The faimily Threskiornithidae includes 34 species o lairge wadin birds. The faimily haes been tradeetionally classified intae twa subfaimilies, the ibises an the spoonbills, houever recent genetic studies are castin doubt on the arrangement, an revealin the spuinbills tae be nestit within the auld warld ibises, an the new warld ibises as an early affshuit.
The faimily Threskiornithidae includes 34 species o lairge wadin birds. The faimily haes been tradeetionally classified intae twa subfaimilies, the ibises an the spoonbills, houever recent genetic studies are castin doubt on the arrangement, an revealin the spuinbills tae be nestit within the auld warld ibises, an the new warld ibises as an early affshuit.