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Like many other grebes, the New Zealand dabchick performs elaborate courtship rituals, involving preening, diving under their partner and head-shaking; when they jerk their head back and forth, as if pecking like a hen (7). Breeding occurs all year round, with egg-laying peaking between August and February. Nests are formed from a loose pile of aquatic plants, which are anchored to emergent vegetation, hidden under boat shelters or in small caves partially under water (2) (4). Two to three eggs are laid at a time and both parents take it in turn to incubate them for 22 – 23 days (2). The emerging chicks are independent after about 70 days (8). As a waterbird, the New Zealand dabchick feeds primarily on aquatic invertebrates, such as freshwater crayfish, molluscs and leeches. They obtain this food mainly by diving, at which they are highly competent, and are able to stay underwater for over 30 seconds. Only the largest food items are brought up to the surface, while most are swallowed underwater. They can also be seen pecking food from the water's surface, or grabbing midges and flying insects from the air (2).
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In 1997 the IUCN Grebe Specialist Group created a Global Conservation Strategy to ensure the successful recovery of grebe populations and the management of wetlands (10). Particular conservation actions recommended for this species include implementing a regular monitoring programme to detect any population changes, and preparing a species recovery plan should numbers begin to decline again (10). Additionally, existing laws limiting boat and ski speeds on lakes should continue to be enforced and steps should be taken to maintain suitable lake habitats, preventing pollution and the establishment of any further introduced species (9).
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The New Zealand dabchick is a small grebe which, like all other grebes, is a highly specialized waterbird. It has mostly dark brown plumage with a line of distinctive fine, silvery feathers on its head. The breast and foreneck has a chestnut tinge, and the underparts are dusky to silvery white. The eyes are pale yellow, and it has a black bill. Non-breeding adults are slightly paler, and males are larger than females and have a longer bill (2) (3) (4). Juveniles have irregular white, pale brown and black stripes on their head and neck, creating a mottled appearance (2). Whilst grebes are inept on land, they are fantastic swimmers and divers. The slim, long neck and small head are perfect for diving when searching for food, as are the lobed, flexible toes, used to propelling and steering underwater (5). The New Zealand dabchick is generally a silent bird, except for an occasional wee-ee-ee call, which gave rise to its Maori name Weweia (6).
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The New Zealand dabchick can be found in small freshwater lakes and pools, or in the sheltered parts of larger lakes. It prefers shallow water with dense vegetation, and can also occur in artificial wetlands such as sewage ponds and farm water supplies. Dabchicks that are not breeding can be found on more open waters (2) (4).
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Occurs only in New Zealand, formerly existing on both islands, but is now found only on the North Island. The largest populations are concentrated around the regions of Rotorua and Taupo (4)
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Classified as Vulnerable (VU) on the IUCN Red List 2006 (1).
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At present, the New Zealand dabchick population is thought to be stable, as their preferred lake habitat is not declining and they have proven to be able to co-exist successfully with humans (9). However, the extinction of this species on the South Island in the 1960s shows that the dabchick is vulnerable to some threats. The reasons for the species decline and extinction on the South Island are not clear, but possible causes, and therefore factors that could threaten the North Island population, include changes in water quality, destruction of nesting habitat, increased human activity around nesting areas, and predation by introduced rats and mustelids (3). The drainage of marshes in the past would have affected the dabchick, but since the 1940s, further habitat would have become available through the creation of sewage ponds and farm water supplies (10). Nests on lakes are also vulnerable to disturbance from boat wakes, and jet and water-skiers that operate too close to lake margins (9).
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New Zealand grebe

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The New Zealand grebe (Poliocephalus rufopectus), also known as the New Zealand dabchick or weweia, is a member of the grebe family endemic to New Zealand.


The New Zealand grebe has dark brown plumage, a small black head with fine silver feathers, a black pointed bill and characteristic yellow eyes.[3][4] It grows to about 29 cm, and weigh about 250 g.[5] Non-breeding individuals have a paler plumage and females tend to be a bit lighter, smaller and have a slightly shorter bill than males.[3][6]

Distribution and habitat

This grebe species inhabits mainly shallow freshwater lakes, ponds and sheltered inlets.[4] Currently it is found mainly in the North Island, where it is well distributed on the coastal lakes of the West coast from North Cape to Pukekohe and from Taranaki to Paraparaumu, as well as on ponds of the Volcanic Plateau, Gisborne, Hawkes bay and the Wairarapa.[3][5][7] Formerly this species was also present in the lowland lakes of the South Island,[8] but underwent a rapid decline, for unknown reasons, in the 19th century - the last regular breeding record in the South Island was in 1941.[5] In 2012 a pair bred near Takaka for the first time in recent history.[1]


These freshwater diving birds usually fly only at night, whilst during the day, they are always found in the water, swimming on the surface and frequently diving to feed. Thus, if they are in danger or get disturbed at daytime they do not flee by flying, but swimming or diving away. During autumn and winter, they are found forming flocks, while during the breeding season they are mostly seen in monogamous pairs. They show aggressive territorial behaviour towards intruders [3][4] and the otherwise silent species give short calls throughout the breeding season and when in danger.[4][9]


Adult grebe with insect

Their diet consists mostly of aquatic insects and their larvae, as well as small molluscs such as freshwater snails.[8] Bigger prey such as fish and freshwater crayfish are sometimes eaten too.[5] Thus, their bill, being short and pointed, is adapted to their mainly invertebrate diet. They catch their prey during dives and feeding underwater or pick it from the water surface.[3][4]


The breeding season is from June to March. On average 2-3 eggs are laid and incubated 22–23 days by both female and male, in a nest. The nest is mostly made out of surrounding vegetation, including floating plant material. Hatched chicks are precocial, although being flightless for the first few weeks they can swim and dive.[3] Both parents assist in rearing and feeding their young for up to 70 days after hatching. Until the adult plumage develops, the chick has irregular striped markings on head and neck and the bill is black.[4]


This species is endemic to New Zealand and is nowadays only found in the North Island. In 1994, the IUCN classified the New Zealand grebe as Endangered, but due to conservation actions including habitat management, its population has recently increased to around 1,900-2,000 birds and was reclassified as Near Threatened in 2016, and to least concern in 2022.[1] Human activity currently has a net benefit as artificial habitat, including farm dams and ponds formed for stock water supplies, increases the area of occupation for the grebes.[3][4] So, although the population is still quite small it is thought not to be in decline anymore.[10]


  1. ^ a b c BirdLife International (2022). "Poliocephalus rufopectus". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2022: e.T22696592A209544697. Retrieved 26 July 2022.
  2. ^ "Poliocephalus rufopectus. NZTCS". nztcs.org.nz. Retrieved 5 April 2023.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g Robertson, Hugh; Heather, Barrie (1999). The Hand Guide to the Birds of New Zealand. Penguin.
  4. ^ a b c d e f g "New Zealand dabchick". New Zealand Birds Online. Retrieved 12 April 2017.
  5. ^ a b c d Barrie Heather and Hugh Robertson, "The Field Guide to the Birds of New Zealand (revised edition)", Viking, 2005
  6. ^ Marchant, S.; Higgins, P.J. (Eds.) (1990). Handbook of Australian, New Zealand & Antarctic Birds. Volume 1, Ratites to ducks; Part A, Ratites to petrels. Melbourne: Oxford University Press. p. 107.
  7. ^ commoncopper (April 2022). "New Zealand Dabchick (Poliocephalus rufopectus)". iNaturalist NZ. Retrieved 2022-04-22.
  8. ^ a b Andrew Crowe, "Which New Zealand Bird?", Penguin, 2001
  9. ^ Chambers, S. (2009). Birds of New Zealand - Locality Guide (3rd ed.). Orewa, New Zealand: Arun Books.
  10. ^ "New Zealand Grebe (Poliocephalus rufopectus) - BirdLife species factsheet". datazone.birdlife.org. Retrieved 12 April 2017.

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New Zealand grebe: Brief Summary

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The New Zealand grebe (Poliocephalus rufopectus), also known as the New Zealand dabchick or weweia, is a member of the grebe family endemic to New Zealand.

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