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Yapon birgözü ( Azerbaijani )

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Yapon birgözü (lat. Ligustrum japonicum) — zeytunkimilər fəsiləsinin birgöz cinsinə aid bitki növü.

Təbii yayılması

Vətəni Yaponiya, Koreya və Çindir.

Botaniki təsviri

Hündürlüyü 3-5 m olan həmişəyaşıl koldur. Yarpaqları 5-10 sm uzunluqda olub, üzbəüz düzülüşlü, dərili, enli yumurtavari və küt ucludur. Çiçəkləri ağ rəngdə olub, ətirli və süpürgəvari çiçək qrupuna yığılmışdır. Çiçək oxunun uzunluğu 5-15 sm-ə çatır. Çiçəkləməsi may ayında müşahidə edilir. Meyvələrin diametri 5-6 mm olan, qara rəngli, zəhərli giləmeyvədir. Toxumları oktyabr ayında tam yetişir və yetişmiş toxumları uzun müddət bitkinin üzərində qalır. Toxum və qələmlə asanlıqla çoxaldılır.


Quraqlığa və şaxtaya davamlıdır. Zərərvericilərlə az yoluxur. Bitkini budamaqla müxtəlif forma vermək olar.

Azərbaycanda yayılması

Bakı, Gəncədə və s. rayonlarda park və bağlarda rast gəlinir.


Azərbaycanın bütün bölgələrində bu bitkidən yaşıllaşdırma məqsədilə istifadə edilir.


  • Tofiq Məmmədov, Elman İsgəndər, Tariyel Talıbov. Azərbaycanın nadir ağac və kol bitkiləri. Bakı: Elm, 2014, 380 səh.
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Yapon birgözü: Brief Summary ( Azerbaijani )

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Yapon birgözü (lat. Ligustrum japonicum) — zeytunkimilər fəsiləsinin birgöz cinsinə aid bitki növü.

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Japanischer Liguster ( German )

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Der Japanische Liguster[1] (Ligustrum japonicum) ist ein kleiner Strauch aus der Familie der Ölbaumgewächse. Sein Verbreitungsgebiet liegt in Japan, Korea und Taiwan.



Der Japanische Liguster ist ein immergrüner, buschiger, 1 bis 3 selten bis 6 Meter hoher Strauch mit dichtem Wuchs und fein dunkel behaarten jungen Trieben, die später verkahlen. Die Zweige sind mit Korkporen bedeckt. Die Blätter sind einfach. Die Blattspreite ist ledrig, 4 bis 8 Zentimeter lang, breit eiförmig bis länglich eiförmig, kurz zugespitzt, spitz oder stumpf mit meist abgerundeter Basis. Die Blattoberseite ist dunkelgrün, die Unterseite blassgrün. Rand und Mittelnerv sind oft gerötet. Je Blatt werden vier bis fünf Nervenpaare gebildet.[2][3]

Die Blüten stehen zu 200 bis 600 in 6 bis 15 Zentimeter langen, kegelförmigen Rispen. Die Staubblätter reichen nicht über die Blütenkrone. Die Früchte sind schwarze Beeren. Die Art blüht von Juli bis September.[2]

Verbreitung und Ökologie

Das natürliche Verbreitungsgebiet liegt in der gemäßigten Zone Asiens auf den japanischen Inseln Honshū, Kyushu, Shikoku und den Ryūkyū-Inseln, in Südkorea und Taiwan.[4] Dort wächst er in artenarmen Wäldern auf trockenen bis frischen, sauren bis schwach alkalischen, sandig-humosen Böden an halbschattigen Standorten. Die Art ist meist frosthart.[2]

Systematik und Forschungsgeschichte

Der Japanische Liguster (Ligustrum japonicum) ist eine Art aus der Gattung der Liguster (Ligustrum) in der Familie der Ölbaumgewächse (Oleaceae), Tribus Oleeae. Er wurde von Carl Peter Thunberg im Jahr 1780 erstbeschrieben. Ein Synonym der Art ist Ligustrum coriaceum Carrière.[4]


Kultivar 'Rotundifolium'

Der Japanische Liguster wird aufgrund seiner dekorativen Blüten als Ziergehölz genutzt. Es existieren mehrere Sorten,[2] darunter der Kultivar 'Rotundifolium' mit dicken, rundlichen Blättern[3].



  • Andreas Roloff, Andreas Bärtels: Flora der Gehölze. Bestimmung, Eigenschaften und Verwendung. Mit einem Winterschlüssel von Bernd Schulz. 3., korrigierte Auflage. Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart (Hohenheim) 2008, ISBN 978-3-8001-5614-6, S. 371.
  • Gordon Cheers (Hrsg.): Botanica Bäume & Sträucher. Tandem Verlag GmbH, 2006, ISBN 3-8331-2003-7, S. 517.


  1. Deutscher Name nach Roloff et al.: Flora der Gehölze und Cheers: Botanica Bäume & Sträucher
  2. a b c d Roloff et al.: Flora der Gehölze, S. 371
  3. a b Cheers: Botanica Bäume & Sträucher, S. 517
  4. a b Ligustrum japonicum. In: Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN). United States Department of Agriculture, abgerufen am 10. Februar 2012 (englisch).


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Japanischer Liguster: Brief Summary ( German )

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Der Japanische Liguster (Ligustrum japonicum) ist ein kleiner Strauch aus der Familie der Ölbaumgewächse. Sein Verbreitungsgebiet liegt in Japan, Korea und Taiwan.

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Ligustrum japonicum

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Ligustrum japonicum, known as wax-leaf privet[1] or Japanese privet (Japanese: ネズミモチ) is a species of Ligustrum (privet) native to central and southern Japan (Honshū, Shikoku, Kyūshū, Okinawa) and Korea.[2] It is widely cultivated in other regions, and is naturalized in California and in the southeastern United States from Texas to Virginia.[3]


L. japonicum is an evergreen shrub or small tree growing to 2–5 meters (6 ft 7 in – 16 ft 5 in)—rarely 6 meters (20 ft)—tall, with smooth, pale grey-brown bark on the stems. The leaves are opposite, 5–10 cm long and 2–5 cm broad, glossy dark green above, paler glaucous to yellowish green below, thick and leathery textured, and with an entire margin. The flowers are white, with a four-lobed corolla 5–6 mm long; they are borne in clusters 7–15 cm long in early summer. The fruit is an oval drupe, 10 mm long, ripening purple-black with a glaucous waxy bloom in early winter; in Japan they are popularly likened to mouse or rat droppings. The species is closely related to the Chinese Ligustrum lucidum, differing in its smaller size (L. lucidum making a tree to over 10 m tall), and elongated oval (not subglobose) fruit. Flowering occurs from July to October and fruiting occurs in autumn while reproducing asexually. The plant grows in sun or shade, damp, disturbed, or undisturbed areas, commonly found in floodplain forests, wetlands, and pine flatwoods. Exotic plant invasion is considered one of the main causes of the degradation of ecosystems and loss of biodiversity globally.[4] Japanese Privet is native to Japan and Eastern Asia and was introduced to the United States from Japan and Korea in 1845. Ligustrum japonicum is commonly used as ornamental in many parts of the world. They are valued by their evergreen leaves, white flowers, adaptability to different ranges of landscape conditions, pruning, resistance to diseases, and wide availability. Some Ligustrum species have escaped cultivation and become naturalized in natural areas.[4] For example, sixteen countries report the naturalization of Chinese privet. In the United States, Chinese privet has been established in 20 states and it's considered invasive.

Cultivation and uses

Lingustrum Japonicum arrived in North America in 1845 from Japan and Korea. It has become an invasive plant, particularly in the American South as it has escaped from cultivation. It is occasionally grown as an ornamental plant in Europe and North America; several cultivars have been selected for garden use, including 'Rotundifolium' with leaves nearly as broad as long, and 'Silver Star' with creamy-white margins to the leaves. It has spread to various states in the United States due to its use in ornamental horticulture. In Florida, the FLEPPC does not list Ligustrum japonicum as an invasive species but it has escaped cultivation in 11 southeastern states including TX, AR, LA, MS, GA, SC, NC, TN, and PA9. Currently, 11 different species and hybrids from the privet genius are commercially available in the US. The fruit is used in herbal medicine as a cardiotonic, diuretic, laxative, and tonic treatment. Ligustrum japonicum has different effects on osteogenic and adipogenic cells within the body. By examining the ALP activity and lipid accumulation using human bone marrow derived from stromal cells, an increase of ALP production will be found.[5] The accumulation of intracellular triglycerides are well-known markers of osteoclastogenesis and adipogenesis. The increase in ALP is due to the substances within the fruits of Ligustrum japonicum. Ligustrum japonicum fruits have been used in traditional medicinal practices and supplements in Korea and Japan.[1] It has been reported to have various bioactivities. Which is why Ligustrum japonicum is used for tonic effects in traditional Japanese medicine.[6]

Invasiveness and impact

Ligustrum Japonicum is a fern with twining fronds of indeterminate growth because it lacks terminal structures and its petioles continuously elongate.[7] Due to rapid root sprouting, and the use of underground rhizomes, it can grow rapidly to form a dense "wall" possibly reaching 90 feet in length, which causes the elimination of seedlings and other native plants as it shades and displaces them.[8][7] The plant has a rapid growth rate when it is young and slows down as it matures and it invades lowlands and uplands, fence rows, abandoned pastures, intermittent stream beds, and woodlands. It also is problematic in plantations as it contaminates them and causes problems in the pine straw industry.[9] It also disrupts natural and prescribed fires as its growth creates a ladder that fuels fires and allows for the fires to reach into the tree canopies. It has been found that local fires and planned fire aid in the spread of Japonicum, especially in mesic pine savannas, due to their ability to survive the fires with their rhizomes which allow for spore production and dispersal in the surrounding herbaceous ground cover post-fire. It is distributed by birds eating the fruit and is propagated by cutting, seeds, and honeybees. Its tiny spores are also dispersed by the wind, clothing, equipment, and vehicles. Ligustrum Japonicum is an intragametophytic selfing fern, using two gametes from the same haploid gametophyte to form a complete homozygous sporophyte.[7] Therefore Ligustrum Japonicum only needs a single spore to create an entire fern population. The plant is also poisonous to humans, cats, dogs, and horses. It causes abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, weakness, low blood pressure, and clammy skin in humans.

Control methods

Ligustrum japonicum invasiveness can be controlled by mechanical, biological, or chemical methods. Mechanical control includes using machinery to remove large mats of foliage that form over any vegetation or by hand pulling the young seedlings before their rapid growth begins. The possible biological control agent that can be utilized is the rust of the plant known as Puccinia lygodii in greenhouses but more studies need to be conducted to know its effectiveness.[9][10] The plant can also be controlled chemically by the use of glyphosate, imazapyr, and metsulfuron-methyl, which are all herbicides that inhibit the formation of amino acids in the plant.[10] Many ornamentals gain invasiveness through their prolific production of viable seeds. Therefore, making plants sterile or seedless can reduce, even eliminate, their invasive potential.[4] Several genetic tools have been used to reduce seed production, viability, and germination.[10] This includes natural mutation, artificial mutagenesis, interspecific hybridization, ploidy manipulation, endosperm culture, and transgenics.[4] Ploidy manipulation has proven to be successful and yields multiple sterile, noninvasive cultivars or breeding lines in a variety of ornamental plants.[4]


Wikimedia Commons has media related to Ligustrum japonicum.
Wikispecies has information related to Ligustrum japonicum.
  1. ^ a b English Names for Korean Native Plants (PDF). Pocheon: Korea National Arboretum. 2015. p. 518. ISBN 978-89-97450-98-5. Archived from the original (PDF) on 25 May 2017. Retrieved 4 January 2017 – via Korea Forest Service.
  2. ^ Kew World Checklist of Selected Plant Families, Ligustrum japonicum
  3. ^ Biota of North America Program, Ligustrum japonicum
  4. ^ a b c d e Fetouh, Mohammed I.; Kareem, Abdul; Knox, Gary W.; Wilson, Sandra B.; Deng, Zhanao (2016-11-01). "Induction, Identification, and Characterization of Tetraploids in Japanese Privet (Ligustrum japonicum)". HortScience. 51 (11): 1371–1377. doi:10.21273/HORTSCI11138-16. ISSN 0018-5345.
  5. ^ Oh JH, Karadeniz F, Lee JI, Seo Y, Kong CS (February 2021). "Ligustrum japonicum Thunb. Fruits Exert Antiosteoporotic Properties in Bone Marrow-Derived Mesenchymal Stromal cells via Regulation of Adipocyte and Osteoblast Differentiation". Stem Cells International. doi:10.1155/2021/8851884. PMC 7899768. PMID 33628272.
  6. ^ "Chemical constituents from the fruits of Ligustrum japonicum and their inhibitory effects on T cell activation".
  7. ^ a b c Leichty, Ellen R.; Carmichael, Becky J.; Platt, William J. (2011). "Scientific Note: Invasion of a Southeastern Pine Savanna by Japanese Climbing Fern". Castanea. 76 (3): 293–299. ISSN 0008-7475. JSTOR 41301504.
  8. ^ Cox, Morgan Lynn (May 2022). Insights into the introduction and distribution of invasive Japanese Climbing Fern (Lygodium japonicum) through whole chloroplast sequencing (Master of Science thesis). Wichita State University.
  9. ^ a b Vélez-Gavilán, Jeanine (2022-01-07). "Ligustrum japonicum (Japanese privet)". CABI Compendium. CABI Compendium: 30749. doi:10.1079/cabicompendium.30749. ISSN 2958-3969.
  10. ^ a b c "FOR 218/FR280: Biology and Control of Japanese Climbing Fern (Lygodium japonicum)". edis.ifas.ufl.edu. Retrieved 2023-04-19.
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Ligustrum japonicum: Brief Summary

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Ligustrum japonicum, known as wax-leaf privet or Japanese privet (Japanese: ネズミモチ) is a species of Ligustrum (privet) native to central and southern Japan (Honshū, Shikoku, Kyūshū, Okinawa) and Korea. It is widely cultivated in other regions, and is naturalized in California and in the southeastern United States from Texas to Virginia.

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Ligustrum japonicum ( Spanish; Castilian )

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El aligustrón[1]​ (Ligustrum japonicum) es una especie de planta de flores de la familia Oleaceae.

Tiene un porte bajo o medio, 8-10 metros de alto como máximo. Aunque generalmente no pasa de los 5 metros y frecuentemente se presenta en forma arbustiva, sirviendo entonces para formar setos. Cuando se presenta en forma de árbol, las ramillas rectas y lisas, forman una copa cónica globosa con un follaje denso.

Puede vivir en cualquier tipo de suelos, aunque se desarrolla mejor en los terrenos frescos y arenosos. Es resistente a la sequía y a las heladas no muy severas, aunque le perjudican un poco. Tolera las zonas de sombra, aunque crece mejor en las zonas soleadas. Tiene resistencia a la salinidad del suelo. Soporta fácilmente la poda.

Tiene un crecimiento de rápido a medio, y vive alrededor del siglo.

La denominación científica del género, viene de la que ya le diera Plinio el Viejo como derivado del verbo latino lĭgo,āre (atar), debido a que las ramillas jóvenes, por su flexibilidad, sirven para atar.


De tronco algo retorcido y con tendencia a la inclinación. De cruz media baja. La corteza es lisa y grisácea en la juventud. En cambio en los ejemplares de más edad se torna más oscura y agrietada. Las hojas son perennes, aunque en los años fríos pueden llegar a perder bastante follaje. Son opuestas, simples, enteras, ovaladas, de ápice acuminado, con 4-10 cm de largo, con un peciolo corto (de 1-1,5 cm) y de base cuneada o ligeramente redondeada. El nervio central es muy evidente. El color es verde oscuro y brillante en el haz y de un tono más pálido y opaco por el envés.

Las flores son pequeñas, numerosas, de coloración blanquecina, amarillenta o verdosa, son sésiles o cortamente pediceladas, algo olorosas y están agrupadas en ramilletes terminales (tirsos). Tienen el cáliz acampanado, truncado, con cuatro dientes de 1,3-1,8 mm; la corola es acampanada, simpétala, con cuatro lóbulos de 3-4 mm, reflejos; androceo con dos estambres esertos, insertos en la boca del tubo de la corola. El gineceo tiene un ovario biloculado, con dos rudimentos seminales en cada lóculo. Son hermafroditas y florecen a finales de primavera o a principios de verano.

El fruto crece en racimo, son pequeñas drupas globosas y jugosas (bayas) de color negro-azulado, forma elíptica algo irregular y del tamaño de un guisante, de sabor muy amargo. Son tóxicos. Fructifica a finales del verano, de septiembre a octubre y después permaneces mucho tiempo sobre el árbol. Algunas veces se han utilizado como colorantes en vinos.

Taxones infra específicos

Todos los descritos son meras sinonimias.


  • Ligustridium japonicum (Thunb.) Spach
  • Ligustrum amamianum Koidz.
  • Ligustrum amamianum var. rotundifolium (Blume) B.M.Miao
  • Ligustrum coriaceum Carrière
  • Ligustrum glabrum Decne.
  • Ligustrum japonicum var. coriaceum (Carrière) Blume ex H.Lév.
  • Ligustrum japonicum f. difformis Blume
  • Ligustrum japonicum f. leucocarpum (Honda) T.Yamanaka
  • Ligustrum japonicum var. leucocarpum Honda
  • Ligustrum japonicum var. ovalifolium Blume
  • Ligustrum japonicum f. pubescens (Koidz.) Murata
  • Ligustrum japonicum var. pubescens Koidz.
  • Ligustrum japonicum f. rotundifolium (Blume) Noshiro
  • Ligustrum japonicum var. rotundifolium Blume
  • Ligustrum japonicum var. spathulatum Mansf.
  • Ligustrum japonicum var. syaryotense Masam. & T.Mori
  • Ligustrum kellerianum Vis.
  • Ligustrum latifolium Thunb.
  • Ligustrum latifolium Vitman nom. illeg.
  • Ligustrum lucidum var. coriaceum (Carrière) Decne.
  • Ligustrum macrophyllum Decne.
  • Ligustrum ovatum Dippel.
  • Ligustrum sieboldii Decne.
  • Ligustrum syringiflorum Decne.
  • Ligustrum syringifolium Decne.
  • Ligustrum taquetii H.Lév.[2]


La madera es dura y elástica, por lo que sirve para fabricar objetos torneados.


  1. Colmeiro, Miguel: «Diccionario de los diversos nombres vulgares de muchas plantas usuales ó notables del antiguo y nuevo mundo», Madrid, 1871.
  2. Ligustrum japonicum en The Plant List
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Ligustrum japonicum: Brief Summary ( Spanish; Castilian )

provided by wikipedia ES

El aligustrón​ (Ligustrum japonicum) es una especie de planta de flores de la familia Oleaceae.

Tiene un porte bajo o medio, 8-10 metros de alto como máximo. Aunque generalmente no pasa de los 5 metros y frecuentemente se presenta en forma arbustiva, sirviendo entonces para formar setos. Cuando se presenta en forma de árbol, las ramillas rectas y lisas, forman una copa cónica globosa con un follaje denso.

Puede vivir en cualquier tipo de suelos, aunque se desarrolla mejor en los terrenos frescos y arenosos. Es resistente a la sequía y a las heladas no muy severas, aunque le perjudican un poco. Tolera las zonas de sombra, aunque crece mejor en las zonas soleadas. Tiene resistencia a la salinidad del suelo. Soporta fácilmente la poda.

Tiene un crecimiento de rápido a medio, y vive alrededor del siglo.

La denominación científica del género, viene de la que ya le diera Plinio el Viejo como derivado del verbo latino lĭgo,āre (atar), debido a que las ramillas jóvenes, por su flexibilidad, sirven para atar.

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Japoniar arbustu ( Basque )

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Japoniar arbustu (Ligustrum japonicum) Ligustrum generoaren espeziea da. Hegoaldeko Japonian (japonieraz: ネズミモチ) eta Korean du jatorria[1].

Hosto-erorkor zuhaixka hau Europan eta Amerikan apaingarri moduan erabiltzen dute eta bere fruitua onuragarria da diuretiko eta laxante moduan.


  1. Huxley, A., ed. (1992). New RHS Dictionary of Gardening. Macmillan ISBN 0-333-47494-5.

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Japoniar arbustu: Brief Summary ( Basque )

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Japoniar arbustu (Ligustrum japonicum) Ligustrum generoaren espeziea da. Hegoaldeko Japonian (japonieraz: ネズミモチ) eta Korean du jatorria.

Hosto-erorkor zuhaixka hau Europan eta Amerikan apaingarri moduan erabiltzen dute eta bere fruitua onuragarria da diuretiko eta laxante moduan.




Fruitu heldugabe

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Troène du Japon ( French )

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Ligustrum japonicum

Le troène du Japon (Ligustrum japonicum) est une espèce de troène originaire du sud du Japon (Honshū, Shikoku, Kyūshū, Okinawa) et de la Corée.


Fleurs de troène du Japon

Il s'agit d'un arbuste ou d'un petit arbre pouvant mesurer jusqu'à 6 mètres de hauteur[réf. nécessaire] à l'écorce gris-beige.

Ses feuilles coriaces persistantes de couleur vert foncé brillant sont opposées et mesurent 5 à 10 cm de long sur 2 à 5 cm de large[réf. nécessaire].

Les fleurs de couleur blanche, avec une corolle à quatre lobes de 5-6 mm de long[réf. nécessaire] poussent en grappes de 7 à 15 cm de long[réf. nécessaire] au début de l'été. Elles ont un parfum souvent peu apprécié et produisent de grandes quantités de pollen.

Le fruit est une drupe ovale, de 10 mm de long[réf. nécessaire] d'abord verte puis virant au noir violet avec une pruine cireuse au début de l'hiver.

L'espèce est étroitement liée à l'espèce chinoise Ligustrum lucidum, mais est plus petite (L. lucidum peut faire un arbre de plus de 10 m de hauteur). Pour les différencier, plier une feuille en deux. Si elle casse, c’est un japonicum sinon c’est un lucidum[réf. nécessaire].


Comme tous les troènes, l'espèce est gourmande en eau et nutriments et peut gêner la croissance des autres plantes poussant à proximité. Elle est peu sensible aux maladies et parasites.

Un certain nombre de cultivars a été sélectionné tel que 'Rotundifolium' (à feuilles coriaces presque aussi larges que longues et croissance lente), 'Silver Star' (à feuilles à bord de couleur crème), et 'Aureum' à feuilles dorées.

L'espèce se propage facilement par semis ou bouture et peut devenir envahissante. Elle pousse vite, supporte bien la taille et est souvent utilisée pour créer des topiaires.


Troène du Japon bonsaï

Le fruit est utilisé dans les médicaments à base de plantes comme cardiotonique, diurétique, laxatif et traitement tonique[réf. nécessaire]. Cependant le troëne est en attente d'études de non toxicité en Europe et des laboratoires spécialisés en plantes médicinales ont pour le moment renoncé à l'utiliser. Donc IL EST DECONSEILLE D EN CONSOMMER.

Il est parfois cultivé comme plante ornementale ou pour la composition de haies en Europe et en Amérique du Nord dans les régions à hiver doux car il supporte mal le gel.

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Troène du Japon: Brief Summary ( French )

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Ligustrum japonicum

Le troène du Japon (Ligustrum japonicum) est une espèce de troène originaire du sud du Japon (Honshū, Shikoku, Kyūshū, Okinawa) et de la Corée.

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Japon kurtbağrı ( Turkish )

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Japon kurtbağrı (Ligustrum japonicum), Zeytingiller (Oleaceae) familyasından Japonya ve Kore'ye özgü bir kurtbağrı türü.

Boyu 3-4 veya 5–6 m'dir. Genç sürgünlerin üzerleri lentisellidir. Yapraklar 4–10 cm boyundadır. Uçları kütçe veya sivridir. Kenarı ve orta damarı kırmızımsıdır. Mürekkep salkım vaziyetindeki çiçekleri 6–15 cm'dir.

Anayurdu Japonya ve Kore'dir. Süs bitkisi olarak şehir parklarında ve yol kenarlarında dikilir. Ayrıca çit bitkisi olarak yetiştirilir. Sürgün verme ve çelikle üretilebilmektedir. Değişik formları vardır.

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Japon kurtbağrı: Brief Summary ( Turkish )

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Japon kurtbağrı (Ligustrum japonicum), Zeytingiller (Oleaceae) familyasından Japonya ve Kore'ye özgü bir kurtbağrı türü.

Boyu 3-4 veya 5–6 m'dir. Genç sürgünlerin üzerleri lentisellidir. Yapraklar 4–10 cm boyundadır. Uçları kütçe veya sivridir. Kenarı ve orta damarı kırmızımsıdır. Mürekkep salkım vaziyetindeki çiçekleri 6–15 cm'dir.

Anayurdu Japonya ve Kore'dir. Süs bitkisi olarak şehir parklarında ve yol kenarlarında dikilir. Ayrıca çit bitkisi olarak yetiştirilir. Sürgün verme ve çelikle üretilebilmektedir. Değişik formları vardır.

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日本女贞 ( Chinese )

provided by wikipedia 中文维基百科
二名法 Ligustrum japonicum

日本女贞学名Ligustrum japonicum)是木犀科女贞属的植物。分布在朝鲜日本以及中国青岛等地,生长于海拔1 600米的地区,多生长于林中及灌丛中,目前商未人工引种栽培。


  • 昆明植物研究所. 日本女贞. 《中国高等植物数据库全库》. 中国科学院微生物研究所. [2009-02-24]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-05).

日本女贞: Brief Summary ( Chinese )

provided by wikipedia 中文维基百科

日本女贞(学名:Ligustrum japonicum)是木犀科女贞属的植物。分布在朝鲜日本以及中国青岛等地,生长于海拔1 600米的地区,多生长于林中及灌丛中,目前商未人工引种栽培。


ネズミモチ ( Japanese )

provided by wikipedia 日本語
ネズミモチ Ligustrum japonicum 04.jpg 分類 : 植物界 Plantae : 被子植物門 Magnoliophyta : 双子葉植物綱 Magnoliopsida : ゴマノハグサ目 Scrophulariales : モクセイ科 Oleaceae : イボタノキ属 Ligustrum : ネズミモチ L. japonicum 学名 Ligustrum japonicum
Thunb. 和名 ネズミモチ  src= ウィキメディア・コモンズには、ネズミモチに関連するメディアがあります。

ネズミモチ(鼠黐、Ligustrum japonicum)はモクセイ科イボタノキ属樹木和名は、果実ネズミの糞に、モチノキに似ていることから付いた。暖地に自生するとともに、公園などに植えられている。「タマツバキ」の別称も用いられる。











街路樹や生け垣として利用される。フクロモチ var. rotundifolium は葉が丸くなり、枝が詰まって生じるもので、園芸品である。ただし近年は後述のトウネズミモチもよく使われる。







  • 林将之 『葉で見わける樹木』 小学館〈小学館のフィールド・ガイドシリーズ22〉、2004年、ISBN 4-09-208022-0


執筆の途中です この項目は、植物に関連した書きかけの項目です。この項目を加筆・訂正などしてくださる協力者を求めていますプロジェクト:植物Portal:植物)。
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wikipedia 日本語

ネズミモチ: Brief Summary ( Japanese )

provided by wikipedia 日本語

ネズミモチ(鼠黐、Ligustrum japonicum)はモクセイ科イボタノキ属樹木和名は、果実ネズミの糞に、モチノキに似ていることから付いた。暖地に自生するとともに、公園などに植えられている。「タマツバキ」の別称も用いられる。

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wikipedia 日本語

광나무 ( Korean )

provided by wikipedia 한국어 위키백과

광나무(Ligustrum japonicum)는 한국 남해안 일대와 일본, 타이완 등에 분포하는 늘푸른떨기나무이다.


높이는 3-5m에 이르며, 가지는 회색을 띠고 털이 없다. 넓은 달걀 모양을 한 잎은 마주나며 두껍고 광택이 난다. 꽃은 새로 나온 가지 끝에서 7-8월에 총상꽃차례로 무리지어 핀다. 통꽃인 꽃부리는 흰색을 띠며, 끝이 네 갈래로 갈라져 있다. 열매는 핵과로 쥐똥처럼 생겼고 10월에 익는다.


씨에서 싹이 잘 트고, 생장이 빠르며, 공해에도 잘 견뎌서 생울타리를 비롯한 정원수로 이용한다. 한방에서는 열매를 몸을 튼튼하게 하는 약으로 쓰거나 잎을 삶아 종기에 바른다.

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