USNM 1424107 Lab Image 2; EX1605L1_20160505T004816_D2_DIVE14_SPEC02BIO_L06.JPG
USNM 1424107 Frame Grab 7; EX1605L1_IMG_20160505T004555Z_D2_DIVE14_SPEC02BIO_04.jpg
USNM 1424107 Lab Image 3; EX1605L1_20160505T004816_D2_DIVE14_SPEC02BIO_L07.JPG
USNM 1424107 Frame Grab 5; EX1605L1_IMG_20160505T004158Z_D2_DIVE14_SPEC02BIO_02.jpg
USNM 1424107 Frame Grab 1; EX1605L1_IMG_20160505T003042Z_D2_DIVE14_SPEC02BIO_01.jpg
USNM 1424107 Lab Image 1; EX1605L1_20160505T004816_D2_DIVE14_SPEC02BIO_L04.JPG
USNM 1424107 Frame Grab 9; EX1605L1_IMG_20160505T004759Z_D2_DIVE14_SPEC02BIO_02.jpg
USNM 1424107 Lab Image 4; EX1605L1_20160505T004816_D2_DIVE14_SPEC02BIO_L10.JPG
USNM 1424107 Frame Grab 2; EX1605L1_IMG_20160505T003310Z_D2_DIVE14_SPEC02BIO_01.jpg
USNM 1424107 Frame Grab 4; EX1605L1_IMG_20160505T004153Z_D2_DIVE14_SPEC02BIO_01.jpg
USNM 1424107 Frame Grab 8; EX1605L1_IMG_20160505T004642Z_D2_DIVE14_SPEC02BIO_04.jpg
USNM 1424107 Frame Grab 3; EX1605L1_IMG_20160505T004048Z_D2_DIVE14_SPEC02BIO_01.jpg
USNM 1424107 Frame Grab 6; EX1605L1_IMG_20160505T004407Z_D2_DIVE14_SPEC02BIO_04.jpg
published in Rarest of the Rare
An account of the Indian Triaxonia collected by the Royal Indian Marine Survey Ship Investigator /.
Calcutta :Printed by order of the Trustees of the Indian Museum,1902..
Image courtesy of the NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research, 2016 Deepwater Exploration of the Marianas. Image is part of Figure 8 from the following publication:(https://marinespecies.org/aphia.php?p=sourcedetails&id=382781)
A, dermal or atrial hexactin; B, drepanocome I; C, drepanocome II; D, spirodiscohexaster; E, plumicome; F, microhexactin I; G, microhexactin II; H, detail of tubercles in the middle of a diactine; I, detail of the pinular ray of a hexactin; J, detail of the hook-like secondary ray of a drepanocome I; K, detail of the middle part of a drepanocome II; L, detail of the tooth disc of a spirodiscohexaster; M, detail of the whorl of a plumicome; N, spicules of the peduncle; O–Q, LM images of spicule and skeleton; O, choanosomal hexactin; P, tangential view of choanosomal structure; Q, transversal view of choanosomal structure.