One of the best methods for iguanas to avoid predation is their cryptic coloration. Because they look like so much of their green environment, they can remain immobile when a predator has been spotted, and go unnoticed themselves. Young iguanas may be found in small groups, and use the "selfish-herd" or "more eyes are better" strategy to avoid predators. Iguanas prefer to bask in tree limbs that over-hang water so when threatened by a predator they can dive into the water and swim swiftly away. In addition to these strategies for avoiding predation, green iguanas are able to shed a large portion of their tail, thus distracting predators and allowing the "rest" of the animal to escape.
Hawks and other large birds are potential predators of juvenile iguanas. Humans are another one of major predators of green iguanas. Humans eat both iguanas and their eggs. Humans also use these reptiles for crocodile bait, and poach them for the pet trade.
Like many other animals, green iguanas also suffer from habitat destruction.
Known Predators:
Anti-predator Adaptations: cryptic
Within three years, a young, 12 gram hatchling iguana can become a 1 kg adult (de Vosjoli, 1992). Upon hatching, the length of green iguanas ranges from 17 to 25 cm. Most mature iguanas weigh between 4 and 6 kg, but some in South America, with proper diet can reach up to 8 kg. These large lizards can reach head to tail lengths of around 2 m.
Although called green iguanas, these animals are actually variable in color. The adults become more uniform in color with age, whereas the young may appear more blotchy or banded between green and brown. Color of an individual may also vary based upon its mood, temperature, health, or social status. Such color alteration may aide these animals in thermoregulation. In the morning, while body temperature is low, skin color will be darker, helping the lizard to absorb heat from sunlight. However, as the hot mid-day sun radiates upon them, these animals become lighter or paler, helping to reflect the sun rays and minimizing the heat absorbed. Active dominant iguanas usually have a darker color than lower-ranked iguanas living the same environment (Frye, 1995). Most color variation seen in this species is exhibited by males, and may be attributed in part to sex steroids. Six to eight weeks prior to and during courtship, males may acquire a bright orange or gold hue, although coloration is still related to dominance status (Frye, 1995). Mature females, for the most part, retain their green coloring.
Other distinguishing features of this species include a pendulous dewlap under the throat, a dorsal crest made up of dermal spines that run from the mid neck to the tail base, and a long tapering tail. The dewlap is more developed in adult males than females. Extensions of the hyoid bones stiffen and support the leading edge of this structure, which is used in territorial defense or when the animal is frightened. This fleshy structure also serves in heat absorption and dissipation when it is extended.
The laterally situated eyes are protected mainly by a immovable eyelid and freely mobile lower eyelid (Oldham and Smith, 1975). On the dorsal midline of the skull behind the eyes is a parietal eye. This sense organ, although not a true "eye," serves as a meter for solar energy, and aids in the maturation of sex organs, thyroid gland, and endocrine glands (Frye, 1995). The visual effect of this "eye" is mostly limited to the detection of predatory shadows from above.
The scales or plates on the head are larger and more irregular than the scales on the rest of the body. Below the tympanum there is a large rounded scale called the subtympanic plate.
Range mass: 4 to 8 kg.
Average mass: 7 kg.
Range length: 2 (high) m.
Average length: 1.75 m.
Other Physical Features: heterothermic
Sexual Dimorphism: male larger; sexes colored or patterned differently; male more colorful; ornamentation
Iguanas can live for more than 20 years in captivity, although wild iguanas are thought to live only about 8 years. Proper nutrition for growth is a concern for captive management of these animals. Improper housing and nutrition can shorten a captive iguana's lifespan.
Range lifespan
Status: captivity: 20 (high) years.
Average lifespan
Status: wild: 8 years.
Average lifespan
Status: captivity: 10 years.
Average lifespan
Sex: female
Status: captivity: 12.4 years.
Green Iguanas are arboreal lizards that live high in the tree canopy. Juveniles establish areas lower in the canopies while older mature iguanas reside higher up. This tree dwelling habit allows them to bask in the sun, rarely coming down except when females dig burrows to lay eggs. Although preferring an arboreal (forested) environment, they can adjust well to a more open area. No matter where they inhabit, they prefer to have water around as they are excellent swimmers and will dive beneath the water to avoid predators (Conant and Collins 1998).
Habitat Regions: tropical ; terrestrial
Terrestrial Biomes: forest ; rainforest
Aquatic Biomes: lakes and ponds; rivers and streams; temporary pools; coastal ; brackish water
Wetlands: swamp
Other Habitat Features: suburban ; agricultural
Green iguanas, Iguana iguana, occur throughout Central and South America, from Sinaloa and Veracruz, Mexico, south to the Tropic of Capricorn in Paraguay and southeast Brazil. This large lizard also inhabits many islands throughout the Caribbean region and the coastal eastern Pacific, and has been introduced into southern Florida and in Hawaii. This is the largest known lizard to occur within the borders of the United States (Conant and Collins, 1998; Campbell, 1998).
Biogeographic Regions: nearctic (Introduced , Native ); neotropical (Introduced , Native )
These animals are known to use visual signals, such as head bobbing and dewlap extension, as means of communicating with rivals. In extreme cases, physical contact is involved in altercations. In addition, males scent mark females as well as branches. Hissing, which is a form of auditory communication, sometimes occurs.
Communication Channels: visual ; tactile ; acoustic ; chemical
Other Communication Modes: mimicry ; pheromones ; scent marks
Perception Channels: visual ; tactile ; acoustic ; chemical
Although some populations have suffered from poaching and collection for the pet trade, green iguanas are not considered a conservation risk at this time. All Iguana species are listed under CITES Appendix II.
US Federal List: no special status
CITES: appendix ii
Approximately 65 days after mating, a female is ready to lay her eggs. The size and number of eggs produced varies depending upon her size, her nutritional status, and her maturity. Eggs measure around 15.4 mm in diameter, and 35 to 40 mm in length (Frye, 1995). Over a three day period, an average of 10 to 30 leathery white or pale-cream colored eggs are deposited into a nest. Nests are located 45 cm to more than a meter deep, and may be shared with other females if nesting areas are limited. After laying the eggs, females may return to the nest several times but do not stay to guard it.
Incubation lasts from 90 to 120 days. Temperature should range from 85 to 91 degrees Fahrenheit. The hatchlings pip the egg open using a special egg tooth, called the caruncle, that falls off shortly after hatching. Absorbed yolk provides most of the nourishment for the first week or two of an iguana's life.
There are no major morphological changes in these animals as they age, except that they grow. However, diet is related to age. The young, with higher need for protein, are more likely to consume insects and eggs than are mature individuals.
The most adverse effect green iguanas have on humans would be eating exotic tropical foliage in gardens. They do not pose any major problems for humans.
Iguanas are farmed in some countries as a source of food and leather, as well as for the pet trade. Due to their large size, iguana hides provide a source of luxury leather that can be made into boots, belts or purses. The pet industry also prizes iguanas; most are sold in the United States, Europe, and Japan. Iguanas also make an interesting tourist attraction in resort areas.
Exploitation of iguanas has resulted in marked declines in their numbers in some parts of their range. (Campbell, 1998).
Positive Impacts: pet trade ; food ; body parts are source of valuable material; ecotourism ; research and education
In addition to helping disperse seeds, iguanas provide a source of food for larger predatory animals, including humans. Like other amphibians and reptiles, iguanas can be indicators of environmental changes (Kaplan, 2002). Reptiles are more sensitive to environmental changes than are humans, and by watching their responses, we can be alerted to possible problems before they are large enough for us to detect with our own senses.
Ecosystem Impact: disperses seeds
Green iguanas are primarily herbivorous. They occasionally eat a small amount of carrion or invertebrates. Green leafy plants or ripe fruits are their preferred foods.
Green iguanas use their tongues to help manipulate the food and bite small enough pieces to swallow, with little or no chewing. The food mixes with enzymes in the stomach before moving to the small intestine where pancreatic enzymes and bile are mixed with it. Most digestion occurs in the sacculated colon, where microflora break down the cellulose (Frye, 1995). Microflora are essential for hind-gut digestion of the hard to digest diet of this species. Hatchling iguanas are inclined to eat feces from adults, which may be an adaptation for acquiring this much need microflora (Alberts, 2004). This microflora breaks the food down and makes it available for absorption.
Iguanas require a high amount of dietary protein in their first two to three years for adequately fast growth. During this time period, young iguanas may consume insects and spiders. Older iguanas that have reached close to maximum growth consume a low phosphorous, high calcium, leafy diet for their maintenance requirements.
Iguanas are ectothermic. Their body temperature is mainly dependent upon the environmental temperature. Low environmental temperatures inhibit an iguana's appetite and digestive enzymes. Active eating usually occurs when the environmental temperatures are between 77 and 95 degrees Fahrenheit (Frye, 1995). Basking is an important aid to digestion. Iguanas may cease eating prior to or during skin shedding. Females may refuse to eat during later stages of egg development. Individuals who are overly stressed or in a new environment may also refuse to eat.
Animal Foods: eggs; insects; terrestrial worms
Plant Foods: leaves; fruit; flowers
Primary Diet: herbivore (Folivore , Frugivore ); omnivore
Most green iguanas reach sexual maturity between three and four years of age, although maturity can be reached earlier. Iguanas tend to breed in the dry season, ensuring that young hatch in the wet season when food is more readily available (de Vosjoli, 1992).
Mating appears to be polygynandrous. Courtship occurs within a defined territory where more than one female may be present. Conflicts between males are not uncommon. Courtship behavior of males includes head bobbing, extending and retraction of the dewlap, and nuzzling or biting a female’s neck (Frye, 1995). Dominant males may also mark rocks, branches, and females with a waxy pheromone-containing substance secreted from their femoral pores.
During mating, the male approachs the female and climbs on her back, straddling her. To restrain his mate, he grips the her shoulder skin with his teeth, sometimes causing wounds. The male then pairs his cloacal vent up with the female's and inserts one of his hemipenes into her cloaca. Copulation can last for several minutes. Female iguanas can can save sperm for several years (Frye, 1995), allowing them to fertilize eggs at a much later date.
Mating System: polygynandrous (promiscuous)
Females lay their eggs about 65 days after mating (eggs take 59 to 84 days to develop before they are laid). Over the course of three days, females may up to 65 eggs, each measuring around 15.4 mm in diameter, and 35 to 40 mm in length (Frye, 1995). Eggs are deposited into nests which are located 45 cm to more than a meter deep, and may be shared with other females if nesting areas are limited.
Incubation lasts from 90 to 120 days. Temperature should range from 85 to 91 degrees Fahrenheit. The hatchlings pip the egg open using a special egg tooth, called the caruncle, that falls off shortly after hatching. Absorbed yolk provides most of the nourishment for the first week or two of an iguana's life. Young are independent from birth.
Timing of sexual maturity varies. Animals may be able to breed as early as their second year, but may not breed until as late as their fifth year.
Breeding interval: These animals breed annually.
Breeding season: Green iguanas breed in the dry season.
Range number of offspring: 65 (high) .
Average number of offspring: 10-30.
Range gestation period: 59 to 84 days.
Average gestation period: 65 days.
Range age at sexual or reproductive maturity (female): 2.5 to 5 years.
Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (female): 3-4 years.
Range age at sexual or reproductive maturity (male): 3 to 5 years.
Key Reproductive Features: iteroparous ; seasonal breeding ; sexual ; fertilization ; oviparous ; sperm-storing
Parental investment includes the risk of mating and laying eggs. Eggs are provisioned with nutrients by the mother. Females choose nesting sites, presumably as a means of caring for their offspring. However, after eggs are laid, there is no direct investment in the young.
Parental Investment: pre-fertilization (Provisioning, Protecting: Female); pre-hatching/birth (Provisioning: Female, Protecting: Male, Female)
The green iguana (Iguana iguana), also known as the American iguana or the common green iguana, is a large, arboreal, mostly herbivorous species of lizard of the genus Iguana. Usually, this animal is simply called the iguana. The green iguana ranges over a large geographic area; it is native from southern Brazil and Paraguay as far north as Mexico.
A herbivore, it has adapted significantly with regard to locomotion and osmoregulation as a result of its diet. It grows to 1.7 m (5.6 ft) in length from head to tail, although a few specimens have grown more than 2 m (6.6 ft) with bodyweights upward of 20 lb (9.1 kg).
Commonly found in captivity as a pet due to its calm disposition and bright colors, it can be very demanding to care for properly. Space requirements and the need for special lighting and heat can prove challenging to the hobbyist.
The species was first officially described by Swedish botanist Carl Linnaeus in 1758.[6] Since then, numerous subspecies have been identified, but later classified as merely regional variants of the same species.[6]
Using nuclear and mitochondrial DNA-sequence data to explore the phylogenic history of the green iguana, scientists from El Salvador, Mexico, and the United States studied animals collected from 17 countries.[7] The topology of phylogeny indicated that the species originated in South America and eventually radiated through Central America and the Caribbean.[7] The study revealed no unique mitochondrial DNA haplotypes for subspecific status, but did indicate the deep lineage divergence between Central and South American populations.[7]
Naturalists once classified the Central American iguanas as a separate subspecies (I. i. rhinolopha), but this classification was later found to be invalid based on mitochondrial DNA, and iguanas with similar nose projections appeared randomly in other populations and interbred freely with those that do not share this trait.[8][9] Genetic studies in the late 2010s still recovered I. rhinolopha as a distinct species, along with several other cryptic lineages present in I. iguana, and classifying only the South American populations may be the "true" green iguana.[10] Two new insular subspecies (I. i. insularis and I. i. sanctaluciae) endemic to St. Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and Grenada were also identified in 2019; a 2020 study also recovered both these subspecies as part of a distinct species, the southern Antillean horned iguana (I. insularis). The study also found the Saban black iguana (I. melanoderma), described in that study, to be the sister group of South American I. iguana, with the clade containing both being sister to that of I. insularis.[11] The Reptile Database disagrees with these conclusions, and groups all of these within the green iguana, with four subspecies: I. i. melanoderma, I. i. insularis, I. i.sanctaluciae, and I. i. iguana.[12]
The word "iguana" is derived from a Spanish form of the Taíno name for the species: iwana.[13][8] In some Spanish-speaking countries, males of the species are referred to as garrobo or ministro and juveniles are called iguanita or garrobito.[14]
The native range of the green iguana extends from southern Mexico to central Brazil, Paraguay, and Bolivia and the Caribbean; specifically Grenada, Aruba, Curaçao, Bonaire, Trinidad and Tobago, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, Montserrat, Saba and Útila.[15][16] They have been introduced to Grand Cayman, Puerto Rico, Hispaniola (in the Dominican Republic), Saint Martin (island), Guadeloupe, Martinique, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan, Texas, Florida, Hawaii, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.[17][18][16][19][20][21] Furthermore, green iguanas colonised the island of Anguilla in 1995 after being washed ashore following a hurricane.[22] Though the species is not native to Martinique, a small wild colony of released or escaped green iguanas endures at historic Fort Saint Louis.[23]
Green iguana has been introduced from South America to Puerto Rico and is very common throughout the island, where it is colloquially known as gallina de palo ("bamboo chicken" or "chicken of the tree") and considered an invasive species; in the United States, feral populations also exist in South Florida (including the Florida Keys), Hawaii, the U.S. Virgin Islands and the Rio Grande Valley of Texas.[17][18] Green iguanas have also successfully colonised the island of Anguilla, arriving on the island in 1995 after rafting across the Caribbean from Guadeloupe, where they were introduced.
The green iguana has become rare in parts of its native range of Central and South America due to hunting of wild iguanas for food, where iguanas have received the sobriquet gallino de palo ("bamboo chicken" or "chicken of the trees").[24][25] Overhunting resulted in a partial closure of markets in Nicaragua in 1976, while the government of Panama had taken action by the late 1960s to protect iguanas.[25]: 15–16
Green iguanas are diurnal, arboreal, and are often found near water.[26][9] Agile climbers, Iguana iguana can fall up to 50 feet (15 m) and land unhurt (iguanas use their hind leg claws to clasp leaves and branches to break a fall).[9][27][28] During cold, wet weather, green iguanas prefer to stay on the ground for greater warmth.[14] When swimming, iguanas remain submerged, letting their legs hang limply against their sides. They propel through the water with powerful tail strokes.[14]
While they may often be found in trees, these animals are well-known burrowers. The size of their burrow can range from 0.3 to 2.4 metres (1 ft 0 in to 7 ft 10 in) deep, with a diameter of 10 to 20 centimetres (4 to 7+3⁄4 in).[29] They have been observed burrowing in canals, levees, and dikes and along seawalls in southern Florida. If individuals do not dig their own, they may even use gopher tortoise burrows or usurp those of the Florida burrowing owl.
The green iguana is a large lizard and is probably the largest species in the iguana family, though a few in the genus Cyclura may match or exceed it in weight.[30] Adults typically grow to 1.2 to 1.7 m (3.9 to 5.6 ft) in length from head to tail.[8] As in all iguanas, the tail comprises much of this length, and the snout-to-vent length of most green iguanas is 30 to 42 cm (12 to 17 in). A typical adult male weighs around 4 kg (8.8 lb) while the smaller adult female typically weighs 1.2 to 3 kg (2.6 to 6.6 lb).[31] A few large males can reach or exceed 8 kg (18 lb) in weight and 2 m (6.6 ft) long.[32] Some specimens have even reportedly been measured at a body weight of greater than 9.1 kg (20 lb).[8]
Despite their name, green iguanas occur in different colours and types. In southern countries of their range, such as Peru, green iguanas appear bluish in colour, with bold blue markings.[9] On islands such as Bonaire, Curaçao, Aruba, and Grenada, a green iguana's colour may vary from green to lavender, black, and even reddish brown.[8][9] Green iguanas from the western region of Costa Rica are red, and animals of the northern ranges, such as Mexico, appear orange.[8][9] Juvenile green iguanas from El Salvador are often bright blue, but lose this color as they get older.[8]
Adult iguanas found on most of St. Lucia, mainly on the northeastern coast, Louvette, and Grand Anse, have many differences from other green iguana populations. They are light green with predominant black stripes. Instead of the typical orange dewlap, the iguanas of St. Lucia have a black dewlap. When compared to the common green iguana, females lay about half the number of eggs, 25 instead of 50. Scales to the back of their head, near the jawbone, are smaller. Their irises are white or cream, whereas other green iguanas have yellow irises.[33][34]
Green iguanas possess a row of spines along their backs and tails, which helps to protect them from predators.[9] Their whip-like tails can be used to deliver painful strikes, and like many other lizards, when grabbed by the tail, iguanas can allow it to break, so they can escape and eventually regenerate a new one.[35] In addition, iguanas have a well-developed dewlap, which helps regulate their body temperature.[27] This dewlap is used in courtships and territorial displays.[8][9][36]
Green iguanas have excellent vision, enabling them to detect shapes and motions at long distances.[37] As green iguanas have only a few rod cells, they have poor vision in low-light conditions. At the same time, they have cells called double-cone cells that give them sharp color vision and enable them to see ultraviolet wavelengths.[37] This ability is highly useful when basking so they can ensure they absorb enough sunlight to produce vitamin D.[8][28]
Green iguanas have a white photosensory organ on the top of their heads called the parietal eye (also called the third eye, pineal eye, or pineal gland), in contrast to most other lizards that have lost this primitive feature.[37] This "eye" has only a rudimentary retina and lens and cannot form images,[37] but is sensitive to changes in light and dark and can detect movement.[37] This helps the iguana detect predators stalking it from above.[37]
Green iguanas have very sharp teeth that are capable of shredding leaves and even human skin.[8] These teeth are shaped like a leaf, broad and flat, with serrations on the edge. The similarity of these teeth to those of one of the first dinosaurs discovered led to the dinosaur being named Iguanodon, meaning "iguana tooth", and the incorrect assumption that it had resembled a gigantic iguana.[38] The teeth are situated on the inner sides of the jawbones, which is why they are hard to see in smaller specimens.[36]
Primarily herbivorous, green iguanas are presented with a special problem for osmoregulation; plant matter contains more potassium and as it has less dense nutritional content, more must be eaten to meet metabolic needs.[39] As green iguanas are not capable of creating liquid urine more concentrated than their bodily fluids, like birds they excrete nitrogenous wastes as urate salts through a salt gland.[39] As a result, green iguanas have developed a lateral nasal gland to supplement renal salt secretion by expelling excess potassium and sodium chlorides.[39]
Green iguanas from Guatemala and southern Mexico (which may belong to the distinct species I. rhinolopha) predominantly have small horns on their snouts between their eyes and their nostrils, whereas others do not.[9]
Male green iguanas have highly developed femoral pores on the underside of their thighs, which secrete a scent (females have femoral pores, but they are smaller in comparison to those of the males).[8] In addition, the dorsal spines that run along a green iguana's back are noticeably longer and thicker in males than they are in females, making the animals somewhat sexually dimorphic.[8]
Male green iguanas tend to display more dominant behaviors, such as head bobbing and tail whipping. They also tend to develop a taller dorsal crest than females, as well as taller dorsal spines (or spikes). Large, round, very pronounced jowls are generally a male characteristic. Jowls are located under the jaw and are protected by the subtympanic plate, which is a large, green, circular-shaped scale.
Green iguanas are oviparous, with females laying clutches of 20 to 71 eggs once per year during a synchronized nesting period.[35][40] The female green iguana gives no parental protection after egg laying, apart from defending the nesting burrow during excavation.[40] In Panama, the green iguana has been observed sharing nest sites with American crocodiles, and in Honduras with spectacled caimans.[16]
The hatchlings emerge from the nest after 10–15 weeks of incubation.[35][40] Once hatched, the young iguanas look similar to the adults in color and shape, resembling adult females more so than males and lacking dorsal spines.[40]
Juveniles stay in familial groups for the first year of their lives.[40] Male green iguanas in these groups often use their own bodies to shield and protect females from predators, and it appears to be the only species of reptile to do this.[41]
When frightened by a predator, green iguanas attempt to flee, and if near a body of water, dive into it and swim away.[14] If cornered by a threat, the green iguana extends and displays the dewlap under its neck, stiffens and puffs up its body, hisses, and bobs its head at the aggressor.[9] If the threat persists, the iguana can lash with its tail, bite, and use its claws in defense.[14] The wounded are more inclined to fight than uninjured prey.[14]
Green iguanas use "head bobs" and dewlaps in a variety of ways in social interactions, such as greeting another iguana or to court a possible mate.[8] The frequency and number of head bobs have particular meanings to other iguanas.[9]
Green iguanas are hunted by predatory birds, and their fear of these is exploited as a ploy to catch them in the wild.[14] A hunter imitates the sound of a hawk by whistling or screaming, causing the iguana to freeze and making its capture easier.[14]
Green iguanas are primarily herbivores, with captives feeding on leaves such as turnip, mustard, and dandelion greens, flowers, fruit, and growing shoots of upwards of 100 different species of plant.[8][40] In Panama, one of the green iguana's favorite foods is the wild plum (Spondias mombin).[14]
Although they consume a wide variety of foods if offered, green iguanas are naturally herbivorous and require a precise ratio of minerals (two to one calcium to phosphorus) in their diet.[28][42] Captive iguanas must have a variety of leafy greens along with fruits and vegetables such as turnip greens, collard greens, butternut squash, acorn squash, mango, and parsnip.[43][44] Juvenile iguanas often eat feces from adults to acquire the essential microflora to digest their low-quality and hard-to-process vegetation-only diet.[14][40]
Some debate exists as to whether captive green iguanas should be fed animal protein.[8] Some evidence shows wild iguanas eating grasshoppers and tree snails, usually as a byproduct of eating plant material.[45][46] Wild adult green iguanas have been observed eating birds' eggs and chicks.[15][47] They occasionally eat a small amount of carrion or invertebrates.[48] Zoologists, such as Adam Britton, believe that such a diet containing protein is unhealthy for the animal's digestive system, resulting in severe long-term health damage, including kidney failure and leading to premature death.[49] On the other side of the argument is that green iguanas at the Miami Seaquarium in Key Biscayne, Florida, have been observed eating dead fish, and individuals kept in captivity have been known to eat mice without any ill effects.[8] De Vosjoli writes that captive animals have been known to survive and thrive on eating nothing but whole rodent block, or monkey chow, and one instance of romaine lettuce with vitamin and calcium supplements.[8] When found in unnatural habitats, especially those of high human population, they have also been known to feed on human garbage and poultry feces.[47] Captive iguanas should not be fed lettuce or meat, and instead receive the vitamins and minerals they need from a purely herbivorous diet.
In the aftermath of Hurricane Luis and Hurricane Marilyn in 1995, a raft of uprooted trees carrying 15 or more green iguanas landed on the eastern side of Anguilla – an island where green iguanas had never been recorded before.[50] These iguanas were apparently accidentally caught on the trees and rafted 320 km (200 mi) across the ocean from Guadeloupe, where green iguanas are an introduced species.[22][51] Examination of the weather patterns and ocean currents indicated that the iguanas had probably spent three weeks at sea before arriving on Anguilla.[51] Evidence of this new colony breeding on the island was found within two years of its arrival.[51]
In February 2012, the government of Puerto Rico proposed that the islands' iguanas, which were said to have a population of 4 million and considered to be a non-native nuisance, be eradicated and sold for meat.[52][53]
Iguanas have especially established introduced populations on islands in the Lesser Antilles, such as most of the French West Indies,[54] Sint Eustatius,[55] and Dominica.[56]
The green iguana is present as an invasive species on some of the islands of Fiji, where it is known as the American iguana. It poses a threat to the native iguanas through the potential spread of disease and to humans by spreading Salmonella. They were initially brought to Qamea in 2000 by an American who wanted them to eat the numerous insects on the island, although they are primarily herbivorous. They are now on the islands of Laucala, Matagi and Taveuni.[57][58]
The green iguana is established on Oahu and Maui, Hawaii, as a feral invasive species, despite strict legislation banning the importation of any reptiles,[59][60] and in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas.[9] As most reptiles carry Salmonella spp., this is a concern and a reason legislation has been sought to regulate the trade in green iguanas.[16]
Due to a combination of events, the green iguana is considered an invasive species in South Florida, and is found along the east coast, as well as the Gulf Coast, of Florida from Key West to Pinellas County.[61][16][36][62] The original small populations in the Florida Keys were stowaways on ships carrying fruit from South America. Over the years, other iguanas were introduced into the wild, mostly originating through the pet trade. Some escaped and some were intentionally released by their owners; these iguanas survived and then thrived in their new habitat.[62] They commonly hide in the attics of houses and on beaches. They often destroy gardens and landscaping.[62] They seem to be fond of eating a native endangered plant, Cordia globosa, and feeding on nickernut (Caesalpinia) a primary food plant of the endangered Miami blue butterfly (Cyclargus thomasi bethunebakeri); additionally on Marco Island, green iguanas have been observed using the burrows of the Florida burrowing owl (Athene cunicularia floridana), a species of special concern, all of which can make them more of a serious threat to Florida's ecosystem than originally believed.[16][63] Currently, the damage green iguanas have caused has become significant and expected to increase, but controversy remains on how to deal with the problem.[64]
In January 2008, large numbers of iguanas established in Florida dropped from the trees in which they lived, due to unseasonably cold nights that put them in a state of torpor and caused them to lose their grip on the tree branches.[65] Though no specific numbers were provided by local wildlife officials, local media described the phenomenon as a "frozen iguana shower" in which dozens "littered" local bike paths. Upon the return of daytime warmth, many (but not all) of the iguanas "woke up" and resumed their normal activities.[66] This occurred again in January 2010,[67] January 2018,[68] and December 2020[69] after prolonged cold fronts once again hit southern Florida.
Iguanas are also present in Ishigaki Island, Singapore, Thailand, and Taiwan.[70]
Green iguanas are by far the most globally traded reptiles, representing 46% of the total reptile trade in the US from 1996 and 2012, with annual imports reaching 1 million in 1996.[71] The American pet trade has put a great demand on the green iguana; 800,000 iguanas were imported into the U.S. in 1995 alone, primarily originating from captive farming operations based in their native countries (Honduras, El Salvador, Colombia, and Panama).[72] However, these animals are demanding to care for properly over their lifetimes, and many die within a few years of acquisition.[8][73]
Recently, an increase in illegal trading has been identified,[74][75][76] and a trade ban for transport within and out from the Lesser Antilles was suggested.[77]
Green iguanas thrive only in temperatures of 79 °F (26 °C) to 95 °F (35 °C) and must have appropriate sources of UVB and UVA lighting, or else their bodies cannot produce vitamin D that promotes calcium absorption, which can result in a metabolic bone disease that can be fatal.[8][28] In some locales (such as New York City and Hawaii), iguanas are considered exotic pets, and ownership is prohibited.[78][79] Due to the potential impact of an introduced species on Hawaii's ecosystem, the state has strict regulations regarding the import and possession of green iguanas; violators can spend three years in jail and be fined up to $200,000.[80]
The green iguana is listed under Appendix II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES), meaning that international trade is regulated through the CITES permit system.[5] In addition, the green iguana is listed as Least Concern by the IUCN, with a mention of habitat depletion from development being a possible concern for green iguana populations in the future.[4][81] Historically, green iguana meat and eggs have been eaten as a source of protein throughout their native range,[82] and are prized for their alleged medicinal and aphrodisiac properties.[81] Efforts to raise green iguanas in the past have been made to raise green iguanas in captivity as a food source in an attempt to encourage more sustainable land use in Panama and Costa Rica.[4]
In 2020, iguana researchers collaborated to create an extended and 'live' database on genetic variation within the green iguana. The intent of the database is primarily to guide population management, hybrid identification, and monitoring of invasions and illegal trade.[83]
The Moche people of ancient Peru worshipped animals and often depicted green iguanas in their art.[84] The green iguana and its relative the black iguana (Ctenosaura similis) have been used as a food source in Central and South America for the past 7,000 years.[13] It is possible that some of the populations in the Caribbean were translocated there from the mainland by various tribes as a food source.[13] In Central and South America, green iguanas are still used as a source of meat and are often referred to as gallina de palo ("bamboo chicken" or "chicken of the tree"),[14] because they are said to taste like chicken.[85]
Juvenile green iguana, Grand Cayman
Green iguana in Maracaibo
In Palo Verde National Park, Costa Rica
Young juvenile green iguana, found indoors in Curaçao
At the Botanical Garden at Portoviejo, Ecuador
At Saint Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands (possibly Iguana iguana melanoderma instead)
The green iguana (Iguana iguana), also known as the American iguana or the common green iguana, is a large, arboreal, mostly herbivorous species of lizard of the genus Iguana. Usually, this animal is simply called the iguana. The green iguana ranges over a large geographic area; it is native from southern Brazil and Paraguay as far north as Mexico.
A herbivore, it has adapted significantly with regard to locomotion and osmoregulation as a result of its diet. It grows to 1.7 m (5.6 ft) in length from head to tail, although a few specimens have grown more than 2 m (6.6 ft) with bodyweights upward of 20 lb (9.1 kg).
Commonly found in captivity as a pet due to its calm disposition and bright colors, it can be very demanding to care for properly. Space requirements and the need for special lighting and heat can prove challenging to the hobbyist.