters and rivers. They are comfortable in both salt and fresh water, but seem to prefer shallow estuaries and swamps.These mega-herbivores feed on huge quantities of aquatic plants – up to 8000 kg/year – so much so that some have proposed that this exceptional feeding ability makes them perfect for the job of Specialised Aquatic Weed Eaters! As with many African mammals, humans are their worst enemy and greatest threat. Illegal hunting of manatees for their palatable meat, and for their skin, bones and oil has led to significant declines in numbers in some areas. Manatees sometimes also become accidentally entangled in fishing nets, which compromises their survival, even if they escape. Perhaps worse still is that – because fishing nets may get damaged when manatees are accidentally entrapped – fisherman in some areas conduct manatee hunts to prevent net damage.Manatees also clash with people when, during the rainy season, they roam on land and destroy crops. For all of these reasons, manatees are now listed as Vulnerable on CITES, and their populations need to be carefully monitored, managed and protected. For more information go to the MammalMAP virtual museum or blog.

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Diagnostic Description

provided by FAO species catalogs
West African manatees are very similar in appearance to West Indian manatees, although they are more slender. They have rounded, paddle-like tails. The head shape is similar to that of the West Indian manatee, but the snout is blunter, and the small eyes stick out more. There are stiff bristles on the lips. As in other manatees, the flippers are paddle- like; and there are nails on the upper surface. The skin is wrinkled, with a sparse covering of short hairs. The body of West African manatees is greyish brown; and the hairs are white. There are 5 to 7 functional teeth in each tooth row. These are replaced from the rear by newly erupting teeth. Newborn animals have 2 vestigial incisors, which are later lost. Can be confused with: West African manatees will be easy to identify, as they are the only sirenians in their range.
bibliographic citation
Marine mammals of the world. Jefferson, T.A., S. Leatherwood & M.A. Webber - 1993. FAO species identification guide. Rome, FAO. 320 p. 587 figs. . 
Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN
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provided by FAO species catalogs
Adult West African manatees reach 3 to 4 m in length and up to 750 kg in Weight. Newborns are about 1 m long.
bibliographic citation
Marine mammals of the world. Jefferson, T.A., S. Leatherwood & M.A. Webber - 1993. FAO species identification guide. Rome, FAO. 320 p. 587 figs. . 
Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN
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FAO species catalogs

Brief Summary

provided by FAO species catalogs
Manatees are mostly solitary, but mothers and calves are found together and aggregations of up to 15 form for feeding and other purposes. There is little else known of their behaviour. There is some breeding year-round, but there appears to be some seasonality related to the rains. A single calf is born, generally in shallow lagoons. Aquatic vascular plants comprise much of the diet of West African manatees. They may also feed on mangrove leaves or plants on the banks of rivers or channels. Clams have been found in the stomachs of some animals. In Senegal, they reportedly eat small fish from fishermen's nets.
bibliographic citation
Marine mammals of the world. Jefferson, T.A., S. Leatherwood & M.A. Webber - 1993. FAO species identification guide. Rome, FAO. 320 p. 587 figs. . 
Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN
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Conservation Status : West African manatees are hunted for meat, skin, bones, and oil by local people. Other problems are damming of rivers, navigation channel development, and accidental capture in fishing gear. IUCN: Vulnerable.
bibliographic citation
Marine mammals of the world. Jefferson, T.A., S. Leatherwood & M.A. Webber - 1993. FAO species identification guide. Rome, FAO. 320 p. 587 figs. . 
Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN
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FAO species catalogs

African manatee

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The African manatee (Trichechus senegalensis), also known as the West African manatee, is a species of manatee that inhabits much of the western region of Africa – from Senegal to Angola.[3] It is the only manatee species to be found in the Old World. Not a great deal is known about T. senegalensis.


The African manatee was officially declared a species under the Trichechus senegalensis taxon in 1795 by naturalist Johann Heinrich Friedrich Link. No subspecies of this taxon are known. Although African manatees live in both coastal areas and isolated inland areas, genetic evidence suggests no significant differences between the two populations.[1] The African manatee falls under the genus Trichechus with only two other species, the Amazonian manatee and the West Indian manatee, which are also sirenians.[4]

Range and habitat

African manatees inhabit the widest ranges of habitats of any sirenian species, ranging from offshore islands in the Atlantic to rivers in the western Sahel, equatorial rainforest rivers, and so on. It has been reported that coastal populations ascend rivers during the rainy season and descend again during the dry season.[5] The movement and habitat of the African manatee has been threatened by the building of agricultural and hydroelectric dams along rivers that isolate populations, such as the Akosombo Dam in Ghana. The Diama Dam has permanently isolated the Senegal River manatee population from the coast, as has the Felou Dam in Mali.

African Manatees can be found in West African regions: Angola, Benin, Cameroon, Chad, the Republic of the Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, The Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, and Togo. Manatees are found in brackish waters to freshwater: in oceans, rivers, lakes, coastal estuaries, reservoirs, lagoons, and bays on the coast.[1] African manatees rarely inhabit waters with a temperature below 18°C (64°F).[6]

Manatees have been found as far as 75 kilometres (47 mi) offshore, where there are shallow coastal flats and calm mangrove creeks filled with seagrass. Inland lakes where manatees dwell include Lake Volta, the Inner Niger River Delta in Mali, Lake Léré, and Lake de Tréné. Due to fluctuating flow rates and water levels in rivers, some of these permanent lakes serve as refuges for manatees in connecting rivers during the dry season. From north to south, the river systems that contain manatees include: the Senegal, Saloum, Gambia, Casamance, Cacheu, Mansôa, Geba, Buba, Tombali, Cacine, Kogon, Konkouré, Sierra Leone, Great Scarcies, Little Scarcies, Sherbro, Malem, Waanje, Sewa, Missunado, Cavalla, St. Paul, Morro, St. John, Bandama, Niouniourou, Sassandra, Comoé, Bia, Tano, Volta, Mono, Oueme, Niger, Mekrou, Benue, Cross, Katsena Ala, Bani, Akwayafe, Rio del Rey, Ngosso, Andokat, Mene, Munaya, Wouri, Sanaga, Faro, Chari, Bamaingui, Bahr-Kieta, Logoné, Mitémélé, Gabon, Ogooué, Lovanzi, Kouilou, Congo, Dande, Bengo, and Cuanza. Manatees move up these rivers until they are unable to proceed because of shallow waters or strong waterfalls.[1]

The areas with the highest manatee populations are Guinea-Bissau, the lagoons of Côte d'Ivoire, the southern portions of the Niger River in Nigeria, the Sanaga River in Cameroon, the coastal lagoons in Gabon, and the lower parts of the Congo River. As part of a study completed in Côte d'Ivoire to assess where the majority of African manatees favor living, a sample of African manatees was radio-tagged and tracked. The tracking observed most of the sample in coastal lagoons, mangroves, and other herbaceous growths. They were also found in the grassy estuaries of big rivers with mangroves and in protected coastal spots with less than 3 metres (10 ft) of water containing both mangroves and marine macrophytes.[1]


Manatees are herbivores; however, they also eat clams, mollusks, and fish found in nets.[7] The percentage of the diet that is composed of non-plant material varies based on location,[1] with manatees living off the coast having a lifetime average of 50% non-plant material.[1] The West African manatee is the only sirenian that seems to intentionally consume non-plant material. A majority of the African manatee's diet is made up of a variety of flora found above or hanging over the water. African manatees that inhabit rivers mostly eat the overhanging plants growing on the river banks. The diet of African manatees living in estuaries consists solely of mangrove trees. Each day, the African manatee eats about four to nine percent of its body weight in wet vegetation.[3][8] Microorganisms within the African manatee's large intestine, which measures up to 20 metres or 66 feet in length, aid it in digesting the large quantity and variety of vegetation that it consumes daily.[6]


African manatee on land
Skull of an African manatee

The African manatee's body is widest at the middle, and its tail resembles a paddle. The manatee is gray in color with small, colorless hairs that cover its body. However, algae and other tiny organisms often grow on an African manatee's body, so its body sometimes appears brown or greenish in color. Calves are darker in color when they are very young.[3][6][9] African manatees measure up to 4.5 m (15 ft) in length, and weigh about 360 kilograms (790 pounds).[8] African manatees are typically extremely slow, moving between 4.8 km and 8.0 km (3 and 5 mi) per hour, although when scared by predators they can travel at speeds of about 32 km (20 mi) per hour. The African manatee's large forelimbs, or flippers, are used to paddle and to bring food to its mouth. Vegetation is then chewed by the manatee's strong molars, which are its only teeth. When the manatee is born, each jaw has two vestigial incisors, which the manatee loses as it matures.[9] If the African manatee's molars happen to fall out, new molars grow in their place. The manatee's flippers, which have nails, are also used to graze other manatees. The African manatee does not have any hind limbs.[6][10][11][12] From the exterior, the African manatee looks very similar to the American manatee; however, the African manatee is different from the Amazonian manatee, which has characteristic white markings on its abdomen.[11]

Evolution and legends

The West African manatee is a descendant of trichechids found in coastal South America during the Pliocene Epoch. Although they tend to stay in freshwater, theory suggests that, through transoceanic currents, the species reached West Africa during the late Pliocene.[13] The West African manatee's appearance is thought to be the result of these currents and species movement. The African manatee's ancestors passed down advantageous migration and food traits. The African manatee is not restricted to a certain area, and does not have to rely heavily on only one ecosystem for support. This evolution of the African manatee's diversity may be part of its key attribute to survival. They are more diverse than other manatees due to their ability to survive in salt water, although they do need access to fresh water for drinking purposes.[14]

According to people of western Africa, Maame Water (also spelled Mami Wata), a recurring character in many coastal legends, is a goddess of the sea and a symbol of wealth and beauty. Maame Water also flips over canoes and entices their occupants to visit her kingdom. Scientists from the Institute of Aquatic Biology of the Centre for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) and the Wildlife Department in Ghana have concluded that Maame Water is based on the West African manatee. According to Dr. Mamaa Entsua-Mensah, who performs research for CSIR, when female African manatees surface for air, they resemble goddesses. Entsua-Mensah explains that the female manatee's breasts create the illusion of a woman-fish.[15]

Among the Serer people of Senegal, the Gambia and Mauritania, the manatee is regarded as sacred and highly respected, because in the Serer creation myth, it is viewed as the guardian of the secrets of the future.[16]


The African manatee is nocturnal. They tend to travel silently, eat, and be active towards the end of the day and during the nighttime. During the daytime, the African manatee dozes in shallow (1 to 2 meter deep) water. In countries such as Sierra Leone, African manatees migrate upstream when flooding occurs in June and July. This flooding can lower the availability of food for the manatees as well as lower the salinity of waterways.[8] African manatees live in groups of 1 to 6. They have very few natural predators, two of which are sharks and crocodiles.[6][17] They are also very social, spending a majority of their day bonding by touch, verbal communication, and smell. This creates a deep bond between them. When it is time to migrate due to a weather change, manatees will travel in larger groups to find warmer water and food.[14]


The gender of an individual African manatee can only be determined by close examination of the manatee's underside. The only visible distinction between males and females is the genital openings. However, males tend to be smaller than females. Some female African manatees are sexually mature as young as 3 years of age, and they give birth every 3 to 5 years of their estimated 30-year lifespan. Males take a longer time to mature (about 9 to 10 years) and can rarely fertilize an egg at the age of 2 or 3 years. African manatees breed year-round. When males and females mate, it is not monogamous; multiple males will usually mate with one female.[3][9] When the opportunity to mate with a female is at stake, males will fight with each other by pushing and shoving. Female African manatees give birth to one calf at a time after about a 13-month pregnancy. Calves can swim on their own at birth. Although the African manatee's social organization is not well understood, research shows the most common and tightly knit bonds are between a mother and her calf.[6]


The African manatee is a vulnerable species because of its meat, oil, bones, and skin, which can bring great wealth to poachers. Specifically they are used to make walking sticks and toy spinning tops. In some countries, such as Nigeria and Cameroon, African manatees are sold to zoos, aquariums, online as pets, and they are sometimes shipped internationally. Anyone visiting such countries will notice manatee meat being sold on the streets and in marketplaces, but the lack of law enforcement protects the poachers from punishment. Residents of countries such as Mali and Chad depend on the oil of the African manatee to cure ailments such as ear infections, rheumatism, and skin conditions.[1]

There are even more threats to the African manatees' habitat and life: urban and agricultural development, increased damming, and increased use of hydroelectric power in the rivers of countries like Côte d'Ivoire and Ghana. The building of dams has led to genetic isolation of some populations.[1] There is little data to show if this has any negative long-term effects on the population as a whole. At several hydroelectric dams including the Kanji dam on the Niger River and the Akosombo dam on the Volta River manatees have been caught and killed in the turbines and intake valves.[1] Thick congestion of boats in waterways may cause the manatees to have deadly run-ins with the vessels. However, even natural occurrences, such as droughts and tidal changes, can often strand manatees in unsuitable habitats. Some are killed accidentally by fishing trawls and in nets which are intended for catching sharks.[1]

Some behaviors of African manatees provoke humans to hunt them. When manatees become tangled in fishing nets, they can damage them. People in countries such as Sierra Leone believe that killing the manatees to reduce the species size lowers the chances of the fishing nets requiring expensive repairs. In addition, African manatees can destroy rice crops by drifting into fields during the rainy season.[18]

Many of the African manatees that venture up the Niger River starve to death. At certain times each year, the Niger River dries up due to the hot temperatures and lack of rain. Many manatees migrate there during the rainy season. When the water dries up the manatees are unable to get to other bodies of water.[19]

Manatees do not have many true predators. Apart from humans, they are threatened by sharks, crocodiles, and alligators but this is rare because of a difference in habitat. In West Africa Crocodiles make up the majority of manatee predators besides humans. [20]


African Manatee in Toba Aquarium, Japan

From November 2004 until December 2007, the West African Manatee Conservation Project completed Phase I. During this phase, residents of six African countries (Mauritania, Senegal, The Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, and Sierra Leone) created a database of previously unknown information about the species (such as population, economic value, and habitat range) by conducting surveys in their countries. Other African countries also contributed reports that broadened the collective knowledge of the African manatee. Because of the work done during this phase, the general public, young children, and experienced scientists alike are receiving better information than ever before as to how to protect the African manatees. Phase I also allowed for up-close examination of the African manatee's way of life through field work.

Due to the large-scale success of Phase I, a Phase II is to be enacted by Wetlands International. During Phase II, the information collected in Phase I will be even more widely distributed around the areas in which the African manatee lives. Phase II will focus on furthering the existing research and adjusting legislation and education.[21]

The African manatee is listed on Appendix I of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES), meaning international export or import is strictly regulated. Laws exist to protect the African manatee in every country in which it lives, but these laws are not well enforced. Due to this mass lack of enforcement and minimal education, the African manatee population is being steadily depleted.[6]


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k Keith Diagne, L. (2016) [errata version of 2015 assessment]. "Trichechus senegalensis". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2015: e.T22104A97168578. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2015-4.RLTS.T22104A81904980.en. Retrieved 28 February 2022.
  2. ^ "Appendices | CITES". cites.org. Retrieved 2022-01-14.
  3. ^ a b c d "Manatee". Sea World. December 30, 2011. Archived from the original on January 18, 2012. Retrieved December 30, 2011.
  4. ^ Husar, Sandra L. (6 January 1978). "Trichechus senegalensis" (PDF). Mammalian Species. 2011.2. The American Society of Mammalogists (89): 1–3. doi:10.2307/3503790. JSTOR 3503790. Archived (PDF) from the original on 21 May 2014. Retrieved November 13, 2011.
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African manatee: Brief Summary

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The African manatee (Trichechus senegalensis), also known as the West African manatee, is a species of manatee that inhabits much of the western region of Africa – from Senegal to Angola. It is the only manatee species to be found in the Old World. Not a great deal is known about T. senegalensis.

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provided by World Register of Marine Species
West Africa, from Mauritania to Angola


van der Land, J. (ed). (2008). UNESCO-IOC Register of Marine Organisms (URMO).

WoRMS Editorial Board
Jacob van der Land [email]


provided by World Register of Marine Species
in coastal marine waters, rivers, and estuaries


van der Land, J. (ed). (2008). UNESCO-IOC Register of Marine Organisms (URMO).

WoRMS Editorial Board
Jacob van der Land [email]