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Despite being a rather small and slender shark, the strong swimming sharpnose sevengill shark is a voracious predator that is most active during the night (2) (4). It has a varied diet, feeding on a range of marine invertebrates, such as shrimp, lobsters, squid and cuttlefish, as well as small bony fish such as hake, small sharks and rays (2). This shark itself is thought to be preyed on by larger sharks (2). Although this shark is said to be quick to bite when captured, it is too small to be dangerous to humans (4). The sharpnose sevengill shark is an ovoviviparous species, a method of reproduction in which the young develop within eggs that remain inside the body until they hatch. Females give birth to between 9 and 20 young in a litter (4), each one measuring around 25 centimetres long (2)
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There are not known to be any conservation measures in place for the sharpnose sevengill shark (1).
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The large, florescent green eyes of this slender shark may be its most noticeable feature as it moves silently though the ocean depths. As its name describes, this shark has a narrow, pointed head, a long, narrow mouth and seven gill slits down each side; most sharks have only five (2). The slim body is brownish-grey to olive on the upper surface, and paler on the underside, and it has only one small dorsal fin (2), the fin situated on the shark's back that helps prevent it from rolling in the water (3). Juvenile sharpnose sevengill sharks differ a little in appearance from adults, having dark blotches on the lower sides, and dark tips to the dorsal and tail fins (2).
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The sharpnose sevengill shark is found near the sea bottom, usually at depths between 27 and 720 metres, although occasionally is may also be found in shallower coastal waters, or in water as deep as 1,000 metres (4))
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This shark has a very wide distribution, occurring in tropical and temperate seas worldwide (4), except the eastern north Pacific (1), although nowhere is it believed to be common (2).
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Classified as Near Threatened (NT) on the IUCN Red List (1).
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Bycatch in fisheries is thought to be the greatest threat to the sharpnose sevengill shark, and may have caused populations to decline in areas where deepwater fisheries have been in operation for many years (1). It is captured in bottom trawls and by longlines, as fishermen target other, more commercially important, bottom-dwelling species, and is then eaten by humans or used for fishmeal (1). Although not considered to be threatened with extinction, an increase in fishing effort in deepwater regions inhabited by the sharpnose sevengill shark could have a detrimental affect on this slender species (1).
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provided by FAO species catalogs
Wideranging in tropical and temperate seas; Western Atlantic: North Carolina, USA to Cuba and northern Gulf of Mexico, also southern Brazil and Argentina. Eastern Atlantic: From Morocco to Angola, also Mediterranean Sea. Indian Ocean: South Africa, southern Mozambique, Aldabra Island, southwestern India. Western Pacific: Japan (southeastern Honshu) and southern Sea of Japan to China, also Indonesia (Bali), Australia (New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, South Australia) and New Zealand. Eastern Pacific: off northern Chile.
bibliographic citation
FAO species catalogue Vol.4. Sharks of the world. An Annotated and Illustrated Catalogue of Shark Species Known to Date Part 1 - Hexanchiformes to Lamniformes. Compagno, L.J.V.1984FAO Fisheries Synopsis. , (125) Vol.4, Part 1.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN
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FAO species catalogs

Diagnostic Description

provided by FAO species catalogs
fieldmarks: A narrow-headed, big-eyed, small seven-gilled shark with one dorsal fin. Head narrow and pointed, with 7 pairs of gill slits; eyes very large; mouth very narrow and parabolic; large lower comblike teeth long and low, with a few short mesial cusplets, an abruptly high cusp, and up to 7 or 8 distal cusplets in adults. Caudal peduncle long, distance from dorsal fin insertion to upper caudal origin over twice length of dorsal fin base. Spots absent from body, dorsal fin and upper caudal lobe with black tips, faded or absent in adults but prominent in young.


  • Bigelow & Schroeder, 1948
  • Garrick & Paul, 1971

bibliographic citation
FAO species catalogue Vol.4. Sharks of the world. An Annotated and Illustrated Catalogue of Shark Species Known to Date Part 1 - Hexanchiformes to Lamniformes. Compagno, L.J.V.1984FAO Fisheries Synopsis. , (125) Vol.4, Part 1.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN
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provided by FAO species catalogs
Maximum total length about 137 cm, size at birth about 26 cm, size at maturity about 85 cm, for males and 89 to 93 cm for females; said to reach 214 cm, but possibly in error.
bibliographic citation
FAO species catalogue Vol.4. Sharks of the world. An Annotated and Illustrated Catalogue of Shark Species Known to Date Part 1 - Hexanchiformes to Lamniformes. Compagno, L.J.V.1984FAO Fisheries Synopsis. , (125) Vol.4, Part 1.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN
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Brief Summary

provided by FAO species catalogs
Marine and benthic, on the continental and insular shelves and upper slopes;depth usually between 27 to 720 m, but sometimes in shallower water close inshore and down to 1000 m. A primarily deepwater species, probably strong-swimming. Ovoviviparous, number of young 9 to 20 in a litter. Feeds on bony fishes, including hake, and squid.
bibliographic citation
FAO species catalogue Vol.4. Sharks of the world. An Annotated and Illustrated Catalogue of Shark Species Known to Date Part 1 - Hexanchiformes to Lamniformes. Compagno, L.J.V.1984FAO Fisheries Synopsis. , (125) Vol.4, Part 1.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN
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provided by FAO species catalogs
Generally caught in some numbers as a bycatch of fisheries utilizing bottom trawls and longlines, but of small importance.
bibliographic citation
FAO species catalogue Vol.4. Sharks of the world. An Annotated and Illustrated Catalogue of Shark Species Known to Date Part 1 - Hexanchiformes to Lamniformes. Compagno, L.J.V.1984FAO Fisheries Synopsis. , (125) Vol.4, Part 1.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN
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FAO species catalogs

Trophic Strategy

provided by Fishbase
Found on the outer continental and insular shelves and upper slopes in depths of 100 to 400 (Ref. 11230, 13573, 75154), also inshore and down to 1,000 m (Ref. 6871, 11230). Feeds on small sharks and rays, small bony fish, shrimps, crabs, lobsters, squid, and cuttlefish (Ref. 5578).
Pascualita Sa-a
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Dorsal spines (total): 0; Dorsal soft rays (total): 0; Analspines: 0; Analsoft rays: 0; Vertebrae: 125 - 161
Cristina V. Garilao
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Life Cycle

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Ovoviviparous, number of young 9 to 20 in a litter (Ref. 247). Size at birth about 25 cm (Ref. 6871). Distinct pairing with embrace (Ref. 205). No apparent seasonality in its reproduction cycle (Ref.58048).
Susan M. Luna
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Diagnostic Description

provided by Fishbase
A narrow-headed, big-eyed small seven-gilled shark (Ref. 247). Body fusiform and slender; dorsal fin small, originating over inner margins of pelvic fins; anal fin small (Ref. 6871). Teeth wide, low and comb-shaped (Ref. 6871). Brownish grey above, paler below, sometimes with indistinct dark blotches on body; juveniles with dark-tipped dorsal and caudal fins, adults with light fin margins (Ref. 5578, 6574, 6871). Live specimens with fluorescent green eyes (Ref. 6871).
Cristina V. Garilao
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provided by Fishbase
Found on the outer continental and insular shelves and upper slopes in depths of 100 to 400 (Ref. 13573, 11230), also inshore and down to 1,000 m (Ref. 6871, 11230). Feeds on small sharks and rays, small bony fish, shrimps, crabs, lobsters, squid, and cuttlefish (Ref. 5578). Ovoviviparous (Ref. 205), with 9-12 young born per litter (Ref. 247). Very active and aggressive when captured and quick to bite but too small to be very dangerous to people (Ref. 247). Liver utilized as a source of oil. Maximum length may reach 214 cm, but this is uncertain.
Kent E. Carpenter
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provided by Fishbase
fisheries: minor commercial; price category: unknown; price reliability:
Kent E. Carpenter
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Distribution ( Spanish; Castilian )

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Chile Central
Universidad de Santiago de Chile
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Skerpneus-sewekiefhaai ( Afrikaans )

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Die Skerpneus-sewekiefhaai (Heptranchias perlo) kom wêreldwyd in warmer waters voor wat wissel van 50 m tot 1000 m diep. In Suider-Afrika word die haai vanaf die kus van Mosambiek, KwaZulu-Natal en Mosambiek gevang. Die haai word tot 137 cm lank.

Sien ook


  1. Sepkoski, Jack (2002). “A compendium of fossil marine animal genera (Chondrichthyes entry)”. Bulletins of American Paleontology 364: 560. Besoek op 17 Julie 2014.
  2. Paul, L. and Fowler, S. (2003). "Heptranchias perlo". IUCN Rooilys van Bedreigde Spesies. Weergawe 3.1. Internasionale Unie vir die Bewaring van die Natuur. Besoek op 11 Mei 2006.AS1-onderhoud: Veelvoudige name: authors list (link)


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Skerpneus-sewekiefhaai: Brief Summary ( Afrikaans )

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Die Skerpneus-sewekiefhaai (Heptranchias perlo) kom wêreldwyd in warmer waters voor wat wissel van 50 m tot 1000 m diep. In Suider-Afrika word die haai vanaf die kus van Mosambiek, KwaZulu-Natal en Mosambiek gevang. Die haai word tot 137 cm lank.

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Heptranchias perlo ( Asturian )

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Pa ver otros usos d'esti términu, Aguadulce (Sevilla).

L'aguadulce (Heptranchias perlo) ye una especie de tiburón de la familia Hexanchidae, ye l'únicu tiburón del xéneru Heptranchias. Habita dende agües someres hasta más de 1000 metros de fondura. Esta especie caracterizar por tener 7 hendiduras branquiales (d'ende'l so nome xenéricu) en llugar de 5 presentes na mayor parte de los tiburones, o de les 6 de les especies del xéneru Hexanchus. Ye bien activu, de día y de nueche, depredador voraz d'invertebraos y peces.

La so importancia comercial ye escasa.


El xéneru Heptranchias, que'l so nome provien del griegu heptra que significa "siete brazos", y agchein que significa "camparina". El nome común n'asturianu ye aguadulce.

Distribución y hábitat

L'aguadulce ye bien pocu común, habita en tolos océanos del mundu menos el nordés del océanu Pacíficu.

Viven nes mariñes de Carolina del Norte a Cuba, incluyendo'l norte del Golfu de Méxicu, y de Venezuela a Arxentina nel oeste del Atlánticu. Nel este del Atlánticu, dende Marruecos a Namibia, incluyendo'l mar Mediterráneu. Tamién nel océanu Índicu, el sudeste de la India, Isla Aldabra, sur de Mozambique, y Sudáfrica. Nel océanu Pacíficu, dende Xapón a China, Indonesia, Australia, Nueva Zelanda, y norte de Chile.[2]

Ye una especie demersal a semi-peláxicu atopáronse exemplares a una fondura de 300-600 metros, pero dacuando atópase cerca de la superficie (anque estos informes pueden representar errores d'identificación) o a una fondura de 1000 m. Atópase principalmente nel esterior de la plataforma continental y alta turria continental, y tamién s'atopen nes praderíes marines o nos montes marinos.[1]


Algamen los 120 cm de llargu, escepcionalmente 140 cm. Esta especie tien un cuerpu delgáu y fusiforme tien un focico allargáu y arrondáu. Los güeyos son grandes, con retina asemeyada a la de los humanos pero de color verde, que provoca una fluorescencia verde nos exemplares vivos. La boca cuenta con 9-11 dientes a cada llau de la quexal cimeru y 5 dientes a cada llau de la quexal inferior. Los dientes cimeros son estrechos y en forma de gabitu con pequeñes cumales llaterales, ente que los inferiores son anchos y con forma de peñe (sacante un diente sinfisial simétricu). A diferencia d'otros tiburones, tien siete pares de hendiduras branquiales.[2][3]

Tienen una pequeña aleta dorsal cerca de les aletes coxales. Les aletes pectorales son pequeñes y alzaes escontra riba, ensertándose al altor del centru de los siete branquies. L'aleta anal ye pequeña, mui cerca del lóbulu inferior. L'aleta caudal ye llarga y estrecha, lo que-y dexa nadar de 2 a 6 metros per cada impulsu. Los dentículos dérmicos son bien delgaos y tresparentes, siendo más llargos qu'anchos, teniendo dos crestes llaterales que terminen nos dientes marxinales. La so coloración ye marrón y gris, que-y apurre un bon camuflaje no fondero, facilitando la predación.[4][2]

Ver tamién


  1. 1,0 1,1 Paul, L. and Fowler, S.. «Heptranchias perlo» (inglés). Llista Roxa d'especies amenazaes de la UICN 2019.
  2. 2,0 2,1 2,2
  3. "Heptranchias perlo". En FishBase (Ranier Froese y Daniel Pauly, eds.). Consultáu en ochobre de {{{año}}}. N.p.: FishBase, {{{año}}}.
  4. Compagno, Leonard J.V. (1984). Sharks of the World: An Annotated and Illustrated Catalogue of Shark Species Known to Date. Rome: Food and Agricultural Organization. ISBN 9251013845.

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Heptranchias perlo: Brief Summary ( Asturian )

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Pa ver otros usos d'esti términu, Aguadulce (Sevilla).

L'aguadulce (Heptranchias perlo) ye una especie de tiburón de la familia Hexanchidae, ye l'únicu tiburón del xéneru Heptranchias. Habita dende agües someres hasta más de 1000 metros de fondura. Esta especie caracterizar por tener 7 hendiduras branquiales (d'ende'l so nome xenéricu) en llugar de 5 presentes na mayor parte de los tiburones, o de les 6 de les especies del xéneru Hexanchus. Ye bien activu, de día y de nueche, depredador voraz d'invertebraos y peces.

La so importancia comercial ye escasa.

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Bocadolça ( Catalan; Valencian )

provided by wikipedia CA

El bocadolça (Heptranchias perlo) és una espècie de tauró de moviments accidiosos però resistents.


  • Cos allargat amb el cap petit i el musell punxegut.
  • Sense membrana nictitant.
  • Presenta set parells de fenedures branquials.
  • Boca ínfera.
  • Una sola aleta dorsal molt endarrerida.
  • El color és marró grisós amb el ventre una mica més clar. En els individus joves l'extrem distal de l'aleta dorsal i caudal és de color ombrejat negre.
  • La femella pot assolir els 137 cm de longitud, el mascle és més petit.
  • Pot arribar a pesar 200 kg.
  • La maduresa sexual l'adquireixen quan fan 85 cm els mascles i 89 a 93 cm les femelles.


Freqüenta els fons tous, fangosos o sorrencs, entre els 27 i 720 m de profunditat. Però se'l pot trobar tant en aigües somes com a 1.000 m de fondària.


Menja sobretot lluços i altres peixos ossis, també invertebrats cefalòpodes, com calamars o sèpies, i crustacis bentònics, però en menor proporció.


És ovovivípar aplacentari. Pot tindre de 9 a 20 cries per ventrada, que mesuren en néixer uns 26 cm de longitud. S'han citat femelles amb òvuls ben desenvolupats des del juliol fins al novembre.


Se'l captura amb assiduïtat però no té gaire acceptació comercial.


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Bocadolça: Brief Summary ( Catalan; Valencian )

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El bocadolça (Heptranchias perlo) és una espècie de tauró de moviments accidiosos però resistents.

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Žralok sedmižábrý ( Czech )

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Tento článek není dostatečně ozdrojován a může tedy obsahovat informace, které je třeba ověřit.
Jste-li s popisovaným předmětem seznámeni, pomozte doložit uvedená tvrzení doplněním referencí na věrohodné zdroje.

Žralok sedmižábrý (Heptranchias perlo) je druh žraloka z čeledi Hexanchidae. Má ostrý rypec a sedm žaberních štěrbin (většina žraloků jich má pět). Loví olihně, korýše a ryby u dna. Vyskytuje se v teplejších oceánech celé zeměkoule. Mladí jedinci mají na konci hřbetní ploutve a na horní polovině ocasní ploutve černé skvrny, které postupně blednou.


  1. Červený seznam IUCN 2018.1. 5. července 2018. Dostupné online. [cit. 2018-08-10]

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Žralok sedmižábrý: Brief Summary ( Czech )

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ikona Tento článek není dostatečně ozdrojován a může tedy obsahovat informace, které je třeba ověřit.
Jste-li s popisovaným předmětem seznámeni, pomozte doložit uvedená tvrzení doplněním referencí na věrohodné zdroje.

Žralok sedmižábrý (Heptranchias perlo) je druh žraloka z čeledi Hexanchidae. Má ostrý rypec a sedm žaberních štěrbin (většina žraloků jich má pět). Loví olihně, korýše a ryby u dna. Vyskytuje se v teplejších oceánech celé zeměkoule. Mladí jedinci mají na konci hřbetní ploutve a na horní polovině ocasní ploutve černé skvrny, které postupně blednou.

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Spitzkopf-Siebenkiemerhai ( German )

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Der Spitzkopf-Siebenkiemerhai (Heptranchias perlo), auch Perlon genannt,[1] gehört zur Ordnung der Hexanchiformes. Er ist die einzige Art der Gattung Heptranchias.


Die bis zu 1,37 Meter langen Haie sind schlank, haben einen graubraunen Rücken und einen hellen Bauch. Namensgebend sind die sieben Kiemenspalten, die alle vor dem Ansatz der Brustflosse liegen und von vorn nach hinten immer kleiner werden. Neben dem Breitnasen-Siebenkiemerhai ist der Spitzkopf-Siebenkiemerhai der einzige Hai mit sieben Kiemenspalten. Er hat große, grün fluoreszierende Augen. Die Maulspalte ist lang. Die kleine Rückenflosse sitzt weit hinten. Die heterocerke Schwanzflosse hat einen großen oberen und einen sehr kleinen unteren Lappen. Bei allen Flossen sind die hinteren Ränder weiß. Die Zähne des Oberkiefers sind klein und spitz. Im Unterkiefers sind die Zähne kammförmig und tragen nach einer Spitze weitere kleine Nebenspitzen. Sie sind viel größer als die des Oberkiefers.


Der Spitzkopf-Siebenkiemerhai lebt weltweit, im Atlantik, Pazifik, Indischen Ozean und auch im Mittelmeer, an Kontinentalhängen und Inselsockeln in Tiefen von 0 bis 1000 Metern.


Die Haie leben bodennah allein oder in großen Gruppen. Sie sind schnelle aktive Schwimmer. Sie ernähren sich von Knochenfischen, kleineren Knorpelfischen, Krebstieren und Kopffüßern. Spitzkopf-Siebenkiemerhaie sind lebendgebärend (ovovivipar). Sie bekommen pro Wurf 9 bis 20 Junge.


  • Alessandro de Maddalena, Harald Bänsch: Haie im Mittelmeer. Franckh-Kosmos Verlags-GmbH, Stuttgart 2005, ISBN 3-440-10458-3.


  1. Urania Tierreich, Fische Lurche Kriechtiere, Verl. Harri Deutsch, S. 52
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Spitzkopf-Siebenkiemerhai: Brief Summary ( German )

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Der Spitzkopf-Siebenkiemerhai (Heptranchias perlo), auch Perlon genannt, gehört zur Ordnung der Hexanchiformes. Er ist die einzige Art der Gattung Heptranchias.

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Marhundo ( Ido )

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Heptranchias perlo (Sharpnose sevengill shark).gif

Marhundo (Heptranchias perlo) esas noktala fisho, primitiva sharko, kun 7 brankio-trui vivanta proxim la litoro.

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Sharpnose sevengill shark

provided by wikipedia EN

The sharpnose sevengill shark (Heptranchias perlo), also known as one-finned shark, perlon shark, sevengill cow shark, sharpsnouted sevengill or slender sevengill, is a species of shark in the family Hexanchidae, and the only living species in the genus Heptranchias.[3] Found almost circumglobally in deep water, it is one of the few species of sharks with seven pairs of gill slits as opposed to the usual five. The other shark species with seven gill slits is the broadnose sevengill shark. Though small, this shark is an active, voracious predator of invertebrates and fish. When caught, this species is notably defensive and will attempt to bite. It is of minor commercial importance.[4]


The genus name Heptranchias is from the Greek heptra meaning "seven arms", and agchein meaning "throttle", referring to this shark's seven pairs of gill slits. Other common names for this species include one-finned shark, perlon shark, sevengill cow shark, sevengilled Mediterranean shark, sevengilled shark, sharpnose seven-gill shark, snouted sevengill shark and slender sevengill shark.[5] Some authors believe this species is distinct enough to merit its own family, Heptranchiidae.[6]

Distribution and habitat

The sharpnose sevengill shark is uncommon, but widely distributed in the tropical and temperate regions of all oceans except for the northeastern Pacific Ocean. It is found from North Carolina to Cuba, including the northern Gulf of Mexico, and from Venezuela to Argentina in the western Atlantic. In the eastern Atlantic, it occurs from Morocco to Namibia, including the Mediterranean Sea. It is reported from the Indian Ocean off southwestern India, Aldabra Island, southern Mozambique, and South Africa. In the Pacific Ocean, it is known from Japan to China, Indonesia, Australia, New Zealand, and northern Chile.[5]

This is a demersal to semipelagic species usually captured at a depth of 300–600 m (980–1,970 ft), but is occasionally found close to the surface (though these reports may represent misidentifications) or down to 1,000 m (3,300 ft). It is mainly found on the outer continental shelf and upper continental slope, and may aggregate around seamounts.[2]


Usually measuring 60–120 cm (2.0–3.9 ft) long, sharpnose sevengill sharks attain a maximum length of 1.4 m (4.6 ft). This species has a slender, fusiform body with a narrow, pointed head. The eyes are very large and fluoresce green in live specimens. The mouth is narrow and strongly curved, containing 9-11 teeth on either side of the upper jaw and five teeth on either side of the lower. The upper teeth are narrow and hook-shaped with small lateral cusps, while the lower teeth are broad and comb-shaped (except for a symmetrical symphysial tooth). Unlike most other sharks, there are seven pairs of gill slits that extend onto the throat.[5][7]

A single small dorsal fin is located behind the pelvic fins, with a straight front margin, narrowly rounded tip, and concave rear margin. The pectoral fins are small with a weakly convex outer margin. The anal fin is small with nearly straight margins. The caudal peduncle is long, and the distance between the dorsal fin origin and the caudal fin is more than twice the dorsal fin base. The closely overlapping dermal denticles are very thin and transparent; each is longer than it is broad, bearing a distinct median ridge and two lateral ridges ending in marginal teeth. The coloration is brownish gray to olive above and lighter below; some individuals have dark blotches on the body or light posterior fin margins. Juveniles have dark blotches on the flank and dark tips on the dorsal fin and upper caudal lobe.[4][5]

Biology and ecology

Despite its relatively small size, the sharpnose sevengill shark is considered a top predator in the ecosystem it inhabits. At the Great Meteor Seamount in the eastern Atlantic, this species feeds primarily on teleosts and cephalopods, and to a lesser extent on small cartilaginous fishes. Off Tunisia, crustaceans are the second-most common prey taken after teleosts. Off Australia, this species consumes mostly teleosts, with smaller individuals taking mainly Lepidorhynchus denticulatus and larger individuals taking increasing numbers of snake mackerels and cutlassfishes.[8] It is a strong-swimming species, with feeding and activity level increasing at night. This species may be preyed upon by larger sharks. Known parasites of the sharpnose sevengill shark include nematodes in the genera Anisakis and Contracaecum, and the cestode Crossobothrium dohrnii.[5]

Reproduction is ovoviviparous, with no apparent reproductive season. The females give birth to litters of 9–20 pups; the newborns measure about 26 cm (10 in) long. Males mature at 75–85 cm (2.46–2.79 ft) long and females at 90–100 cm (3.0–3.3 ft). The onset of sexual maturation in males may be marked by the formation of mucus on the tips of the claspers.[4][5]

Relationship to humans

The sharpnose sevengill shark is reasonably small and is located in generally deep water, and these characteristics classify this shark as harmless to humans.[3] Small to moderate numbers of sharpnose sevengill sharks are captured as bycatch in certain deepwater commercial fisheries on longlines or in trawls.[2] They are used for fishmeal and liver oil; the meat is said to be of good quality, but the flesh is considered to be mildly poisonous when consumed.[5][7] When captured, it is very active and quick to bite, but it does not pose a substantial threat to people due to its small size.[4] It has occasionally been kept in captivity in Japan.[2]

Conservation status

Some concern exists that populations of this slow-reproducing species may be declining in areas of sustained deepwater fishing, and it has been assessed as Near Threatened by the World Conservation Union.[2] In June 2018 the New Zealand Department of Conservation classified the sharpnose sevengill shark as "At Risk – Naturally Uncommon" with the qualifiers "Data Poor" and "Secure Overseas" under the New Zealand Threat Classification System.[9]


On 26 September 2019, in the morning, a dead carcass was found on Torre Pali's beach, one small locality in Salento (Italy).

See also


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  1. ^ Sepkoski, Jack (2002). "A compendium of fossil marine animal genera (Chondrichthyes entry)". Bulletins of American Paleontology. 364: 560. Archived from the original on February 23, 2008. Retrieved January 9, 2008.
  2. ^ a b c d e Paul, L. & Fowler, S. (SSG Australia & Oceania Regional Workshop, March 2003). Heptranchias perlo. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2003.RLTS.T41823A10572878.en
  3. ^ a b "Heptranchias perlo :: Florida Museum of Natural History". www.flmnh.ufl.edu. Retrieved 2016-04-04.
  4. ^ a b c d Compagno, Leonard J.V. (1984). Sharks of the World: An Annotated and Illustrated Catalogue of Shark Species Known to Date. Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization. ISBN 92-5-101384-5.
  5. ^ a b c d e f g Bester, C. Biological Profiles: Sharpnose Sevengill Shark. Florida Museum of Natural History Ichthyology Department. Retrieved on February 16, 2009.
  6. ^ Martin, R.A. Hexanchiformes: Cow Sharks. ReefQuest Centre for Shark Research. Retrieved on February 17, 2009.
  7. ^ a b Froese, Rainer; Pauly, Daniel (eds.) (2009). "Heptranchias perlo" in FishBase. February 2009 version.
  8. ^ Braccini, J.M. (November 19, 2008). "Feeding ecology of two high-order predators from south-eastern Australia: the coastal broadnose and the deepwater sharpnose sevengill sharks". Marine Ecology Progress Series. 371: 273–284. doi:10.3354/meps07684.
  9. ^ Duffy, Clinton A. J.; Francis, Malcolm; Dunn, M. R.; Finucci, Brit; Ford, Richard; Hitchmough, Rod; Rolfe, Jeremy (2018). Conservation status of New Zealand chondrichthyans (chimaeras, sharks and rays), 2016 (PDF). Wellington, New Zealand: Department of Conservation. p. 10. ISBN 9781988514628. OCLC 1042901090.
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Sharpnose sevengill shark: Brief Summary

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The sharpnose sevengill shark (Heptranchias perlo), also known as one-finned shark, perlon shark, sevengill cow shark, sharpsnouted sevengill or slender sevengill, is a species of shark in the family Hexanchidae, and the only living species in the genus Heptranchias. Found almost circumglobally in deep water, it is one of the few species of sharks with seven pairs of gill slits as opposed to the usual five. The other shark species with seven gill slits is the broadnose sevengill shark. Though small, this shark is an active, voracious predator of invertebrates and fish. When caught, this species is notably defensive and will attempt to bite. It is of minor commercial importance.

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Heptranchias perlo ( Spanish; Castilian )

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El tiburón de siete branquias (Heptranchias perlo) es una especie de tiburón de la familia Hexanchidae, es el único tiburón del género Heptranchias. Habita desde aguas someras hasta más de 1000 metros de profundidad. Esta especie se caracteriza por tener 7 hendiduras branquiales (de ahí su nombre genérico) en lugar de 5 presentes en la mayor parte de los tiburones, o de las 6 de las especies del género Hexanchus. Es muy activo, de día y de noche, depredador voraz de invertebrados y peces.

Su importancia comercial es escasa.


El género Heptranchias, cuyo nombre proviene del griego heptra que significa "siete brazos", y agchein que significa "mariposa". Otros nombres comunes de esta especies incluyen tiburón de una aleta, tiburón perlon, tiburón vaca de siete branquias, tiburón del mediterráneo siete-branquiado, tiburón sietebranquiado, gatopardo de siete branquias y gatopardo delgado.[2][3]

Distribución y hábitat

El tiburón de siete branquias es poco común, pero habita en todos los océanos del mundo menos el noreste del océano Pacífico.

Viven en las costas de Carolina del Norte a Cuba, incluyendo el norte del Golfo de México, y de Venezuela a Argentina en el oeste del Atlántico. En el este del Atlántico, desde Marruecos a Namibia, incluyendo el mar Mediterráneo. También en el océano Índico, el sudeste de la India, Isla Aldabra, sur de Mozambique, y Sudáfrica. En el océano Pacífico, desde Japón a China, Indonesia, Australia, Nueva Zelanda, y norte de Chile.[2]

Es una especie demersal a semi-pelágico se han encontrado ejemplares a una profundidad de 300-600 metros, pero ocasionalmente se encuentra cerca de la superficie (aunque estos informes pueden representar errores de identificación) o a una profundidad de 1000 m. Se encuentra principalmente en el exterior de la plataforma continental y alta talud continental, y también se encuentran en las praderas marinas o en los montes marinos.[1]


Alcanzan los 120 cm de largo, excepcionalmente 140 cm. Esta especie tiene un cuerpo delgado y fusiforme tiene un hocico alargado y redondeado. Los ojos son grandes, con retina parecida a la de los humanos pero de color verde, que provoca una fluorescencia verde en los ejemplares vivos. La boca cuenta con 9-11 dientes a cada lado de la mandíbula superior y 5 dientes a cada lado de la mandíbula inferior. Los dientes superiores son estrechos y en forma de gancho con pequeñas cúspides laterales, mientras que los inferiores son anchos y con forma de peine (a excepción de un diente sinfisial simétrico). A diferencia de otros tiburones, tiene siete pares de hendiduras branquiales.[2][4]

Tienen una pequeña aleta dorsal cerca de las aletas pélvicas. Las aletas pectorales son pequeñas y elevadas hacia arriba, insertándose a la altura del centro de las siete branquias. La aleta anal es pequeña, muy cerca del lóbulo inferior. La aleta caudal es larga y estrecha, lo que le permite nadar de 2 a 6 metros por cada impulso. Los dentículos dérmicos son muy delgados y transparentes, siendo más largos que anchos, teniendo dos crestas laterales que terminan en los dientes marginales. Su coloración es marrón y gris, que le proporciona un buen camuflaje en el fondo, facilitando la predación.[5][2]

Véase también


  1. a b Paul, L. and Fowler, S. (2003). «Heptranchias perlo». Lista Roja de especies amenazadas de la UICN 2022 (en inglés). ISSN 2307-8235. Consultado el 11 de mayo de 2006.
  2. a b c d Bester, C. Biological Profiles: Sharpnose Sevengill Shark Archivado el 5 de enero de 2013 en WebCite . Florida Museum of Natural History Ichthyology Department. Retrieved on February 16, 2009.
  3. Martin, R.A. Hexanchiformes: Cow Sharks. ReefQuest Centre for Shark Research. Retrieved on February 17, 2009.
  4. "Heptranchias perlo". En FishBase (Rainer Froese y Daniel Pauly, eds.). Consultada en octubre de 2011. N.p.: FishBase, 2011.
  5. Compagno, Leonard J.V. (1984). Sharks of the World: An Annotated and Illustrated Catalogue of Shark Species Known to Date. Rome: Food and Agricultural Organization. ISBN 9251013845.

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Heptranchias perlo: Brief Summary ( Spanish; Castilian )

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El tiburón de siete branquias (Heptranchias perlo) es una especie de tiburón de la familia Hexanchidae, es el único tiburón del género Heptranchias. Habita desde aguas someras hasta más de 1000 metros de profundidad. Esta especie se caracteriza por tener 7 hendiduras branquiales (de ahí su nombre genérico) en lugar de 5 presentes en la mayor parte de los tiburones, o de las 6 de las especies del género Hexanchus. Es muy activo, de día y de noche, depredador voraz de invertebrados y peces.

Su importancia comercial es escasa.

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Garda zazpizakatz ( Basque )

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Garda zazpizakatza (Heptranchias perlo) ur gaziko arrain kartilaginosoa da, Hexanchidae familiakoa. Espezimenik handienak 1,4 metroko luzera dute. Zazpi zakatz ditu.


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Garda zazpizakatz: Brief Summary ( Basque )

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Garda zazpizakatza (Heptranchias perlo) ur gaziko arrain kartilaginosoa da, Hexanchidae familiakoa. Espezimenik handienak 1,4 metroko luzera dute. Zazpi zakatz ditu.

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Heptranchias perlo ( French )

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Le Requin perlon (Heptranchias perlo) fait partie de la famille des Hexanchidae.


Le Requin perlon est un requin primitif à sept fentes branchiales. Il peut atteindre jusqu'à 140 cm de long. Il est le seul de son genre. Souvent confondu avec le requin griset, sa curiosité peut le rendre dangereux (voir documentaire De l’art d’être requin[1]).

Ses dents sont en peigne, sa bouche est ventrale et étroite, ses yeux sont imposants, son dos est brun-gris et son ventre plus clair.


Cette espèce se nourrit de poissons et de calmars.


Ce requin est ovovivipare. Pour les deux sexes, il atteint sa maturité sexuelle entre 80 et 90 cm. La femelle donne naissance de 9 à 20 junéviles mesurant environ 25 cm.


Largement répandu, il vit de -25 à -1 000 mètres. On le trouve dans l'Atlantique, dans l'océan Pacifique ouest et dans l'océan indien.

Notes et références

  1. De l’art d’être requin (documentaire de 2012), résumé sur le site telestar.fr.

Voir aussi

Références taxonomiques


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Heptranchias perlo: Brief Summary ( French )

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Le Requin perlon (Heptranchias perlo) fait partie de la famille des Hexanchidae.

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Volonja pepeljak ( Croatian )

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Volonja pepeljak (sedmoškrg, lat. Heptranchias perlo), vrsta morskoga psa iz porodice volon ja Hexanchidae. Jedna je od dvije vrsate u redu volonjki, koji žive u Jadranu, i to na dubinama od 300 do 1000 metara.


Naraste do 1,4 metra dužine i može težiti do 100kg težine. Zbijenog je tijela, široke i tupe glave. Gornji dio repne peraje zauzima mu trećinu ukupne dužine. Sa gornje strane je tamnosive boje, a sa donje strane bijele. Ima sedam škržnih otvora, pa ga nazivaju i sedmoškrg. Hrani se svim vrstama organizama.

Na poldručju Hrvatske kažnjivo ga je namjerno ubijati.[1]

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Volonja pepeljak: Brief Summary ( Croatian )

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Volonja pepeljak (sedmoškrg, lat. Heptranchias perlo), vrsta morskoga psa iz porodice volon ja Hexanchidae. Jedna je od dvije vrsate u redu volonjki, koji žive u Jadranu, i to na dubinama od 300 do 1000 metara.

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Heptranchias perlo ( Italian )

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Lo squalo manzo (Heptranchias perlo Bonnaterre, 1788) è uno squalo della famiglia Hexanchidae, ed è l'unico membro del genere Heptranchias.

Areale e habitat

Non è molto comune, ma il suo areale è ampio attraverso le zone tropicali e temperate di tutti gli oceani, ad eccezione dell'Oceano Pacifico nordorientale[1]. Nell'Oceano Atlantico Occidentale abita le acque dalla Carolina del Nord negli USA fino alla parte settentrionale del Golfo del Messico, Cuba compresa, e più a Sud la zona tra il Venezuela e l'Argentina[2]. In quello Orientale, lo si è rinvenuto dal Marocco alla Namibia, ed anche nel Mediterraneo. Vive anche nell'Oceano Indiano ad Ovest dell'India, presso Aldabra, a Sud del Mozambico, ed in Sudafrica. Nel Pacifico infine, è stato trovato dal Giappone alla Cina, in Indonesia, Australia, Nuova Zelanda a Nord del Cile[3][4].

Vive sul fondale e nella zona pelagica. Sono state catturate specie dalla superficie ai 1000 metri di profondità[5], ma in genere abitano tra i 150 ed i 450 metri[6]. Principalmente vivono sulla piattaforma continentale, ma possono radunarsi attorno ai seamount[7].


Il nome Heptranchias deriva dal Greco heptra cioè "sette braccia", e agchein, cioè "strozzatura", in riferimento alle sette paia di fessure branchiali. Alcuni autori assegnano alla specie una sua famiglia, quella degli Heptranchiidae[8].


Disegno di uno squalo manzo.

La caratteristica fondamentale che distingue la specie è la presenza di 7 paia di fessure branchiali che si estendono sino alla gola[3][4][9]. Di solito grandi tra i 60 ed i 120 cm, questi squali possono raggiungere anche gli 1.40 metri[3]. Il corpo è snello e fusiforme, la testa è sottile ed appuntita e gli occhi sono relativamente grandi e verdi fluorescenti in alcuni individui[3]. L'unica pinna dorsale nasce al di sopra dei margini interni delle pinne pelviche, è dritta sul margine anteriore e concava su quello inferiore, e la sua punta è arrotondata. La pinna anale è di piccole dimensioni[2] ed i margini sono praticamente diritti. Anche le pinne pettorali sono piccole ed il margine esterno è leggermente concavo. La bocca è appuntita e molto ricurva, e contiene da 9 ad 11 denti per lato sulla mascella superiore e 5 per lato sulla inferiore[10]. I denti superiori sono appuntiti e presentano piccole cuspidi laterali, quelli inferiori sono bassi, larghi e disposti a pettine[2]. Questi squali sono dotati di un peduncolo caudale allungato. I dentelli dermici sono molto sottili e trasparenti, e presentano una linea mediana e due cuspidi terminali. Il corpo è marroncino, e a volte presenta macchie scure indistinte; nei giovani si notano delle macchie bianche in corrispondenza delle punte della pinna dorsale e di quella caudale, mentre negli adulti i margini di tutte le pinne sono più chiari del resto del corpo.[2][3][4][11][12]


A dispetto delle dimensioni relativamente piccole, la specie è considerata un top predator negli ecosistemi che abita. In generale si nutre di piccoli squali e razze, piccoli pesci ossei, gamberi, granchi, aragoste, seppie ed altri cefalopodi[11].

Presso il Great Meteor Seamount nell'Atlantico Occidentale si nutre soprattutto di teleostei e cefalopodi, ed in misura minore di piccoli pesci cartilaginei. Al largo della Tunisia invece, oltre ai teleosti predilige i crostacei. In Australia, tra i teleosti più consumati ci sono il Lepidorhynchus denticulatus per quanto riguarda gli individui piccoli, Gempylus serpens e trichiuridi per quanto riguarda gli individui più grossi[13]. La nuotata è molto vigorosa, e l'attività alimentare aumenta nelle ore notturne. A volte la specie può diventare preda di altri squali. I parassiti che conosciamo sono i nematodi dei generi Anisakis e Contracaecum, ed il cestode Crossobothrium dohrnii[4].


La specie è ovovivipara[14], ed apparentemente non esistono stagioni dell'accoppiamento. La madre mette al mondo da 9 a 12 cuccioli per volta[3], che alla nascita sono lunghi circa 26 cm. Alla maturità i maschi sono lunghi tra i 75 e gli 85 cm e le femmine tra i 90 ed i 100. La maturità sessuale nel maschio è inoltre sottolineata dalla formazione di muco sulla punta degli emipeni[3][4].

Rapporti con l'uomo

La specie è molto attiva e può essere aggressiva e mordere quando è pescata, ma in generale è considerata troppo piccola per essere pericolosa per l'uomo[3]. Questi squali sono pescati in numeri non molto grandi in modo accidentale durante la pesca commerciale in acque profonde, dai pescherecci a lunga tratta e durante la pesca a strascico[7]. Sono utilizzati per la produzione di farina di pesce ed olio ricavato dal fegato. La carne è di buona qualità, ma mediamente velenosa[4][9][15] Si crede che questa specie a lenta riproduzione sia in rapido declino in zone interessate dalla pesca di profondità, ed essa è classificata come Near Threatened (cioè prossima alla minaccia) dalla World Conservation Union. Occasionalmente in Giappone si è riusciti a mantenere questi squali in cattività[7].


  1. ^ Compagno, L.J.V. and V.H. Niem 1998 Hexanchidae. Cowsharks, sixgill, and sevengill sharks. p. 1208-1210. In: K.E. Carpenter and V.H. Niem (eds.) FAO identification guide for fishery purposes. The Living Marine Resources of the Western Central Pacific. FAO, Rome.
  2. ^ a b c d Last, P.R. and J.D. Stevens 1994 Sharks and rays of Australia. CSIRO, Australia. 513 p.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h Compagno, L.J.V. 1984 FAO species catalogue. Vol. 4. Sharks of the world. An annotated and illustrated catalogue of shark species known to date. Part 1 - Hexanchiformes to Lamniformes. FAO Fish. Synop. 125(4/1):1-249.
  4. ^ a b c d e f Bester, C. Biological Profiles: Sharpnose Sevengill Shark Archiviato il 5 gennaio 2013 in WebCite.. Florida Museum of Natural History Ichthyology Department. Retrieved on February 16, 2009.
  5. ^ Hennemann, R.M. 2001 Sharks & rays: elasmobranch guide of the world. IKAN-Unterwasserarchiv, Frankfurt, Germany, 304 p.
  6. ^ Castro, J.I., C.M. Woodley and R.L. Brudek 1999 A preliminary evaluation of the status of shark species. FAO Fish. Tech. P. 380, Rome, FAO, 72 p.
  7. ^ a b c (EN) Paul, L. & Fowler, S., Heptranchias perlo, su IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Versione 2020.2, IUCN, 2020.
  8. ^ Martin, R.A. Hexanchiformes: Cow Sharks. ReefQuest Centre for Shark Research. Retrieved on February 17, 2009.
  9. ^ a b (EN) Heptranchias perlo, su FishBase. URL consultato il 18-05-2009.
  10. ^ (EN) Bill Heim (2003), Heptranchias perlo - Immagine dettagliata della mandibola (JPG), in Extant Sharks of the World, 2010.
  11. ^ a b Compagno, L.J.V., D.A. Ebert and M.J. Smale 1989 Guide to the sharks and rays of southern Africa. New Holland (Publ.) Ltd., London. 158 p.
  12. ^ Bass, A.J., P.C. Hemstra and L.J.V. Compagno 1986 Hexanchidae. p. 45-47. In M.M. Smith and P.C. Heemstra (eds.) Smiths' sea fishes. Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
  13. ^ Braccini, J.M., Feeding ecology of two high-order predators from south-eastern Australia: the coastal broadnose and the deepwater sharpnose sevengill sharks, in Marine Ecology Progress Series, vol. 371, 19 novembre 2008, pp. 273–284, DOI:10.3354/meps07684.
  14. ^ Breder, C.M. and D.E. Rosen 1966 Modes of reproduction in fishes. T.F.H. Publications, Neptune City, New Jersey. 941 p.
  15. ^ Halstead, B.W., P.S. Auerbach and D.R. Campbell 1990 A colour atlas of dangerous marine animals. Wolfe Medical Publications Ltd, W.S. Cowell Ltd, Ipswich, England. 192 p.


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Heptranchias perlo: Brief Summary ( Italian )

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Lo squalo manzo (Heptranchias perlo Bonnaterre, 1788) è uno squalo della famiglia Hexanchidae, ed è l'unico membro del genere Heptranchias.

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Spitssnuitzevenkieuwshaai ( Dutch; Flemish )

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De spitssnuitzevenkieuwshaai (Heptranchias perlo) is een vis uit de familie der koehaaien (Hexanchidae) in de orde van grauwe haaien (Hexanchiformes). De vis kan een lengte bereiken van 137 centimeter. De vis is de enige recente soort van het geslacht Heptranchias.


De spitssnuitzevenkieuwshaai is een zoutwatervis. De vis prefereert diep water en komt voor in de Grote, Atlantische en Indische Oceaan. Bovendien komt de spitssnuitzevenkieuwshaai voor in de Middellandse Zee. De soort leeft op dieptes tussen 0 en 1000 meter.

Relatie tot de mens

De spitssnuitzevenkieuwshaai is voor de visserij van beperkt commercieel belang. In de hengelsport wordt er weinig op de vis gejaagd.

Voor de mens is de spitssnuitzevenkieuwshaai giftig om te eten.

Externe link

Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
  1. (en) Spitssnuitzevenkieuwshaai op de IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
  2. Bonnaterre, J.P. 1788, Tableau encyclopédique et méthodique des trois règnes de la nature... Ichthyologie. Paris. Tableau encyclopédique et méthodique des trois règnes de la nature... Ichthyologie.: i-lvi + 1-215, Pls. A-B + 1-100.
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Spitssnuitzevenkieuwshaai: Brief Summary ( Dutch; Flemish )

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De spitssnuitzevenkieuwshaai (Heptranchias perlo) is een vis uit de familie der koehaaien (Hexanchidae) in de orde van grauwe haaien (Hexanchiformes). De vis kan een lengte bereiken van 137 centimeter. De vis is de enige recente soort van het geslacht Heptranchias.

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Siedmioszpar ( Polish )

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Siedmioszpar[3], siedmioszpar spiczastogłowy[4] (Heptranchias perlo) – gatunek drapieżnej, agresywnej morskiej ryby sześcioszparokształtnej. W starszej literaturze był opisywany pod wieloma nazwami synonimicznymi. Biologia tego gatunku jest słabo poznana.


Zasiedla ciepłe i umiarkowanie ciepłe wody oceaniczne z wyjątkiem północnego Oceanu Spokojnego. Spotykana wzdłuż szelfu kontynentalnego, najczęściej na głębokościach 100–400 m p.p.m., ale wpływa również do głębszych wód – do 1000 m – lub wód przypowierzchniowych.


Charakteryzują się obecnością siódmej pary szczelin skrzelowych. Ciało wydłużone, o długości przeciętnie ok. 85–90 cm, maksymalnie do 140 cm (według niepotwierdzonych źródeł FishBase – mogą osiągać do 214 cm), głowa zakończona spiczastym pyskiem, oczy duże, zielone. Pojedyncza, mała płetwa grzbietowa. Ubarwienie grzbietu brązowo-szare lub oliwkowe, spodem jaśniejsze. Gatunek jajożyworodny. Młode, po wykluciu, osiągają ok. 26 cm długości. Samica rodzi jednorazowo 9–20 młodych.

Siedmioszpar spiczastogłowy żywi się mniejszymi rekinami, płaszczkami, rybami kostnymi, skorupiakami i mięczakami.


  1. Heptranchias perlo, w: Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ang.).
  2. Heptranchias perlo. Czerwona księga gatunków zagrożonych (IUCN Red List of Threatened Species) (ang.).
  3. Eugeniusz Grabda, Tomasz Heese: Polskie nazewnictwo popularne krągłouste i ryby - Cyclostomata et Pisces. Koszalin: Wyższa Szkoła Inżynierska w Koszalinie, 1991.
  4. Josef Reichholf, Gunter Steinbach, Claus Militz: Wielka encyklopedia ryb : słodkowodne i morskie ryby Europy. Wiśniewolski Wiesław (tłum.). Warszawa: Muza, 1994. ISBN 83-7079-317-7.


  • Fritz Terofal, Claus Militz: Ryby morskie. Warszawa: GeoCenter, 1996. ISBN 83-7129-306-2.
  • Heptranchias perlo. (ang.) w: Froese, R. & D. Pauly. FishBase. World Wide Web electronic publication. www.fishbase.org [dostęp 16 stycznia 2009]
  • Florida Museum of Natural History: Sharpnose sevengill shark (ang.). [dostęp 18 listopada 2007].
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Siedmioszpar: Brief Summary ( Polish )

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Siedmioszpar, siedmioszpar spiczastogłowy (Heptranchias perlo) – gatunek drapieżnej, agresywnej morskiej ryby sześcioszparokształtnej. W starszej literaturze był opisywany pod wieloma nazwami synonimicznymi. Biologia tego gatunku jest słabo poznana.

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Tubarão-de-sete-guelras ( Portuguese )

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Distribuição do Tubarão-de-sete-guelras pelo mundo.

O Tubarão-de-sete-guelras (Heptranchias perlo) é um tubarão de água profundas que apresenta grandes olhos de cor esverdeada, tendo sete fendas branquiais de cada lado do corpo.

Tem um corpo fusiforme, com uma cabeça estreita e pontiaguda, possuindo apenas uma pequena barbatana dorsal. Atinge um comprimento máximo de 1,37 cm.

Ocorre em todas as longitudes e entre as latitudes 49°N e 46°S, entre os 30 e os 1000m de profundidade. Normalmente habita o fundo oceânico.

São ovovivíparos. Têm de 9 a 20 crias de cada vez.

É muitas vezes confundido com o Cação-bruxa (Notorynchus cepedianus).

Em termos alimentares é um tubarão generalista: alimenta-se de invertebrados (camarão, lagosta, lula) e de pequenos peixes ósseos. A sua activiade é predominantemente nocturna.

Não tem relevância económica (pesca) significativa.

Outras denominações

  • Açores:
    • Albafar bravo
    • Bico doce
  • Madeira:
    • Archote
    • Bico-doce
  • Cabo Verde:
    • Bico-doce
    • Boca-doce
    • Cação
    • Olho-branco
    • Severino
  • Moçambique:
    • Canhabota boca doce


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Tubarão-de-sete-guelras: Brief Summary ( Portuguese )

provided by wikipedia PT
 src= Distribuição do Tubarão-de-sete-guelras pelo mundo.

O Tubarão-de-sete-guelras (Heptranchias perlo) é um tubarão de água profundas que apresenta grandes olhos de cor esverdeada, tendo sete fendas branquiais de cada lado do corpo.

Tem um corpo fusiforme, com uma cabeça estreita e pontiaguda, possuindo apenas uma pequena barbatana dorsal. Atinge um comprimento máximo de 1,37 cm.

Ocorre em todas as longitudes e entre as latitudes 49°N e 46°S, entre os 30 e os 1000m de profundidade. Normalmente habita o fundo oceânico.

São ovovivíparos. Têm de 9 a 20 crias de cada vez.

É muitas vezes confundido com o Cação-bruxa (Notorynchus cepedianus).

Em termos alimentares é um tubarão generalista: alimenta-se de invertebrados (camarão, lagosta, lula) e de pequenos peixes ósseos. A sua activiade é predominantemente nocturna.

Não tem relevância económica (pesca) significativa.

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Heptranchias perlo ( Turkish )

provided by wikipedia TR
Binominal adı Heptranchias perlo
(Bonnaterre, 1788) Dış bağlantılar Commons-logo.svg Wikimedia Commons'ta Heptranchias perlo ile ilgili çoklu ortam belgeleri bulunur. Wikispecies-logo.svg Wikispecies'te Heptranchias perlo ile ilgili detaylı taksonomi bilgileri bulunur.

Heptranchias perlo, Hexanchidae familyasında sınıflanan cinsinin tek türü olan bir köpek balığıdır.[1][2]


Heptranchias perlo'nun bu güncel ve geçerli bilimsel adının yanında, artık geçerliliğini yitirmiş başka bilimsel adları da olmuştur. Bu adlar, kaynaklarına göre, aşağıda sıralanmıştır.

  • Heptranchias angio Costa, 1857
  • Heptranchias cinereus (Gmelin, 1789)
  • Heptranchias deani
  • Notidanus cinereus pristiurus
  • Squalus cinereus
  • Squalus perlo
  • Heptranchias dakini


  1. ^ a b Heptranchias perlo. ITIS - Integrated Taxonomic Information System. (Erişim: 24 Mart 2007)
  2. ^ Heptranchias perlo. Taxonomicon. (Erişim: 25 Mart 2007)
  3. ^ Paul, L.; Fowler, S. (2003). Heptranchias perlo. IUCN 2006. 2006 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. (Erişim: 24 Mart 2007)
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Heptranchias perlo: Brief Summary ( Turkish )

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Heptranchias perlo, Hexanchidae familyasında sınıflanan cinsinin tek türü olan bir köpek balığıdır.

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Семизяброва акула гостроноса ( Ukrainian )

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Загальна довжина сягає 1,3, зазвичай 60-120 см. Голова довга. Морда загострена і вузька. Наділена великими флуоресцентними очима, які дозволяють бачити на глибині. Рот вузький та сильно вигнутий. Має маленькі зазубрені зуби з багатьма вершечками, що допомагає утримувати слизьку здобич. На верхній щелепі зуби менші, ніж на нижній. Загалом на верхній щелепі є 18-22 зубів, на нижній — 10. В наявності 7 пар зябер з кожної сторони, що розташовані в основі грудних плавців, поєднуються на горлі. Тіло струнке, обтічне. Грудні плавці широкі, трикутні, але короткі. Має 1 спинний плавець, що розташований близько до хвостового плавця. В останнього добре розвинена, довга верхня лопать. Нижня лопать доволі маленька. Анальний плавець маленький.

Забарвлення спини коричневе з сірим відтінком, черева — світло-коричневе. Звідси походить друга назва цієї акули. Очі у неї зеленого кольору. На черевних плавцях присутні темні плямочки.

Спосіб життя

Веде напівпелагічний спосіб життя. Тримається від поверхні до 1000 м, проте зазвичай не опускається нижче 500 м. Зустрічається на континентальному шельфі та схилах. Активна вночі. Доволі моторна та агресивна акула. Утворює великі групи, хоча зустрічаються й одинаки. Живиться костистими та дрібними хрящовими рибами, кальмарами, іноді ракоподібними.

Статева зрілість у самців настає при розмірах у 75-85 см, самиць — 90-100 см. Це яйцеживородна акула. Самиця народжує від 9 до 20 акуленят завдовжки 26 см.

Може становити небезпеку для людей, які її потурбують. Не має промислового значення. В деяких країнах використовують задля виготовлення рибного борошна.

Може становити небезпеку для людини.


Мешкає у помірних та тропічних водах по обох берегах Атлантичного океану — на півночі Мексиканської затоки, біля Куби, Іспанії, Африки (від Марокко до Намібії), в Середземному морі, також від Венесуели до Аргентини. В Індійському океані представлена окремими ареалами: біля ПАР та Мозамбіку; північного Мадагаскару; південно-західної Індії; західної Австралії. В Тихому океані зустрічається від Нової Зеланді та Австралії; південної Індонезії; Китаю, Тайваня, Корейського півострова та Японії. Інший тихоокеанський ареал цієї акули існує біля берегів Чилі.


  • Alessandro de Maddalena, Harald Bänsch: Haie im Mittelmeer, Franckh-Kosmos Verlags-GmbH, Stuttgart 2005 (ISBN 3-440-10458-3)
  • Froese, Rainer and Pauly, Daniel, eds. (2009). «Heptranchias perlo» in FishBase. February 2009 version.
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Cá mập bảy mang mũi sắc ( Vietnamese )

provided by wikipedia VI

Cá mập bảy mang mũi sắc (tên khoa học Heptranchias perlo) là một loài cá mập trong họ Hexanchidae, và là loài duy nhất trong chi Heptranchias. Tìm thấy gần như trong vùng nước sâu toàn cầu, nó là một trong số ít loài cá mập với bảy cặp khe mang trái với bảy khe mang thông thường. Loài cá mập khác có bảy khe mang là cá mập bảy mang mũi lớn. Mặc dù có kích thước nhỏ, loài cá mập này là một động vật ăn thịt phàm ăn loài không xương sống và cá. Khi bị bắt, loài này là đáng chú ý là sẽ cố gắng để cắn. Nó có tầm quan trọng thương mại nhỏ.

Chú thích

  1. ^ Sepkoski, Jack (2002). “A compendium of fossil marine animal genera (Chondrichthyes entry)”. Bulletins of American Paleontology 364: 560. Truy cập ngày 9 tháng 1 năm 2008.
  2. ^ Paul, L. and Fowler, S. (2003). Heptranchias perlo. Sách Đỏ IUCN các loài bị đe dọa. Phiên bản 3.1. Liên minh Bảo tồn Thiên nhiên Quốc tế. Truy cập ngày 11 tháng 5 năm 2006.

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Cá mập bảy mang mũi sắc: Brief Summary ( Vietnamese )

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Cá mập bảy mang mũi sắc (tên khoa học Heptranchias perlo) là một loài cá mập trong họ Hexanchidae, và là loài duy nhất trong chi Heptranchias. Tìm thấy gần như trong vùng nước sâu toàn cầu, nó là một trong số ít loài cá mập với bảy cặp khe mang trái với bảy khe mang thông thường. Loài cá mập khác có bảy khe mang là cá mập bảy mang mũi lớn. Mặc dù có kích thước nhỏ, loài cá mập này là một động vật ăn thịt phàm ăn loài không xương sống và cá. Khi bị bắt, loài này là đáng chú ý là sẽ cố gắng để cắn. Nó có tầm quan trọng thương mại nhỏ.

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Семижаберная акула ( Russian )

provided by wikipedia русскую Википедию
Зубы пепельного семижаберника.

Эти акулы размножаются яйцеживорождением. Размножение не имеет сезонного характера. В помёте от 9 до 20 новорожденных длиной около 26 см. Самцы и самки достигают половой зрелости при длине 75—85 см и 90—100 см соответственно. Признаком половой зрелости у самцов служит образование слизи на птеригоподиях[4][7].

Взаимодействие с человеком

Считается, что вид не представляет опасности для человека. Однако пойманные акулы ведут себя агрессивно и могут покусать рыбака[4]. В качестве прилова попадают в глубоководные коммерческие тралы или ярусы. Мясо пойманных акул используют в пищу, из отходов производят рыбную муку. Международный союз охраны природы присвоил этому виду статус «Близкий к уязвимому положению»[9].


  1. Губанов Е. П., Кондюрин В. В., Мягков Н. А. Акулы Мирового океана: Справочник-определитель. — М.: Агропромиздат, 1986. — С. 48. — 272 с.
  2. 1 2 Линдберг, Г. У., Герд, А. С., Расс, Т. С. Словарь названий морских промысловых рыб мировой фауны. — Ленинград: Наука, 1980. — С. 30. — 562 с.
  3. Решетников Ю. С., Котляр А. Н., Расс Т. С., Шатуновский М. И. Пятиязычный словарь названий животных. Рыбы. Латинский, русский, английский, немецкий, французский. / под общей редакцией акад. В. Е. Соколова. — М.: Рус. яз., 1989. — С. 18. — 12 500 экз.ISBN 5-200-00237-0.
  4. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Compagno, L.J.V.,. FAO species catalogue. Vol. 4. Sharks of the world. An annotated and illustrated catalogue of sharks species known to date. Hexanchiformes to Lamniformes. FAO Fish Synop., (125) Vol.4, Pt.1. — 1984. — 249 с. — P. 18.
  5. Bonnaterre J. P. 1788 Tableau encyclopédique et méthodique des trois règnes de la nature. Ichthyologie. Paris. Catalogue of the fishes in the British Museum. : i-lvi + 1-215
  6. Froese, Rainer, and Daniel Pauly, eds. (2009). «Heptranchias perlo» in FishBase. February 2009 version.
  7. 1 2 3 4 Bester, C. Biological Profiles: Sharpnose Sevengill Shark. (неопр.). Florida Museum of Natural History Ichthyology Department.. Проверено 1 января 2013. Архивировано 5 января 2013 года.
  8. Braccini, J.M. «Feeding ecology of two high-order predators from south-eastern Australia: the coastal broadnose and the deepwater sharpnose sevengill sharks». // Marine Ecology Progress Series 371: 273–284.. — (November 19, 2008).. — DOI:10.3354/meps07684.
  9. Paul, L. & Fowler, S. (SSG Australia & Oceania Regional Workshop, March 2003) 2003. Heptranchias perlo. In: IUCN 2012. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2012.2. . Downloaded on 01 January 2013
Авторы и редакторы Википедии

Семижаберная акула: Brief Summary ( Russian )

provided by wikipedia русскую Википедию
 src= Зубы пепельного семижаберника.

Эти акулы размножаются яйцеживорождением. Размножение не имеет сезонного характера. В помёте от 9 до 20 новорожденных длиной около 26 см. Самцы и самки достигают половой зрелости при длине 75—85 см и 90—100 см соответственно. Признаком половой зрелости у самцов служит образование слизи на птеригоподиях.

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尖吻七鳃鲨 ( Chinese )

provided by wikipedia 中文维基百科
二名法 Heptranchias perlo
Bonnaterre,1788 Heptranchias perlo distmap.png

尖吻七鳃鲨學名Heptranchias perlo),又名尖頭七鰓鯊,是軟骨魚綱六鰓鯊目六鳃鲨科七鳃鲨属下的唯一物种














尖吻七鳃鲨: Brief Summary ( Chinese )

provided by wikipedia 中文维基百科

尖吻七鳃鲨(學名Heptranchias perlo),又名尖頭七鰓鯊,是軟骨魚綱六鰓鯊目六鳃鲨科七鳃鲨属下的唯一物种


エドアブラザメ ( Japanese )

provided by wikipedia 日本語
エドアブラザメ Sharpnose sevengill shark ( Heptranchias perlo ).jpg
Heptranchias perlo
保全状況評価 NEAR THREATENED (IUCN Red List Ver. 3.1 (2001))
Status iucn3.1 NT.svg
分類 : 動物界 Animalia : 脊索動物門 Chordata 亜門 : 脊椎動物亜門 Vertebrata : 軟骨魚綱 Chondrichthyes 亜綱 : 板鰓亜綱 Elasmobranchii : カグラザメ目 Hexanchiformes : カグラザメ科 Hexanchidae : エドアブラザメ属 Heptranchias : エドアブラザメ H. perlo 学名 Heptranchias perlo
(Bonnaterre, 1788) 英名 Sharpnose sevengill shark

エドアブラザメ Heptranchias perlo (江戸油鮫、英: Sharpnose sevengill shark)は、カグラザメ目カグラザメ科に属するサメ。本種のみでエドアブラザメ属 Heptranchias を形成する。














  1. ^ a b Paul, L. & Fowler, S. 2003. Heptranchias perlo. In: IUCN 2010. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2010.3. . Downloaded on 07 September 2010.
  2. ^ a b c Biological Profiles: Sharpnose sevengill shark Florida Museum of Natural History Ichthyology Department. 2010年9月7日。
  3. ^ a b Heptranchias perlo FishBase. 2010年9月7日。
  4. ^ a b 藤井 (“エドアブラザメ”について”. 下田海中水族館 飼育日誌. 下田海中水族館. ^ 伊豆・三津シーパラダイス / Izu-Mito Sea Paradiseによる2016年3月17日のポスト - Facebook
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エドアブラザメ: Brief Summary ( Japanese )

provided by wikipedia 日本語

エドアブラザメ Heptranchias perlo (江戸油鮫、英: Sharpnose sevengill shark)は、カグラザメ目カグラザメ科に属するサメ。本種のみでエドアブラザメ属 Heptranchias を形成する。

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꼬리기름상어 ( Korean )

provided by wikipedia 한국어 위키백과

꼬리기름상어 또는 뾰족코일곱줄아가미상어(Heptranchias perlo)는 신락상어과에 속하는 상어의 일종이다. 꼬리기름상어속(Heptranchias)의 유일종이다.

분포 지역 및 서식처

태평양 북동부를 제외하고 거의 전 세계의 난대 해역에 분포한다. 비교적 희귀한 종으로 수심 1,000m까지 심해에 서식한다. 보통은 해저 근처에서 생활하지만, 드물게 표층에 출현할 때도 있다.[1][2]


몸길이는 140cm로 평균 1m 전후이다. 체형은 가느다란 방추형으로 등쪽의 몸 색깔은 짙은 회색이나 회갈색을 띠며, 배쪽은 흰색을 띤다. 아가미구멍은 일곱줄로 현존하는 상어 중에서 가장 많다. 첫째 아가미구멍이 가장 크고 뒤쪽으로 갈수록 작아진다. 등지느러미는 하나로 몸 뒤쪽에 위치한다. 꼬리지느러미는 윗쪽이 길고 베어져 들어간 자국이 있다. 새끼 상어는 등지느러미와 꼬리지느러미 앞쪽 끝에 검은 얼룩이 있다. 눈은 크고 녹색으로 빛을 잘 반사한다. 윗턱의 앞니는 기다란 갈고리 모양으로 안쪽을 향해 있다. 아래턱의 이빨은 빗모양이 특징적이며, 6개의 교두(咬頭)를 갖추고 있다.[1][2][3]


두족류갑각류, 경골어류, 상어, 가오리류 등을 폭넓게 포식(捕食)한다. 생식 방식은 태생이다. 다만 태반은 형성하지 않고 자궁 내에서 알을 부화시킨다. 한번에 25cm정도의 새끼를 9-20마리를 낳는다. 다 자라면, 수컷 크기는 길이 75–85 cm, 암컷이 길이 90-100cm가 된다.[2]

사람과의 관계

저인망이나 저연승어업을 통해 혼획되지만, 어업의 대상은 아니다. 사람에게 해를 끼치지 않지만 그물에 걸린 것을 인양 때 물릴 수도 있다. 고기에 약한 독성이 있다.[3]


  1. Paul, L. and Fowler, S. (2003). Heptranchias perlo. 2010 IUCN 위기종의 적색 목록. IUCN 2010. 2006년 5월 11일 내려받음.
  2. Biological Profiles: Sharpnose sevengill shark Archived 2013-01-05 - WebCite Florida Museum of Natural History Ichthyology Department. 2010년 9월 7일.
  3. Heptranchias perlo FishBase. 2010년 9월 7일.
Wikipedia 작가 및 편집자


provided by World Register of Marine Species
Found on outer continental and insular shelves and upper slopes in depths of 100 to 400 m, also inshore and down to 400 m. Feeds on bony fishes, sharks (Ref.6574), hake, and squid. Ovoviviparous, number of young 9 to 20 in a litter. Probably strong-swimming. Generally, very active and aggresive. Quick to bite when captured, but too small to be very dangerous to people. Livers used in Japan for oil. Maximum lengh may reach 214 cm, but this is uncertain.


Froese, R. & D. Pauly (Editors). (2023). FishBase. World Wide Web electronic publication. version (02/2023).

WoRMS Editorial Board
Edward Vanden Berghe [email]


provided by World Register of Marine Species
off southern Virginia (36° 59' N, 74° 37 ' W), and south to Argentina


North-West Atlantic Ocean species (NWARMS)

WoRMS Editorial Board
Kennedy, Mary [email]


provided by World Register of Marine Species


North-West Atlantic Ocean species (NWARMS)

WoRMS Editorial Board
Kennedy, Mary [email]


provided by World Register of Marine Species
Known from seamounts and knolls


Stocks, K. 2009. Seamounts Online: an online information system for seamount biology. Version 2009-1. World Wide Web electronic publication.

WoRMS Editorial Board