Asker, Akershus, Norway
Glatved Strand nord
Asker, Akershus, Norge
Sicilia, Italien
Glatved Strand nord
Hevring Hede
Mykola M. Kovblyuk, Zoya A. Kastrygina, Mikhail M. Omelko
Figures 68–74.Males of Haplodrassus pseudosignifer (68–70 from Crimea) and Haplodrassus signifer (71–74 from Crimea): 68, 71 RTA, retrolateral view 69, 72 palp, ventral view 70, 73–74 bulbus, apical view.
Yuri M. Marusik, Alexander A. Fomichev, Mikhail M. Omelko
Figures 1–6.Holotype of Gnaphosa khovdensis sp. n. 1–3 male palp, ventral, retro and prolateral 4–5 bulbus, ventral and from above 6 habitus. Scale = 0.2 mm if not otherwise indicated. Be – base of embolus; Es – embolic spine; Ma – median apophysis.
Figures 1–11.Heser vijayanagara sp. n. 1 Male holotype, dorsal 2 Male holotype, ventral 3 Female allotype, dorsal 4 Female allotype, ventral 5 Male palp, prolateral 6 Male palp, ventral 7 Male palp, retrolateral 8 Epigyne, ventral 9 Pattabhirama temple in close vicinity of the locus typicus, giving a good impression of the type of terrain where the type specimens were found 10 Male leg spination diagram, legend below right 11 Female leg spination diagram. Scale bars: 1–4: 1.0; 5–8: 0.25.
Asker, Akershus, Norway
Glatved Strand nord
Asker, Akershus, Norge
Glatved Strand nord
Hevring Hede
Mykola M. Kovblyuk, Zoya A. Kastrygina, Mikhail M. Omelko
Figures 75–78.Females of Haplodrassus pseudosignifer (75–76 from Crimea) and Haplodrassus signifer (77–78 from Crimea): 75, 77 epigyne, ventral view 76, 78 epigyne, dorsal view. Abbreviations: Ah anterior hood; Gr groove of epigyne; Spspermatheca.
Yuri M. Marusik, Alexander A. Fomichev, Mikhail M. Omelko
Figures 17–18.Male palp of Gnaphosa ustyuzhanini. 17 ventral 18 prolateral. Scale = 0.2 mm. Es – embolic spine.
Figures 12–19.Heser vijayanagara sp. n. 12 Female allotype, dorsal view of body 13 Male palp, ventral, with conductor (C), embolus (E), and median apophysis (MA) indicated 14 Male palp, retrolateral 15 Epigyne, ventral 16 Female metatarsi III (left) and IV, with ventral terminal preening comb 17 Female cheliceral teeth 18 Vulva, ventral 19 Vulva, dorsal. Scale bars: 12: 1.0; 13–17: 0.5; 18–19: 0.1.
Asker, Akershus, Norway
Glatved Strand nord
Asker, Akershus, Norge
Glatved Strand nord
Hevring Hede
Mykola M. Kovblyuk, Zoya A. Kastrygina, Mikhail M. Omelko
Figures 79–83.Haplodrassus umbratilis from Crimea: 79 bulbus, apical view 80 RTA, retrolateral view 81 palp, ventral view 82 epigyne, ventral view 83 epigyne, dorsal view. Abbreviations: Bp broad process of terminal apophysis.
Yuri M. Marusik, Alexander A. Fomichev, Mikhail M. Omelko
Figure 19.Collecting places of Gnaphosa khovdensis sp. n. (square), Gnaphosa esyunini sp. n. (circle) and Gnaphosa ustyuzhanini (filled cross – new locality, open crosses – earlier records).